Read Episode One: Lights, Camera, Impact! Page 10


  Spacetastic Interview with Zingfree Drifle

  T.L. Charles: Hello and welcome, readers, to the Spacetastic Interviews series. In this series, I, T.L. Charles, the author, interview a character from The Spacetastic Adventures of Mr. Space and Captain Galaxy series, usually a character who appeared in the last episode. These interviews tend to be short, but entertaining and informative. Anyway, with that out of the way, let’s start with our first interviewee, Zingfree Drifle.

  Zingfree Drifle: Yes, yes, hello, one and all! I am indeed the famed Zingfree Drifle, director of such poignant holofilms as A Day on the Annulus and my biopic, Zingfree, Come Home, among many other critically-acclaimed holofilms. My newest film, A Thing to Touch, is coming out later this year.

  T.L. Charles: Yes, you’ve certainly made a lot of holofilms. The two you mentioned were also the winners of the Galactic Awards, right?

  Zingfree Drifle: Indeed. A Day on the Annulus won the 2425 Galactic Awards, while Zingfree, Come Home won the 2470 Galactic Awards. And I imagine that my next film, A Thing to Touch, will win this year’s Galactic Award without question, because this year’s slate of nominees are awful. Simply awful. That stupid documentary about Doctor Discovery--what was it called? I cannot even remember what it was called, it is that bad--is nominated for Best Documentary! Really, the holofilm industry has gone downhill since the Classic Era, if you ask me, although I admit to having a soft spot for some of the Gold Era holofilms, such as Zarsk’s What Comes Up Must Come Down.

  T.L. Charles: Well, we’re not here to tak about the holofilm industry today, Mr. Drifle. Today, we’re going to talk about this episode.

  Zingfree Drifle: Yes, yes, I know. This episode reminds me of my upcoming film, A Thing to Touch, which is due for release in theaters all over the Universal Alliance in November, if you didn’t know.

  T.L. Charles: How does it remind you of your new movie?

  Zingfree Drifle: Uh, well, you see ... er ... there is a female character in the holofilm and Captain Galaxy, if I am not mistaken, is female, yes?

  T.L. Charles: If she wasn’t, that would be really awkward.

  Zingfree Drifle: Well, I have never been good at determining human genders anyway. But as I said, there is a female character in the holofilm.

  T.L. Charles: Is she anything like Captain Galaxy?

  Zingfree Drifle: Oh, no. Of course not. She’s far more timid and less assertive, for one.

  T.L. Charles: So the only similarity between the two is their gender?

  Zingfree Drifle: (looks around like he is trying to avoid answering the question) Well, yes, I guess you could say that.

  T.L. Charles: Mr. Drifle, are you just trying to plug your new holofilm in this interview?

  Zingfree Drifle: Of course not! I am offended. I am an artiste first and foremost. I would never engage in ‘plugging’ my own holofilms where they are not needed or relevant. That makes me just like the protagonist of A Thing to Touch, an individual who rages against the rampant commercialism that infects our society like a bloated pore slug.

  T.L. Charles: Uh huh. Well, what did you think about Jeff betraying you? Did you see that coming or did it come out of nowhere?

  Zingfree Drifle: Jeff’s betrayal took me by surprise, I will admit. I always trusted him because of his ‘Southern’ accent, as you humans call it, which is very similar to the accent that the protagonist of A Thing to Touch has, in fact. Would you like for me to play a clip from the holofilm for your readers?

  T.L. Charles: Uh, no, Mr. Drifle, that’s fine. My readers aren’t too interested in your holofilms.

  Zingfree Drifle: Are you certain? I mean, I know these stories you write tend to be little better than wood pulp, but I thought at least some of your readers might have more refined tastes.

  T.L. Charles: Uh, well, would you look at that! Looks like we don’t have much time left, so we’re going to end the interview here. Any last thoughts before we close out, Mr. Drifle?

  Zingfree Drifle: None, except that I appreciate this chance to talk a little bit about my experiences in this interview. It reminds me of the scene in A Thing to Touch when the protagonist walks in on his mother and best friend sleeping in the same—

  T.L. Charles: (hurriedly) That’s all for now, folks! Please read on further to learn more about Episode Two: Rocky, now available in ebook form wherever books are sold! See you at the next Spacetastic Interview!


  Episode Two: Rocky, now available wherever books are sold!

  On a visit to an uninhabited world, Mr. Jason Space picks up a pretty red rock that he thinks might make him and Galaxy good money. Little does he know, however, that there is more to this pretty rock than meets the eye, and when it reveals its true nature to him, Space must find a way to stop it before it uses their ship for its own nefarious purposes.

  Buy Episode Two: Rocky here (!

  Or save $7 and buy the complete first season, containing all five episodes, for $4.99 here!


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  About the Author

  T.L. Charles writes comedic action-adventure science-fiction stories such as The Spacetastic Adventures of Mr. Space and Captain Galaxy as an indie author. T.L. Charles is the pen name of Timothy L. Cerepaka, who you can read more about here (

  Visit T.L. Charles's website here ( to find out more information and see all of his books.



  I would like to thank my uncle, James Wilhite, for helping me get this manuscript into publishable shape. I'd also like to thank the rest of my family for supporting me while I wrote this serial. You guys rock.


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