Read Epic Chaos Page 1



  J. Niessen

  * * * * *

  Published By:

  Epic Chaos

  Copyright 2011, 2013 by J. Niessen

  Cover Page by J’s Art Emporium, Copyright 2013

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.


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  Table of Contents:

  Epic Chaos, Year II: Part I

  Epic Chaos, Year II: Part II

  Epic Chaos, Year II: Part III

  Note to reader: This story is written in first person. Because of the many characters involved I found it necessary to indicate when the transition from one person to the next takes place. If you see this set of three asterisks as part of a paragraph break * * * it means the first person account has changed in perspective. I’ve done my best to reveal which character is telling their side, with distinctive clues in the first sentence of that introductory paragraph. Hope you enjoy!

  Epic Chaos, Year II

  Eleven of my students have permission slips for their mystery field trip. We’re still waiting on one of the classmates to arrive. We meet in our third grade classroom for each kid to randomly choose a Halloween costume to wear. Trevor draws the suit needed to learn Mr. Gresham’s strategy. My colleague and his fifth graders are expected to participate in a separate class function, while the rest of the town attends the outdoor Fall Festival held annually at the school.

  When Gresham and I went toe to toe last year, he succeeded in making my third graders smarter. Shortly thereafter each student was promoted in grade. Rather than allow for me to teach at a fourth grade level, the administration forced me to take a temporary leave of absence.

  After the kids change into their costumes, we enter the school’s boiler level. Past a secured grate we navigate through a tunnel to an area named Schneidhood, where our hideout is located.

  Workington Elementary sits in a forsaken part of the country. The building dates to an industrial time period when the territory was thriving. These days those jobs are gone, and our elementary campus is home to the last functioning building in the manufacturing district.

  To begin preparations Trevor is induced into sleep. This will help to conceal our espionage. Before the influence takes effect he changes minds with a student in Mr. Gresham’s class.

  Trevor is bright-eyed when he awakes with the information we’re after. Rather than addressing me as Mr. Douglas he begins, “Just-Cause. Your archenemy Thanos plans to reverse the aging process in a select group of adults, by reverting the physical and mental status of our homeless citizens to a fourth-grade level. It sounds crazy but he already has a determined facility to house those without a place to stay. Then they’ll be enrolled in fifth grade, and Gresham can use his increasing number of students to amass an army.

  “I know all the areas of interest his team will be going after, and the cast of villains involved…”

  * * *

  I can’t believe I got the Spiderman costume! Not only is my body exactly like his, with all his special abilities, but I know everything he has experienced in his lifetime.

  I mistakenly call my partner Lukas when we are paired. His rough, grownup features are really intimidating at first. “You call me either Frank or Castle. Got it, Parker?”

  In a chipper voice I answer, “No problem, Frankie,” leaping away.

  It’s up to The Punisher and me to guard the science museum from Gresham’s thugs.

  Swinging through the air, I sling a strand of webbing from one city building to the next.

  We’re several blocks from the museum when I detect an unnerving tension in the air. The alarming sense amplifies! Instinctively I drop. “Carnage!” I accuse the instigator triggering my spidey senses and alerting me to danger.

  Curved blades formed from Carnage’s costume rise from the ends of his feet as he swings inches from my head. With the webbing that shoots from my wrists I aim to capture him as I fall. His living costume develops a sharp blade, severing my fastened strand.

  “Yikes”…another bad feeling! I shoot a line to swing from, but it’s too late.

  My arch enemy Venom nails me in the face with a glob of ooze from his jet-black costume. It seeps past my mask into my eyes, nose, and ears as I smack against the ground.

  A high-pitched treble vibrates through my head as I desperately try pulling my mask off.

  When my vision returns Frank’s aiming a chrome weapon at me with a satellite dish at the end. A chilling ray of blue frost fires inches from my head, freezing the retreating ooze.

  Venom drops from the sky while Carnage runs along the alleyway at Frank. As Venom falls, Castle fires another blast. I roll away on my side to avoid being crushed. The steady blast from Frank’s weapon forces the tar-like suit to separate from Eddie Brock (the man wearing the black Venom costume). With a flip of the switch the gun’s ray freezes the independent costume.

  “Castle, get down!” I shout. Ducking in time, a red axe-blade grazes Frank’s head. I shoot two webs at Carnage’s face as he prepares to again swing his reshaped arms (formed as weapons). It gives Castle time to blast the red symbiote, which then lunges wildly toward him. The man beneath the Carnage suit (Cletus Kasady) screams furiously, before disappearing.

  Looking back, I see that Eddie is gone also.

  There’s a sinking feeling. I spring to a metal balcony. Hammerhead and his mob of goons enter the alley with remanufactured polyplastic Tommyguns drawn. Glancing up at me, Frank hasn’t a chance. Bullets riddle his body with the chrome weapon raised. I shoot a grappling line and retrieve the device. I’m not sure what it’s set to, but I squeeze the trigger and blast their ringleader. They seem to be having a hard time holding onto their assault rifles.

  The henchmen open fire, with guns aimed on me. That’s when I realize Frank’s device was set to magnetize. Their bullets fly at Hammerhead’s metal-encased flattop. Pausing with their boss down gives me time to immobilize them with a cleverly crafted spidey net.

  Frank and Hammerhead vanish also.

  At the museum, which we were supposed to guard, I find Black Cat leaving through the skylight. She’s no match for my spidey skills, as I catch her right away. Cocooned in webbing, Black Cat hangs from an overhanging fire escape, while I slip into the museum to return the loot she stole. Thanos will sure be disappointed, not having these precious gemstones for his project.

  * * *

  It’s flattering to hear Animal Man (or as I’m used to calling him, “Buddy”) address me as Batwoman, as we ride with Batman to the zoo. This costume’s addictive qualities enhance my feminine body with alluring ladylike features and a flattering voice to match.

  There’s no sign of bad guys, just the night watchman patrolling the zoo grounds.

  Barely visible, a dual Batarang flies from the shadows, wrapping around the guard with a metal wire that’s attached to either end. “What the heck is Bruce doing?” I quietly question while keeping still. It’s best that he doesn’t know I’m here.

e captured man’s features distort. His navy-blue uniform blends to a dull tan as his complexion melts, and he reshapes into a mud monster. Batman’s restraints clang to the ground. A round, black object explodes at Clayface’s feet…turning his soft body into a hardened ceramic figure. The stir of activity wakes the animals, putting some of them in an uproar.

  In the primate exhibit one of the villains known as Bane wrestles a zoo occupant. He’s up against an alpha-male Razorback. Amused, I sit perched atop a rock shelf. What Bane is doing is all part of the sinister plan we earlier learned about from Trevor. Bane will gain the respect of the pride if he wins. Then he’ll lead the apes to where his boss Thanos wants them. I spot one of our own teammates, Green Arrow, hiding in a dark part of the enclosure. Looks like I have my first stalker! I’m being distracted, though. I need to find out what Poison Ivy’s up to.

  As I’m standing to leave, the fight’s nearing an end. Bane’s positioned behind the great beast, has his powerful arms clamped around its neck, and puts the animal to sleep. Green Arrow fires a shot at the device on Bane’s back. The green solution which gives him his Hulk-like strength spills from the severed connection tube. Bane’s bulk size diminishes. Using Batman’s technique, with a Batarang of my own, I hurl it to apprehend Bane. Big mistake! A group of gorillas take advantage of the moment and dash at Bane. With a sickened feeling I turn away, and suddenly the aggressors stop…

  “Die, Bats!” Scarface yells from a separate part of the park, followed by loud gunfire.

  …Animal Man, who’s on our side, is standing at the public viewing area of the primate exhibit. There’s a pack of wolves sitting patiently behind him. The rest of the apes come out from their sleeping area, focused on the mental connection Buddy has made with them. I swoop in and take the scrawny Bane over my shoulder, with the beasts under control.

  * * *

  Getting out of my Batmobile, I let Batgirl know to stay put till Animal Man and I know what’s going on. From the shadows I monitor the zoo grounds.

  Security guards tend to get in the way. I subdue one with a Batarang. My suspicions are confirmed. It’s Clayface, disguised as a night watchman.

  Just-Cause designed a small incendiary grenade which I use to bake the surface of Clayface, leaving his insides unharmed.

  With Scarface, stealth has never been a virtue. Wesker, the timid ventriloquist, clothed in a tuxedo, throws his voice remarkably well. Sitting on his folded arm, he holds a wooden puppet dressed up in a pinstriped suit, men’s fashion cap, and armed with a mini Tommygun.

  Usually one of the thugs falls victim to a cruel fate before the crew learns to focus on Scarface giving the orders, rather than Wesker as he’s holding the doll.

  Scarface and his crew open fire on my moving image. It’s a lifelike projection with artificial intelligence. It keeps the men distracted while I move in and systematically remove each one. With their weapons empty, only two guys remain before their boss realizes the trick.

  * * *

  I got distracted. What was I thinking about? Oh yeah, I need to check on Poison Ivy! I feel like asking Arrow, “What the heck are you doing here?”

  After swooping in to rescue Bane, I hurry to where the gunfire’s coming from, to see how Batman’s doing. He just has three guys to worry about. And I know if I jump in he’ll blame me if something goes wrong. I can hear him telling me now, “If you had done as I’d asked, Batgirl…” (he is the only one that calls me that), “we wouldn’t be in this mess.” So guess what? I’m staying out of this one. I check on the guys Batman’s tied up and make sure everyone’s all right before running off.

  When I arrive at the aviary, the frantic sound from the birds suggests Ivy’s around. I need to be careful. The enclosure’s foliage gives her a distinct advantage.

  Spying from outside the habitat, I can’t tell what’s going on in there.

  My first reaction is to scream as loud as I can, when Clayface’s warm putty envelopes my body. Gasping for air I draw in nothing, become lightheaded, and black out.

  When I wake up I’m strapped to a chair in a high-tech lab. There’s an upper viewing room where this giant creature stands watching over me. I say creature because he sort of looks like a man, but looks more like a demigod.

  “Oh great,” I think. “Bruce is never gonna let me live this one down.”

  “Sophie, my dear,” a deep voice tells me, like I have earphones on. “I have little time for distractions, but I will gift you before returning to more pressing matters.” Remembering what Just-Cause told us happened to his students last year, I hope that’s what Mr. Gresham, I mean Thanos, has in mind for me right now.”

  Epic Chaos, Part II

  I sense it as soon as I put on the little Annie (young Anakin Skywalker) costume. Darth Vader is a part of this event. His hate is dangerous. And yet I feel a familiar connection to it.

  It’s amazing how Mr. Douglas was able to get most of the preparations in order. He has a Pod Racer for me to use. Trouble is, it doesn’t start up. I have to repair it quickly! Otherwise Vader will get to the military base before I do.

  The mapped route travels through industrial city, across the barren wasteland and the great forest, and into the government dead zone. Past all that is the complex Darth’s after. Once inside it’s just a question of who can outsmart who, and grab the part Thanos needs.

  * * *

  I find it strange to be racing against a third grader who believes he is young Anakin Skywalker. I feel I have always been Darth Vader. I embrace the powerful emotions inside. It would be my pleasure to crush the life from this boy. However, I sense there is a resilience he has to my strength. It is foreseeable, that this child’s failure will result from inexperience. Undetected by radar, I approach the restricted compound. Our bounty hunter has done well in his responsibilities. A qualified assassin is the last obstacle guarding the device I seek for my master. I have assured Thanos that Project Alice will be of no difficulty to eliminate.

  * * *

  The Clone Troopers have been ordered to address me as Captain, rather than Jango Fett. I didn’t just happen to get picked as the DNA donor to build an army of clones. Thing is, Obi Wan plans to have a small group of Jedi clones made. I need this device Thanos is building to work. Then I don’t have to worry about anyone getting in the way later on. The orders I’ve been given are to destroy defense satellites orbiting Earth. My men will use Personal Body Craft to accomplish this objective. It’s like putting the technology of a spaceship into the shell of a suit.

  I brief the cargo of clones I’m hauling in my spaceship as we ascend. In order to access the site below, where the payload is, we must breach earth’s atmosphere. We are met with resistance. A fleet of unmanned spacecraft patrols the outer space.

  * * *

  “Remember to keep your mind clear of emotions, young Anakin,” Just-Cause instructs, encouraging me to calm down. “This will bring you closer to the greater power inside. This force will help to guide you.”

  When fear or excitement comes over me, I forget to relax.

  Being in such a hurry, I left without checking in with my teacher. My instructions were to fix the control system on the racer. Strangely, I couldn’t read J.C.’s mind to know what the system does, but I was able to get the primary project done. Problem is, it left no time for other repairs. Now the right thruster’s going out, and I’m at a dangerous place to break down.

  Something feels wrong about this section of the industrial city area. I’m coming up on a crashed racer that smashed into a building. Darth Vader’s still in the capsule that broke away from the rest of the ship. I sense his optimism. My pod’s engine misfires and the vehicle slows down, allowing me a better look. The wreckage is coming together. Bent metal is straightening out. Darth’s using his powers to amend the crash. His capsule opens. He gets out and walks toward my ship, which is stuck in the middle of an empty street
. I contact my teacher to let him know I’m in trouble.

  When Just-Cause comes on the display screen, my doubts settle. I can finally read what he’s thinking, and know what to do. I’m sure glad I have his mental instructions.

  “This had better work!” I mutter. Flipping the switch to the system I spent all my time working on, it initiates. The thruster’s digital readings rise by percentage on the display panel.

  “Come on. Come on!” I whisper as Vader activates his red Lightsaber.

  The completion light turns green and I flip the switch. The thrusters lag for a moment while Darth holds his other hand out, as though reaching to strangle me. I imagine a chain harnessed to the back of the racer, and picture a link snapping. I escape…Woo Hoo!

  I race out of the city and cross the barren wasteland to get to the great forest. Problem is, there are bleak canyon walls and deep water gullies I need to travel through. Nervousness threatens my focus, but I block the emotion as I sense Vader approaching. Embracing the greater force allows me to see with better clarity. I increase thruster power and speed into Fletcher Canyon.

  It’s the most beautiful display of boulders you will ever witness. The mountains are covered with perfectly round rocks. Their polished surface glows from the full moon above, leaving trails of white light as I fly past them.

  Red sensor lights in the cockpit flash from the approaching vehicle. At maximum speed the slightest nudge to the navigation stick of my shuttle will force my racer into the boulders.

  * * *

  My enemies know me as Spawn, because I am a spawn of Hell. When I died as a human and was cursed, Satan offered me a chance to be reborn. In exchange I was to carry out tasks for him back on earth. I accepted the offer and was granted powers. I had a change of heart when I returned. Malebolgia, a demon general that serves Satan, sent his minions to retrieve me. There has been only one that’s succeeded in bringing me back: Redeemer III. Now I have to go up against the most dangerous enemies I’ve ever faced, just to reach the gates of hell.

  This city is a living nightmare. The town’s plagued by an open fault line, located not far from the school. There in that pit is a hidden gateway called the Revel Portal. It leads to a world of evil called the Never Verse. Out of the thousands that have traveled beyond the Revel Portal, only one creature has ever come back.