Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 37

Chapter 32: Enough


  Being Queen, was like being a star everyone stopped me to say congratulations and people openly stared. In this dress, I could appreciate the staring. The dress deserved it. Cara stopped in front of me in a cream colored gown.

  “Your timing is terrible.” I chided her.

  “What did I miss? Is your dress okay?” She asked examining my dress with narrowed eyes.

  “Everything’s fine, Cara, I just wanted to introduce you to Sy.”

  She rolled her eyes, “My mother hates him.”

  “But you are not you’re mother and I think you can see the good that I see in him.” She gave me a look that told me she wasn’t believing a word I said. “I’m serious. He is one of the sweetest, kindest people I have ever met underneath all the cynicism and rumors.”

  “So he is who you choose?” Cara tried and I shook my head not ready to give away anything on the treaty. Cara was twenty-two and her and I seemed to see at the same level the moment we met. I liked her and she seemed to like me despite my crown. I couldn’t believe all it had taken to gain female friends was a crown and kingdom.

  The doors to the ballroom flung open smashing against the adjoining walls. Sy stomped into the room, his face noticeably red. The crowd seemed to part for him.

  “This is the gentle man?” Cara asked as he maneuvered in the crowd passing me and going toward Kohl. He stopped in front of Kohl and punched Kohl hard enough to stagger back a few feet.

  I ran toward them and pushed and shoved through the gasping and shocked guests.

  “You coward.” Sy spat out. His voice was angry and cold. He went to hit Kohl again.

  “Stop.” I shrieked. Sy looked up at me. His eyes softening for a moment.

  “I’m sorry, Jayde, but I must avenge my people.” I kept running trying to get closer as I heard more hitting and cracking. I didn’t want to associate with Sy and Kohl. No one touched either of them. They just left them there to fight like this was a boxing match. I pushed Sy.

  “Stop.” I cried out again.

  “Get out of the way, Jayde. This doesn’t involve you.”

  “You are attacking my co-ruler, so yes it does involve me. What has gotten into you?”

  Kohl started to stand. His movements were shaky.

  “Tell her.” Sy shouted. “Tell everyone.”

  “You have officially lost your mind, Sy.” Kohl ground out, his anger starting to show in the hard set of his jaw.

  “Fine. Why would you tell her? You did the cowardly act of attacking my kingdom when you’d known I’d be away. You broke the treaty.”

  “What?” I said turning around to question Kohl myself. He would never do that, would he?

  Sy came forward but I stayed between them. “He destroyed my castle, trying to kill everyone in it.

  I shook my head. “Kohl would never do that.” I insisted. Sy’s eyes showed the hurt I knew he was feeling.

  “Tell her damn it.” Sy hissed.

  “I didn’t do it, Sy.” Kohl snapped seeming to find his voice. “I have wanted nothing, but to end this war. Why would I ruin a treaty that you and Jayde have worked so hard to enforce? All I’ve ever wanted was a treaty. Why would I destroy that?”

  “Liar.” Sy said reaching for Kohl again.

  “Stop, Sy. Calm down for me. We can figure this out.” I said praying I was lacing my words with magic. I really needed to start practicing.

  He stopped, his shoulders sagged for a moment. “I believe you, Sy. I know you are angry, but we will figure out who did this. It wasn’t Kohl. I have been in every meeting that has been held in the last week. I would know if something like this was planned.” I stepped forward cautiously to Sy and wrapped my arms around him. “We will figure this out. I swear.” He huffed in disbelief.

  “I can’t do much else.” He snapped, but I knew it was just because he was angry and hurting. “I guess I should make my announcement early then.” I don’t know where the words came from, but in that moment I knew I was never letting go of either of them.

  Sy looked at me with a pain that went deeper than losing the castle he had built in his father’s memory.

  “Ladies and Gentleman. I was not planning to make this announcement until I discussed this with Kohl and Sy, but as Queen of all of Encante. I proclaim that the Treaty of Dos Reis will not be followed. I...” I looked at Kohl and Sy as they stared at me in shock. “The tri-ruling families are re-uniting.” The room was overcome with everyone talking among themselves. I could barely hear my thoughts people were talking so loudly. I had to get everything out before I chickened out.

  “Silence.” I shouted and the funny thing is it worked. Maybe I had laced my words with magic, but I didn’t know what was going on in that department so who knows. “ In my short time in Encante, I have realized this treaty would never work. As I grew to know Kohl and Sy, I realized that it would be impossible to choose between either of them because they bring such different qualities to the throne. Kohl is gentle, rule-driven, and peaceful. Sy is emotional, passionate, and his presence demands attention. Neither of them should be anything but great. This announcement may seem abrupt considering what has happened, but I fear there is a greater evil than the war. For decades we have dealt with mysterious bombings that no one has been able to explain. Today, Sy’s castle was destroyed.” Several people gasped.

  “If Kohl and Sy can see past their differences we can fight for what is most important in Encante, our peace.” I held out both of my hands for them to take. Kohl took it and kissed my cheek without a second thought. Sy was the apprehensive one.

  “I swear we will figure this out, Sy. I know it wasn’t Kohl and I know it wasn’t you. Help us figure it out.” He took my hand and kissed my cheek.

  In my ear, he whispered, “I’m putting the last of my faith in you. Don’t make me regret it.” I nodded.

  “I know many of you may be disappointed in how things were solved, but as Queen of Encante, it is best for all of us. Encante-North, Encante-South, me, Kohl, and Sy. If we found this new evil threatening us as a united kingdom, we may defeat it. Today was supposed to be my coronation, but I happily share this day with the Kings of Encante.” My hands were shaky as I finally let what I had done sink in. We were the tri-ruling families. Kohl and Sy agreed with me. Even when I thought they wouldn’t.

  A barrage of questions began to assault us. I couldn’t distinguish one question from another. My pulse was jackhammering in my ears.

  “Any questions about the reinstatement of the Tri-Ruling Families will be discussed at a press conference tomorrow evening here. Tonight is a night of celebration. Enjoy.” Kohl said deflecting the attention from the three of us. We quickly made our way to Kohl’s office.

  “What did we just get ourselves into? What were you thinking, Jayde?” Kohl said as he began to pace around the room, trying to lessen his anxiety. Sy just sat in shock staring at me lost.

  “When you mentioned that to me I never thought you were serious.” Sy said looking at me differently, it wasn’t necessarily a good look.

  “I never wanted to follow through with the treaty. I love you Kohl, but I could never live with Sy not being a king, either. Since we are alone tell me if you were involved in what happened, Kohl.”

  He glared at me, “I didn’t have anything to do with it.” He retorted.


  “Why would I have destroyed my own castle?” Sy snapped. “I wanted peace.”

  “I wanted peace too.” Kohl yelled back.

  “Guys, we all want peace. We have to work this out. We have to work together. It’s official whether we like it or not. We need to figure out what is going on.

  “Tomorrow morning we should go to the castle.” Kohl said. Sy just glared at him.

  “Move in, Sy. We can make room for everyone that was in your castle.”

  Sy didn’t say anything. He just continued to glare at Kohl.

  “I agree with Jayde.
” Kohl replied.

  “Okay.” Sy said sounding defeated.

  “You don’t have to go back to the ball. I’ll show you to your room.” I said standing and walking towards Sy.

  He stood up and I took his hand guiding him to the staircase. We didn’t say anything until we reached the biggest guest room in the West wing.

  “What happens when you marry Kohl?” Sy asked as he opened the door. He looked around and seemed to accept the arrangements.

  I deflected his question by trying to be a gracious hostess, “I speak for Kohl too when I say that this is your home too. Make yourself comfortable change it to look like whatever you want.” I tried with a smile.

  “You didn’t answer my question.” He said moving into the sitting room.

  “I don’t know. I love Kohl. I want to marry him. I don’t want you to feel alienated. We can still be the ruling families, but the problem I’ve run into is what happens for our children.”

  Sy sank into an armchair with a high back. “We marry them and form one royal family.” I looked at him with wide eyes.

  “That sounds an awful lot like the treaty I just destroyed.”

  “Do you have a better idea? It solves everything.” He snapped.

  He was right Sy tended to be right about things like this. We wouldn’t have to worry about who was controlling what if our children married each other and we would eliminate the problem of future issues with the tri-ruling family.

  “I feel like we would be setting our children up for misery.”

  “They can learn to love each other. They will grow up together. They will be close. Our parents and our grandparents weren’t given the opportunity to choose their partners their spouses was chosen for them by their parents. This would be no different.” Again Sy had a point, but I just didn’t know if I could stomach doing that to my future child.

  “Sleep on it. Ask Kohl. For once I think he might agree with me. This would be for the betterment of our kingdom now and for future rulers as well.” Sy said standing. “I think I’m going to make some calls and make sure everyone is okay still.”

  “Sorry again, Sy.” I said meaning it to the depths of my soul. We had endured so much to have yet another terrible thing happen to him. I kissed his cheek and left his room.