Read Eternal Flame Bundle with Eternal Hunter & I'll Be Slaying You Page 28

  Catalina blinked back tears. “I don’t—”

  “One spell is all I need, Cat. One spell, then you…and your vampire…can get out of town.”

  She licked her lips. “Y-you’ll…let him go?”

  Dee held her gaze. “Unless he goes after humans, he’s off my radar.”

  But he’d gone after the Ignitor. He’d been desperate, starving. Did Dee know what he’d done? Catalina would need to keep Logan away from Zane so the demon wouldn’t come for his revenge.

  Only a matter of time.

  Catalina forced herself to nod. “Okay.” It was the only deal she’d be getting. Better take it, grab it with both hands, and hold as tight as she could. “I don’t have much power.” Painful to admit, but her binding marks weren’t fading yet. And why not? They should have vanished when Beth died. Beth had been the one in charge at Perseus. The one to trap her and to use her. Why haven’t they faded?

  “It’ll have to be enough.” Dee pushed her toward a car idling near the curb. Catalina sucked in a breath when she saw the driver. Simon. Dee’s vampire lover.

  The two were a perfect killing team.

  “Who needs my spell?” she asked, suddenly very worried as she climbed inside the vehicle.

  Dee jumped in behind her and the car door slammed. “Zane.”

  The last thing she’d expected. “Zane? Why?”

  Simon floored the gas.

  “Because someone pumped the poor bastard full of drugs.” Dee sighed. “And we both know what can happen to him when the drugs get into his system.”

  Goose bumps rose on Catalina’s arms. Yes, she knew. And, once, long ago, she’d seen. Scrying. He’d always asked her not to do it. But the future teased and taunted, and she’d had to know.

  Zane…eyes black as the night. Face bloody. The earth bucking beneath him. Death…a shroud he carried. One look, one touch, the prey fell before him.

  “Hurry,” she whispered to Simon and, when he looked up into the rearview mirror, she saw his jaw clench. “Hurry.”

  Jana’s breath caught as she stared up at Zane. His face could have been carved from fire and fury. Such hard, fierce lines. And his hand, as it wrapped around her neck…

  “I…hurt…you.” Gravel rough. Like the man was struggling to speak. Maybe he was.

  She realized his fingers were feathering over the bite mark on her neck. He was worried about that? Jana couldn’t help it. She laughed. A quick, light gurgle of sound.

  He blinked at her.

  “Zane, trust me, you’ve got worse marks on you.” Because she hadn’t been gentle at the end. Her nails had dug into him and held tight.


  “Maybe.” She curled her fingers around the steely muscles of his arms. “But you know I don’t ever do what I should do.”

  The bees began to buzz in the back of her mind. “Go…”

  She glanced down at the cuffs. “Can’t, remember?”

  His gaze followed hers. Those bees got louder. Louder…

  The cuffs broke apart. “Go.”

  Those all-powerful, unbreakable cuffs fell to the floor.

  He pushed against her, his cock still thick and swollen, and the move seemed almost helpless.

  More, please.

  But then he pulled away, sliding out of her, and jumping to his feet. “Leave…” Still that gravel-rough voice. “While you…can.” He yanked up his jeans.

  Jana licked her lips. Tasted him. She swallowed and wondered what the hell she should do. What did a woman have to say to make a man understand she wasn’t the kind to wilt when things got tough?

  Slowly, she rose to her feet. She took a few fast moments to dress, to adjust her clothes, and felt the aches and tingles in her body as she moved. Then she faced him with her legs braced apart and her chin up. “You’re not going to hurt me.”

  But he shook his head. “Will…”

  “No.” She was certain. “You’re stronger than whatever that agent pumped into you. You’re the strongest man I’ve ever met.” True.


  He was right. So much more than just a man. “You’re not like your father.”

  His teeth snapped together and the floor seemed to roll. Good thing she’d locked her knees. She’d figured that was coming. “You’re not your father, and I’m not your mother.”


  Yeah, he just had to throw that in her face, right?

  “Zane, trust me. We can do this, together.”

  He hesitated, his powerful body shaking, and in that instant, she really thought that she might be getting through to him. Breaking past the darkness and getting to the man.

  Then she smelled the smoke.

  Her eyes widened. “Zane…”

  She saw his nostrils flare as he caught the scent and then he was running for the door. Just as he reached out to grab it, the door swung open. Jude was there, filling the doorway. His claws were out.

  “No!” Don’t attack, don’t!

  Zane’s fingers wrapped around the shifter’s throat. Jude’s claws pressed against Zane’s stomach. “Demon,” Jude growled, “you in control?”

  Zane gave the barest of nods.

  The claws dropped. “Good. Cause we need to get the fuck out of here.”

  Zane didn’t free the shifter. Jana saw his fingers whiten as he tightened his hold. She sprang forward and caught Zane’s shoulder. “Let him go.”

  Zane’s fingers fell away. Her breath heaved out. “What’s happening? What’s—”

  “Fire.” Jude bit out the word even as he whirled away. “Coming fast. We need to get up a level and get out.”

  She gave a quick nod, but he didn’t see it. The shifter was already racing away. No, he was shifting. Out in the hallway. She heard the crackle and hiss of the flames, but she also heard a roar. Like…a tiger’s roar.

  She ran to the doorway. Jude was on all fours, with his head down. As she watched, fur exploded along his body. Bones snapped, popped. Elongated and reshaped. The man disappeared and a tiger—holy hell, one big white tiger—appeared in his place.

  Another roar seemed to shake the building, then the tiger launched forward as its giant body soared through the air.

  Jana sucked in a deep breath. Then one more. White tiger. She’d never seen a shift like that before. Sure, she’d heard about them, but she hadn’t actually seen someone transform. Oh, damn. Oh, shit.

  “Fire’s…stronger….” Zane’s voice muttered in her ear. “Go…”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Jana ran after the tiger, with Zane at her side. They thundered up the stairs. Smoke billowed in the air, choking her, and stinging her eyes.

  The stairwell exit door was broken and hung drunkenly open. Thanks, no doubt, to the tiger. They went through the doorway and seemed to step into hell. Fire—everywhere. Burning so bright and hot.

  There was no way to get out. The flames were too strong. The exits were blocked. The windows covered by the flames. How? How had the blaze gotten so strong? Not a normal fire. No way. This one was definitely—

  Zane shoved his hands forward, as if he were pushing against something. The flames rolled back, rolled, then sputtered, dying low before the windows. The tiger crouched, then leapt forward, easily breaking through the glass.

  Jana ran after him, only to be pulled back by Zane. “Wait, what are you—”

  He picked her up, tucked her head against his chest, and flew through the window. The glass had to cut him, but the guy didn’t even grunt, and he landed on his feet—on his feet. His knees barely buckled as they touched down outside. Then he was running away from the burning building with her held tight in his arms.

  Her hands dug into him. “Zane…is…is anyone else inside?”

  He froze.

  Humans worked there. Sure, it was nearing three a.m., but someone should have been inside. Guards. Attendants. Someone.

  And that fire was burning so hot now.

  He put
her on her feet. Spun back around. The tiger was pacing, growling.

  “Where’s Tony?” she asked, coughing a bit to clear her lungs as she looked to the left, then the right. The lot was deserted. “And the agent, where is she?”

  Were they in the building?

  Zane sprinted forward. The tiger attacked. Its paws slammed into Zane’s chest, and he knocked Zane back.

  Snarling, Zane leapt, his eyes on the building. Once more, that tiger came at him, swiping this time with his claws. A long, hard swipe that drew blood across Zane’s chest.

  A hot wind blew against her face. The bees…

  “No!” She grabbed Zane. “He’s a shifter. He’d smell people if they were inside.” But Jude was doing everything he could to keep Zane out of that building. Because no one was inside? Because if Zane went back in, he wouldn’t be coming out?

  Zane shook her off and lunged forward once more. He caught the tiger’s front paws, holding them tight, and didn’t even flinch under the cat’s great weight.

  “What the hell?” A woman’s startled cry. “Zane, Jude, get away from there!”

  Because they had gotten too close to the flames. The flames that had shot even higher, even brighter.

  In the distance, a siren began to wail. Hell.

  The woman rushed toward Zane and Jude. Wait, was she crazy? Was she really going to try and get between a demon and a tiger? The lady was small. Freaking tiny, with really bad hair. Blond, but cut oh-so-badly. And she was cursing. Swearing constantly under her breath.

  “Dee!” a man bellowed. But that call came too late. “Dee” had already gotten to the two fighters. She punched the tiger in the side. Hard.

  He roared and turned toward her.

  “Don’t even think of biting me,” she yelled at him, snapping her teeth together. Her incredibly sharp teeth. “I’ll bite back.” Vampire.

  So was the dark, dangerous man who ran after her. Jana caught sight of his fangs glinting in the dark.

  No, not more vampires.

  Jana’s hand rose to her neck, and her fingers pressed lightly against the still tender skin. A shiver skated over her body. Her heart already raced too fast, and the desperate beat began to shake her chest.

  Vampires. Near Zane. Closing in…

  Her hands clenched into fists.

  “Take care of him!” Dee ordered her vamp friend. The male grabbed Zane’s arms and held them behind the demon’s back.

  Zane immediately head-butted the guy. Blood poured from the vamp’s nose.

  “Shit! It’s me, Zane, it’s—”

  “Would you shift back already?” Dee shouted at Jude as Jana stared at them, rage and fear twisting inside her.

  Can’t just stand here. Can’t let them hurt Zane.

  “She’s charging up.” What? Another freaking voice?

  Jana turned her head, just a bit, and saw the witch walk into the back lot. Catalina.

  “She’s charging up,” Catalina said again, “and she’s going to attack.”

  Can’t charge up. That wasn’t fire spiking her blood. It was plain old fury. But the vamps didn’t know that. “Get away from Zane!” She wanted her fire back!

  At her words, Zane twisted and drove his fist into the male vamp’s bloody face. The vamp flew back ten feet.

  “Uh, oh.” Dee shook her head and turned her back on the shifter. “Guessing this is why you’re still in tiger form.”

  Because Zane was amped up, almost wild? Unstoppable.

  The blonde’s gaze returned to Jana. Black irises—a vampire in hunting mode. Jana’s vision began to narrow.

  Dee held up her hands. “I’m here to help him, not hurt him.”

  Right. Like any vamp was there to help. She’d tried to help that other vamp in the swamp, and he’d literally bitten the hand that reached to help.

  Zane launched at the tiger. They fell to the ground, rolling. Oh, damn. The tiger’s teeth were so close to Zane’s throat. Then Zane twisted and threw the tiger against a car.

  “Help me.” The vampire—Dee—her voice was so deep and compelling. It seemed to slip right under Jana’s skin. To slip inside…

  No. Jana’s body tensed. “He just wants to get inside, to make sure no one else is—”

  “No one else is in the building. Jude would’ve smelled ’em. That death trap was for you and Zane.” Dee marched closer to her. “Call him off.”

  She blinked. “What? I can’t—”

  “I think she can,” came from Catalina and the witch began to close in on her, too.

  “Call. Him. Off,” Dee repeated. “Because I don’t want to have to hurt him.”

  Jana’s eyes narrowed. “You think you can?” Right then, she didn’t think anyone could stop him. The tiger’s claws didn’t even come close to his flesh now. He moved too fast, and he seemed far too strong.

  But the male vamp was on his feet and heading forward with his hands up.

  “No, Zane!”

  Zane spun toward her, and Dee grabbed her. For a small chick, she was damn strong. Too strong.

  “Come away from the building, Zane.” Dee’s soft order.

  More sirens. The cops and firefighters would be there any minute.

  “We have to get the hell out of here, and I need you to focus, got me, demon?” The woman’s claws were at her throat. That rage and fear spiked again in Jana’s blood.

  “Dee…” Catalina’s shaking voice. “You, um, need to be very care—”

  The vampire screamed and dropped her hold. Jana spun around and saw that Dee was clutching her hand. A hand that was smoking. Yes, oh, yes. The fire’s back! She was back!

  Jana’s lips began to curve. Then the male vamp tackled her. Jana’s head thudded into the ground and the world disappeared in a curtain of black.

  Jana was on the ground. Not moving. A man had her in his arms. He said, “Oh, fuck—” just as Zane launched at him.

  “No!” The blond female was there again. Glaring up at him with her vampire eyes. “Zane, she’s okay, but we have to get out of here! Do you hear me?”

  He grabbed her arms. Everything was too loud. Too dark. The fire seemed to call him, and Jana—Jana was the only constant in his world.

  Eyes closed. Unmoving. Vamp holding her.

  This had happened before. He wasn’t going to let her be hurt again.

  He shoved the blonde aside.

  “Shit, Zane!” And she was back, grabbing him. Shaking him. Strong for someone so small. “It’s me.”

  Her voice seemed distorted, echoing almost. He frowned and studied that face. He… knew her.

  “Dee. It’s Dee.” Her head turned to the left. “Dammit, shift already, Jude! Don’t you hear those sirens? We’ve got like five seconds to scram.”

  He blinked. Dee. The name clicked in his mind. She was…

  “Tell me you remember me.” She stared up at him. “I’ve only been working with you at Night Watch forever. It’s me.”

  Dee. Sandra Dee.


  He broke free of her hold. The male vamp lifted his hands, but didn’t attack. Jana’s head lay cradled in his lap. “She hit her head. I didn’t mean—” The vamp broke off, swallowing. “I just didn’t want her to hurt Dee.”

  The fury was easing inside Zane. No, not easing. He felt like he was about to crash. His heartbeat slowed, and his breathing roughened. He took Jana, hoisted her into his arms, and held tight.

  Get away. They had to leave because of the—

  Sirens. For some reason, a reason he couldn’t remember right then, Jana didn’t like sirens. She didn’t want to be around cops.

  He held her tighter. Zane inhaled her scent and started running away. No, not running. Barely walking. His legs didn’t want to move. Holding Jana seemed so hard.

  “It’s going to be okay.” He looked up when he heard the woman’s soft voice. An angel stood before him, her long, blond hair feathering around her pale face. “You’re safe, Zane.”

  Those were the last words he
heard before his knees buckled and he fell onto the ground, pulling Jana down with him.

  “We’re being hunted.” The voice drifted through the fog that surrounded him.

  Zane tensed at that voice. One so important to him. She’s okay. If Jana was talking, then that meant she was all right.

  He tried to open his eyes. Couldn’t.

  She was all right, but what the hell was wrong with him?

  “Who’s after you?” Another feminine voice, but sharper, harder.

  “Someone from Perseus.” A pause, then Jana said, “At least, that’s what the witch said. I-I’m worried…have we heard from the cop, from Tony?”


  “He was outside that building. He would have seen whoever set the fire.” Jude’s voice now. “I saw him, before… He came to find me inside. I told him to—”

  “To send me after Catalina,” Dee said. Yes, Dee. That sharp voice was hers.

  Jude’s snarl hung in the air. “Tony wouldn’t have just left us to burn.”

  Zane tried to open his eyes again. Nothing. He tried to lift his hands, but couldn’t move. What the fuck? What had the drug done to him?

  “Pak’s got a search on for him,” Dee said. “For him and Agent Thomas.”

  A soft sigh drifted in the air. “Tony was there the night Perseus went up in flames.” Jana’s words came slowly as if she hated to say, “Catalina said we were all marked for death. What if he’s been taken by Perseus?”

  No. His hand jerked, hard, and Zane felt something snap.

  “Okay,” Jude drawled the word. A long whistle filled the air. “Our demon just broke a steel restraint. I’d say he’s coming back to us.”

  Soft fingers wrapped around his. “Zane?” Jana whispered. “You coming back?”

  Open damn eyes, open. Because he needed to see her.


  Light filled his vision. Too bright. Then she was there, leaning over him, that dark curtain of hair surrounding her face, a blue-and-black bruise high on her forehead.

  The other restraint broke as he shoved upright.

  “Yeah, he noticed the bruise,” Dee murmured. “See, told you it was a good idea to station Simon outside.”

  Simon. Dee’s lover. The vamp he remembered tackling Jana. His teeth snapped together.