Read Eternal Flame Bundle with Eternal Hunter & I'll Be Slaying You Page 14

  The picture suddenly became clearer. “You contracted with Night Watch, and you were hoping the demon would kill your Ignitor, weren’t you? You didn’t want him to apprehend her, you wanted him to execute her.” He stalked closer to her.

  “Your hands would’ve been clean then, right? You would have done your job and gotten your wish. Jana Carter would be dead.”

  Her smug smile was his answer.

  Hell. “Zane Wynter doesn’t kill for sport.”

  She laughed at that. “He’s a demon. Of course, he does.”

  He was aware of old Harold stiffening and the temperature in the room dropped a good ten degrees. But the special agent didn’t seem to notice that change. “You think all demons are evil?” he asked her, just to be sure he understood.

  “They’re demons, aren’t they?”

  “Uh…you know it’s biological, right? It’s not like they’re the devil’s minions, they’re just—”

  “Supposed to be descended from the Fallen. Right. Whatever. They’re not human. I’ve stared into their eyes. Their real eyes, and I know they’re evil. Just as evil as she is.”

  Antonio could only shake his head. “You don’t have a lot of faith in people, do you?”

  She didn’t answer.


  “What did Jana do to piss you off so much?”

  “You mean, other than go on a burning and killing spree for her entire life?”

  “Yeah, other than that.” He felt Harold’s eyes on him.


  “I’ve heard enough.” Harold’s bearlike growl filled the room as he shoved to his feet. “Special Agent, you need to go check in with your boss.”

  “He’s not—”

  “Check in with your senior officer.” His right hand held a fountain pen in its white-knuckled grip. “Maybe he’s got word on your would-be prisoners.”

  “Fine.” She jerked her thumb toward Antonio. “What about him?”

  “Don’t you worry about Antonio. I’ll handle my man.”

  “See that you do.” One hard nod, then she whirled on her heel, and stormed for the door. Of course, the woman didn’t open the door and softly shut it behind her. No, she slammed the damn thing hard enough to make the framed commendations on Harold’s wall shake.

  “I don’t believe I much like Special Agent Thomas,” Harold said, and Antonio glanced at him just in time to see the chief of police drop the glamour from his eyes.

  Demon black eyes stared back at him. Antonio had always carried his suspicions about the chief, but…

  “We’re not all fucking monsters. The special agent and those dicks at the FBI with their extermination list—they need to realize that.”

  Antonio exhaled. “Am I suspended?”

  “Hell, no.” That pen stabbed toward him. “What you are is on your way to New Orleans. I got a report that Wynter was headed that way with the woman.”

  “But I don’t have jurisdiction—”

  “Screw jurisdiction. I’m not letting Agent Thomas get her hands on Wynter first. He’s a hunter, but he’s also one of mine.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Get your ass down there. Find Wynter and find that girl.”

  “Carter? What do you—”

  “It’s come to my attention that she may know certain…pertinent facts…about a group the FBI has been trying to infiltrate for years. A group that is quite dangerous.” He paused. “To folks like me.”


  “If Jana Carter has got the info I need, I do not, do not, want her winding up in Special Agent Thomas’s hands first. I want her, understand?”

  “I think I do.”

  “Good, then, son, because if you want that promotion that you been chomping at the bit for, bring ’em both back. Alive.”

  Unfortunately, that last part might not be so easy. Especially since he was a cop who happened to be one-hundred-percent human…stepping into a world that wasn’t.

  Good thing he knew exactly where to go for some paranormal backup.

  “Why are we going into a hospital?” Zane asked, shaking his head. “We need to get to Perseus before—”

  “This is the way to get to Perseus.” Jana stared at the swirling ambulance lights. Our Sisters of Mercy Hospital was booming tonight. She and Zane had gotten into New Orleans earlier, then laid low until the sun dropped.

  As soon as the night fell, they’d been ready to hunt, and the hunt, well, it began here.

  “There’s a nurse inside. Her name’s Nancy Gilbert.” Low on the Perseus totem pole, but she was still a way to make contact. “She reports to the group on any…unusual patients that check in.” Like a twenty-year-old girl who’d escaped a four-alarm fire without any burns.

  Stupid. I’d just stared up at the nurse and said, “I did it.” After so many folks not believing her, she’d sure never expected the nurse with the cold gray eyes to believe her.

  Or to pump her full of drugs and have her taken from the hospital.

  “We need to get you in there, and we need you to fake an injury.” Her gaze darted over him. “Or maybe we should give you a real one.”

  He held up his hands. “Thanks, baby, but I’m fine with a fake injury.” His eyes narrowed. “Will this woman recognize you?”

  “No.” The last time she’d seen Nurse Nancy, Jana had been sporting short, streaked blond hair, darkly tanned flesh, and she’d been five years younger.

  Now that she’d gone back to her dark hair and her skin hadn’t seen the sunlight in months, she doubted Nancy would recognize her. Nancy had only been with her a few hours that fateful night, anyway.

  Not that Jana had ever forgotten her. You didn’t forget the woman who changed your life. Payback.

  “So how do we get from point A to point fucking Perseus?” Zane demanded.

  She grabbed his hand. Now or never. “Leave that to me.” If he wanted to walk into hell, she’d take him and maybe, just maybe they could bring down the devil together.

  Then I’ll be free.

  If only.

  Running hadn’t worked—they’d just come after her. They’d keep coming, until the Perseus group was stopped. Zane was strong; she knew he was high on the demon scale. Would he be strong enough to stop the bastards? I hope so.

  She and Zane hurried forward, and as soon as Jana caught sight of two EMTs returning to their ambulance, she let out a high, desperate scream. “Help me!” She shoved against Zane, sending him stumbling. “My brother—he’s—” She whispered to him, “Hit the ground.”

  Zane collapsed.

  “He’s having a seizure again! Oh, God, he’s been having them almost constantly, and I don’t have his meds, I don’t—”

  The EMTs—a man and a woman—rushed over to them. Jana held onto Zane’s hand, clinging tightly and, because she was one fine actress, she let the tears track down her cheeks as the EMTs loaded Zane onto a stretcher and rushed him inside the hospital.

  “What kind of medication is your brother taking?” one of the EMTs demanded.


  The EMT blinked and squinted at her.

  What? That was a seizure medication, wasn’t it? Just then, Zane moaned and his head sagged against the stretcher.

  “It’s over,” she whispered, letting her own head drop forward. From the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar figure bustling over to them. Nurse Nancy always liked to take a look at every new arrival. After all, that was her job.

  Jana had been back a few times over the years, back to take a look at the nurse. You screwed me over, Nancy.

  When paranormals were sick or injured, usually it was harder for them to mask exactly who—what—they were. Nancy counted on that. She preyed on their weakness. Everyone at Perseus did.

  The EMT said, “We need to get him stable and—”

  “What’s going on here?” the nurse asked.

  Jana squeezed Zane’s hand. Hard.

  His eyes fluttered open, and in that insta
nt, she caught his demon-black stare.

  Nurse Nancy sucked in a sharp breath.

  A blink from Zane and his eyes were back to green. “Wh-what happened?” His head turned slowly, and he focused on Jana. “Did I…Shit, the hospital.”

  He shoved up, but the EMTs grabbed his arms and tried to hold him down.

  “Easy, sir, you’ve had a seizure. You need—”

  “Fuck what I need.” He broke their hold in an instant and surged to his feet. He wavered for a moment, and his body shuddered.

  Okay, so the guy was a pretty good actor, too. She’d need to remember that.

  He caught her arm and hauled her close. “You know better than to bring me here,” he muttered. “You know…”

  Nurse Nancy stepped in front of them. “I’d like to talk with you a moment, sir.”

  He shook his head and, keeping his hold on Jana, skirted around the nurse.

  “We can’t let him leave!” the male EMT called out. “He might have another—”

  “I know why your medicine isn’t working,” Nurse Nancy said calmly.

  Of course, she knew. Meds never worked the way they were supposed to work on demons.

  Zane froze. Then he tossed a hard glare back over his shoulder. “Oh, you do?”

  “Umm…” The nurse didn’t wear one of those annoying white uniforms. She wore dark blue scrubs, and a stethoscope dangled around her scrawny neck. “Come with me into the back. Let me check you out thoroughly, and I can explain everything.”

  Right. Step into my web. Nancy was a pretty woman, with gray-streaked black hair and the faintest of lines around her eyes. She didn’t look like the devil. Really, she didn’t.

  Zane glanced back at Jana. “What should I do?” he asked softly.

  She stared into his eyes. “We need help. Let’s see what she has to say.”

  He gave a curt nod. Together, they turned to follow Nancy. But the nurse held up one hand, stopping her. “I’d like to speak to him privately.”

  Not going to happen. “I’m his sister. I go where he goes.”

  Nancy’s lips tightened.

  “She goes,” Zane snapped.

  “Fine. Follow me.”

  And they marched right past the EMTs. Poor EMTS, they were still blinking and trying to figure out what was going on.

  “In here.” Nancy pointed to a small examining room. “Just sit down. I’ll be…right back.”

  They went inside. Nancy closed the door behind them and sealed them inside.

  Zane frowned.

  “She’s gone to make the call.” Ah, but she’d watched this routine a few times. Not that Nancy knew that. “She’s letting her contact know that she has a potential in the area.”

  “A potential? Is that what I am?” He yanked his phone out of his front pocket and tapped fast on the screen. He put the phone to his ear and a few seconds later said, “Pak. Yeah, I’m in New Orleans.” A brief hesitation, then he said, “I need you to run a check on a nurse Nancy Gilbert at Our Sisters of Mercy Hospital. She’s about five-foot-four, forty-five to fifty years old and—”

  His gaze flew toward the door. He shoved the phone back into his pocket.

  Nancy opened the door about three seconds later. She had a bright, friendly smile on her face. “Sorry, I just needed to assure the EMTs that you were in capable hands.” She laughed, a light tinkle of sound. “You’d think I’d never treated a patient before!”

  Jana inched closer to Zane’s side. “Why aren’t the meds working?” She really didn’t want to bullshit through the chit-chat. Might as well get to the main show.

  The door clicked closed. Nancy’s smile dimmed. “First… I’m going to need some background information on my patient.”

  Zane narrowed his eyes.

  “Your parents…what are their names?”

  “Why does that matter?”

  “Because I need to see if you have a family history of—”

  “Fuck, she doesn’t know.” Zane charged forward. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Nancy put a hand on his chest. “You’re a demon.”

  Zane stiffened.

  Nancy’s gaze darted to Jana. “The question I have…are you a full-blood or a hybrid?” She blinked and seemed to realize they might not know what she meant. “Ah…a hybrid would be a mix, a—”

  Zane backed away from her touch, and Jana saw the muscle flex in his jaw. “I know the damn term. Yeah, my mother was human but that bastard who fathered me wasn’t.”

  Oh, nice touch. Perseus would be all over a hybrid. They’d want to recruit him, not kill him. They did love that human blood. And the powers that be over there would really get off on a demon killing other demons.

  “Demons don’t always respond the way they’re supposed to when they are given human medications,” Nancy said, her voice quiet and calm.

  “I’m not a demon.”

  “Hybrid,” she murmured and her gaze darted to Jana. “And you…?”

  “I’m human. I’m his half-sister.” Said fast because she knew Nancy would be able to rustle up a demon who could check her out. A demon could look right through the veil of glamour and see another of his kind. If one took a good look at her…no sense pushing that.

  “I see.”

  Jana knew exactly what the nurse meant. Nancy wasn’t interested in her.

  “I have some friends.” Nancy turned her attention back to Zane. “They work with people like you. They can help you.”

  “Bullshit. No one can help me. I’ve been trying for years, fighting this thing inside—”

  Nancy’s eyes narrowed. “Does it tempt you, this beast inside?”

  He didn’t speak.

  “Does it call to you…taunt you with the power that it has?”

  Jana didn’t roll her eyes, but it was a near thing.

  “I know I can do any damn thing I want,” Zane’s voice rumbled, so dark, and Jana’s gaze darted to him. “If I let my control go, there’s no stopping me.”

  Now that sounded so real. Maybe too real. Her tongue snaked over her bottom lip.

  “Have you ever let go?” Nancy’s eyes were fixed on him.

  A grim nod. “Once.”

  Nancy leaned forward. “What happened?” Eagerness glittered in her gaze. Hungry vulture.

  Zane straightened his shoulders. “I killed the bastard who claimed to be my father. I sent the demon back to hell.”

  Well, damn. The man really was one class-A actor, and a pretty good writer, too, because that was just the kind of story Perseus would eat up.

  Demon killer…destroying even your father because of what he was.

  Nancy smiled. “Good for you,” she said. “Sometimes, there are some folks that just need to be put down.”

  Sometimes. But those folks weren’t always demons. Humans could be just as evil.

  Nancy’s gaze darted to Jana.

  Jana swiped her hand over her cheeks, wiping away the tear drops that she still let fall. “It’s been so hard,” she whispered.

  Nancy gave her an understanding smile, one oozing fake sympathy. “I’m sure it has. But everything will be changing for you now.” She turned toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” Zane asked, taking a step forward.

  “I need to call a friend. He can come and get you. He’ll make sure you’re safe for the night.”

  Safe and snug inside Perseus. Just what Zane wanted. Hmmm…maybe they would be opening those doors wide open…making them welcoming for him. The guy had just played Nancy perfectly.

  “I’m afraid you won’t be coming with him,” Nancy said, that stare once more landing on Jana’s face. “You understand, don’t you? Your brother needs to be around others who understand him.”

  Yeah, this wasn’t part of the plan. Jana blinked and lifted her chin. “I understand him just fine.”

  What? Was that pity filling Nancy’s eyes? The last thing she wanted was for that witch to pity her. “Your brother is special,” Nancy said. “My friends
can help him, but if you come—you’ll just be in the way. They don’t have a place for someone like you.”

  Because Nancy thought she was simply another human, one without special skills. If she’d been a paranormal, Nancy would be getting ready to send her off—either to use her or to kill her. But a straight human got a pass out of there.

  Only she didn’t want that pass this time. She wanted to stay by Zane’s side. The guy might need her. No, he would need her.

  “I’m going—”

  “Home,” Zane said, interrupting her. He turned his head and his eyes met hers. “Go home and wait for me. I want— I want to see what these people have to say. If they can help me…”

  Now he was kicking her to the curb, too.

  But, wait, wasn’t that supposed to be what she’d wanted? She’d been trying to get away from him since the beginning, but now… Now she didn’t want to let him out of her sight. She didn’t trust Nancy. Didn’t trust anyone in Perseus. What if Zane wasn’t strong enough to bring them down?

  “I’m coming with you.” Her fingers caught his and held tight. “We’re a team, remember?” He’d been watching her back. She’d watch his.

  He glanced down at their fingers. Then slowly, carefully, he pulled away from her. “Not this time.”

  Shit. The demon was cutting her loose.

  This had not been part of the plan. They really should have talked more before storming into the hospital. Maybe agreed to, oh, she didn’t know—not desert each other.

  Nancy opened the door, and the woman had a near-smirk on her face. “Your brother will be fine. Trust me, he’s in good hands.”

  The hell he was. But the demon was the one calling the shots and if he wanted to go solo, if he wanted to risk his sexy neck, then who was she to make the idiot see reason?

  She rose onto her toes and brushed her lips against his cheek. “Watch yourself,” she whispered. Then she pulled away. Her steps were slow as she made her way to the door. “You’ll…take care of him?” she asked Nancy, casting one last look back at Zane.

  “You have my word,” the nurse assured her. Right. The woman’s word? That wasn’t worth the breath it took to speak.

  Jana slipped into the white-tiled hallway. Her shoes squeaked on the floor. She could see her image staring back up at her from that gleaming tile.