Read Eternal Flame Bundle with Eternal Hunter & I'll Be Slaying You Page 40

  She glanced toward the flashing light on the right. “Upgrade? But I already paid for a top of the line system!” One that hadn’t done a bit of good.

  A quick smile. Shark strong. “This one’s better. It’s not on the market yet.”

  He’d gotten rid of the blood, upgraded her protection, and he was there to stay the night. Erin could only shake her head. “You’re not what I expected, Jude Donovan.” Not at all.

  “Sweetheart, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  The radio blared, rocking the car. Not the classic, easy listening crap that Lee Givens listened to when clients or coworkers were around.

  No, his music. Country, through and through. His thumbs pounded out a beat on the steering wheel as he snaked down the winding roads leading to his house.

  Another damn day done. He’d get home, shower the stench of his clients off his skin, then put in a call to his ex-wife. This weekend was his son Tommy’s fifth birthday, and he would be at that party. He’d missed the last three weekends with Tommy because of work.

  No more.

  He’d finally gotten the all clear. They were making him partner at his firm. No more busting his ass to prove himself. Now he’d take the plush office and easy street.

  He had Tommy’s new bike all nice and ready, just sitting in the garage, waiting for the kid.

  Yeah, he’d call Melissa, even though it was late, because he missed that boy, and her, but—

  Blindingly bright lights flashed in his rearview mirror.

  “Shit!” Lee jerked the wheel and the tires screeched. “Asshole, turn off the brights!” He steadied the car and thought about throwing up a prominent finger. The shitass behind him sure would be able to see the gesture. His headlights were making the whole county glow.

  Lee shoved his foot down on the gas. He’d lose the jerk. Couple more bends and he’d be turning off the old road and making the last stretch for home and he’d be—

  The bright lights shot closer.

  He stiffened. “If you want to pass, move the fuck around!” He rolled down his window and shoved his arm out, waving his hand forward. “Come around!” Don’t need this shit. He should have moved closer to the office, but he’d kept the house. Melissa liked it. Tommy had a tree house in the back. If they came home, they’d need a place to—

  The other vehicle slammed into him, sending his car jerking forward. “What the fuck!” Fear dried his throat. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  An attack.

  He’d handled too many criminal cases, made too many enemies, gotten too many threats.

  Threats he’d never taken seriously. Until now.

  He pinned the gas pedal flat against the floorboard but the other vehicle was closing in on him again. All he could see in his rearview mirror were those shining lights, making stars dance before his eyes.

  What the hell did that guy have under his fucking hood?

  Jesus! He swiped the sweat off his forehead. No, no way—

  The car slammed into him again.

  Lee’s car jerked and his head snapped back. The seatbelt bit into his shoulder and chest and he tasted blood on his tongue. His teeth had snapped closed on it. Lee spit, snarling as—

  The car flew up on the left. Lee finally caught a glimpse of it. Big, black SUV. Tinted windows. What the hell?

  Too close.

  His knuckles whitened around the wheel.

  The black bitch slammed into the side of his car.

  His secondhand BMW couldn’t take the impact. The car flew to the edge of the road, trembled. Lee yanked the steering wheel, praying.

  Not like this. He couldn’t go out like this!

  His breath heaved out. His heartbeat slammed so loudly in his ears he could barely hear the radio anymore.

  The SUV plowed into him once more.

  The BMW lost the fight.

  The car tumbled off the road, rolled, again, again.

  Glass shattered. The air bag exploded before him, a white cloud that surrounded him.

  The radio died.

  Metal crunched. Twisted. The top of the car thudded into the earth.

  Oh, God, Tommy—

  Sorry, son.

  Too easy. He smiled as he watched the blue car fly into the tree. Steam exploded from the hood.

  Humans were so weak.

  Hardly worth his time.

  But if the bastard had survived the crash, maybe he could have a bit of fun with the lawyer.

  Maybe a lot of fun.

  Smiling, he started down the ravine.

  Headlights flashed in the distance.


  The roar of the truck’s engine reached his ears. One of those big, souped-up trucks that the hicks in this area seemed to love.

  His jaw clenched. This kill wasn’t over.

  But the truck was coming closer, and he was in the open.

  He cast one more glance down at the twisted metal. Odds were good that the asshole was dead.

  And if he wasn’t, there was always next time.

  Next time.

  He turned from the ravine and hurried back to his idling SUV. If he got his butt out of there, the other driver probably wouldn’t even notice the wreck.

  Humans were like that. So self-involved. Never seeing the danger and death until it was too late.


  He jumped into the vehicle. The night was still young. If he hurried, he might even be able to catch his lady.

  Another hunt—this one, the most important of them all.

  Chapter 6

  She couldn’t sleep. Erin stared up at the ceiling as the soft patter of rain began to fall onto the house. The storm that had been threatening since late afternoon had finally come.

  The patter quickened as the rain strengthened, falling harder, harder.

  She squeezed her eyes shut.

  But saw Jude.

  The shifter had played the gentleman. He’d walked her through the new security system. Done a top to bottom search of her house.

  They’d eaten together. Hell, he’d even cooked.

  Then he’d walked her to her bedroom door.

  And left her.

  Without even one touch.

  Should have been what she wanted.

  But, no, he was what she wanted. She wanted him so much that she was aching.

  The need was like that for her. Had been, since she was sixteen. When she wanted someone, she wanted. Craved. Needed so badly that her body throbbed.

  For most shifters, puberty was the time when real power kicked in. The first shift.

  Not for her.

  The beast—or whatever the thing inside her was—had awakened, and with it, so much hunger and need.


  It had become the center of her life. Maintaining control. Always having control.

  Then the stalker asshole had come along and ripped all of her careful control away.

  Her hands knotted beneath the sheet.

  Where was Jude? When she’d offered him the room beside hers, he’d shaken his head and stared at her with blue eyes that burned with hunger. “Too close,” had been his growled response.

  Not close enough.

  She was so screwed up.

  Wanting him.

  Fearing herself.

  He can handle me.

  Shifters were strong, she knew that. He’d be able to handle anything she threw at him.

  His steps had echoed when he’d headed downstairs. Maybe he was in the little guest room she’d set up. Maybe he’d stripped off his shirt again, like last night.

  Last night.

  Her mouth dried. Oh, my. The man’s chest had rippled with muscles. Beneath the jeans, his thighs bunched with power. And when he’d put his mouth on her…

  Erin’s nipples pebbled.

  She turned over and buried her face into the pillow. Maybe she needed another cold shower. Maybe she—

  Thunder shook the house. Erin flinched. That had been a strong blast, loud, too, shaking her bed,
shaking the—

  She bolted up, realization hitting hard. The thunder hadn’t come from outside.

  It sounded again, but it wasn’t thunder.

  Erin climbed out of bed, nearly falling flat on her ass as she hurried. That was a roar!

  An animal’s roar of fury, and it was coming from downstairs.

  She ran for the door.

  The change swept over him, hard and fast, fueled by fury, the black rage that boiled his blood and sucked the man back inside the beast.

  He’d heard the rattle at the door. The scrape of claws, and Jude hadn’t needed the shrill beep of the alarm to sound. He’d known the intruder was there.

  Now he was going to destroy the bastard.

  Bones snapped. Twisted. White fur burst from his flesh even as his claws tore from his fingertips. The snarl on Jude’s lips became a roar of rage as the beast took over.

  The pain didn’t bother him, not anymore. But the power thrilled him.

  His vision sharpened. His hearing grew more acute. In those swift moments of transformation, a new world appeared. A world where he ruled.

  His mouth opened and another roar burst from him.

  The bastard was running. He could hear his thudding footsteps. His favorite part…chasing prey.

  Muscles bunching, he prepared for the hunt.

  “Jude, what’s going on? Jude!”

  His head jerked toward her. Long bare limbs, sexy silk over her flesh. Her eyes were wide, her mouth open. She stood on the stairs, just steps away from the bottom, and her fingers had a white-knuckled grip around the banister. “Jude?”

  He growled at her. That better not be fear on her face. He wouldn’t hurt her. Not ever. No matter what form he took.

  The beast wouldn’t so much as scratch the woman that the man craved.

  She stepped toward him, eyes too big. “I-it’s you. Why d-did you shift? What’s—”

  No time. He whirled away from her and launched toward the open door.

  Her footfalls rushed behind him. He glanced back and roared at her to stay put. In human form, she’d just be a target.

  And he wouldn’t risk her. Not now. Not ever.

  He bounded into the night.

  Oh, shit.

  Erin stared after Jude, her heart racing so fast her chest hurt.

  Jude—a tiger. A white tiger. Big and beautiful and deadly.

  Tiger, tiger, burning bright…The words from the William Blake poem whispered through her mind as she watched him jump off her porch and disappear into the darkness.

  Such grace and power.

  So very, very dangerous.

  A white tiger.

  Thick fur, pale as snow, and lined with coal black stripes. The tiger was huge. The length of his body had been at least nine feet, plus that long, thick tail. His mouth—when he’d opened his mouth in that roar, his teeth had been—hell. He could have ripped her throat open with those razor-sharp teeth in less than a second.

  But he hadn’t attacked her. In his blue eyes, she’d seen the man staring back at her. Jude had full control over his beast. Not all shifters did.

  “A white tiger,” she whispered to the night. Jude was out there, hunting, for her.

  There was a reason the white tigers bore the Chinese symbol for king on their heads. Some said the rare white tigers were among the strongest of the shifters, second only to the dragons. But the dragons, well, no one was really sure those guys even existed anymore.

  Tiger versus wolf. Both strong, fierce killing machines. But the tiger—she’d lay odds he could take the wolf. He’d still better be careful, and he’d better come back to her.

  Erin strode to the edge of the porch. Going after them would be foolish. She’d just get in Jude’s way, and she couldn’t hunt with him. No shifting, no hunting.

  As much as she hated to stay behind, she wouldn’t risk his safety.

  Besides, a white tiger could take down just about anything.

  So strong.

  Strong enough to handle even her.

  The rain pelted him and did its damnedest to wipe away the stench of his prey. But he caught a faint scent, one heavy with musk, smelling of the forest.

  Shifter scent.

  He took off after his prey, splashing through the puddles and sticking to the cover of the thick bushes and blooming azaleas as much as possible. The last thing he wanted was for a neighbor to wake up and see him running through the neighborhood in this form.

  His ears twitched. His prey was fast. Damn fast. Had he shifted, too? Good. He’d like to see just what he was dealing with in the bastard.

  Bushes slapped into his face and tickled his whiskers as he ran. Catch him. Got to stop him.

  The thudding of the prey’s steps grew weaker—because the guy was pulling away.

  Faster? No way could the bastard be faster. No. Way.

  But the asshole was getting away.

  Should have let the bastard come inside. When the lock on the door had clicked open, his roar of fury had given the guy too much warning and too much time to flee.

  But Jude hadn’t been able to hold back the rage, or the change. The shift had burst over him with the rush of adrenaline that spiked his heartbeat. One thought—he’s coming after her.

  The beast had kicked into high gear.

  The rumble of a motor growled up ahead. A car door slammed. No, he couldn’t have shifted. He wouldn’t have been able to jump in the car like that if he’d shifted.

  So if he hadn’t shifted, then how the hell had he run so fast?

  Jude rounded the corner just in time to see the taillights of a black SUV speed away.


  His teeth snapped together. Give chase.

  The demand from the beast.

  But a light had flickered on in the house behind him. Whoever was inside must have been alerted by the squeal of tires. The last thing he needed was to keep hunting on the road in his current body.

  Next time, bastard. Next time.

  He returned to her as a man. Naked, dripping wet. Erin met him at the door, an oversized towel in her hands. Her gaze darted over him. Thick muscles, eat-me abs, thick curling hair at his groin—

  Oh, wow.

  “Got away.” Dark and rumbling. Still more beast than man.

  Her gaze snapped back to his face. To those electric eyes. She held out her towel, licked her lips and swore she tasted him. “Was it…him?”

  Stupid question. Who the hell else would have decided to come in her house at close to three a.m.?

  Erin cleared her throat. She’d finally managed to stop the beeping of the security system, but she couldn’t get the image of Jude’s shift out of her mind.

  A tiger. A white, beautiful, scary-as-hell tiger.

  She hadn’t guessed, hadn’t even considered…

  A white tiger.

  Different shifters had different reputations in the Other world. You knew not to trust a hyena or a coyote. Those bastards would turn on anyone.

  Wolves—dangerous. Sometimes psychotic. Great killers.

  Bears were pretty easygoing, unless you got between them and a meal.

  But white tigers were the rarest of the shifter breeds. Bloodthirsty. Relentless. Incredibly powerful.

  Perfect. Yes, the more she thought about it, the more perfect Jude became for her.

  He can match me. I won’t hurt him.

  Maybe she should be afraid. When she’d seen him in tiger form, perhaps she should have been scared. He could rip her body open with a swipe of his claws. Use those razor-sharp teeth on her.

  But she wasn’t afraid.

  Seeing his power and his strength—no, she didn’t fear him at all.

  But she did want him.

  Jude kicked the door closed. Water dripped from his hair and trailed over his face. “Yeah, I caught his stench.” He flipped the locks into place.

  Her breath jerked out. If he’d caught the scent, it had only been because the bastard out there let him catch the smell. She k
new the other shifter could manage to control his scent. He’d sure masked the scent before.

  But for the stalker to come after her like this…two nights in a row. He’d never come after her so quickly before. Not back to back.

  “He got away, this time.”

  He was good at getting away, every time. “Did you see him?”

  A shake of his head sent water droplets flying. “He was too fast. Don’t know what beast that asshole carries, but he’s fast.”

  And strong.

  And out there, waiting in the darkness. Planning his next move.

  Why wouldn’t he just leave her alone?

  “You’re mine, Erin. Blood, bones, and beast—all mine.” Words he’d spoken to her that terrible night. Growled in the darkness.

  Erin shook her head, trying to drive the voice from her mind.

  “You okay?”

  She licked her lips. Stared at him. You’re mine. The asshole’s voice rang in her head.

  His? The hell she was.

  The towel dangled in her hand.

  Blue eyes glowing with need swept over her body. Jude wanted her.

  She wanted him. Why fight it anymore? She wouldn’t hurt him.

  He couldn’t hurt her.

  Her heart shoved against her chest. She dropped the towel and went straight to him.

  “Erin, what are you—”

  She stood up on her toes and grabbed the back of his head, sinking her fingers into that wet mane and pulling his mouth down to hers. Then she kissed him. Mouth open, tongue seeking, hunger pounding through her.

  His cock pushed against her. The rain hadn’t done a thing to cool his arousal. The ridge was long and thick, straining, and she rubbed against him.

  Tonight, she’d get wild.

  A growl rumbled in his throat. His tongue swiped against hers, and his hands wrapped around her. Big and strong.

  Her nipples tightened into stiff points. Her panties grew damp. And Erin knew she needed a bed.

  With an effort, Erin managed to tear her mouth from his. Hard to do, because the guy’s tongue was freaking magic. “Come upstairs with me.” She didn’t want to take him down there. Not with the memory of blood just a few feet away.

  Upstairs. Safety.

  And a big bed they could wreck.

  They would wreck.