Read Essence of Gluic Page 48

Bryus and Avanda woke up early and began searching through the book of magic while everyone else still slept. A leather strap was untied and the overlapping leather cover opened up to reveal pages and pages of handwritten notes, drawings, and symbols. Large old pages were carefully turned by Avanda in order to preserve their delicate appearance and to ensure none of them would be bent or torn. Bryus allowed Avanda to handle the book out of fear of damaging it with his defective wooden arm.

  Within its pages, red and black ink explained the world’s most powerful spells in great detail. Most of them were so complicated that the book would need to be present while actually performing the planned enchantment, summon, or evocation. Divinations and illusions also filled the pages with instructions on hand and body gestures, vocal commands, and physical components such as objects and plants. Some included blood of various species while others required tears. It was a mixture of the Alchemist’s spells used before the E’rudite and Alchemist war.

  The vast powers listed between the rich overlapping leather covers caused the book to have a life of its own. The pages they read would glow in the dark of the night, causing the writing to look etched into the pages.

  Gazing upon the magical pages, her fingers softly traced the soft material which held the writings. “We should write these spells down, just in case we lose the book.”

  Bryus shook his head, but retained a smile. “It won’t work. Even with all that this enchanted book has to offer, the book hides one key element from every spell to ensure you don’t attempt the spell without Vesik being involved. In fact, Vesik is often one of the components in order to control the use of the spell. Sometimes the book hides writing on entire pages with the most dangerous powers until you can be trusted.”

  Gently, Avanda turned another page. “Can we try one of the spells?”

  Bryus was nearly giddy as he watched the pages of spells unfold. “Absolutely. I’d like to try them all.”

  “Which one should we do first?”

  Bryus closed his eyes and touched a page with the end of his fingertip. “Open it to this one.”

  Avanda watched the pages fall one after another until she reached the page his finger was holding back.

  Bryus smiled. “Very interesting.”

  “Really? What is it?”

  “It’s a summon swap spell.”

  Smiling from the sound of it, Avanda waited for an explanation.

  “Who sleeps the most sound?” the Alchemist asked quietly.

  Scanning the group, she quickly responded. “Brimmelle and Grewen.”

  “Excellent. Let’s try Brimmelle. Collect a few hairs from his head and bring them here.”

  “Hair, again?”

  “I’d gladly take a toe or finger, but I have a feeling he’d wake up from such an amputation.”

  “Good point,” she replied as she took a blade and quietly walked over to him and gently lifted a few hairs from the back of his head. Pausing, she became concerned about her actions, but a quick glance at Bryus’ smile prompted her to complete the mission. After a quick cut, she had half a dozen pieces of hair in her hand as she quickly maneuvered her way back to Bryus, who had been reading the spell in the book.

  “Here they are,” she said. “Do I need to boil them?”

  “No,” he responded as though it was a foolish question. “Not for a summon spell.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “You have so much to learn.” He took the hair from her. “Now cut some of your own hair off.”

  “Mine? How about Grewen? He’s a sound sleeper.”

  “He’s also bald.”

  Nodding, she agreed and then reluctantly cut off several hairs from her own head before handing them to Bryus.

  “Grab that hourglass I obtained from Trewek.”

  “Obtained?” she asked, skeptical of how he ended up with a pouch full of items without any way to trade for them.

  “Well, I didn’t have it prior to arriving in Trewek, and I had it before I left, so yes, I obtained it during that time.”

  “Did you steal it?”

  “Listen, I’m not going sit here and allow you to call me a thief,” he said in a raised voice.

  Avanda backed down, but still questioned the thought. “Just tell me what I’m supposed to do.”

  “Reality is, you shouldn’t be doing anything with your limited knowledge. However, seeing that I am currently unable to perform spells correctly, you will do exactly what I tell you to in order to make sure nothing goes wrong.”

  Avanda nodded and searched for the hourglass in the large pouch. Moving several jars and brass hooks out of the way, she found an hourglass with a metal frame to keep it from breaking.

  Bryus watched her pull it out. “Excellent.” He then tied Brimmelle’s hair onto one end and her hair onto the other. Following the instructions in the book of magic, he had Avanda utilize various verbal and physical commands to prepare the spell. It was at that point that the final verbal commands appeared on Vesik’s pages.

  “Can you read these?” Bryus asked.


  “Good. Now, go cuddle up against Grewen and say those last few words as you flip the hourglass over. Just relax, it will take a while so you must be patient.”

  Patience was not one of her strengths, but she would do her best. Reciting the last words to the spell over and over in her mind, she walked across the camp and snuggled up to Grewen, who naturally tossed an arm over her to protect her. She had felt the need for protection before, and he instinctively moved when he felt her body.

  Bryus watched with excitement as she spoke the final words and flipped the hourglass over.

  She waited for the spell to take effect, but she couldn’t see anything happen. Looking over at Bryus, he nodded to her to give it more time, so she did. However, laying still and waiting silently only lasted a few minutes before she fell asleep.