Read Europa Awakenings Page 2

Astrologists agree that there is a fantastic chance that beneath the ice shield of Jupiter’s moon, Europa, lies a vast global ocean where life may exists. My interpretation of Europa is a world of lilac, salty water where ocean-floor-heat-vents spew heat, oxygen and particles of light up into the waters. Her deep oceans are filled will a diversity of life, many with the capability of bioluminescence, just as our deep ocean fish have. Thus, Europa’s ocean is the complete opposite of ours – the light is at the bottom and the dark is at the top, for little sunlight reaches Europa, and her ice shield blocks any that does.

  In this beautiful florescent world of light and color, lives a sentient race known as the Oonocks, an ancient race at least seventy to one hundred million years old. They are, for the most part, peaceful beings, who value family and honor above all else. They have no words such as divorce, greed, want or hate, for those things do not exist. The race consists of clans, which number from several hundred members to several thousand. Each clan specializes in two or three fields, such as fishing, farming, ship building, engineering, physics, chemistry, metal urging, aerodynamics and so forth. Each clan is governed by a royal family, usually consisting of a Lord and Lady. Together, the clans are managed by a King and Queen, to whom everyone pledges their loyalty and lives to. Every individual contributes something to the whole; those who do not partake is a specific area of study become soldiers; those too young to work attend school; and those too old teach the young. Although not a perfect society, it is pretty close.

  No land exists above water on Europa, so the Oonocks are aquatic beings. They are equipped with three pairs of wings that glide them through their watery world. Their streamlined bodies are muscular and strong, tapering into a long tail with a feathery lilac end. Strings of pearl-shaped glowing lights cascade down from the top of their heads, framing a gentle, oval face with large lilac eyes and soft lilac lips. Like most creatures of Europa, they are bioluminescent and glow a soft lilac color. Their expected life span is twelve thousand years. Infancy lasts a hundred years and adulthood is not reached until one turns a thousand years old. And, as if this isn’t enough to convince us of their excellence and superiority, they are blessed with a special power – the ability to transform into both land and aquatic creatures equal to or larger than themselves.

  Approximately sixty four hundred years ago, this peaceful existence of the Oonock world was destroyed when the reigning king betrayed his middle son, JeffRa, devastating him beyond repair. In retaliation, JeffRa tried to assassinate his older brother, Enok, who is the future king. Once the best of friends, the two brothers became mortal enemies and civil war broke out. JeffRa and his followers are hunted down and exiled to Ganymede, another of Jupiter’s moons. There he became the leader of another race called Terrians, a barbaric society who embrace cruelty, greed and war. From his place of exile, JeffRa continued to plot his brother’s end, promising to never stop until every Oonock in the universe was dead.

  When JeffRa’s invention inadvertently destroyed Jupiter and turned it into the gas ball it is today with its giant storms, King Enok and his mate, Queen Medaron, took twenty ships filled with Oonocks and fled Europa. Most of the ships went further out into the galaxy, but King Enok brought three ships to Earth to live. Another two settled on Mars, which, at that time, was Earth’s sister planet, green with vegetation and covered with life. But JeffRa followed, searching the planets for his hated brother, consumed by his unquenchable thirst to eradicate all Oonocks. Believing his brother and family were on Mars, JeffRa attacked and reduced the thriving surface to a burnt out ball of dust and rock. JeffRa’s error gave King Enok the needed warning to save both Earth and his Oonocks. Overnight, in a blaze of fire and water, he sank his golden city to the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Thus the legend of Atlantis was born. There, beneath the cloak of darkness and water, the Oonock race remained, safe and unknown, for thousands of years. Occasionally, they emerged and tried to live on land again, but for one reason or another, were always forced back to the security of the deep, causing the creation of many Earthly legends. During this time, they had no idea that JeffRa had crashed on Earth, and was still hunting his brother and wife.

  Believing all danger of JeffRa was gone and wishing to live above in the light of the sun again, the Oonocks emerged once more from their Complex below and build a new city. Trying to avoid the human-interactions that occurred at their former cities, King Enok chose a location far away from their previous cities and on the other side of the world, high on top of a tall plateau in Bolivia (Puma Punku). They named her Third City. There they lived in happiness and peace, safe behind their megalithic stone walls, hidden from the world, never interacting with the indigenous natives. For several hundred years the Oonocks lived in harmony and contentment until one fateful day when the sound of marching feet broke the stillness of the air. JeffRa and his army of Terrians had found them.

  The two brothers, King Enok with his Oonocks and JeffRa with his Terrians, fought a great war. Both sides suffered great losses. JeffRa was at last defeated, but the Oonocks paid a huge price. Once more they were forced to retreat to the sanctuary of the deep ocean and try to rebuild their race, but the possibility to do so seemed impossible. Queen Medaron lied in a state of deep depression over the loss of her only son, whom JeffRa killed. King Enok lied in the medical ward, gravely injured by JeffRa, desperate to survive to save his people and his mate. As they and this noble race struggled to survive and rebuild, they learned a horrifying truth of JeffRa’s attack: his release of a biological weapon that caused all future Oonock newborn children to die within the first few years of their lives. Later, it caused infertility, thus dooming the Oonock race. With no way to reproduce and no way to return home, they faced a dismal future; when the last Oonock died, the great Oonock race would be no more. Centuries later, something marvelous happened. Queen Medaron discovered she was pregnant with the future Queen. With the joy of a new life came the realization that, because of JeffRa’s curse, the unborn female could not survive as an Oonock. To ensure her survival, the decision was made for her to be born on land as a human. To protect her, it was also decided that she would never know who or what she really was. Thus begins book one, EUROPA: Awakenings and the Europa Series.