Read Europa Awakenings Page 6

Terrance arrived at eighteen minutes to six. He made sure he wasn’t late, but he didn’t want to appear too anxious by arriving too early either. Pulling into the driveway, he had to admit he was a little nervous about meeting someone who held the title of “queen”, even if technically her country no longer existed. He wondered if he should bow when he met her. Was he even allowed to speak to her? What if he made a bad first impression and she didn’t like him? A thousand questions raced through his head as he parked his car. Taking a deep breath in preparation of what was to transpire, he stepped out of the car and looked at the front door. His fears immediately vanished when he saw Europa standing there waiting for him. As he walked toward the house, she hurried down the steps, followed closely by Anna, Rannie, Suzie and Triton.

  Europa saw he was wearing a new, pressed, light blue shirt accentuated with a black tie and creased, pressed jeans. His hair was shorter, indicating he had gotten a haircut, probably for the benefit of her mother. She thought he looked fantastic and very presentable. She was sure her mother would be pleased.

  “You are here,” she smiled, as she walked to greet him.

  “I told you I would be,” he replied. “Did you doubt me?”

  “Doubt, no. But my family can be a little intimidating.”

  “How’s it going, Terrance?” asked Anna.

  “Are you ever going to let us have Europa for a day?” teased Suzie. “Or are you going to keep her all to yourself?”

  “Hi, you guys” Terrance greeted the ladies. “Nice to see you all again. And Suzie, I thought I would keep her all to myself for the next few weeks.” The friends laughed, while Europa blushed slightly.

  Taking Terrance’s hand she escorted him toward the house. “Are you ready for this?”

  Before he could reply a very tall, muscular man stepped out onto the porch and held open the door for the group. He extended his hand toward Terrance. “Hello, I am Jeanip. You must be Terrance.”

  Looking up at the towering male, Terrance shook Jeanip’s hand as firmly as he could. “Yes, Sir, that’s me.”

  “Welcome. Please come inside.” Jeanip gestured for the group to step through the door.

  The first thing Terrance noticed were the beautiful antiques. His mother collected them, so he was familiar with their value and age. He was amazed to see several furnishings that were hundreds of years old and in mint condition. Holding his hand tightly, Europa led him toward a beautiful, distinguished woman with medium brown hair speckled with gray and almost lilac eyes sitting on a purple satin sofa.

  “Mother, this is Terrance. Terrance, this is my mother, Medaron Waters.”

  Medaron rose and took Terrance’s free hand into her two hands. She looked directly into his eyes. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Terrance. Europa has had many good things to say about you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Waters. Thank you for inviting me.” Terrance thought he felt a rush of warmth travel through his body, then recede. It was so quick he was barely conscious of it. Medaron had sent an energy burst into him to detect who he really was. When the burst returned to her body, Medaron sensed honesty, truthfulness, good heartedness and a deep affection for her daughter one could almost consider as love. Medaron smiled as she let go of his hand, relieved to know he was not the source of her uneasiness. He was exactly as Europa had said.

  “Please have a seat,” Medaron gestured toward one of the chairs.

  “You have some lovely antiques,” Terrance said. “That’s a sixteenth century Elizabethan china cabinet, is it not?” He pointed toward the china cabinet in the adjacent room.

  “You know your antiques,” Medaron replied with a smile. This young man was full of surprises.

  “My father’s study in ancient civilizations brought me in contact with a lot of old things over the years. Plus, my mother is a collector.”

  “Many of them were brought here by my ancestors who first settled this land and built the cottage. When we moved here I did not have the heart to get rid of them. Plus, they seem to make the cottage homier. Europa tells me your father is a professor at the University of Michigan?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, that is correct.”

  “We were hoping he would be with you tonight. He was not able to attend?”

  “No, Mrs. Waters, he’s still in the field doing his sparrow study.”

  “That is a shame. Perhaps you two can join us one evening for dinner before you leave.”

  “I will be sure to extend the invitation when he returns,” Terrance said politely, while thinking to himself he would never mention it to his father. The last thing he wanted to do was bring his father to a house he was spying on. Before he could utter another word a very tall, petite woman with long dark hair tied in a ponytail entered the room and stood in the archway, evidently preparing to announce dinner. Her entrance signaled the end to Terrance’s conversation with Medaron, a fact he was overjoyed about. He did not wish to go into detail about his father’s whereabouts.

  The petite woman waited until Medaron acknowledged her presence. Knowing her mother would allow her a few minutes before the announcement of dinner for Terrance to meet Misso, Europa quickly led Terrance over to her. “Misso, I would like you to meet my friend, Terrance. Terrance, this is my mother’s right-hand-helper, Misso.”

  “Please to meet you, Sir,” Misso greeted, nodding her head in acknowledgement.

  “Same here, Misso,” Terrance replied. “I wanted to be sure to thank you for that delicious lunch you made for us when Europa and I went out to the rookeries. It was very delicious. It was nice to have some real home cooked food for a change.”

  “It was no trouble.”

  “You may announce dinner now,” Medaron said, once the introduction was complete.

  “Europa’s birthday dinner is now served.”

  Medaron stood first, followed by the others who were seated. “Let us go enjoy this fantastic meal Misso has fixed for our birthday girl.” Medaron held out her hand to her daughter. Europa let go of Terrance’s hand and placed it in her mother’s and walked into the kitchen.

  “Jeanip, tell the men to come in for dinner,” Medaron instructed. Jeanip stepped onto the back porch and rang the dinner bell for the men to come in from the bunk house. As they entered the house Europa was delighted to see that they were being joined by Sunam, Evonic and the four farm hands. Europa shook each males’ hand, thanking them for coming and introducing them to Terrance. Terrance shook each member’s hand, looking up to address them, wondering if everyone from Mrs. Waters’ homeland was close to seven feet tall.

  Medaron stood at the head of the table waiting for the pleasantries to be concluded. Once completed, she asked everyone to hold hands and said the blessing. “May the Waters bless this food, our family and our friends who have joined us tonight to celebrate Europa’s twentieth birthday. May her life be filled with joy and love.” Medaron gave a nod, signaling it was permissible to sit as she stated, “Let us enjoy this meal. Please, everyone, be seated.”

  Jeanip scooted Medaron’s chair in. Terrance did the same for Europa, while the remainder of the guests took their seats. Together, they began to enjoy a delicious meal of Europa’s favorite foods Misso and Birea had especially prepared for her birthday. Europa looked around the table, delighted to be sharing this occasion with her family and closest friends. Since she had no blood relation, other than her mother and Jeanip, the helpers had been her adopted family since she was born. It was only at special occasions, such as birthdays and holidays, that they ate as a family. Her mother had always maintained the distinction between royalty and helpers. Even Jeanip, who was Medaron’s brother, did not routinely eat with them.

  When the meal was finished, all retired to the siting room off the kitchen. Misso brought coffee and tea while Birea followed with a three-tiered birthday cake with twenty candles burning and placed it on the coffee table. Everyone sang “Happ
y Birthday”, after which Europa made a silent wish and blew out her candles.


  The buck stood motionless several yards from the front gate. He knew some of the security detectors around the estate would be turned off to accommodate the arrivals and departures of her party guests. He cautiously walked up to the gate and stood just outside the entrance, surveying the surrounding area while testing the air with his nostrils. He knew he was taking a big risk coming to the estate tonight with so many visitors, but since he had missed his opportunity to end her life yesterday, he wanted to give himself a little advantage for the next time they met. He cautiously took one step, then another inside the estate, listening for any danger. As he turned a corner he saw the cottage with numerous cars parked in front of the porch. He stopped, standing perfectly motionless, turning his ears toward the house to pick up any sounds that someone could be outside. After several minutes, he was assured everyone was in the house celebrating the abomination’s birthday and felt it was safe to approach the vehicles. He silently walked straight over to her truck, flaring his nostrils and taking in a deep breath as the hair on the back of his neck stood up. The smell of her human stench was both sickening and tantalizing. He had never been so close to anything of hers before where he could actually smell her, and it excited him. He lifted his hind leg and urinated on the truck wheels, marking his territory. He then walked around to the passenger’s side, lowered his head and made a long, wide scratch down the front fender with his antlers, marking the vehicle. Between the smell and the scratch, he would have no problems distinguishing her truck. Suddenly, realizing he had once again been distracted by the thought of her, he quickly raised his head to determine if anyone had possibly detected him. All was quiet. Everyone was still in the house. He turned and quietly walked down the road, breaking into a leaping run once he cleared the gate. He followed the forest line back to the tree where the blind was hidden, transformed into human form and climbed up into the blind. He spent the next hour spying on the cottage through his telescope, salivating when he saw Europa through the side window. “Tomorrow,” he thought. “Tomorrow will be the day.”


  After cake and coffee, it was time for Europa to open her presents. Sitting beside the fireplace, she picked up the first one, announced who it was from and opened it. It was a beautiful lilac sweater from Anna. The next gift was from Suzie and Rannie. They gave her a new MP3 player filled with her favorite songs and a photo album filled with pictures of the four friends over the years.

  “It’s so you won’t forget us when you’re off to college,” Rannie exclaimed.

  “That could never happen,” Europa answered. “Remember, you are coming to visit at least every month or so.” Next she opened up her presents from Jeanip, Misso. Birea and the men. She then picked up a small box with a red ribbon around it. She looked at the tag and was surprised to see it was from Terrance. “Terrance, you did not have to.”

  “Did you really expect me to come without a present? What kind of gentleman would I be?” he asked. “You didn’t give me much notice, so I’ll apologize now if you don’t like it. Your town doesn’t have a huge selection of special gifts.”

  Europa untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. Terrance saw a gleam in her eyes as she carefully lifted up a gold chain bracelet with the charm of a red breasted bird attached to it, a small red ruby representing the breast.

  “It’s lovely,” Europa said, as she looked into Terrance eyes, her own filling with tears. “It looks just like the sparrows we saw yesterday out at the rookeries.”

  “That’s so you won’t forget ME!” Terrance chuckled.

  “Mother, look,” Europa said, walking to her mother with the bracelet dangling from her fingers. “Is it not lovely?”

  Medaron took the bracelet from her daughter’s fingers. She surveyed its detail, turned her gaze toward Terrance and smiled at him. “This is extraordinary, Terrance. I see, besides antiques, you have very good taste in jewelry also. You could not have made a better choice.” She handed the bracelet back to Europa. “It is beautiful, Europa. Something to cherish always.”

  Europa took the bracelet and walked over to Terrance. She handed it to him as she held out her arm. “Would you be kind enough to do the honors?” Terrance laid the bracelet over her arm and connected the clasp. “Oh, it looks wonderful,” she said, raising her arm to admire the bracelet. “Thank you so much.”

  “Europa, here is your gift from your father and myself,” Medaron said, holding out a small box wrapped in lilac paper with a purple bow. Europa walked back over to her mother and took the box. “But before you open it, I have something to say.”

  Medaron rose, signaling for the others to remain seated. She took Europa’s right hand into her own and turned her to face her guests. “In our homeland a young female monarch’s twentieth birthday marks the end of her childhood and the beginning of her adulthood. She begins to learn the responsibility of monarch duties, such as leadership, diplomatic authority and the ruling over the people. This is done by a special ceremony of the placing of the hands. Even though our homeland no longer exists, I would still like to perform the ceremony. Once completed, Europa will bear the title of ‘Queen’ and will begin to take over the responsibilities of overseeing Minnos from me. As your new queen, you will give her the same obedience and compliance you have given to me all these years.” Medaron paused briefly then said, “Europa, if you would please turn and face me.”

  Europa turned and stood in front of her mother, her Mother’s hand on each shoulder. “As reigning queen I pass my leadership, my honor, my knowledge on to you. From this day forward you will be known as the ‘queen-in-waiting’. You will become, with time, the protector of Minnos and the strength of our nation. We will look to you for guidance, depend on you for protection, rely on your judgments. We pledge our lives to you and will defend you above all, even if that means forfeiting our life to do so.” Medaron looked down at Europa. “If you would open your gift now.”

  Europa opened the lilac package and lifted out a gold chain with a unique amulet on it. It was a round sphere with an opaque covering of unknown substance. The inside was filled with a lilac liquid in which was suspended a dime-size purple stone.

  “Oh, Mother, this is beautiful,” Europa said. “It is almost identical to the one you wear.”

  “If you will give it to me, I will place it around your neck. Once it is placed there, it is never to be removed.” Europa handed the amulet to her mother, who placed it around her daughter’s neck and snapped the clasp closed. “Our ancients designed these amulets to protect and aid our monarchs. They have been passed on to each new generation. Today it is passed on to Europa.” Medaron looked at their guests. “I now present to you your new Queen and Monarch. May the Waters guide her in her royal duties and bring her long life.”

  Europa turned around and was surprised to see Jeanip and the others kneeling on one knee, their heads bent down with their right hands raised to their forehead. “To you, Queen Europa, we pledge our lives in your defense and give you all we are.”

  Europa quickly looked at Terrance and the girls to see their reaction to such a dramatic demonstration. She could see their uneasiness in not knowing what they should do and was touched when they too knelt to acknowledge her new rank.

  The formal festivities completed, everyone crowded around Europa to view her new bracelet and amulet. Everyone complimented Terrance on his excellent choice of a gift and his taste in jewelry.

  “Mrs. Waters, I’ve never seen such an amulet. It must be priceless,” Terrance softly said, then realized he had said it out loud. He hoped his comment did not offend anyone, especially Mrs. Waters.

  “Mother, are you sure I should wear this. If it is priceless and irreplaceable, do you not think it would be better kept in a safe?”

  “No, Europa, it was made to be worn b
y my daughter.” Medaron answered, smiling at her. “As Queen you must wear it. Legend states it will protect and guide you.”

  Seeing the hour was getting late, the help thanked Medaron for the wonderful evening, wished Europa happy birthday one last time, told Terrance it had been nice to meet him and departed. Misso and Birea returned to the kitchen to finish cleaning up. Jeanip escorted Medaron into the living room with Terrance, Europa and her female friends following. The small group remained in the living room for several hours, telling stories and laughing.

  “It’s getting late. I should be heading back to the inn,” Terrance announced. “Girls, would you like me to follow you?”

  “Actually, Terrance, we’re staying the night,” said Rannie. “We wanted to have one more girls’ slumber party before Europa leaves for college.”

  “Terrance, if you’re going back to town be careful on the drive. That road can get a bit winding and hard to maneuver at night. Plus, there’s a deer out there several people have almost hit. Seems like it likes to hang out around the curve,” Suzie stated.

  “My mom almost hit him the other day,” Anna added. “It scared her to death. She said one moment the road was clear and the next there he was. She said it had really weird eyes, almost glowing.”

  “Deer’s eyes glow when a car’s headlights shine on them,” clarified Jeanip. “Most animal eyes do.”

  “Yes, Sir,” stated Anna. “But this was in broad daylight.”

  “Terrance, I bet that is the same deer we saw yesterday out at the small rookery behind the house. It was beautiful. The rack of antlers on its head was magnificent. I did not know there were still deer around here,” Europa said, looking in Jeanip’s direction.

  “There hasn’t been for years,” he replied, wondering if it was the same deer that had set off the security grid. “Hunters wiped them out. He might have come down from the mountains. There are still several herds up there in the deep forest.”

  “Did you notice anything unusual about his eyes?” Medaron asked Europa, wondering if there was more to this deer.

  “I thought I did for a minute. They seemed to glow red. But then I realized it was the sun reflecting in them.”

  Medaron immediately looked at Jeanip. He heard her say inside his mind, “Jeanip, a deer with strange or red glowing eyes? That could indicate a shape-shifter. If it is, it could be a Terrian here after Europa. That might be why I keep having this uneasiness, this feeling of dread.”

  “I heard, Medaron," Jeanip silently replied. “It certainly warrants checking into and I will proceed to do so. Plus, I will turn the fences on right away.” He turned to face the young women. “I am sure it’s just a plan old deer,” Jeanip said out loud. “But perhaps, if you have no objections, Medaron, Terrance should spend the night here at the estate. The girls are right. That road can get a bit treacherous at night, especially if a fog blows in from the ocean. He can sleep in the bunk house with Sunam and Tinderoon. I know they will have no objections. He can return to town in the morning.”

  Europa looked at her mother, giving her a pleading look. “Yes, I agree. It would be safer for him to return in the morning. Now, if you will excuse me, I think I will retire for the evening.” Medaron stood up, crossed the room to the stairs and ascended to her bedroom.

  “I think it’s time we all retire,” Jeanip suggested. “Terrance, I need to take care of something in my room, then I’ll walk you out to the bunk house. You have five minutes to say your goodnights.” Jeanip walked over to Europa and lightly kissed her on the cheek. “Good night, Birthday Girl. Ladies, try not to stay up all night talking about how good looking I still am for an old guy. And remember, the alarms will be on.” He walked into his room to turn on the fences.

  Terrance said goodnight to Europa’s friends then turned to her and took her hand. “See you in the morning,” he said as he softly kissed Europa. Like Europa, he too had planned for a better kiss but, with her friends watching and Jeanip back from his room, it was not possible. A small kiss would have to suffice for the moment. He turned and followed Jeanip onto the porch.

  “You’ll find the beds in the bunk house very comfortable.” Jeanip said. “You’ll need to stay inside and wait until Sunam or Tinderoon turn the alarms off in the morning before leaving the bunk house. The grounds are protected by security alarms at night.”

  “Alarms?” Terrance asked, a little concerned.

  “Security that’s not needed anymore, but something Medaron insists on. Perhaps one day I’ll tell you why.” Jeanip stopped half way across the yard. “Terrance, before you retire for the night there is something important I need to talk to you about. I understand Europa has told you of her royal heritage and her need for our high security.”

  “She told you, did she?” Terrance asked.

  “Not exactly. Let’s just say not much happens here on Minnos I don’t know about. Anyways, with that knowledge comes great responsibility. No one outside of Minnos, except for her three girlfriends, and now you, know Europa is of royal blood. And that secret must be maintained, no matter what. Please believe me when I tell you there are people from the old homeland who would love to find Europa, to end her life. Part of her protection is that her true identity is unknown. Do you understand what I am telling you, Terrance?”

  A serious look crossed Terrance’s face. “If word got out Europa was a princess, err, I mean a queen, her life could be in danger? And for that reason I must never tell anyone who she really is.”

  “That is correct. So I can count on your silence, Terrance? Or must I slit your throat tonight while you sleep to silence you?”

  Terrance stared at Jeanip. He had no doubt the protector was kidding, but he also knew that, to protect Europa, he would not hesitate to end Terrance’s life, if it meant keeping her safe. “Sir, I care deeply for Europa. And I know Mrs. Waters would not have said those things tonight during the ceremony in my presence if she did not trust me. I will not break the trust you, Mrs. Waters and Europa have put in me. Europa’s secret is safe with me, now and even upon my death bed.”

  “Then we will speak of this no more. Now off to your room. Good night, Terrance”.

  “Good night, Jeanip.”

  Jeanip returned to his room and immediately walked over to the security grid again and sat down at the console. Now concerned about this deer and what its presence might imply, he began to scan the readings across the estate looking for any signs of it. But other than the previous day’s security alert, there was no sign of the deer. Remembering what Europa had said about seeing the buck at the Red Rock sparrow rookery closest to the property, Jeanip did a current sweep of that area and was surprised when he could not get an update. He tried several times and each attempt produced the same identical old report. Something was wrong with the security grid in that area. An uneasy feeling now began to permeate his mind, making him believe this deer could possibly be a shape-shifter hunting his monarchs. There was no other explanation for the fact the security grid in that specific area was not working. He would have to take his soldiers out there first thing in the morning to investigate if his fears were accurate. He also knew that, until he could confirm or eliminate those suspicions, Medaron, Europa and Triton would have to be placed on lock down and remain behind the cottage’s protective walls, something he knew Europa was not going to like.