Read Eon: Dragoneye Reborn Page 30

  Deep within me. A tiny reservoir of power that flowed into my fractured spirit.

  Slowly my focus narrowed back into sanity.

  But I was not in my body I was in the heavens, looking down through the blue dragon's ancient eyes. Below me, bright lines slashed the surface of the earth in surging currents.

  Pulsing points of life force sat, walked, flew, scurried across the grids, drawing and shedding power into the land and air. I tasted the acid snap of raw energy on my tongue.

  My focus slipped, plunging me back to the dais. I was standing. When had Ido stopped holding me down? When had he returned to his seat? Above us the circle of dragons waited. I felt the wind fill my eyes and mouth and the first monsoon rain shiver across my skin. My arms rose to gather power. But I was not the one moving them.

  A huge chasm had opened up between my mind and body

  My eyes moved, forced to the left until I was staring at Ido. He smiled and lifted his hand, gently pushing back on it. Immediately, my left hand bent backwards; sinew, bone and tendon straining to breaking point. But I felt nothing. Understanding seared through me.

  Tclo was controlling my body.

  He had taken my will.

  I screamed, but my mouth did not open and my throat made no sound. Cruel exhilaration caressed me as he released his hold on my wrist. There was no way to shed tears, but in my mind I sobbed with fear and fury.

  It will he worse if you struggle. His mind-voice lilted with false sympathy.

  My body lurched forwards as my legs stiffly walked to the cent re of t he dais. My damaged hip ground in its socket from his long, unfamiliar gait.

  'Dragoneyes,' I yelled, and they were Ido's words moving my tongue and working my jaw. He could make me do anything, say anything, and I had no way to scream. No way to stop him.

  'Send your dragons to meet the storm. Circle the centre.'

  He was using me to shift the monsoon. Why? He already had the Council. Why was he doing this to me?

  Through you I will have the Council and much, much more.

  My mind flinched from the dark pleasure in him and the steel of his ambition.

  'Lord Silvo, reduce your power,' he ordered through my voice. 'Move your beast back. We begin.'

  Time slipped and stuttered as I was thrust between dais and dragon — a cycle of shifting focus that spun me between the glory of the Rat Dragon and the horror of Ido's control. I raged against him in silence as he used my body and voice to direct the Dragoneyes. I felt his fierce joy as his power joined with mine, draining me. I watched, helpless and in awe, as the huge circle of beasts slowly contained the energy of the storm and moved it over the dam.

  Then, suddenly, through ancient eyes, I saw the clouds drop their wild weight of water into the earth hole. Like the echo of an old joy, I knew the huge beast understood the task was complete. That the familiar tethers from the below world would now ease and slip away.

  I fell the dragon gather itself, ready to be free again.

  And then, before I spun back to the despair of the dais, I saw the messengers.

  Six men in the distance, riding towards the village at a hard gallop, wearing the Emperor's colours.

  I slumped on the dais, gasping for air. Ido was gone. He was out of my head. I spread my hands on the cold stone, glorying in the movement, revelling in the return of my body. My left wrist ached from the strain of being bent, but even that pain was welcome. I had my self back.

  But for how long?

  I whirled around on my knees, fixing on the figure of Ido slouched on his seat. Very slowly he placed his finger over his lips and smiled. I shuddered. My body was my own — for now —but the press of his power still shadowed me.

  Around the dais, the villagers were cheering and prostrating themselves on the ground. The other Dragoneyes, still hunched on the benches, were emerging from their trances. Tyron heaved himself up from his seat and staggered the few short steps to me.

  'Such an exhibition of power, Lord Eon. Amazing.' His haggard face was vivid with relief and victory 'You have truly earned your place on the Council now' He looked challengingly across at Lord Ido.

  'I have no argument, Tyron.' Ido held up his hand in surrender. 'The boy has shown us his worth as both Council member and Co-Ascendant.' His eyes flicked to mine; a moment of unwanted collusion.

  Tyron turned his attention to me. And are you all right, Lord Eon?'

  I could not look at the kindness in his face — I was betraying him. I was betraying them all by my silence. 'I'm tired,' I said.

  He nodded and offered me his hand, pulling me to my feet. 'And no wonder. Your control of the monsoon was astounding.'A small cheer of agreement rose from the circle of Dragoneyes who had clustered around us. I felt a few hands clap me gently on the back.

  'But 1 think we are all feeling the strain,' Tyron continued. 'The loss of Hua was staggering.'

  Beside him, Lord Silvo nodded. His face was grey and drawn. 'Never had so much taken from me before,' he whispered.

  Tyron patted his shoulder. 'We must all rest. Our celebrations can be resumed after we have slept and restored our Hua.' He bent closer to me. 'Acknowledge the thanks of the villagers then we can all get to our beds.'

  I faced the crowd of village men pressing around the edge of the dais. Their roughened faces had relaxed into joy The solid bank of bodies jostled and separated into a pathway for Elder Hiron.

  'Lord Eon,' he said, bowing low. 'Lord Dragoneyes.' His bow deepened. 'We thank you all humbly for saving our crops and our village once again. You bring us great good fortune.'

  'Your thanks are accepted, honoured Elder,' I said, mustering a smile. 'We must all rest now, but we look forward to the celebrations you have planned for this evening.'

  The elder bowed again and, arms wide, ushered his people away from the dais.

  'Clear the way for the Lord Dragoneyes. We will show our appreciation in the banquet tonight. Go and prepare.'

  Tyron waved Hollin over. 'Take me to my quarters, boy I have never felt this bad before. I must truly be getting old.'

  The other apprentices were being called to help their weakened masters.

  Tyron turned back to me. 'Is Ryko not here?' he asked.

  1 shook my head. The islander's continued absence dug a spike of dread through my numb exhaustion.

  'Then Hollin can assist you too.' Tyron motioned to his apprentice to take my arm.

  Lord Ido stepped up beside me, his baud brutally gripping my shoulder. 'No need, Tyron.

  Lord Lou and I are quartered together. My boy can help us both back to the Dragon 1 louse. It is only a few lengths away, after all.'

  Tyron hesitated then nodded, his own weariness making the decision. Leaning heavily on Hollin's arm, he shuffled across the dais. I wanted to call out to them, but Ido's hand pinned me into terrified silence.

  'Take Lord Eon's other arm,' he ordered Dillon. 'He can hardly walk.'

  I felt Dillon drape my arm over his shoulders. I slowly turned my head to him, my mouth close to his ear.

  'Don't leave me alone,' I murmured, tilting my head towards Ido.

  Dillon shot a glance up at his master then back at me. His eyes shifted away from mine. There would be no help from him this time.

  As we stepped down from the dais, Ido kept me pressed close to his body. I could feel the easy strength in him. He did not seem to be exhausted like the rest of us. Had he stolen power from the other Dragoneyes as well as me?

  Two of Ryko's men suddenly appeared in front of us, blocking our way. My heart lifted: Ryko had not left me unprotected. The guards bowed politely to Lord Ido, the senior man stepping forwards with professional determination.

  'Thank you, Lord Ido,' he said. 'But our orders are to accompany Lord Eon from the compassarium.'

  I struggled to free myself, but Ido tightened his grip. The amber of his eyes smoothed into silver. 'Lord Eon says he does not need your assistance,' he said softly I held my breath. Surely this hard soldier would not
be influenced by Ido's dragon charm.

  The man frowned and I saw his dogged gaze waver.

  'No, wail...' But the rest of my plea was lost in agony as Ido drove his thumb into my shoulder

  — the same place my master had dug his will into mine at the ceremony Both guards sketched a quick duty bow then walked away.

  Ido laughed softly. 'Your power still lingers in me.'

  He released my shoulder, but I was so dizzy from the pain and fatigue that he and Dillon half dragged, half carried me through the Dragon House passageway into the small courtyard. I heard a door screen slide open and raised my head, blearily searching for Rilla. She ran towards me.

  Are you all right, my lord? Where are your guards?' She faced Ido. 'What are you doing with him? Let go. I'll look after him.'

  'Get back, woman,' Ido snapped. 'We will take him to his room.'

  She watched as Lord Ido and Dillon lifted me over the raised threshold and eased me back onto the pallet in the dim room. Ido sat next to me, his fingers digging another warning into my flesh.

  'Your master just needs rest,' Ido said. 'He has the Dragoneye weariness.'

  Rilla hesitated, then looked to me. 'Is that true, my lord?'

  'Lord Eon says go. Prepare him food and leave him to rest,' Ido said smoothly.

  I struggled against him, hoping to stop the dragon charm I knew was colouring his eyes.

  But Rilla's face relaxed into obedience. She bowed and backed out of the room.

  'Go,' Ido ordered Dillon. The Dragoneye turned to me, not even waiting for the door to close behind his apprentice.

  The sudden release of his grip made me fall against the pallet. I scrabbled along the bed until my back hit the wall. My limbs still felt heavy from the long hours of his control.

  'Get away from me.' My voice was small and weak.

  A bit late for that, don't you think?' I Ie smiled, rolling his shoulders and easing them straight.

  'So you and Brannon thought you could fool the Emperor and the Dragoneye Council?' He laughed. 'I suppose you were right. You did fool everyone. Even me.'

  He reached across and stroked my ankle. 1 jerked away from his touch, fear driving new energy into my body.

  'But now I know. And that puts you into a very difficult situation, doesn't it?'

  I eyed him, watching for any other movement towards me.

  'I would say that puts you completely in my power.' He laughed softly again. 'In more ways than one.'

  I dug my fingers into the soft pallet. Was he going to enslave me again? I could not endure it.

  'How did you do that? How did you control me?'

  'Strange to say, I don't know,' he said. 'My guess is that we were joined through my dragon.'

  He shrugged. 'However it was done, it increased my power tenfold. Exhilarating. Too bad the effect is already wearing away, but we will work on that.'

  The effect was wearing away? Did that mean he no longer had the power to overcome me? I grabbed at the small hope.

  'Brannon risked everything for you.' He studied me for a moment. 'The Moon Shadow disguise was inspired. But are you really deformed? Or was that a masquerade too?'

  I looked away, my master's betrayal still raw.

  'So, you are deformed. A pity Still, I can now see the girl in you, and you are not without your attractions. Was that part of your agreement with Brannon?'

  'You're disgusting,' I spat, clinging to the strength of my hate. 'I know you killed him. You make me sick —'

  The blow knocked me sideways onto the pallet, setting up a burning throb across my cheekbone. I saw a light spring into his eyes that sent a chill of knowledge through me. A memory of the whipmaster.

  'Do you want to continue?' His voice was soft.

  I drew my knees up into a curl of protection.

  'Now, how did you commune with my dragon?' he asked. And why do you not commune with your own?'

  1 stared down at the bed. For so long I had kept my true identity hidden, my failure a secret.

  Now I was stripped of all pretence.

  His hand lifted again.

  'I don't know,' I said hurriedly

  'Really?' I flinched as his fingers brushed across the drug rash on my neck. 'Are you sure?'

  'I didn't unite properly with my dragon in the ceremony He has slipped away from me.' I swallowed against the jab of loss. 'But I can call your dragon. I don't know why'

  'No, neither do I.' He cocked his head to one side. 'You are quite the mystery, but I think I have the key to you.'

  I stared at him. 'Key? What do you mean?'

  'The black folio.' He shook his head at my blank face. 'No, that won't work. I know you took the red book from my library. Along with my supply of the Sun drug.'

  Instinctively, I pressed the folio closer to my body I tried to mask the move, but it was too late.

  'So that's where you keep it.' He grabbed my wrist, pushing up the sleeve of my robe. I felt his fingers trace the pearl rope, feathering my skin. He forced his finger underneath the pearls and pulled at them. They resisted, their loyalty giving me courage. 'I see the pearls respond to you

  — that must mean something.' He tightened his hold. 'Give it to me.'

  I fought against his grip, but he grabbed my jawbone and slammed my head back against the wall with dizzying force. 'Give it to me or I will hurt you in ways you have never imagined.'

  My vision blurred with pain. I nodded and he let go. I pushed at the pearls, easing them down my arm until they dropped onto the pallet, the red folio landing heavily on top.

  Gingerly, Ido reached for it. The pearls rose like a snake ready to strike. He snatched his hand away.

  'Interesting.' He looked hack at me. 'Did you try and pick up the black folio?'

  'No. I didn't want to.'

  He grunted agreement. 'From what I have read of it, I know why'

  I couldn't help myself. 'What do you mean?'

  He nodded. 'You and I are more alike than you think. We are both looking for power and we both have to know.'

  I raised my chin. He was wrong; I was not like him at all.

  'I've been deciphering the black folio,' he continued. 'It is in a very old script and it's taken a long time to understand even the little I have decoded. It describes a way to combine all the power of the Dragoneyes into one weapon.'

  'The String of Pearls?' I whispered.

  He laughed, a deep sound of delight. 'Oh yes, we are alike. No doubt Brannon told you about it. You're quite right: it is describing the String of Pearls. I didn't really understand what I was reading until today. Until I discovered your little masquerade.'

  He reached over and slid his hand along the silk of my sleeve. 'It says that the String of Pearls requires the joining of Sun and Moon. I was sure it meant you, but in your capacity as a Moon Shadow. You can imagine my unease — I am no lover of eunuchs. But now I know you are a girl, it makes far more sense. Today was only a taste of our union. Think of what will happen when we are joined not only in power but in body too.'

  I shook my head, sickened.

  He curled his hand around my cheek, forcing my head towards him. 'Of course, there are other things to put in place before the String of Pearls can be created, but it doesn't stop us getting to know one another now'

  What other things had to be in place? Did he believe the stories that all the other Dragoneyes had to be dead? I pulled away from him.

  He jabbed his fingers up under my jaw, forcing my head around again. 'Really, you are not unattractive at all.'

  'I'll bite you,' I hissed.

  'Please do,' he said. And I will bite back.'

  'I'll scream. Everyone will come.'

  He shrugged. 'Go ahead if you want to be disembowelled by an outraged Emperor and Dragon Council.'

  I gritted my teeth.

  'A horrible way to die,' he murmured. 'Especially as the discmbowelment takes a full bell.

  You could, of course, choose death over me.' He paused, as though conside
ring the idea. 'But I don't think you are the suicidal type. You are too much like me. Where there is life, there is always a chance to win.'

  He knew he had me cornered. He traced my mouth with his forefinger, a soft caress that moved across my cheekbone until his hand found the looped plaits of my Dragoneye queue. I felt his fingers wind into it, pulling my head back. I turned away from his mouth and the slick press of his oiled beard.

  'Eona,' he breathed against my skin. 'Such a pretty name and hidden so deep.'

  I struggled against him, against his use of my true name, ripped from the centre of my being.

  My fingernails found flesh. I dug and clawed. But it made no difference. I pressed my lips together, but his mouth was on mine, forcing me open. And then I tasted him — sweet vanilla and orange like his dragon. I gasped, the shock softening my mouth under his kiss.

  He pulled back, his face mirroring my own surprise. 'Perhaps your inclinations are more like mine than you admit,' he said. He cupped my chin. 'You could join me willingly. We could take the land together.'

  I jerked my head away, shocked. 'You want to be Emperor?'

  'There would be no use invoking the Siring of Pearls just to hand over its power.'

  'Does High Lord Sethon know your plans?'

  He laughed, releasing my hair, 'You are quick. But don't think you can deal with Sethon against inc. Your female corruption of the hallowed Dragon I kills would stop anyone from listening to you. Especially if I told them you are not even united with the Mirror Dragon. I would be surprised if they even waited for the disembowelment.' He dragged his forefinger across my throat. At least it would be fast.'

  He was right. As soon as he unmasked me as a girl and a fraud, they would kill me.

  He laid his forefinger across my mouth. 'Stay quiet now, Eona. Do as I say and you will stay alive.' He pressed his finger into the bruised swell of my lips until the pressure made me gasp.

  And if you are good, then maybe I will not hurt you too much. Do you understand?'

  I gave a tiny nod.

  'Good girl.'

  He patted my cheek.

  I turned my head, unable to shield the fear in my eyes as his hand followed the line of my jaw.

  I saw his amber eyes flare with intent as his fingertips dropped to the soft hollow at the base of my throat then traced the edge of my robe to the shoulder fastening.