Read Escaping Reality Page 19

  overlooks the site where the new shopping complex is supposed to be

  located. I’m dressed in a pair of black shorts and a pink tank Liam has

  forced me to buy by dragging me in a store, slapping down a card, and

  telling me to spend a ridiculous figure or he’d spend it for me. I still can’t

  believe he did it—or that I ultimately let him.

  I study him now, removing things from a sleek leather briefcase,

  dressed in a casual pair of dark blue jeans and a snug blue pullover that

  makes his eyes inhumanly blue. He begins to pull his drafting pad out of a

  slim case, and in an act I’m finding familiar, he runs his fingers over his

  goatee. My gaze falls on a watch he’s wearing that I have not seen until

  today. It has a thick silver band and a brand that probably means it costs as

  much as some people’s houses.

  He glances up to catch me watching him, leaning in to give me a

  quick, hot brush of his lips against mine. He then offers me my computer

  from inside his bag. “Thank you,” I say, accepting it, wishing I didn’t have to

  think about the reason I have it.

  “What exactly are you working on?”

  “Property listings. Boring stuff.”

  “And what did you do in New York?”

  “Research and admin work. Boring.”

  “What kind of research?”

  I hate this. I hate it so much. I just want to tell him everything. “It

  really depended on what my boss had going on. Nothing as exciting as

  pyramids. I wish.”

  “You like history.”

  “History that is a mystery.”

  “Like the pyramids.”

  This is a connection to my past. I should change the subject. I don’t.

  “Yes. Like the pyramids.”

  “Why a history teacher and not an archeologist?”

  “I did what felt right at the time.”

  “After you lost your family.”

  “Yes. I went on to college, but…I just went through the motions. By

  the time I woke up it felt like I just needed my degree and a higher income.”

  I shake off what could turn into a flashback and more information than I

  should tell him. “Tell me about your plans for the building. What are you

  drafting today?”

  “I’m going to do the underground tunnels from the pyramid to the

  various other buildings.”

  “Like the real ones.”

  “Exactly. And glass blocks will create the actual pyramid.” He flips his

  design around for me to see. “I was thinking about a-hole’s argument that

  pyramids have been done, and he’s right.

  They have. But I have this idea to design two pyramids on top of the

  main structure. It’s never been done.”

  “I can’t picture it.”

  He quickly sketches a small drawing, simple, but enough for me to

  understand. “Like you’re stacking the pyramids. Can that actually work? It

  seems unstable.”

  “They won’t be stacked. They’ll be structures within structures.”

  “I’m intrigued. I can’t wait to see it. I hope you build it.”

  “If that doesn’t win over a-hole, then I’ll take it somewhere else and

  build it. Then you can see it. Maybe we can go see the real pyramids


  Like I am going to be around no matter where he is, and when he

  builds it, and to travel with him. Maybe I should be worried that he is so

  invested in me in such a short window of time, but I am not. I feel the

  connection between us and I do not believe it is something anyone could

  fake. And maybe I should worry that he is so interested in something

  connected to my past, but again, I’m just not. Right or wrong, I trust Liam

  and I am hungry for every moment I have with him. I want to find a way to

  make it last.

  I smile. “So you can seduce me in a pyramid?”

  He laughs. “That sounds worth the trip, don’t you think?”

  My cell phone rings and I stiffen, my playful mood evaporating


  Liam picks my phone up from the table between us where I’ve set it

  and slides it into my hand. “I’m right here, you know,” he says, reminding

  me that he remembers all too well how I’d freaked out over a phone call

  the night before.

  And it‘s comforting. He’s right here. I am not alone. I glance at the

  number and feel my shoulders visibly relax. “Meg,” I say. “You met her at

  the restaurant.” Liam visibly relaxes as well, settling back in his chair and I

  answer the call. “Hi, Meg.”

  “Hi, Amy. Did you get the executed lease Luke dropped by?”

  My unease is instant. “Yes. I got it. Tell him thank you.”

  “And you’re doing fine? He said Mr. Williams wanted to be sure.”

  “Yes. I am, but I have some questions. Would you have a number for

  Mr. Williams?”

  There is a moment of silence. “No. No number.” She lowers her

  voice. “Luke is weird with Dermit Williams. Apparently the guy is loaded

  and Luke doesn’t trust me enough with his info.”

  “Can you ask Luke to call me?”

  “Sure. He’s out of town again, though. I swear I am going to go nuts

  in this office alone.

  How about happy hour?”

  I glance at Liam, and find his head buried in his drafting pad, his

  brows dipped in deep thought, and I want nothing more than to hang up

  the phone and get lost in watching him create his masterpiece. “Not

  tonight.” But I know she holds a key to my new boss. “Soon. Maybe

  tomorrow. I’ll call you then, if that works?”

  “Sure. Call me.”

  “And you’ll have Luke call me?”

  “When he gets back into town.”

  “Which will be when?”

  “Next week.”

  Next week? “If he calls in can you ask him for Mr. Williams’ number?”

  “I’ll see what mood he’s in.”

  I sigh. “Okay. Thanks.”

  I hang up the call and set my phone down and Liam glances up at me.

  “Who are Luke and Mr. Williams?”

  “And here I thought you were lost in your work.”

  “I can multitask. I think you know that.”

  I blush at his reference to the many naughty things he did to me the

  night before and this morning. “Luke is the realtor and Mr. Williams is my


  “Who you can’t reach?”

  “He’s out of the country.”

  He narrows his gaze on me. “Everything okay, Amy?”

  And I know it’s a prod for me to share more with him, but I care too

  much for Liam to be any more selfish than I already have. “Yes,” I say, and if

  my life wasn’t a big circus and I didn’t have this gnawing sensation that I’m

  about to turn his life into one too, it would be.

  He takes my hand and pulls me to him. “Make a doctor’s

  appointment. I want to be as naked inside you as you make me feel. As I

  want you to trust me enough to be with me.”

  It is the most erotic, seductive thing anyone has ever said to me. “I

  do trust you.”

  And I see in his face that he believes this is a lie when it is the truth.

  It’s not about trust.

  It’s about danger.


  The real world crashes down on me when I wake up Wednesday

  morning and the “a-hole” investor returns and Liam has to go to work.

  Having showered and dressed before Liam, at his urging and insistence—he

  would not make his meeting if I was still in bed where he wanted to be with

  me—I sit at the dining table of the hotel suite, coffee in hand, wishing the

  clawing sensation in my gut would go away. Having Liam to myself these

  past few days has been an escape, and other than checking my empty email

  yesterday, I didn’t let myself think of anything but him. He didn’t give me

  time. We’d gone to the movies and I’d had another acupuncture

  appointment and we’d even worked out together.

  “I guess it’s time to get this over with,” Liam says, walking into the

  room, and he is dark good looks personified, absolutely stunning in a light

  gray suit, his shirt starched and white, perfect, like he is to me. My eyes

  gravitate to the matching gray silk tie and I feel my body heat.

  He closes the distance between us and pulls me to my feet. “You

  want me to tie you up again.”

  It’s not a question. Embarrassed, I look down. His finger slides under

  my chin, lifting my gaze to his. “Don’t be shy. It’s just you and me, baby.

  Nothing we do goes beyond us. Nothing you tell me goes beyond me.”

  I wish that were true, but the more I know him, the more I know he

  will go after whoever is after me. And they will go after him. “Yesterday you

  were…different when we, ah…”

  “Yesterday you didn’t need me to force you to let go. You were

  already relaxed. Today, you’re on edge. Why?”

  I shut my eyes a moment. “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t want to be alone.”

  “I’m good at being alone, Liam.”

  “I don’t want you to be good at being alone. You aren’t alone


  “It’s too early for you to make promises like that.”

  “No. It’s not. This thing between us isn’t going away, but I’ve had

  more time in life to figure that out and you’re afraid to count on me and us.

  We’ll get by those things.”

  “You’re so confident.”

  “About what I feel for you, yes.”

  “About everything.”

  “Not everything,” he assures me. “You have this deer-in-headlights

  look sometimes that I’m sure means you’re going to run. Run to me, Amy,

  not from me.”

  I wish I could promise him I would. Instead, I glower. “You are going

  to be late.”

  He doesn’t budge, and the look on his face tells me he notices how

  I’ve avoided a promise I might not be able to keep. “Come with me to my

  meetings. There’s a restaurant and shopping strip nearby you can hang out

  at, or I’ll get you an office to work in.”

  My heart squeezes at his protectiveness. “I have a doctor’s

  appointment you insisted on, and yes, I have work I’ve neglected that I’ll

  end up not doing. Stop worrying about me. Your new design has you talking

  about this project all the time. You’re passionate about it now. Go make it

  happen. Then you can stay here with me for a while.”

  “I keep telling you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Yes, you are. To your meeting so I can make my doctor’s


  “I’ll drive you.”

  “It’s two blocks. I’ll walk. Go to your meetings, Liam.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He runs his hand down the lavender

  silk blouse that matches my new lavender shorts, and I feel his touch in

  every part of me. I do not want him to go.

  “Just seal the deal.” I kiss him.

  His hand goes to the back of my head and he slants his mouth over

  mine, deepening the kiss and leaving me breathless. “I plan to, baby,” he

  assures me and sets me free, grabbing his briefcase and heading to the

  door. And I know he’s not talking about the building. He’s talking about me

  and him, and that sets me in action. I need a plan. A way out of this mess

  once and for all. No more waiting on someone else to make it go away.

  That hasn’t worked.

  Today I have a mission. Answers.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I’ve barely stepped out of the doctor’s office when Liam sends me a

  text. How did the doctor go?

  As well as any appointment that requires you stick your legs in


  And? he replies.

  And yes, I got a sample package of pills. It is 7 days before I’m


  I can have a lot of fantasies in 7 days. What are you doing now?

  Headed to walk by those properties and then do some research at the


  What research?

  Don’t you have a meeting?

  Yes dear, he jokes. I have a meeting. I’m actually being called back in

  now. I’ll be tied up for a few hours but call me if you need me. I’ll answer.

  He’ll answer, I type.

  I stick my phone back in my purse and head for the bank. My stop is

  disappointing. There has been no further deposit and I worry now, though

  it hadn’t crossed my mind while Liam and I were together, that I might have

  missed a message at the apartment. I find the door free of any plain white

  envelopes and consider knocking on Jared’s door, but decide the mailbox is

  a better option. A private note would not be left in a public place. Not one

  that I wouldn’t find before anyone else. I don’t think I was given a key to

  the mailbox. I’ll have to stop by to get one from Meg.

  I’m about to turn back to the elevator when my door opens and a

  big, burly man exits. I scream and I am pretty sure my heart ceases to beat

  for a good sixty seconds. The door behind me opens and I whirl around and

  run straight at Jared, who grabs my arms.

  “Whoa. Sweetheart. Easy. What’s wrong?”

  I blink up at Jared and my hands are all over his t-shirt that covers his

  rock-hard chest when they should not be, but he is the closest thing to safe

  I have right now. I turn in his arms and glare at the man in the front of my

  door, who has on some sort of overalls and sports a beer belly and some

  tools, and isn’t quite as scary as he was a moment ago. “Why are you in my


  “Ms. Bensen?” he asks.

  “Yes. Who are you?”

  He chuckles. “You know people don’t normally get excited to see me,

  but I don’t usually send them running into another man’s arms either. But

  hey, maybe that explains why I’m not dating. I’m scarier than I thought.” He

  holds up a key. “I changed the locks like you ordered.”

  I let out a breath, and silently vow to make Liam pay for not warning

  me. “Yes. Sorry. I didn’t know you were coming today.” And how did Liam

  do this without a key but I quickly forget the question when I become

  aware of Jared’s hand on my hip, his leg aligned with the back of mine. I

  step forward, out of his reach, and accept the key from the locksmith, who

  goes on to share some sort of mumbo-jumbo I do not hear.

  Finally, he hands me the keys. “A maintenance guy came by and said

  they had to have a copy of the key as the management company. I didn’t

  give it to him. Didn’t know him from Ad
am. He wasn’t pleased.” He hands

  me papers and I sign.

  “Thank you,” I say and I mean it. “I’ll get keys to them.” Hopefully

  never, I mentally add. I don’t care if I ever go back inside that apartment,

  but if Liam leaves, I’ll have to.

  Finally, the locksmith is gone and I turn to Jared, who looks way too

  amused. “Stop laughing at me,” I order. “A single woman does not take a

  strange man coming out of her apartment lightly. That is foolish.”

  “I’m not complaining. It gave me a chance to get to know you better.

  Of course, you almost ran me over in the process. Didn’t you know he was


  “No. Yes. I did, but it slipped my mind. I’ve been busy.”

  “With the big, arrogant guy from the other day. Is he gone now?”

  I grimace. “He’s not arrogant. And no, he’s not gone.”

  “But he’s not here now.”

  “No. He’s not here now.”

  He motions to his briefcase. “I’m headed to a place around the

  corner to drink a beer and get some work done. Want to join me?”

  “Oh, ah, no. Thanks. I have some work of my own to do. I just came

  by to grab a file.”

  He stares at me, his brown eyes probing a bit too deeply, and I think

  maybe Liam is right.

  Maybe Jared is interested. I am so not equipped to handle two men

  of their caliber in the same day. “You want me to walk you down?”


  “To the street.”

  “Yes. Sorry. The key guy rattled me. No. Go on without me. Thanks

  for, well, keeping me from doing who knows what.”

  His eyes dance with mischief, and a definite glint of warm brown

  heat. “At your service anytime.”

  He turns and saunters toward the elevator, all loose-legged

  confidence in jeans, that bad-boy sexiness oozing off of him. I’m not sure

  why I think the “bad boy” label fits him. It’s a feeling, like the familiar one I

  normally have with him but I don’t today, and that bothers me almost as

  much as when I do. I’m also not sure why I’m still staring after him when he

  stops at elevator and turns to catch me watching him. He grins at me and

  disappears inside the car.


  I walk to the properties on my list I’m to visually inspect and report

  on, and they all seem occupied and well maintained. Everything seems as it

  should be, but my gut says it is not. At the final house on the list I find an