Read Essence of Gluic Page 5

Crystals as thick as Thorik’s cottage back in Farbank jutted up at awkward angles from the cavern’s floor and up through the ceiling. Just like the crystal they had set up camp next to, these occasional pillars gave off a faint glow, helping the two Nums guide their way through the maze of tunnels.

  They were lost and no matter which turn the Nums made, the path always led to further subterranean depths. Hope of finding a way back up to the surface was giving way to a desire for an underground river which would lead them out of the Shi’Pel Mountains and to the Volney River.

  It had been days since they had eaten. “Even an insect would taste good at this point.” Avanda’s lips cracked as she spoke. Her body was bruised and cut from the various sharp rocks she had bumped against and fallen onto. Dark circles had begun to show around her eyes from lack of sleep. “Are there no end to these caves?”

  “We’ll get through this.” Thorik’s voice and mannerisms were always optimistic, even when he wasn’t. “Just a little farther.” He shined the light from his Runestone deeper into several tunnels to decide which one to select.

  “You said that yesterday.”

  “It was only a few hours ago.”

  “No.” Her voice was agitated and her stomach moaned from lack of food. Insects simply weren’t enough to survive on. “We’ve slept since then.”

  Thorik tried to recall, but the hours and days were all blending together. Without seeing the sun rise and fall it was difficult to know just how long they had been away from the surface.

  Avanda began to shake uncontrollably from the cold damp air of the caverns. This seemed to be happening more frequently as time went on. It always started lightly and then became uncontrollable for what felt like an hour before it subsided.

  Thorik pulled her in tight to share his body heat. He was worried about her and knew he had to save her from these cold dank caverns before she became ill. “It’ll be all right.” They continued to walk together down a new tunnel. “We’ll stop soon so I can activate the Runestone for heat.”

  “Why can’t you do that now?”

  “Because we’d have to stop.”

  “Then let’s stop so you can warm us up. The Runestone stays warm long after you get it going.”

  “True, but I don’t think you understand how much it takes out of me. I’m already struggling to keep this one activated to shine our way. I’d have to rest after focusing my thoughts enough to generate heat from within it.”

  “Then let’s rest.”

  “Soon. Just a little farther.” Thorik knew that the more often they stopped, the more likely they would die in the caves from lack of food and water. “Besides, I have a good feeling about this tunnel. It smells fresher.”

  Avanda raised her nose to sniff before disagreeing with him. However, she did notice something different. “Is that water I hear?”

  Thorik stood still for a moment. “Your ears are better than mine. I think you’re correct.” Focusing his thoughts, the gem in the center of his Runestone brightened the path before them as they began walking down it. It wasn’t long before they approached a fast paced underground river with a glowing crystal rising from it in the far wall.

  Racing over to its shore, they both began scooping up handfuls of water to their dry lips. The icy water nearly burned as it went down their throats. Handful after handful filled their stomachs until they felt refreshed.

  Standing back up Thorik nodded his approval at the river while helping Avanda back up to her feet. “This is our best option.” He had a renewed sense of hope, which came across in his voice. “This river will take us out of here.”

  Avanda’s soul-markings turned nearly white as her heart began to pound and her head began to shake back and forth. “I don’t see a path along its side for us to walk.” Nervous cracks in her voice could be heard over the rushing water.

  Holding back a chuckle at the idea of a conveniently placed path alongside the river, Thorik knew they wouldn’t be that fortunate. He also knew her fear of the water was beginning to overwhelm her. “I’m a good swimmer. You can hold on to me.”

  The idea of drowning paralyzed her in her tracks. In the past, she had been talked into crossing rivers, but at least in those circumstances she could see the riverbanks. This river forced its way into a tunnel with nothing more than a small air gap at the top. “No.”

  “Avanda,” Thorik said warmly. “This is our only option.”

  “No it’s not. We can try another path.”

  “For how many days?”

  “For as many as it takes.”

  “We don’t have many days left. We’re starving to death. Waiting for the perfect situation is not an option for us.”

  “You know that I can’t swim.”

  “I’ll do all the swimming. All you have to do is hang on to me.”

  “And if you go under?”

  “Hold your breath.”


  “We’re going to hit a few areas in any river that will pull us under for a few seconds. Just hold your breath until I can get us back up to the surface.”

  Avanda’s arms were crossed as she stood in defiance.

  “Listen, we’re lost down here and this is the only opportunity we’ve seen to get to safety. I need you to trust me.”

  “I trust you. I just don’t trust the water.” Avanda watched the river lap at the rocks as it sped past them.

  Thorik stepped between her and the water and softly held her hand before looking square in her eyes. “Avanda, trust me.”

  She looked at him and back at the water several times before closing her eyes, she nodded her approval. But it was obvious that she did not like it.

  Thorik took advantage of the moment and quickly secured everything in his backpack and onto his body, including Avanda. She was tied to him with twine, to make sure that they didn’t get separated even if she were to let go.

  Leading her over to the water, he gave her very little warning, fearing that she would back out. “Here we go! Take a deep breath!” He grabbed her and jumped into the water.

  The cool water engulfed them and immediately knocked them against sharp rocks near the bottom, where they tumbled out of control, unable to determine which way was up.

  Chapter 6

  Dark River