Read Endurance Test; or, How Clear Grit Won the Day Page 21



  Albatross, 174, 175 Wandering, 174

  American Bald Eagle, 149

  American House Wren, 156

  Arcadian Flycatcher, 160

  Avocet, 168

  Baltimore Oriole, 177

  Bank Swallow, 153

  Belted Kingfisher, 153

  Bewick's Wren, 156

  Bittern, 166

  Black and White Warbler, 157, 177

  Blackbirds, 157 Red-winged, 157, 177

  Black Duck, 172

  Bluebird, 157, 177

  Blue Jay, 160, 161, 177

  Bobolink, 158, 177

  Bobwhite, 165

  Brown Pelican, 172

  Butcher Bird, 160

  Buzzards, 150 Common, 150 Turkey, 147, 148

  Canada Goose, 171

  Canvasback Duck, 172

  Cardinal, 162, 177

  Carolina Wren, 156

  Carrion Crow, 148

  Catbird, 158

  Cedar Waxwing, 162

  Chimney Swift, 153

  Common Buzzard, 150

  Coot, 168

  Cormorant, 173, 174

  Cowbird, 158, 177

  Crane, 166

  Crossbill, 161

  Crow, 160, 177 Carrion, 148

  Curlew, 168

  Doves, 164 Mourning, 165

  Downy Woodpecker, 164, 177

  Ducks, 171, 172 Black, 172 Canvasback, 172 Mallard, 171 Red-head, 172

  Eagles, 148, 149 American Bald, 149 Golden, 148

  Egrets, 167

  English Sparrows, 161

  European Wren, 156

  Falcons, 151 Peregrine, 161

  Finches, 161 Gold, 162

  Flamingoes, 168, 169, 170

  Flicker, 164, 177

  Flycatchers, 159 Arcadian, 160 Least, 160

  Gallinules, 168

  Geese, 171 Canadian, 171 White-fronted, 171

  Golden Eagle, 148 Plover, 165

  Goldfinch, 162

  Grackle, Purple, 158, 177

  Grayish-barred Owl, 152

  Great Blue Heron, 167 White Heron, 167

  Grebes, 177

  Grosbeak, Rose-breasted, 177

  Grouse, 165 Ruffed, 165

  Gulls, 175, 176

  Hawks, 151 Hen, 150 Sparrow, 151

  Hermit Thrush, 157

  Herons, 166, 167 Great Blue, 167 White, 167

  High Hole, 164

  Horned Owl, 152

  House Sparrows, 161

  House Wren, 156

  Humming-birds, 155

  Ibis, 167

  Indigo Bunting, 162

  Jay, 160, 161

  Junco, 162

  Killdeer, 165

  Kingbird, 159

  Kingfisher, 153, 154 Belted, 153

  Least Flycatcher, 160

  Loon, 176

  Mallard Ducks, 171

  Marsh Wren, 156

  Martin, Purple, 153

  Mocking-bird, 158,159

  Mother Carey's Chickens, 174

  Mottled Owl, 152

  Mourning Doves, 165

  Night Hawk, 153

  Nightjar, 153

  Oriole, 157 Baltimore, 177 Orchard, 157

  Owls, 151 Grayish-barred, 152 Horned, 152 Mottled, 152 Snowy, 152

  Passenger Pigeon, 164

  Pewee, Wood, 160

  Pelican, 172 Brown, 172 White, 172

  Peregrine Falcon, 151

  Petrel, Stormy, 174

  Phoebe, 159

  Pigeon, 164 Passenger, 164

  Plover, 165 Golden, 165

  Puffin, 176

  Purple Grackle, 158, 177 Martin, 153

  Quail, 165

  Rails, 168

  Red-head Duck, 172 Headed Woodpecker, 164 Winged Blackbird, 157, 177

  Redstart, 177

  Reedbird, 158

  Ricebird, 158

  Robin, 157

  Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 177

  Roseate Spoonbill, 167

  Ruffed Grouse, 165

  Sandpipers, 168

  Sapsucker, 164

  Scarlet Tanager, 162

  Sea Parrot, 176

  Shrike, 160

  Snipe, 168 Wading, 168 Wilson's, 168

  Snowy Owl, 152

  Sparrow Hawk, 151

  Sparrows, 161, 177 English, 161 House, 161

  Spoonbill, 167 Roseate, 167

  Stormy Petrel, 174

  Swallows, 153 Bank, 153 Tree, 153

  Swans, 170

  Swifts, 153 Chimney, 153

  Tanagers, 162, 177 Scarlet, 162, 177

  Terns, 175

  Thrasher, 158, 159

  Thrush, 157, 177 Hermit, 157 Veery, 157 Wood, 157

  Tree Swallow, 153

  Turkey Buzzard, 147, 148

  Veery Thrush, 157

  Vireo, 162

  Vulture, 147, 148

  Wading Snipe, 168

  Wandering Albatross, 174

  Warblers, 156, 157 Black and White, 157, 177 Yellow, 157, 177

  Waxwing, 162 Cedar, 162

  Whip-poor-will, 153

  White-fronted Goose, 171 Pelican, 172

  Wilson's Snipe, 168

  Winter Wren, 156

  Woodcock, 168

  Woodpecker, 163 Downy, 164, 177 Red-headed, 164

  Wood Thrush, 157

  Wood Pewee, 160

  Wrens, 156 American House, 156 Bewick's, 156 Carolina, 156 European, 156 House, 156 Marsh, 156 Winter, 156

  Yellow Warbler, 157, 177