Read Ends Here Page 11

  His world collided with mine, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

  Where neither one of us would make it out, alive.

  “NO!” Creed shouted with everything he had in him. “MIA, RUN!” he roared, an ear-piercing sound that resonated deep within his lungs, echoing off the trees and into the woods as he simultaneously pulled out his gun from the back of his jeans. Aiming it right for me, he didn’t hesitate, pulling the trigger.

  “Cree—” I stumbled forward, trying to remain upright.

  I couldn’t move.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  More gunshots, more bullets, more chaos erupted all around me. Time stood still, or maybe it moved faster. Everything blended together. Nothing made sense.

  I was there, but I wasn’t.

  My trembling hands moved down to my chest and stomach, shielding myself as best as I could while I staggered on my feet. Trying to regain my balance, swaying all over, on the verge of becoming one with the ground. My eyes blurred, my vision tunneled, darkness drew me in and out.

  “GET HER OUT OF HERE!” I heard Noah scream, or it could have been Creed.

  It all sounded the same—the panic, the voices, the lives that were being taken, collapsing to the ground. I made one last attempt, willing my feet to run. Gasping for air, struggling to stay standing, all while shades of copper flew inches away from my body. From my face.

  From my life.

  And my baby’s.

  “Cre-ed... He-ee-lllp m-eee...” I managed to sputter, reaching my hand out to no one. I suddenly fell backward as strong arms caught me in their grasp. Bringing my limp body to the hard ground with them. I thought they were Doc’s.

  “Baby, baby, baby... no, no, no...” he stammered, close to my face. “Stay with me. You fuckin’ stay wit’ me.”

  Through hooded eyes, I saw Creed above me. Covered in blood, in anguish, in hatred and despair.

  It was only then I finally realized...

  I’d been shot.

  “What the fuck?” Diesel snapped, his eyes focusing on something behind me.

  I spun around, following his stare. Narrowing my eyes, searching the dense woods just beyond Mia and Doc. Trying to locate what he saw. Never expecting what stared back at me.


  Everyone had them. Especially me.





  They were one in the same. I couldn’t tell them apart anymore or maybe...

  I never could.

  My life had been defined by decisions. Most of which cost me my morality, and a man without a conscience was capable of anything.



  And every day in between.

  I thought my life was forever fucking gone the moment that I killed Luke. Brutally ripping away everything I wanted to believe in. Everything I prayed to be true.

  Violence was all I ever knew.

  The blood on my hands was so fucking thick, it became part of my skin. Engrained so far deep into my pores that I was drenched in nothing but the lives I had taken.

  Until I met Mia Ryder.

  She was a woman to love. To cherish. To fucking claim.

  She was mine.

  I wanted to be a part of her world. Never wanting to bring her into ours. Trying so damn hard to separate the two, but failing fucking miserably. This was the moment life had fucking saved just for me.

  It. Ended. Here.

  What started with her.

  Ended with her.

  My heart dropped, my chest seized, and all the blood drained from my face when I saw the barrel of the rifle peering from behind the tree. Giving me no time to react, I was driven on pure instinct.

  My past and my present collided, leaving no road for the future.

  Mia turned around as if she felt my pain.

  My agony.

  My heart bleeding out for her.

  “NO!” I yelled out as loud as I could, pulling out my gun from the back of my jeans. The desperation in my voice echoed through the woods, vibrating against my core. I screamed till nothing came out, my chest aching. Instantly tearing up my throat. “MIA, RUN!” I roared, lifting my gun, aiming it right in her path. Not thinking twice about pulling the fucking trigger as a shot simultaneously fired from the rifle in the woods.

  I would never forget the look on her face when she saw the bullet leave the barrel of my gun, never hearing the shots fired from behind her.

  “Cree—” Her whole body flew forward from the unexpected blow.

  I froze, not believing the scene unfolding in front of me as casings continued to fly. For a second, it wasn’t Mia’s petrified expression staring back at me. Desperately penetrating my eyes. Searching for answers. Looking for help.

  They were Luke’s.

  My chest heaved, unable to hold back my hammering heart any longer. I could hear the drone in my ears, loud and clear. Memories of that night came flooding back, attacking my mind and assaulting my senses. Making me feel as if I was still in the clubhouse.

  Where I just murdered my brother.

  “GET HER OUT OF HERE!” I heard Noah scream, pulling me back to reality, back to the safe house in the woods, where Mia was the one who had just been shot. This was far worse than the place my mind had wandered. Bullets were flying in every direction. All hell had broken loose, and war was upon us once again.

  I ran.

  I ran as fast as I fucking could to my girl.

  Sprinting to get to her. Immediately opening fire, lacing anyone who crossed me. Bullets recoiled off the trees, where men were trying to take cover, including Doc. Shielding themselves as best as they could, returning fire. I felt a burning sting graze my shoulder, and then again at the side of my stomach. Blood flew everywhere, not knowing if it was theirs or mine. I didn’t let that slow me down. An endless stream of bullets continued to fill the night air. Brothers running alongside me, trying to cover me so I could get to her. Knowing I only had one end in sight.

  Adrenaline coursed through my veins, throbbing through my bloodstream. Taking over every last inch of my body. My heart continued to pound against my chest. My vision tunneled, watching as Mia’s quivering hands protectively went straight to her chest and stomach. She lost her footing, trying to take a step toward me. Not noticing she wasn’t going anywhere but side to side. Stumbling all over while blood continued to gush out of her pink shirt.

  “Cre-ed... He-ee-lllp m-eee...” she faintly muttered, reaching out her hand as her body fell backward, her legs unable to hold her up any longer.

  My arms went around her, catching her limp body before she fell to the hard ground. I laid her down in between my legs, holding her head in the crook of my arm. Rotating her toward me, immediately applying pressure to the middle of her back where she’d been shot. Blood gushed through her shirt, soaking my fingers. No matter how hard I tried, there was no fucking stopping it.

  “Baby, baby, baby... no, no, no...” I stammered, close to her face. Finding it hard to breathe. Struggling to keep going. “Stay with me. You fuckin’ stay wit’ me.”

  She peered up through clouded eyes. Her stare focused only for a few seconds, seeing all the blood on my chest and neck. Her eyes unconsciously traveled down to my bloody hands.

  She sucked in air, realizing for the first time she’d been shot. “Creed... I can’t... I can’t... please... Mad...deee...”

  “It’s okay, Pippin, I’m here. I’m right fuckin’ here. But goddamn it, you stay wit’ me! Ya hear me? Keep your eyes open, baby. Just keep your eyes fuckin’ open for me!”

  She heaved, trying to answer. Wanting to say something, needing me to understand, but she was suffocating from her own pain.

  “FUCK! MIA! DOC!” Noah yelled from above me.

  I gently wrapped my arms under her upper torso and legs, carrying her up against my chest. Shielding her from stray bullets. Being careful not to cause her any more distress. An unceasing amount of bloo
d poured from her back. Seeping into every last fiber of my being.

  “I got you! We got you! Get her fuckin’ inside!” Noah shouted. “Doc will be right behind us! GO!”

  I hauled ass with Noah and Diesel by my side, guns drawn, taking out the motherfuckers who did this. Covering me so I could get Mia to safety. I’d never been more fucking grateful for them in all my life. My world was caving in on me, my walls crumbling down. The floor felt like it was swallowing me whole as I ran into the safe house with Mia in my arms.

  My guilt fucking eating me alive.

  I cradled her to my chest, feeling her shaking so hard. “Mia, babe, I’m gonna lay you on the couch, okay? I gotta look at you. I need to stop the bleedin’.”


  “I know, baby, I know. Maddie’s gonna be okay. She’s gonna be just fine. I promise. Nothin’ gonna happen to baby girl,” I murmured, trying to keep my voice from breaking. Holding back the emotions that were threatening to erupt, needing to stay fucking strong for her, for the baby, for my fucking brother.

  My body shuddered, shaking as profusely as hers. I held her so tight, so close to my fucking heart. Needing to feel hers beat against mine. Reminding me she was still alive. I kissed her forehead, gently laying her on her side, her back facing the front of the couch. Propping her head up with a pillow, causing her to whimper from the sudden movement.

  “Fuck, Creed! She looks—”

  “Shut the fuck up! Don’t you even fuckin’ say it!” I snarled to Noah, who was pacing the room, raking his hands through his hair. Looking at me like his whole fucking world was held in my tight grasp.

  “Shit! Man! Brothers are comin’! But we gotta get these motherfuckers before they haul fuckin’ ass! They gotta fuckin’ pay for this! I won’t stop until I’ve put a fuckin’ hole in each one of their goddamn heads!” Diesel seethed, keeping an eye out the window. “Doc’s comin’!”

  He opened the door as Doc backed up into the safe house, not ceasing fire until he was past the threshold. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ!” he scoffed, slamming the door behind him. “What the fuck is goin’ on? How do they know about this place? It’s been your family’s safe house for fuckin’ decades. This is bullshit! And I smell a fuckin’ traitor!”

  “Doc!” I called out, bringing his attention to me. His eyes immediately shifted to Mia, convulsing on the couch. She was sweating profusely, her skin drenched and fucking pale. Turning bluer with every second that passed.

  “Move!” Doc sprang into action, pushing me out of the way. His black medical bag was firmly placed in his hand. It was then I realized he went back for it, knowing I had seen him place it in his side-by-side before he walked to Mia.

  Risking his own fucking life to save hers.

  I moved out of his way, sitting near Mia’s head. Placing it on my lap, wanting to provide her with any comfort I could.

  “Doc’s here, baby, he’s gonna make you all better,” I reassured with trembling lips, caressing her cheek with my knuckles. My eyes blurred with unshed tears, barely able to see the side of her beautiful face.

  “Creeeed... pleeeaa—”

  “Shhh... Mia, you need to save your strength, sweetheart. Madison needs you,” Doc interrupted, cutting up the middle of her blood-soaked shirt with scissors.

  My chest locked up when I took in the gaping bullet hole in the middle of her back, praying it didn’t hit her spine. Doc quickly worked, checking her vitals, placing a cuff on her arm that inflated every few minutes to monitor her blood pressure. He then prepared a syringe, injecting the needle near the open wound. Immediately locking eyes with me when he was done, conscious of the fact that I knew what came next. His fingers dug into her flesh, looking for the bullet. Mia’s back arched as she screamed out in pain.

  The numbing medicine not being nearly enough.

  “Shhh... baby, you’re such a good girl. Such a good fuckin’ girl,” I soothed, hoping it didn’t take long for him to find the metal.

  We all waited on pins and needles until we finally heard Doc say, “Got it!” he celebrated, throwing it on the coffee table.

  “Shit! They’re runnin’ for the woods!” Diesel informed, making me peer over at him. He eyed Noah and then me, waiting for me to make the call.

  “You do what ya need to, but you fuckin’ drag them back here. We need answers, and we need them right fuckin’ now,” I demanded, nodding to Noah to go with him.

  He fervently shook his head no. Rage radiating off his body, matching my own. “Ain’t leavin’ her.”

  “You want ‘em to get away with this?” I asked, gesturing to Mia. “Look at me, Noah!”

  He reluctantly did.

  “You’re no good to her here. Go get the motherfuckers who did this, yeah? You do it for Mia. You fuckin’ do it for your daughter!”

  I could see him battling, struggling with an internal conflict within himself.

  “Please...” I choked out, fighting with my own urge. I wouldn’t leave my fucking girl, but that didn’t stop the desire to make the motherfuckers pay, wreaking havoc on my soul.

  Noah crouched down beside Mia, sweeping her hair away from her face, whispering near her ear. “You fight, Mia. You fuckin’ fight for our baby girl, and I’m gonna go fight for you.” Kissing her cheek, he stood. Staring at me with dark, dilated eyes, silently answering my plea. “Creed, I love he—”

  “I know,” I interrupted, not wanting to hear him say he loved her.

  It was just too much to fucking bear right then and there.

  Diesel ran back into the room with more artillery, throwing Noah a rifle. He caught it in the air, taking one last look at Mia before turning to leave. Following Diesel out. I didn’t waver, gently placing Mia’s head back on the pillow. Needing to deadbolt the door, using every goddamn lock. No one was getting in here, not unless it was over my dead fucking body.

  Mia sucked in a few breaths, gasping for more air. Her chest heaved uncontrollably, seizing as her eyes began to flutter.

  I rushed over to her. “Fuck, Doc!”

  He finished the last suture, closing up her wound. Taping a large gauze pad in place over it. All of a sudden, a rush of blood flooded the couch from in between her legs. He immediately flipped her over onto her back, his hands dropped to the sides of her stomach. Instantly feeling around.

  “Pleeeaassee, saaave herr... saaave... Madd...” Mia slurred.

  Her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

  Her body went lax.

  And her head fell to the side.

  Taking every last part of me...

  With her.


  “Creed, it’s alright. She just passed out. Her blood pressure and pulse are strong, but her injuries are fuckin’ serious. Far worse than I fuckin’ thought. She needs a hospital!”

  “Hospital?! Have you taken a fuckin’ look around? Brothers are still fuckin’ dyin’ out there! Even if they weren’t, she’d die in the time it’d take to get there! You’re all she fuckin’ has!”

  “FUCK!” Doc roared, peering back down at Mia, knowing I was right. He looked deep into my eyes. “I need you to get me the brightest fuckin’ lamp in this place. Get me some fuckin’ blankets, towels and boil some water, too.”

  “The fuc—”


  I ran down the narrow hallway and into my room. Rummaging in the bathroom for every towel I could find, snatching the lamp off my nightstand, and grabbing the throw blankets off my bed. Hurrying back to the living room where Doc now had Mia in his arms.

  “Table!” he shouted, carrying her into the dining room.

  I set the lamp down and threw the blankets and towels on a chair. Clearing the contents off the table with one swipe of my arm. Mia’s glass vase shattered at my feet. The flowers I brought to her, which made her smile so fucking wide, flew in every direction.

  Hurting my fucking heart even more.

  Doc set her down on the hard wood, while I rushed around turning on all the lights, p
lugging the extra lamp into the wall. When I looked up, he was pouring alcohol all over her stomach. Getting her fucking ready for I don’t know what. He changed into a fresh pair of gloves, pulling out all sorts of instruments from his bag. Drawing up a couple more syringes, injecting them all into her stomach. I watched with wide eyes as he grabbed the scalpel, placing it right against her lower abdomen.


  He locked eyes with me. “I need to get Maddie out. She’s in distress. Grab the lamp and hold it up as close as you can to me. I’m gonna need all the fuckin’ light I can get.”

  “Fuck,” I breathed out, doing what I was told.

  My fear and worry bled out of me in unforgiving waves. My stomach dropped. My heart was now in my fucking throat. Bile rising, but I swallowed it back down. Remembering she needed me to stay strong.

  For her.

  I watched, taking in the gruesome scene happening in front of me, as Doc made a clean cut across Mia’s stomach. Setting the scalpel to the side, he grabbed what looked like a clamping device. He inserted it, opening her insides up to get a better visual.

  “I need more light over here! Gotta be careful not to puncture her bladder.”

  Setting the lamp down, I ran into the kitchen, grabbing one of the industrial size flashlights. Hauling ass back to Doc, who was checking her vitals before he continued, saying, “She’s doin’ fine. I’m gonna need your help, though. Shine the light right here, and don’t fuckin’ move,” he ordered, pointing the scalpel where I needed to be.

  I tried to steady my shaking hands, my overly beating heart, and my mind from losing control. Pushing through the pain of my own goddamn wounds. Doc made another cut, deeper this time. Making her blood ooze out everywhere.

  “Listen to me, we need to move fast. I need to break her water to get the baby out. I need you to grab the towels and one of the blankets.”

  I readily grabbed them as he picked up another instrument that had a sharp end. Inserting it into the opening he had just created. Seconds later, green fluid leaked out of Mia’s stomach in spurts.