Read Erich's Plea: Book One of the Witchcraft Wars Page 38

to King Erich, ready to serve in Saxenburg for the rest of my life but King Erich had other plans. It was on his instructions that I returned to the schools in Malerok, where I studied with the necromancers of Bhaal. In fact, in order to maintain my disguise, I still attend the regular meetings held by the necromancers of Bhaal, which is where I first met Nikolai. It was as a supposed devotee of the blood god that I was eventually handpicked by The Dark One to come and work for him. I may not like what I have to do but I do recognize the necessity. That’s why I have been with The Dark One for so long and why I will stay as long as I can.”

  “You knew about this Slade?” Wulfstan turned to the young druid, unwilling to completely trust the mage.

  “In general yes, but not the specifics. Either way it’s another confirmation of Nikolai’s story.”

  Wulfstan snorted, shaking his head but he gave no further opposition. Watching his former friend Slade reluctantly acknowledged that Nikolai was correct in his assessment of Wulfstan; the big soldier did fear magic and all those who used it, including Slade. With a sigh Slade put the problem of Wulfstan’s prejudice to the back of his mind; it was not something that could be easily resolved and certainly would not be resolved tonight.

  “So we now have the truth from Nikolai. We have heard Malachi’s tale. Am I correct Tares that you and Lara were sent here by Lord Michael to find Sir Patrick?” Slade asked.

  “That is correct, although, I had little hope that we would find him alive. However I do believe Slade that it is the wish of Belenus that I, at least, continue to work with you in your attempts to find High King Erich. I believed that before I learned of Nikolai’s revelations and am even more convinced of it now. Obviously I still have a debt to Sir Patrick that must be discharged but it appears to me that, for the moment, we are actually all working towards the same goals,” the minotaur priest had recovered his usual composure and spoke with a grave sincerity that was impressive. As he listened to Tares speak Slade found that he was unconsciously nodding in agreement. He had also felt strongly that the gods themselves desired for this group to stay together, to work together but for what reason, Slade did not know.

  “I agree.” Slade said eventually before turning to Darzan, “Tares and Lara hired you to help them?”

  ”That’s true, but I’m in no hurry to head back to Diablis city. I’m pretty sure the guards would have recognized me, which means that my name and my reputation, not to mention my life is pretty much in the balance. I might be able to convince The Dark One that I was just working a hire, it’s what I do, but for now I’d just as soon stick with you guys and do what I can to help. I can’t say that I bring a lot in the way of information to the group but I’m an excellent sailor, I can wield a blade and I think I’ve survived a pretty long time in the pirating trade, which proves I’ve got a few skills that might be useful.”

  “We can certainly use your help Darzan,” Slade answered before turning to Lara, “So what about you Lara? We could certainly use your help but from what I’ve heard here tonight I think it’s likely to be fairly dangerous. If you would prefer to leave us I’ll understand.”

  “No, I’m not leaving,” Lara said, annoyed that the former prince was treating her as though she needed protection. Sometimes people forgot that she was a highly skilled assassin, even if she had sworn to no longer practice her profession.

  “Thank you Lara,” Slade smiled warmly at the little halfling, “What about you Roulibard? Do you want to leave or would you like to stay and help us?”

  “I’m in,” Roulibard answered, relieved that Slade was not going to press him for any information, “I’m not sure how much help I’ll be but I’ll give it my best.”

  “Thank you. Now, the only question that remains, Malachi, is why you’ve made preparations for us to sail somewhere other than Saxenburg, which is the place we all really need to go?”

  Ulrich’s Treachery

  Malachi did not answer immediately, reaching instead for his cup and drinking deeply.

  “Before I answer that Slade, allow me to ask you a question. How closely have you stayed in contact with your family since leaving court?”

  “Not terribly close,” Slade answered, surprised by the question, “I’ve seen my father quite a few times, either in Saxenburg or on his travels to the Grove, my sister a little less frequently, Ulrich probably twice in all the years since I left, my mother not at all.”

  “I see. On the occasions you saw your father, or when you returned home to Saxenburg, did you ever discuss the political situation?”

  “There is no political situation in Saxenburg. My father is High King and the throne has been in our family for generations. The people of Saxenburg love my father. I’m not sure I understand what it is that you are asking me,” Slade said, his voice rising unconsciously.

  “Saxenburg has changed a lot since you left, Slade,” Wulfstan interrupted.

  “What do you mean?” Slade knew he sounded defensive but he could not help himself, he was feeling defensive. Slade knew his decision to leave had hurt his father deeply. Occasionally he had even wondered if he had made the right decision. Now it seemed to Slade that he was being told that, in fact, he had not made the right choice in leaving.

  “Just that,” Wulfstan said quietly, with none of his usual arrogance, “The people still love King Erich, and they love the Princess Ursula. But Queen Urda has been failing in health for some time and your brother is unbearably arrogant. He often proposes all manner of changes even though none of them would be in Saxenburg’s best interests. There is a growing feeling among the people that if Ulrich becomes High King it will be the worst possible thing that could happen to Saxenburg. Yet with you gone and Princess Ursula unable to inherit the throne in her own right, Ulrich is the only one who can succeed King Erich. Saxenburg is not as secure as it used to be, Slade, that’s all I’m saying. King Erich knew that, but he didn’t want to pressure you into returning. I don’t know for sure obviously but I think one of the reasons King Erich has travelled so much these past two years has simply been to give Ulrich some time and experience at ruling, under your mother’s guidance, in the hopes that he will grow into being a better king.”

  “If that is the case,” Malachi said, “then it has not worked. I happen to know that The Dark One is attending a grand coronation of Ulrich, the new High King of Saxenburg in less than a ten day.”

  “But my father is not dead!” Slade cried out, shocked and hurt by Wulfstan’s revelations and Malachi’s pronouncement.

  “Perhaps. Perhaps not. At this point in time I do not believe that it matters. Your brother has assumed the throne and whether it was done legally or illegally it is still done. That he has invited The Dark One, something your father would never have countenanced, and has also invited Shallendara as the guest of honor, does not bode well for your being able to even get into Saxenburg. Your brother, Slade, has allied himself with those we must now consider our enemies.”

  “If he has, and I’m only saying if,” Slade responded angrily, “then I believe he has done so out of misguided motives, he cannot be aware of the plans of this Shallendara or The Dark One.”

  “Slade, I realize this must be difficult for you but think on this;” Malachi said, “your brother will be crowned High King in seven days. Do you know what day that is?”

  “Seven days from now?” Slade was frowning as he searched his memory for why that seemed so familiar, “The Day of Victorious Ascent. Seven days from the Sun Ascension Festival comes The Day of Victorious Ascent,” Slade finished in a whisper as he remember that The Day of Victorious Ascent was yet another Festival day of Vadatajs, “I see.”

  In truth Slade felt slightly sick. The thought that his brother, his flesh and blood, could be willingly involved with Shallendara and her unclean brand of magic disgusted him. Yet, the evidence appeared clear and Slade remembered that Ulrich had always been ambitious. Ambitious enough, Slade admitted, that Ulrich woul
d ally himself with Shallendara if he believed it would give him greater power. Deep in his heart Slade hoped that Ulrich's only crime was one of misplaced ambition rather than knowingly entering into an unholy relationship with the elven witch. Regardless Slade was determined that one way or another he would have to return home to find out for himself.

  “I appreciate that you are trying to aid us Malachi but I must return to Saxenburg. Even if Ulrich has done these things I must see him, speak to him,” seeing Malachi about to interrupt Slade held up one hand, “I must do this. He’s my brother.”

  “Very well, I can see that nothing I say will change your mind but there is one more thing you all need to know before you leave here. Before I left the Hidden Palace tonight I received confirmation from a very reliable source that The Dark One has planted a spy within your group, and in fact, the spy has managed to communicate with The Dark One at least once since joining you.”

  “A spy? But how would he have even known…” Slade trailed off, the implications were astounding.

  Apart from Wulfstan all these people were strangers to Slade until today. How could anyone, even The Dark One have known in advance the chain of circumstance that would bring this group together?

  “There is little The