Hello, my name is Enrique Kates! I’m a highly experienced conversational English and Spanish teacher. I’ve been teaching since 1976, and online since 2008.
Through the years I’ve heard my students ask questions such as: Why can’t I learn this? Why do I forget it? I’d like to be like ___. It seems so easy for him? Why is it difficult for me, and so easy for him? And on and on…
For the last few months, I’ve been giving English lessons to Margaret. A Yoga practitioner, and a professional Yoga teacher.
Through our conversations I’ve learned a few things that I’d like to share with my students, and readers in general.
Now, I realize that there is a connection between c
I also know that most people are not aware of these connections. For this reason, I’ve invited Margaret to have this conversation with me, and answer some questions for us.
Thanks. Enrique C. Kates
About Margaret.
Margaret is a professional Yoga teacher.
My name is Margaret Kamalova. I’m a yoga teacher. I was born in the family of doctor and engineer, of people who love active life. That is why I always go in for sports. And finally I understood that yoga is universal knowledge, which I’d like get to know. So yoga became my lifestyle and occupation of my life.. I’ve been teaching since 2005.
Margaret Kamalova Moscow, Russia
[email protected] Facebook:
About Enrique:
My name is Enrique Kates! I’m a highly experienced conversational English and Spanish teacher.
I was born with a blessing. But, I didn't know about it until years later. I have been speaking two languages (English and Spanish), all my life.
About two weeks after graduating from High School, I landed in Berlitz Language Schools. I didn't really want to go there. I went because of a misunderstanding. Anyway, I began teaching English and Spanish. After a while, I realized I loved it.
It was there that I came across my blessing. There was something about myself that I could share with others, and help them reach their own goals and dreams. I could teach another person to speak a new language. I also soon realized that this was not going to make me least, not economically. But, the other rewards were much more. Besides, they would go with me the day I left this earthly life.
Through the years, I've seen some of my students on News Headlines, Talk Shows, Conferences, and other different places. It fills me with tremendous joy, to know that I had something to do with their success. It was my success also. And nobody can take that away from me.
Eventually I formed my own Language Instruction company. A new stage began in my life. Suddenly, I was training and working with teachers to reach their own goals and potential. At the same time I was helping students. I was helping people, help others. I was helping people on two sides, reach their own goals.
At the same time, I was making a living.
I'm still in touch with students and teachers that worked with me years ago. Some of these teachers have built a successful career. It’s always touching when they contact me.
I’m very proud to know that I’ve helped so many people achieve their goals because of my help in learning to speak English or Spanish. This is the most rewarding aspect of my career.
Teaching is a beautiful experience, full of rewarding moments;
Thank you very much,
Enrique C. Kates
Miami, Florida
[email protected] ECK Language Services
1- Enrique: Hi Margaret. First of all, thanks for accepting to speak with me today.
We’ve had some interesting conversations regarding Yoga, Chakras. Meditation, and so on. that I’d really like to share with other people.
As you know, I’ve been teaching conversational English and Spanish for many years, and I believe this topic is of interest for my students and non students as well.
Margaret: Hi, Enrique. Thank you for this interesting theme of conversation. I’m glad to talk with you. You so experienced teacher! I hope this article will be interesting for your student.
2- Enrique: Margaret. How long have you been practicing Yoga?
Margaret: Since 1999.
3- Enrique: Why did you start?
Margaret: Because of my Mom who is a doctor and Yoga teacher. She was my 1st teacher and guru..
4- Enrique: You’re also a Yoga teacher. Am I correct?
Margaret: Yes, you are correct.
5- Enrique: How long have you been teaching Yoga?
Margaret: Since 2005
6- Enrique: Margaret. Do any of your students also study any other academic subjects….or languages?
Margaret: Yes, of course.
7- Enrique: Have they mentioned any difference or improvement in their language learning experience due to their Yoga experience? Any advantages or disadvantages due to Yoga?
Margaret: Yoga has helped them with concentration and improving their memory.
8- Enrique: Do you believe that stress affects the language learning process?
Margaret: Yes, it affects negatively.
9- Enrique: How does Yoga, Chakras, and Meditation, alleviate stress, and therefore improve the language learning process?
Margaret: It helps keep internal silence, Yoga helps to keep more motivated.
10- Enrique: Is there a particular Chakra most closely related to the language learning process? If yes, which one? How?
Margaret: Yes, The throat chakra (5) Brow- Third Eye (6) and Crown (7).
The throat chakra (5) can help a student to speak and express. Creativity
Brow to think (6) formulate phrases,
Crown. (7) To be more creative and have more intuition.
11- Enrique: Margaret. Here’s a difficult question for you. I know that there are colors associated to Chakras. I also know there are colors associated to days of the week. For example the Throat Chakras is associated to the color blue. The color blue is associated to Fridays and Saturdays. My question is. Is there any relation between studying a language on Fridays and Saturdays, IF it’s the Throat Chakra the one you’re balancing or it’s the strongest?
Margaret: Chakras – are centers, where cross energy canals. If we stimulate centers, energy should become more active. For ex: If we wear blue color, it should stimulate Throat Chakra, and then ability to speak become better.
12- Enrique: Talking about Yoga poses. Is there/are there any poses more suitable for the language learning process?
Margaret: I think all poses with head down. Because these stimulate the brain, eyes, ears, throat.
13- Enrique: In your opinion, is there a connection between Yoga, Chakras, Meditation, and Self Hypnosis with the language learning process?
Margaret: I think yes. Yoga poses are more active and work more to help. Doing Yoga and Meditation is the same, Its like a ritual dance when yo
u breathe and listen to your mind and soul.
14- Enrique: How could the language learning process be stimulated through Yoga, Chakras, Meditation, and Self Hypnosis?
Margaret: When we do Yoga, we can touch our talents. You can hear your truth in your soul.
15- Enrique: In one of our lessons, you mentioned that a HEAD STAND is beneficial to the language learning process. Could you please expand on that?
Margaret: It can keep us more calm.and quiet.
16- Enrique: Would you recommend Meditation or Self Hypnosis in the language learning process, as I understand there is a difference? Could you briefly describe the difference between Meditation and Self Hypnosis
Margaret: There is little difference.
Firstly, meditation is relaxing your mind. It helps us to hear our true selves.
Self Hypnosis is a more active process. It helps to think positively. And focusing exactly on one idea.
17- Enrique: How important are the use of affirmations during the practice of Self Hypnosis in the language learning process?
Margaret: When you learn something new, it’s important to affirm your new knowledge. Self Hypnosis here works very well…repeating affirmations to yourself helps very much.
18- Enrique: What can you tell me about colors, essential oils, and gemstones, in this process? Is there a significant connection?
Margaret: Fine if used as stimulation for our health, brain, it works very well.
19- Enrique: Margaret, what can you tell me about the Right/Left Brain in the language learning process?
And how can Yoga stimulate this process?
Margaret: When we start to make poses to the right side first, we stimulate logical, male or Left Brain. Many Scientists think that English is logical language, that means we should stimulate the Left side more.
20- Enrique: As a last question to this conversation. Can you please tell us your point of view on this interesting topic. I’d like to hear your viewpoints as:
A practitioner yourself
A language student.
And as a Yoga teacher
Margaret: A practitioner yourself: It’s very interesting theory. I’ll use it. Especially I like relationship between Chakras Color and practice.
A language student: It is so curious! I’ll put it into practice yoga and studying English. Ok, next time I’ll be in Blue color during my English lesson.)))
And as a Yoga teacher: I like so unusual, creative approach to learn languages. I’ll recommend it to my students and colleagues.
Conclusion by Margaret:
Languages and yoga, meditation, chakras.I think that any type of sports could positively influence the processes in the brain. In my case yoga, practice of asanas, pranayama- breathing, meditation help me to improve concentration, attention, memory. Specially down head poses. Anyway people should be interested in dynamic motion life because it makes brain’s process more active.