Read Erling the Bold Page 18



  Winter--with its frost and snow, its long nights and its short days, itsfeasts in the great halls, and its tales round the roaring wood fires--at length began to pass away, and genial spring advanced to gladden theland of Norway. The white drapery melted in the valleys, leavingbrilliant greens and all the varied hues of rugged rocks to fill theeyes with harmonious colour. High on the mighty fells the greatglaciers--unchanging, almost, as the "everlasting hills"--gleamed in thesunlight against the azure sky, and sent floods of water down into thebrimming rivers. The scalds ceased, to some extent, those wildlegendary songs and tales with which they had beguiled the winternights, and joined the Norsemen in their operations on the farms and onthe fiords. Men began to grow weary of smoked rafters and frequentfestivities, and to long for the free, fresh air of heaven. Some wentoff to drive the cattle to the "saeters" or mountain pastures, othersset out for the fisheries, and not a few sailed forth on viking cruisesover the then almost unknown sea. Our friends of Horlingdal bestirredthemselves, like others, in these varied avocations, and King HaraldFairhair, uprising from his winter lair in Drontheim like a giantrefreshed, assembled his men, and prepared to carry out his politicalplans with a strong hand. But resolute men cannot always drive eventsbefore them as fast as they would wish. Summer was well advanced beforethe King was ready to take action.

  There was a man of the Drontheim district named Hauskuld, who was notedfor ferocity and wickedness. He was also very strong and courageous, sothat King Harald made him one of his berserks.

  One morning the King sent for this man, and said to him--

  "Hauskuld, I have a business for thee to do, which requires the heart ofa brave fellow. There is a man near Horlingdal who has not only refusedto submit to my will, but has gathered a band of seventy men or moreabout him, and threatens to raise the country against me. It does notsuit me to go forth to punish this dog just now, for my preparations arenot yet complete. Nevertheless it is important that he should becrushed, as he dwells in the heart of a disaffected district. It istherefore my purpose to send thee with a small body of picked men to dothy worst by him."

  "That suits me well," said Hauskuld; "what is his name?"

  "Atli," answered the King.

  "He is my foster-brother!" said Hauskuld, with a peculiar and unpleasantsmile.

  The King looked a little perplexed.

  "Thou wilt not have much heart to the business if that be so," he said.

  "When you command, sire, it is my duty to obey," replied Hauskuld.

  "Nay, but I can find other stout men for this thing. There is Hake ofHadeland. Go, send him hither. I will not put this on thy shoulders."

  "Sire, you are considerate," said Hauskuld, "but this foster-brother ofmine I count an enemy, for reasons that I need not tell. Besides, he issaid to be a warlock, and for my part I firmly believe that he is inleague with Nikke, so that it would be a service to the gods to rid theworld of him. If you will permit me, I will gladly go on this errand,and as this Atli is a stout man, it would be well to take Hake and a fewof the berserkers along with me."

  "Do as thou wilt," replied the King, with a wave of his hand, as heturned away; "only, what thou doest, see thou do it well and quickly."

  The berserk shouldered his battle-axe and left the hall. As he walkedaway the King stood in the doorway looking after him with a mingledexpression of admiration and dislike.

  "A stalwart knave," he muttered to himself, while a grim smile played onhis large handsome features; "a good fighting brute, no doubt, but, withsuch a spirit, a bad servant, I fear."

  "There are many such in your army," said a deep, stern voice behind him.

  The King turned quickly round, with a look of anger, and fixed asearching glance on the huge form of Rolf Ganger, who stood leaning onthe hilt of his sword with a quiet, almost contemptuous smile on hisface.

  "It is well known that birds of a feather are fond of flying incompany," said the King, with a flushed countenance; "no doubt thouspeakest from personal knowledge and experience."

  It was now Rolf's turn to flush, but the King did him injustice, havingno ground for such a speech, further than a knowledge that there existedbetween them mutual antipathy which neither was particularly careful toconceal.

  "Have I done aught to merit such words?" demanded Rolf sternly.

  Harald was on the point of making an angry rejoinder, but, placing apowerful restraint upon himself, he said--

  "It may be that thine actions are loyal, but, Rolf, thy words areneither wise nor true. It is not wise to attempt to shake my confidencein my followers, and it is not true that many of them are untrustworthy.But, if thou wouldst prove thyself a real friend, go, get thy longshipsready with all speed, for we fare south a few days hence, and there willbe work for the weapons of stout men ere long."

  "I go to prepare myself for the fight, King Harald," returned Rolf, "butI have no occasion to give thee further proof of friendship. The worldis wide enough for us both. My ocean steeds are on the fiord.Henceforth I will fight for my own hand."

  For one moment the King felt an almost irresistible impulse to draw hissword and hew down the bold Rolf, but with characteristic self-restrainthe crushed down his wrath at the time and made no reply, good or bad, asthe other turned on his heel and left him. When he had gone somedistance the King muttered between his set teeth--

  "Another good fighting brute and bad servant! Let him go! Better anopen foe than an unwilling friend."

  That night Hauskuld and Hake set sail southward with a small body ofpicked men; and Rolf Ganger, with a large body of devoted followers,left Harald's camp and travelled eastward. In the course of severaldays Hauskuld and his men arrived at the small fiord near the head ofwhich stood the dwelling of Atli.

  This Atli was an unusually intelligent man, a man of great influence inhis district, and one who, like Erling the Bold, was determined toresist the tyranny of Harald Fairhair. A large force had been gatheredby him towards the end of winter, and at the time of Hauskuld's visit hewas living in his own house with about seventy chosen men.Unfortunately for these, the peaceful winter had induced them to relax alittle in vigilance. Knowing from the report of spies that the King wasstill feasting in the Drontheim district, they felt quite safe, and forsome time past had neglected to set the usual night watch, which, intime of war, was deemed indispensable. Thus it happened that whenHauskuld and his men came upon them in the dead of a dark night, theyfound everything quiet, and went up to the door of the houseunchallenged. On trying the latch they found it fast, but from thesounds within they knew that a great many men were sleeping there.Hauskuld and Hake had approached the house alone. They now returned totheir companions, who were concealed in the deep shades of theneighbouring woods.

  "What dost thou advise?" asked Hake of his brother berserk.

  "That we burn them all in their nest," replied Hauskuld.

  "What! foster-brother too?" said the other.

  "Aye, wherefore not? He is a warlock. So are most of the men with him.Burning is their due."

  "There is wood enough here for that purpose," said Hake, with a grimsmile.

  Hauskuld immediately directed the greater part of his force to gatherdry wood, and silently pile it all round the house, while he and Hakewith a few men stood in front of the doors and windows to guard them.The work was accomplished in a much shorter time than might have beenexpected, for those who performed it were strong and active, and wellaccustomed to such deeds. In less than an hour the whole of Atli'shouse was surrounded by a thick pile of dry inflammable brushwood. Whenit was all laid the men completely surrounded the house, and stood witharrows fitted to the strings, and swords loosened in the sheaths. ThenHauskuld and several others applied lights to the brushwood at variouspoints. For a few seconds there was an ominous cracklin
g, accompaniedby little flashes of flame, then a dense smoke rose up all round.Presently the rushing fire burst through the black pall with a mightyroar, and lit up the steading with the strength of the sun at noonday,while flame and smoke curled in curious conflict together over thedevoted dwelling, and myriads of sparks were vomited up into the darksky. At the same instant doors and windows were burst open with acrash, and a terrible cry arose as men, half clad and partly armed,leaped out and rushed through the circle of fire, with the flamekindling on their hair and garments.

  Not less relentless than the fire was the circling foe outside.Whizzing arrows pierced the scorched breasts of some, and many felldead. Others rushed madly on sword or spear point, and were thrustviolently back into the fire, or fell fighting desperately for theirlives. Some of the attacking party were killed, and a few wounded, butnot one of the assailed succeeded in bursting through the line. Atliand all his followers perished there!

  It is dreadful to think that such diabolical deeds were ever done; butstill more dreadful is it to know that the spirit which dictated suchatrocities still haunts the breast of fallen men, for the annals ofmodern warfare tell us all too plainly that unregenerate man is ascapable of such deeds now as were the Norsemen in days of old.

  Having fulfilled his mission, Hauskuld left the place as quickly aspossible, and hastened back to Drontheim; not, however, without learningon the way that preparations were being secretly made all over thatdistrict to resist the King, and that, in particular, Solve Klofe was inthe fiord at Horlingdal, with several ships of war, doing his best tofan the flame of discontent, which was already burning there brisklyenough of its own accord!

  On returning again to King Harald's quarters, Hauskuld found thatenergetic monarch engaged in celebrating one of the heathen feasts, anddeemed it prudent for some hours to avoid his master, knowing that whenheated with deep potations he was not in the best condition to receiveor act upon exasperating news. He therefore went into the great hall,where the King and his guests were assembled, and quietly took his placeat the lower end of one of the long tables near the door.

  As is usual with men of inferior and debased minds, the berserkmisunderstood and misjudged his master. He had counted on escapingnotice, but the King's eye fell on him the instant he entered the hall,and he was at once summoned before him, and bidden tell his tale. Whilehe related the details of the dreadful massacre Hauskuld felt quite atease, little dreaming that the King's fingers twitched with a desire tocut him down where he stood; but when he came to speak of the widespreaddisaffection of the people in the south, he stammered a little, andglanced uneasily at the flushed countenance of the King, fearing thatthe news would exasperate him beyond endurance. Great, therefore, washis surprise when Harald affected to treat the matter lightly, made somejesting allusion to the potent efficacy of the sword in bringingobstinate people to reason, and ordered one of the waiting-girls tofetch the berserk a foaming tankard of ale.

  "There, drink, Hauskuld, my bold berserk! drink down to a deeper peg,man. After such warm work as thou hast had, that will serve to cool thyfiery spirit. Drink to the gods, and pray that thou mayest never cometo die, like an old woman, in thy bed--drink, I say, drink deep!"

  The King laughed jovially, almost fiercely, in his wild humour, as hemade this allusion to the well-known objection that the Norse warriorsof old had to dying peacefully in bed; but for the life of him he couldnot resist the temptation, as he turned on his seat, to touch with hiselbow the huge silver tankard which the berserk raised to his lips! Theinstantaneous result was that a cataract of beer flowed down Hauskuld'sface and beard, while the rafters rang with a shout of laughter from theSea-kings and court-men who sat in the immediate neighbourhood of theKing's high seat. Of course Harald blamed himself for his clumsiness,but he too laughed so heartily that the masses of his fair hair shookall over his shoulders, while he ordered another tankard to be filledfor his "brave berserk". That brave individual, however, protested thathe had had quite enough, and immediately retired with a very bad graceto drink his beer in comfort out of a horn cup among kindred spirits.

  Immediately after he was gone the King sent for Hake, for whom he alsoordered a silver tankard of ale; but to him the King spoke earnestly,and in a low whispering voice, while his courtiers, perceiving that hewished his converse with the berserk to be private, quaffed their liquorand talked noisily.

  The young woman who filled Hake's tankard at the King's bidding was noother than Gunhild, the unfortunate widow of Swart of the Springs. Forsome time after the death of her husband she had dwelt at Haldorstede,and had experienced much kindness at the hands of the family; but havingtaken a longing to visit her relatives, who belonged to the Drontheimdistrict, she was sent thither, and had become a member of Harald'shousehold, through the influence of King Hakon of Drontheim, the fatherof Ada of Horlingdal.

  Hakon had from necessity, and much against his inclination, become oneof Harald Fairhair's jarls. During the feast of which we write, he saton the King's left hand.

  After filling Hake's tankard Gunhild retired, but remained withinearshot.

  "Hake," said the King, leaning over the arm of his high seat, "it is nowtime that we were moving south; and the news thou hast brought decidesme to complete my arrangements without delay. It seems that Ulf ofRomsdal and that fellow Erling the Bold, with his fierce father, aremaking great preparations for war?"

  "Truly they are," said Hake. "I saw as much with my own eyes."

  "But may this not be for the purpose of going on viking cruise?"

  "Had that been so, mine ears would have guided me, and we had brought adifferent report, but when men talk loudly and ill of the King, and knittheir brows, and wish for a south wind, it needs not the wisdom of awarlock to fathom their meaning. Moreover," he continued earnestly, "Ihave heard that news has come from the southland that the people ofHordaland and Rogaland, Agder and Thelemark, are gathering, and bringingtogether ships, men, and arms--what can all this mean if it be notresistance to the King?"

  "Right," said Harald thoughtfully. "Now, Hake, I will tell thee what todo, and see thou waste not time about it. Most of my ships are readyfor sea. A few days more will suffice to complete them for a cruise,and then will I sail forth to teach these proud men humility. Meanwhiledo thou get ready the ships under thy charge, and send Hauskuld in aswift boat with a few chosen men south to Horlingdal fiord. There lethim watch the proceedings of the people--particularly of that fellowErling and his kin--and when he has seen enough let him sail north togive me warning of their movements. They shall be saved the trouble ofcoming here to meet me, for I will fare south and slay them all, rootand branch. Let thy tongue be quiet and thy motions swift, and cautionHauskuld also to be discreet. Another draught of ale, Hake, and then--to thy duty."

  These last words the King spoke aloud, and while the berserk wasdrinking he turned to converse with Hakon of Drontheim, but finding thatthat chief had left the board, he turned to one of the courtiers, andbegan to converse on the news recently brought from the south.

  Gunhild meanwhile slipped out of the hall, and found King Hakon hastingto his house.

  "Ye heard what the King threatened?" she said, plucking him by thesleeve.

  "I did, and will--but why dost thou speak to me on this subject?" askedHakon warily.

  "Because I know your daughter Ada is among the doomed and ye would notsee her perish. My heart is in the house of Haldor the Fierce. Greatkindness have I received there, therefore would I go and warn them ofwhat is coming. I have friends here, and can get a swift cutter to bearme south. Shall I tell them to expect aid from you?"

  Hakon was glad to hear this, and told her to inform Haldor that he wouldsoon be in the fiord with his longship, that he would aid the people ofHorlingdal in resisting Harald, and that it was probable Rolf Gangerwould also join them.

  Bearing these tidings Gunhild left Drontheim secretly, and in a swiftboat with a stout crew set off for the south a considerable time before
Hauskuld sailed, although that worthy did his best to carry out hismaster's commands without delay. King Hakon also pushed forward hispreparations, and that so briskly that he too was enabled to startbefore the berserk.

  Meanwhile King Harald gave himself up entirely to festivity--laughed andtalked with his courtiers, and seemed so light of heart that the greaterpart of his followers thought him to be a careless, hearty man, on whomthe weighty matters of the kingdom sat very lightly. But Jarl Rongvoldknew that this free-and-easy spirit was affected, and that the King'smind was much troubled by the state of things in several parts of thekingdom. He also knew, however, that Harald had an iron will, whichnothing could bend from its purpose, and he felt convinced that thecourse which his sovereign pursued would end either in his totaloverthrow, or in the absolute subjection of Norway.

  It happened that at this time one of the festivals of sacrifice wasbeing celebrated by the people of the Drontheim country. It was an oldcustom that, when there was sacrifice, all the bonders should come tothe spot where the heathen temple stood, and bring with them all thatthey required while the festival of the sacrifice lasted. The men wereexpected to bring ale with them, and all kinds of cattle as well ashorses, which were to be slaughtered, boiled, and eaten.

  In order to conciliate the people, the King on this occasion issued aproclamation that he meant to pay all the expenses of the festival.This had the double effect of attracting to the locality a vastconcourse of people, and of putting them all in great good humour, sothat they were quite ready to listen to, and fall in with, the plans ofthe King, whatever these might be. Of course there were many freebornnoble-spirited udallers who could not thus be tickled into the sellingof their birthright; but Harald's tremendous energy and power, coupledwith his rigorous treatment of all who resisted him, had the effect ofreducing many of these to sullen silence, while some made a virtue ofnecessity, and accepted the fate which they thought it impossible toevade.

  On the evening of the day of which we write, the fire was kindled in themiddle of the floor of the temple, and over it hung the kettles. Fullgoblets were handed across the fire, and the King blessed the fullgoblets and all the meat of the sacrifice. Then, first, Odin's gobletwas emptied for victory and power to the King; thereafter Niord's andFreya's goblets for peace and a good season. After that there was muchfeasting; and when the ale began to mount to the brains of therevellers, many of them stood up, and raising aloft the "braga goblet"--that over which vows were wont to be made--began, in more or lessbombastic strains, to boast of what they meant to do in the future.Having exhausted all other sentiments, the guests then emptied the"remembrance goblet" to the memory of departed friends.

  Soon the desire for song and story began to be felt, and there was aloud call for the scald. Whereupon, clearing his throat and glancinground on the audience with a deprecatory air--just as amateur scalds ofthe present day are wont to do--Thiodolph hinn Frode of Huina stood upto sing. His voice was mellow, and his music wild. The subject chosenshowed that he understood how to humour both King and people, and if thesong was short it was much to the point.

  Song of the Scald.

  Of cup and platter need has none, The guest who seeks the generous one-- Harald the bounteous--who can trace His lineage from the giant race; For Harald's hand is liberal, free. The guardian of the temple he. He loves the gods, his open hand Scatters his sword's gains o'er the land.

  The scald sat down with the prompt energy of a man who believes he hassaid a good thing, and expects that it will be well received. He wasnot disappointed, for the rafters rang with the wild huzzas of therevellers as they leaped to their feet and shouted "Victory to theKing!"

  This was just what the King wanted, and he carefully fanned the flamewhich the scald had so judiciously kindled. The result was that when heafterwards called for men to go forth with him to do battle with theturbulent spirits of Horlingdal, hundreds of those who would otherwisehave been malcontent, or lukewarm followers, busked themselves eagerlyfor the fight, and flocked to his standard. His longships were crowdedwith picked men, and war vessels of all sizes--from little boats todragons with thirty banks of rowers--augmented his fleet. At length hesailed from Drontheim with perhaps the strongest armament that had everswept over the northern sea.