Read Enchantment (The Channie Series Book One) Page 5

  Channie waited for the girl to burst into laughter, but there was only silence.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Ug! You are so dense. Chastity Belks...?” More silence. “Come on! You have to know what a chastity belt is!”

  “Sorry, Kassie, I never heard of it.”

  “You are so naive! A chastity belt is an old-fashioned device men used to put on their wives to be sure they didn’t cheat on them when they went off to war.”

  “Well, why didn’t the women just take them off after the men left?”

  “Because they couldn’t. The belts were made out of iron and had locks on them.”

  “That’s horrible!”

  “Ya think?”

  “And this new girl? You’re not just making this up? Her name, really-truly, is Chastity Belks?”

  “Yeah, but she goes by Channie. She even asked Old Lady Windsor to call her that. I wish you could have heard her. She sounded like Oliver Twist, only instead of ‘Please sir, may I have some more?’ She said, ‘Please ma’am, just call me Channie.’ And instead of a cute English accent, she sounded like an inbred hillbilly.”

  Chastity’s magic clawed at Channie’s stomach, desperately wanting to curse both girls. She wanted to crawl out a window and run all the way home to Arkansas, or at least to her new house by the park, but there were no windows and the girls weren’t done talking about her.

  “So, did Old Lady Windsor agree to use her nick-name?”

  “Ha! You know better than that. I thought Chastity was going to break down and cry when she refused.”

  “I would have!”

  Kassie said, “Of course you would have. You’re such a baby. But Chastity seems pretty tough. She’s probably used to people making fun of her by now.”

  “Who in their right mind would name their own kid something like that?”

  “Inbred hillbillies.”

  The girls left, but Channie could still hear their laughter echoing through the halls, even after the door swung shut behind them.

  She spent all of second period locked inside the tiny stall; crying silently and wishing with all her heart she was back home with her friends and family where everybody talked the same way she did and nobody made fun of her or talked about her behind her back.

  The only half-way nice thing Kassie had said about Channie was a lie. She wasn’t tough, not at all, but if she wanted to get through the rest of the day, much less the rest of the year—she’d better change. Enchantment wasn’t tough, but Chastity sure as hell would be.

  She blotted her tears with toilet paper then splashed cold water on her face until all traces of her emotional breakdown were gone. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, dropped the pretentious speech patterns drilled into her at Wisdom Academy and said, “Screw ‘em. They ain’t nothing but ignorant Empties anyways,” then stomped out of the bathroom with her spine straight, shoulders back and her head held high.

  Her newfound confidence didn’t last five seconds in the crowded hall. Whispered comments and low murmuring voices followed her everywhere.

  “Hey. There’s that new girl, Chastity Belt.”

  “Is that her real name?”

  “It sounds like a name for a porn star, huh?”

  “I wonder if she puts out?”

  “With a name like that? She has to.”

  Power buzzed and crackled under Channie’s skin. It was the same sensation she’d felt last night right before the curse struck Joshua—minus the pleasure of kissing. She hadn’t consciously called any power to the surface then and she sure as heck hadn’t called any up now. But there it was, a breath away from exploding and cursing everyone in sight. Trying to control Chastity’s magic was a lot like trying to rein in wild horses. The more she tried to restrain it, the harder it became.

  When the final bell rang and signaled the end of classes, Channie fled the building and jerked her bicycle out of the rack. She dug the seat out of her backpack and jammed it on the post. It was a little crooked, but she’d work on it when she got home. Right now, all she wanted was to get as far away from Monarch High as fast as possible.

  “Hey, Channie, wait up a minute.”

  She instinctively bristled at the sound of a male voice behind her, but he’d called her Channie—not Chastity. So she fought the urge to curse him and turned around.

  Joshua Abrim extended his hand and offered her a piece of paper folded into a triangle. Channie pinched a corner between her finger and thumb, carefully avoiding any skin-to-skin contact since Chastity’s energy was so volatile. She looked into his eyes to gauge his reaction to her strange behavior then couldn’t look away. She was mesmerized. From a distance, his eyes looked black. They weren’t. They were the deepest shade of blue Channie had ever seen.

  He finally blinked and released her from his hypnotic gaze. Channie withdrew her hand and focused on the note he’d given her to keep from staring into his eyes again. She slid a finger under one flap, but before she could unfold it, he said, “Don’t read it now,” and tried to snatch it out of her hands.

  Channie didn’t dare let him touch her. She thrust her hands, and the note, into her pocket.

  Joshua blinked and stepped back, lowering his hand.

  Channie didn’t need to read his energy field to sense his anxiety. His whole body was shaking. Beads of sweat formed on his upper lip and across his brow. He cleared his throat. “Call me...if you need any help with homework or anything...unless you still hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you. Why would you say that?”

  He must have been holding his breath. His chest deflated as he exhaled, curling his shoulders forward. He took another breath and said, “ friends call me Josh.”


  They stood there and grinned at each other for a few seconds, until Channie giggled.

  Josh laughed, held his thumb to his ear and his pinkie finger below his chin. “Call me.”

  He backed away from her, not looking where he was going, and tripped over the bike rack. He swore, then apologized for swearing.

  Channie smiled. “It’s okay. My daddy swears all the time.”

  Josh grinned at her as he yanked the child-sized, junk-yard bike out of the rack. He was out of sight before Channie had even managed to buckle her helmet. She waited until most of the other kids were gone, then unfolded and read his note …

  Hey Channie,

  I was hoping I’d see you at school today so I could apologize, but when I saw you in class, I chickened out. I know it’s real middle-school to communicate by note, but since I don’t know your number, it’s all I could come up with.

  Okay, so first things first. I’m so so so so sorry for coming on to you last night. I don’t know what came over me. I’m not usually so pushy with girls. In fact, I’m never pushy with girls, you can ask anyone, they’ll all tell you I’m a total tard around girls (which is why I’m writing this stupid note instead of talking to you face to face.)

  For some odd reason, I thought you wanted me to kiss you last night. I was obviously wrong, but next time a guy misreads your signals, consider telling him instead of using a taser.

  Anyway, if you want to call me for whatever reason...To yell at me and tell me what a jerk I am, or for help with Eng. Lit. My number is 303-555-4680. Or you can email me [email protected]


  Channie felt guilty for distressing the poor boy, but she couldn’t exactly tell him it was all her fault. All she could do was assure him that she wasn’t upset about the kiss. She’d have to be careful though, she didn’t want to give him the impression that she was the kind of girl that enjoyed kissing strangers. She didn’t know what a taser was, but since it provided Josh with a logical explanation for getting cursed, she wasn’t about to ask him. She refolded the note, shoved it in her pocket and headed for home.


  Channie’s second day at Monarch was worse than her first. Every single kid seemed to know her f
ull name and enjoyed using it. The only one that was nice to her was Josh Abrim and he was so shy, all he did was grin and wave at her from a distance—and stare at her during English Lit. when he thought she wasn’t looking. In the interest of keeping her life as uncomplicated as possible, Channie decided to avoid him. Unfortunately, she couldn’t stop thinking about him...or that kiss.

  By Friday, the note Josh had given her was as soft and wrinkled as crushed velvet. Channie read it at least a dozen times a day even though she’d memorized every word of it. She wanted to call him, but even if they’d had a telephone, and even if she pretended it was only to ask for help with homework, Daddy would never allow it. What was the big deal? It wasn’t like she was going to marry him.

  Halfway through Biology, Channie decided to quit letting Momma and Daddy control every aspect of her life. The Chastity curse was bad enough, she’d be damned if she’d let them choose her friends too. She ran to the cafeteria as soon as the bell rang, but Josh wasn’t there. She looked outside, but gave up after fifteen minutes of searching. Oh well, there was always tomorrow.

  Channie climbed to the top row of the bleachers by the baseball field and sat down to enjoy her lunch. The sun felt wonderful, but she didn’t want more freckles so she cast a protective spell on her bare skin before pulling her lunch sack out of her backpack.

  She was disappointed but not surprised when her peanut butter and jelly sandwich was missing the jelly. Abby had already eaten all the pickled okra and bottled peaches they’d brought from home. If Channie had been smart she would have hidden at least one jelly-jar of Momma’s blackberry jam in her closet.

  An obnoxious clanging sound interrupted Channie’s sandwich inspection. She jerked her head around towards the source of the commotion and groaned as she watched Eric charge up the bleachers.

  He flopped down next to her and leaned back against the rails. “Hey Chastity Belt, what’re you doing out here all by yourself? Pretending to watch an invisible baseball game?”

  Channie wanted to zap him. “It’s Belks, you moron. B-E-L-K-S.” She jammed her sandwich back in the bag and stood up to leave. Eric jumped to his feet and stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

  The brown paper sack rustled in her fisted hands. “Stay away from me.”

  Eric frowned and made a huffing sound in the back of his throat. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Sorry. I can’t make the same promise. Now get out of my way.”

  Channie was debating the pros and cons of cursing Eric when Josh came out of nowhere and ran up the steps, taking them three at a time. “Leave her alone, asshat.”

  Channie pulled her bristling magic in tight and held on. Josh was too close.

  Eric kept his gaze locked on Channie’s chest as he smarted off to Josh. “Get lost, beanpole.”

  “I don't think Kassie would like it very much if she found out you were hitting on Channie.”

  Eric’s girlfriend, Kassie, was the same girl that had called Channie an inbred hillbilly in the bathroom on the first day of school. In addition to being a shameless gossip, Kassie was insanely jealous. “I don’t think Kassie would mind one bit if Eric hit me. He’s a jerk, but I don’t think he’s the kind of jerk that beats up on women.”

  Eric’s jaw dropped. He grabbed his belly and laughed out loud. “You gotta be kidding me!”

  Channie wanted to shove him off the bleachers.

  Josh had a puzzled expression on his face, but at least he wasn’t laughing at her.

  Eric rolled his eyes. “Come on, Chastity. No one is that dumb.”

  Josh glared at Eric. “Don’t call her Chastity.”

  “Why not? It’s her name. Even Old Lady Windsor calls her Chastity. Isn’t that right, Chastity Belt?”

  Josh fisted his hands. The air crackled with anger. “Cut it out, Eric.”

  “Well, if she doesn’t want to be called Chastity—I could give her a nickname.”

  “She already has one. It’s Channie.”

  “Oh, I know, but I think we can come up with something better than that.”

  Channie could tell from Eric’s tone of voice that she wasn’t going to like it.

  “Let’s see. We could call her ‘Chaz’ but that’s too masculine.”

  Josh leaned toward Eric. “I’m warning you…”

  “I’ve got it!” Eric snapped his fingers and pointed at Channie. “We can use the second half of her name. Drop the Chass and that leaves you with—”

  Josh launched himself at Eric, knocking him over backwards, but in less time than a single heartbeat, Eric reversed positions, straddled Josh’s hips and punched him in the nose. He cocked his arm back but before he could land another punch, Channie blasted him with a bolt of pure energy.

  He flew backwards and tumbled down the bleachers as if he’d been hit by an invisible train.

  “Oh, no.” Channie had only been trying to protect Josh. She wasn’t trying to hurt Eric. She kept forgetting that Chastity’s magic was exponentially more powerful than Enchantment’s.

  Josh jumped to his feet, ignoring the blood gushing out of his nose and ran down the steps towards Eric. He had every right to retaliate for the cheap shot, but Channie didn’t know how badly Eric was injured. If he had a concussion, and Josh hit him. It could cause irreparable brain damage. She was drained from the expenditure of so much power. All magic had its costs, even Enchantment’s, but the way Chastity consumed energy, all at once and without reservation, left her reeling. She couldn’t even stand, much less protect Eric with magic.

  “Josh, please don’t—”

  Instead of attacking Eric, Josh knelt beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Eric, are you okay?”

  Josh’s energy field radiated with pure compassion. Channie was immediately drawn to it.

  It was wrong to take someone’s energy without their permission, but Josh was magically disabled and even if he knew he was generating positive energy, he wouldn’t know what to do with it. And Channie desperately needed it. So—she took it.

  The energy unexpectedly bypassed her power-well and flowed straight into her heart-of-hearts. Channie wanted to shout with joy when she felt Enchantment stir. It’s magic was weak and inaccessible, but it was still a part of her, still able to attract and use positive energy. Maybe someday she could restore Enchantment to its proper place—if she still wanted to.

  There was no doubt that Chastity’s magic was far superior to Enchantment’s when it came to raw power. But Channie missed the positive energy of everyone’s adoration—whether she deserved it or not. You didn’t make many friends by cursing them.

  A quiet groan interrupted Channie’s brooding. She used the energy she’d taken from Josh and directed it into her power-well so Chastity would have enough magic to scan both boys for injuries.

  Eric had a mild concussion, but Channie knew better than to mess with a person’s brain. Without the proper training, she’d likely do more harm than good.

  Josh’s nose was broken and gushing blood like a faucet, but she was pretty sure she could fix it. After all, she’d healed a robin’s wing just last summer, and a nose wasn’t nearly as complicated or fragile as a broken wing. Even if she messed up, it’s not like it was gonna kill him.

  Channie pressed her fingers against her own nose, focusing on the form and function of bone and cartilage then scanned Josh’s nose, comparing the differences. She focused her mind and cast the healing spell.

  There was a loud “pop,” followed by an even louder yelp of pain. Josh ran a finger over the bridge of his nose and swore. “Damn it!”

  Eric sat up and said, “What’s wrong?”

  “You broke my effing nose.”

  “Yeah, but that was five minutes ago. What just happened? I heard something crack.”

  “I don’t know, but it hurts worse now than it did when you hit me.”

  Channie cringed. She should have cast a pain-away spell first. Or no spell at all. She needed more practice wi
th Chastity’s magic before she used it to fuel a healing spell. It was a lot harder to heal someone with negative energy.

  Josh sneezed twice, swearing and spraying blood clots everywhere. But at least his nose quit bleeding. Unfortunately, it was still swelling and the skin under both eyes was turning purple. He helped Eric to his feet, then looked at Channie. “If anyone asks, tell them we were tossing a football around. I missed and got smacked in the face. Okay?”

  Channie nodded her head. She read Josh’s energy field, expecting to find anger and fear since he was focused on her, but all she found was affection, a desire to protect her…and lust.

  Eric was a different story. He radiated nothing but fear and anger. “If you ever come near me again—”

  “Dude, you started it.” Josh cut him off.

  “But she hit me with some kind of power beam.“

  “Power beam? Seriously?” Josh glanced at Channie with a questioning look then turned back to Eric. “How hard did you hit your head?”

  “I don’t know how she did it, but I’m telling you—that girl’s dangerous.”


  Channie decided she’d caused enough trouble for one day and skipped the rest of her classes. She rode her bicycle to Heritage Park and sat in the shade of the pavilion until school was over. She would have enjoyed soaking up some sunshine, but hid in the shadows. She didn’t want Momma to see her if she happened to look out one of the east windows.

  Three hours later, Channie still had the burnt onion stench of a curse clinging to her, but unless she wanted to answer questions about why she was late coming home from school, she had to go. She got up and rubbed against a pine bough to see if that would hide the smell. It didn’t. All it did was gum up her hands and clothes with sticky, yellow sap.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  Momma wrinkled her nose when Channie walked in, but she didn’t scold her. Daddy actually smiled. And why shouldn’t he? The smell of Chastity’s curse was proof their little plot to ruin her life was working.

  Channie went to bed right after supper and slept until noon the next day. Too many sleepless nights and the expenditure of so much magic had finally taken its toll. But she didn’t want to miss her afternoon classes two days in a row, so she persuaded Momma to write her an excuse and rode her bike to school.