Read Escape from Endeavor Page 6


  Faust kept this meeting a secret from everyone except his children. They started studying everything they could find about life on other planets and how much society had changed in the past eighteen or so years. He was quite surprised when Daemon showed so much interest and actually spent more hours studying than his sister. They found a lot of the technical stuff was beyond them and without someone to help explain it there was no way they were ever going to figure it out. One of the most important things Faust did learn was what had value and he was able to get an idea how much money they were going to need to make a fresh start.

  Faust and Daemon started going to the ruins of Discovery City more regularly to collect more valuables. Faust figured they’d need a lot more if they were going to bribe the smugglers and have enough for their new start. He had simply told Daemon he wanted the items without explaining why, and Daemon hadn’t questioned him. They’d been able to collect a good amount of jewelry and computer disks. He had found General Lancaster’s home and his personal portable computer, though it was password-protected so he couldn’t use it. He hoped it would have files worth something since Lancaster had been the commanding officer in charge of the planet. They had also found more weapons, which he had traded in town for supplies. Faust had become popular in town and people had started asking him to get them special items from the ruins if he could find them.

  Faust scolded himself for wasting time day-dreaming when he should be moving. He looked in the direction of town, deciding the best path. He was a day’s hike away and the smugglers would be showing up sometime tomorrow morning. It only took him a few minutes to break camp and start home. He needed to pick up the gauss rifle and ammunition. He didn’t like to travel at night, there were too many predators that roamed the woods, but he needed to travel at least a few more hours. Faust stopped once it became too dark for him to hike safely and quickly made a camp fire.

  He was up before first light and moving at a steady pace. Company was coming and he intended to be there the meet them.


  Captain Stevenson called the meeting to order and everyone turned to hear what he had to say. They were sitting and standing in the galley. Alex had spent hours cleaning up Robert’s remains and sanitizing the room. Mac had helped repair the table and some of the chairs. Stacey was out of the regeneration chamber and sitting next to Nelson on the counter. She was still sore but she’d be as good as new in a day or two. Nelson had assured her that she wouldn’t have any scars.

  “I have decided to give Robert's family his share of the take on this run, so the split hasn't changed. Now, Mac tells me he can fix the hull and internal bulkheads. The shot missed all the vital conduits and pipes, so we got lucky there. The only damage he can’t fix is the communications and sensor array the nuke knocked out. We’re going to have to salvage some replacement parts, which means going to Discovery City’s space port. Sara, Jim, and I will go find the parts. Nelson’s in charge of collecting the plants, and Alex, you got guard duty on him. Mac and Stacey will start work on the repairs.”

  “Cap, I think I should be the one going with you while Jimmy plays baby-sitter for Nelson. You’re going to places these Rift monsters are known to have attacked people. Nelson can skirt around any dangerous areas. Who do you want covering your backside when something nasty shows up?”

  “Screw you! I can handle myself.”

  “Jim, he’s right. Alex has more experience and we are going to the more dangerous spots, so you go with Nelson.” Stevenson knew he was insulting Jim and he would make it up to him later but for now he needed Jim to do as he was told.

  Jim nodded to the captain, acknowledging his new assignment, and then flipped Alex the one finger salute.

  “I spotted a small town about a fifty miles east of here. We’re going to swing by and see what they have for sale. We head out at first light; with luck, we’ll be back before dark. If we run into any trouble I will contact you. Mac’s in charge while I’m away. Any questions?” The captain looked around the room. “All right, then, Alex, you and Jim split the watch. I want one of you awake and in the dorsal turret all night. Its sensor are still operational so you should have a warning if something comes knocking. Everyone else get some sleep; tomorrow we start working on getting off this rock.”

  Sara turned to Mac after the captain left the room, and asked, “What parts do we need the most?”

  ”I’ll have a complete list for you to take with you in the morning. I’ll list the important stuff first.”

  “Thanks, that will be a big help,” Sara said, relaxing just a bit. She already had a good idea what they needed, but this was too important for her to forget anything. She was nervous enough already: This was the first big job she’d had that Mac wouldn’t be there making sure she didn’t screw up.