Read Evelina - "Love You To Death" Page 31


  Instead of her usual canter across the fields Eve decided to take the horse down to the river, it was another bright clear morning with spring flowers and blossoms decorating the riverbank. She felt good, she was looking forward to leaving the house and England which was becoming such a restrictive society. She rode with her mind elsewhere, imagining herself on the streets of Pamplona once again, her recent melancholia vanished.

  When she saw the houseboat she thought nothing of it. When she saw the man standing on the deck she nearly fell off her horse.

  “Von Vohberg!” She hissed his name followed by a sharp intake of breath. She reined in the horse and trotted slowly forward, a cryptic smile gradually spreading across her face. On the deck the man turned casually at the sound of the horse approaching, first he admired the animal then glanced at the rider with a polite smile on his face. His smile quickly faded as he recognised her, even though it was the first time he’d seen her in the flesh there could be no mistaking her. She brought her horse to a stop beside the boat, patted its neck gently then fixed Walther with a Medusa-like glare,

  “Cat got your tongue?” She purred slowly. Walther found himself unable to reply, awestruck by her presence, his mouth felt dry and he coughed, spilling some of his coffee. Suddenly she spurred the horse and galloped away towards the house, with her spell broken Walther dashed down into the cabin yelling for Richard and Susan to get up,

  “She's seen us! She's been here!” He shouted through their cabin door. In a matter of seconds the three of them were standing on the river bank, Susan toting the gun.

  “Where's Tsuba? Isn't he here yet?” Richard took charge.

  “We can't afford to wait for him, he'll have to catch us up, we've either got to attack now or wait to be attacked ourselves, we have to take the initiative!”

  “I agree!” Susan said. Walther hesitated for only a second,

  “Yes. I have to agree also, let us move swiftly for already we have lost the element of surprise!”

  Eve galloped back to the house, ignoring the stables she rode around to the front where Franco was cramming luggage into the long white convertible. She called to him as she approached along the gravel drive, her eyes sparkling,

  “It seems that your intuition was right yet again!...” She jumped from the horse a second before it had stopped, “...Von Vohberg is here! On a houseboat, and I'll wager he's not alone!” She called over her shoulder as she ran into the house,

  “Where’s Bright?!” Franco dropped the rest of the luggage and followed her, he loved to see her so vibrant, so full of energy. She caught up with Bright in the kitchen having his breakfast,

  “Bright! Get your shotgun and plenty of rounds! There are trespassers down by the river, I want you to see them off, shoot them if necessary!” The man's jaw dropped and he choked on a mouthful, looking doubtful. Eve rounded on him like a Furie, fixing him with her spellbinding gaze, her eyes holding him, she had to motivate him,

  “Why do you think I've kept you here? This is your moment Kelvin Bright, the moment you've been waiting for, the chance to show the world what kind of a man you really are! It’s your high noon, just DO IT RAMBO!” She chased him from the room, then turned,

  “And you! She raised a forefinger towards Fidelma,

  “You heard nothing!” Eve issued the warning with a grimace that intimated dire consequences, Fidelma looked down and began to gather Kelvin’s breakfast things,

  “To be sure, t'was nothin' to hear.” She replied as she carted everything over to the sink.