Read Enthralled Page 1








  Kayci Morgan


  Copyright © 2013 Kayci Morgan

  Forbidden Lust Press



  When a young vampire picks up a first time prostitute, both get more than they were expecting.



  Driving through a less than reputable part of town, I came upon him. He huddled in a doorway as rain slammed heavily onto the pavement. Since I was hunting I had my mind open to everything around me. I immediately picked up his entire story.  He had left home at seventeen, never graduated, now at nineteen, he couldn’t find work, hadn’t eaten in days and had decided to sell himself.  It was a sad story, but being able to see into the minds of men made me numb to sad stories.

  Instinct told me to keep driving, that he wasn’t my prey.  Something felt wrong.  As a vampire I was taught from a very early age to listen to my instincts. They were more honed than those of humans.  But I liked the boy.  His name was Ryan. This was the furthest he had fallen, his first time selling himself.  I thought if I picked him up, and left him with a few hundred dollars I’d spare him from a life that would consume him. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement.

  I stopped my car in front of him.  He approached as I rolled down the passenger side window.   He wore a green hoodie, covering curly blonde hair.  Blue-green eyes squinted at me.  He passively wondered if I was a serial killer.  I smiled.

  “How much?”

  He thought for a moment, “Um...fifty?”

  It took all my resolve to keep from laughing.  He was so awful at this. “Get in.”

  He trembled in silence as I drove past the edges of the city to a less populated area.  When I couldn’t sense another mind other than his for a few miles in any direction I turned off the road.  I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over to him, asking him to remove his hood.

  “No kissing!” He said quickly.  He had seen that rule in a movie. He thought it might help with his nervousness if I didn’t try to kiss him.

  “Understood.” I planted my lips on his neck.  His body tensed to the point that even if I didn’t have superior senses his discomfort would have been apparent.  I bit down.  First there was shock and fear. He struggled against me, and then, like always – acceptance.  He came to the realization that whatever I was doing to him felt very good.  His hands grabbed my shirt holding me against him as I drank deeply.  I could feel his erection under my arm. He thoroughly enjoyed my bite.  And I enjoyed the taste of him.  He was young and sweet.

  Once I had had my fill, I bit my tongue, spreading my blood over the wound to seal it. I sat up and pulled out my wallet.  Taking out five hundred-dollar bills I held them out to him. 

  Ryan watched me through heavy lidded eyes, breathing deeply.

  “We just had sex. I was rough and caused you a great deal of pain.” I didn’t want him selling himself again, so I tried to leave him with bad memories.  Once compelled, his own mind would fill in the blanks. He’d feel the soreness I spoke of even though I didn’t lay a hand on him.  “I gave you five hundred instead of fifty so you’d have time to recuperate from the things I did to you.”

  He blinked, “Dude, you just bit me! Are you...are you a vampire?”

  I looked into his mind. He loved vampires and the supernatural. He was more afraid of me when the thought I was just a john.  Now he was in awe of me, which was ironic since I had to kill him.

  Every now and again a human would be too strong-willed, or too stupid to be compelled.  The rules were very clear, if a mortal couldn’t be compelled, they had to be disposed of. There were two problems though.  The first of which being I had never killed anyone and the second was the sweet kid staring at me with adoration in his eyes.

  I put the car into reverse and backed onto the road, “Come home with me, we’ll get you something to eat and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  He was nervous but excited.  Our eyes met and for the first time he smiled. I had never stood in the sun before but I knew what it felt like from the minds of others. That’s how I felt in that moment. Standing in front of something so bright I needed to cover my eyes to endure it.  Ryan had a light about him that was uniquely his.  How I dreaded to be the one to snuff it out.

  I had decided to take him home with me in order to come up with a plan, but deep down I knew there wasn’t one.  Sooner or later, the boy would have to die, if not by my hand, then another vampire’s, and me along with him for neglecting the law.

  After stopping by a fast food place, he devoured his first meal in days. Soon we reached my loft.  Ryan took his own personal tour of my place. First he went into my kitchen, playing with my stainless steel fixtures, twirling on the barstools lining the kitchen counter.  Then he tested out my living room running his hands over my leather furniture, opening the TV cabinet and marveling at its size. I almost wanted to keep him as a pet. As I put the left over fast food away he finally realized we hadn’t introduced ourselves even though I already knew a great deal about him.

  Extending his hand towards me he said, “I’m Ryan by the way.”

  I looked down at his hand. “Isn’t it a bit late for that?” I asked, tapping my neck. “I’m Alex.”

  He dropped his hand to his side, blushing at the reminder of my fangs in his neck, “So Alex, how old are you?”


  He shook his head, “No, I don’t mean what age were you when you were turned. I mean how many years have you walked the earth.”

  “Twenty-four, though that first year I mostly crawled.” Ryan was very unimpressed with my age. For some reason I felt the need to elaborate. “I was born a vampire. My parents are hundreds of years old. I’m the last child of twenty-seven.”

  “You have twenty-six older brothers and sisters?”

  I nodded.

  “That must suck!”


  I walked out of the kitchen and gestured for him to follow. “I know you’re tired. This will be your room.  I’ll bring you some of my pajamas.  They’ll be big, but they’re comfortable.”

  He frowned. “My room? I figured we’d be sleeping together.”

  Sorry, I can’t sleep with you. I’m working up the nerve to kill you and that would just make things more difficult. “That won’t be necessary.” I left him standing in front of the guest room.

  As I lay in bed waiting for the sun to rise I listened to Ryan’s thoughts.  He intended to sneak into my room while I slept and crawl into bed with me.  What he didn’t know was I slept behind a steel door that was bolted shut. I wished him the best of luck getting in.  The sun rose and as my consciousness waned the solution to my problem came to me.  I would enthrall him.  I would feed him my blood regularly until he became addicted to it.  He would do anything I asked then, no one would know he couldn’t be compelled if he was a thrall, no one would try. A thrall is immune to compulsion by any vampire other than their master.  Never had I been a fan of enslaving mortals, but I figured it was better than death.

  The next night I awoke to the sound of Ryan’s fork scrapping his plate. He was in the kitchen having dinner.  From the smell alone I knew that he had left the house while I was asleep.  I didn’t seem to make a particularly good jail keeper.  He lit up as I approached, “Morning,” he said with a wide grin. His smile was radiant.

  I smiled back. “Morning,” I replied even though it was after 5pm.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Like the dead.”

  He found that very funny.  

  I poured a cup of coffee, nestling the warm mug in my hands.  I studie
d him as I sipped.  I thought about ways to get him to ingest my blood.  Getting him to drink from me willingly was the easiest way.  To do that I would probably have to sleep with him, and establish a close, intimate relationship.  It was no hardship for me. I had first wanted his blood because I found him desirable.

  I pressed my body against his and whispered in his ear, “I need to eat.”

  He visibly perked up at the suggestion. He remembered my bite, how pleasurable it felt. In a hoarse voice he said, “Okay.”

  Standing behind the barstool on which he was seated, I wrapped my arms around his body.  I pulled him tightly against me and let my fangs sink into his neck.  His heart pounded faster as I drank.  Soft moans escaped his lips as he reached back to touch me.

  I let my hands explore his skin.  Sliding under his shirt and up towards a nipple.  I pinched it between my fingers and squeezed.  His back arched under my touch. I stopped drinking and lapped at his bite mark until it closed.

  “Wow, that’s good stuff,” he remarked.

  “I’m not nearly done with you.”

  My hands continued to caress him.  His growing erection made his jeans uncomfortable. I reached down and unsnapped them for him.  Pulling out his manhood, I wrapped my fingers around it stroking him slowly.  He squirmed on the barstool. “Do you want me?” I whispered in his ear.

  “Oh God, yeah.”

  I pulled his shirt over his head and he turned to kiss me.  So much for his no-kiss policy.  He pounced on me, tearing open my shirt. The buttons hit the floor with a clank.  His nimble fingers explored my torso.

  Our clothes continued to fall to the floor as I guided him to my bedroom.  I picked him up and tossed him on my bed.  His naked body bounced a few times on my mattress as his eyes grew wide. He marveled at my strength and speed, things I simply took for granted.

  I kissed his neck and then worked my way down slowly, being sure to lick and suck every inch of him. His skin tasted as sweet as his blood. I used my abilities to go into his mind, to see exactly how he liked to be touched. I elicited one breathy gasp after another until he was seeing stars.

  With my mouth on his manhood, I let two lubed fingers slip inside him, slowly stretching him open.  By this point he was mentally begging for me to fuck him. How could I deny such pleading, even though he didn’t realize I could hear it.

  I pushed his legs open, spreading him wide.  He cried out in pleasure as I slid my hardness all the way inside him. I leaned down capturing his lips as I slowly rode his body, thrusting deep and hard, increasing my tempo.

  His hand moved to his shaft and he began stroking himself as I fucked him.  As I felt him getting close I bit my wrist and put it to his lips.  “Drink.”

  He drank deeply without question or concern.  He was so far gone I could have asked anything of him and he would have abided.  He was still licking the last drops from my now healed wrist as his orgasm hit him, amplified by my blood. He came so hard he was sure he’d die. I soon followed, erupting in great jets, streams of seed filling him.  I collapsed on the bed next to him.

  After that we became lovers.  I had meant to keep him prisoner, to hold him in my apartment until I was sure he was addicted to my blood, but I had trouble refusing him anything.  His happiness was of utmost importance to me.  I made it my mission to spoil him because in his hard life no one else had.

  Several weeks had passed and he was close to the point of no return.  Sometimes he would feel sick, but my blood would always make him feel better. He frequently asked to drink from me.  Once he discovered how difficult it was to hurt me he would playfully bite my neck in an attempt to draw blood. I thought it was cute.

  He was beginning to put my will before his own, letting me decide what we would be doing, asking me how I felt about something before stating his opinion, which always happened to coincide with mine.

  Then it all came to an end.

  One day we were laying on the couch watching TV, I brushed a lock of curly hair from his forehead and thought, sometimes I wonder if killing you wouldn’t be more merciful than what I am doing. 

  He turned to me with such a look of fear in his eyes I immediately knew two things. The first was that he had heard my thoughts, and not just heard them. He had seen them the way a vampire does, with all the emotion and nuances attached. He had felt my guilt and sense of loss.

  I also realized what had felt ‘wrong’ when I first met him: somewhere in his bloodline was a supernatural being.  Far back in his family tree there was a warlock, wizard, witch or fae.  His ancestry made him immune to compulsion, which also meant he would never be fully enthralled.  He’d end up aware of the mental chains that bound him, but helpless to do anything about it.

  He ran for the front door. With my speed I easily beat him to it, barring him from escape. His eyes began to swell with tears. He held his stomach as if he was going to be sick. “Oh God, what are you doing to me?”

  I took a step towards him. My first instinct was to comfort him.  He backed away from me in pure terror. I looked into his thoughts expecting him to be upset about being enslaved, instead I just felt pain.  He was hurting because I had betrayed him. 

  There was a pain in my chest. I looked down confused. My heart didn’t beat. As a vampire my sense of pain was almost nonexistent. I didn’t understand what was happening.  Then I realized it wasn’t me.  It was him.  His heart was breaking. Literally breaking in his chest and I was feeling it.

  I stepped away from the door.  “Leave. Now. You haven’t had enough of my blood to be enthralled yet, if you leave now it’ll hurt but you’ll recover.” I took out my wallet and pulled out all the cash I had on me. “Here, take money.”

  He slapped my hand away and stumbled out the door barely able to hold himself up. I just stood there clutching a fist full of bills with no idea what to do.  By vampire law I had committed several offenses all of which were punishable by being staked in an open field at high noon. But honestly, I couldn’t have cared less about punishment. I couldn’t imagine a fate worse than the look on Ryan’s face.

  For three days I lay in bed without moving. Part of me had hoped he would come back.  But who would willingly walk back into this? Without his blood to sustain me I began to grow weak.  I knew I would have to hunt soon, but the thought of feeding on someone else didn’t appeal to me. I was punishing myself, making myself suffer for the pain I caused him.

  Two more days had passed when I sensed him. I jumped from my bed and had the front door open before the first knock landed. 

  His lips were pressed tightly together in a straight line. “Whatever you were doing to me, you felt like you had to, why?”

  I stepped out of the doorway letting him in.  As he walked past me his aroma almost made me swoon. I was so hungry and he smelled so good. “You can’t be compelled and you know about vampires. It’s illegal to leave you alive.  Next time I’m around my kind someone will pick it up from my thoughts, then we’ll both be killed.”

  He took a step back, his expression softening. “Are you sure? Sure we’ll both die?”

  “I’d like to think they wouldn’t be able to find you, but my people are very good hunters and they’d know everything about you that I do.”

  Ryan considered my words for a moment. “Then you have to kill me.”

  My mouth fell open. “What?”

  “If they are going to kill us both, what’s the point? I don’t want to die, but if killing me saves you then it’s worth it.” Unable to understand what he was doing I looked into his mind.  I saw the days we were apart, the horrible weight he felt. He didn’t want to live without me.

  “I could still make you my thrall, if you drink from me a few more times...”

  “Then I won’t be me anymore.  I saw that in your head.  It would be my body, but it wouldn’t be me.  That’s death too. No, drain me and be done with it.”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t do it.  Maybe I could take him and disapp
ear. No. There was nowhere I could hide, not forever, not even one mortal’s lifetime. And Ryan would be at the forefront of my thoughts. If I met another vampire they’d immediately know about him. It was hopeless but I was resolved, if he was going to die it wouldn’t be by my hand. “I won’t do it. Never.”

  Determined he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.  Holding out his arm he cut his wrist and ordered again, “Drain me.”

  Before the first drop of blood hit the floor I was on him. I couldn’t stop myself, I was starving and he was my ambrosia.  I drank a lot but forced myself to stop before it was too late. Then I bit my tongue and licked the wound, healing it.  He was weak from blood loss, but he wouldn’t die.  I caught him as the lack of blood made him woozy.  He wondered if this was it, if he was dying.

  “No, you’re low on blood, but you’ll live.”

  He looked disappointed. 

  I couldn’t help but marvel at his bravery. I could see it in his mind, his noble death so that I could live. His thoughts were poetic, full of love and sacrifice.  It was a pity that his efforts were wasted. I wasn’t prepared to live in a world he wasn’t part of.

  I carried him to my room and laid him on the bed. I figured once he regained his strength we’d put our heads together and try to figure something out. I saw an image in his mind that shocked me.

  A second later I had the kitchen knife in my side. He wasn’t trying to kill me. He knew how fast I healed. He was trying to make me lose blood. Blood I’d need to replace with his. It was a good plan, had he not acted the moment he thought of it, I would have had time to stop him. He had hit a kidney, so I was losing copious amounts of blood.  I had to feed or die. 

  If I died, the chances of Ryan being discovered were nil. Other vampires would have the same uneasiness around him that I did. They would sense his magic on a subconscious level. They would follow their instincts and leave him alone. I rolled onto my back, away from him. He began to panic when he realized I wasn’t trying to save myself.  My last view was his soft curls falling around his worried face.  So beautiful.

  Then warmth.  Sweet red warmth flowing down my throat. It was delicious.  I drank my fill.  Only then did I regain consciousness enough to realize I was draining him. He’d opened a wrist on my fang, and my body had taken over from there.  I had taken too much blood.  Nothing could be done for him.  He was going to die.

  Terrified I pulled him into my lap. I bit my wrist and held it to his mouth. He was barely able to move but still he struggled against me.  He thought I was trying to enslave him.

  “You’re going to die! If you drink my blood you’ll come back.  A vampire, but you’ll come back.”

  He opened his mouth and drank. He fought to swallow, inches away from death. I listened to every beat of his slowing heart until finally it stopped.  Time seemed to stop moving as I waited. I had never turned anyone before.  I was far too young to have a protégé. I didn’t even know if I’d done it right. I wasn’t sure if he’d drank enough of my blood.

  I would be punished, but I didn’t care.  If I had turned him at first, my family would have killed him to protect me.  No fondness for a boy or distaste for killing was worth torture so horrendous it often led to madness. But now all they’d have to do is look into my mind.  They’d know I’d endure anything for him.  My parents would support me against the other elders.  They might not have understood altruism, but they understood love. After all, theirs had endured for centuries.

  Cradling his dead body, I counted the minutes.  I reached out to every deity I could think of. “Please. Please let him wake up.”

  His eyes opened.

  I called out his name. “Ryan?”

  He smiled as brightly as always, but with fangs.








  Want more of Alex and Ryan? Get Book 1 of the Enthralled Series: Taste of Transgression