Read Evelina - "Love You To Death" Page 36


  Susan arrived at the front of the house finding the doors wide open, she had seen movement at an upstairs window and assumed that Richard was up there. Waving the big gun in front of her she crossed the wide hallway and cautiously mounted the staircase, taking one step at a time and constantly looking to the top and bottom until she reached the top. On the first floor landing all the bedroom doors were closed except one.

  Eve waited inside, seated at her dressing table at the far side of the room with a silver Derringer pistol trained at the door. She could just see through the tiny crack in the door jamb.

  Susan could feel her heart beating fast, her breathing quick and shallow, she knew that if someone was in that room they would have heard her approach, taking the initiative she kicked open the door and ran in, firing off a round as she rushed inside.

  Eve kept her cool, aimed and fired at the moving target, the small calibre bullet gouging a small but acutely painful chunk out of Susan's lower arm. With a squeal she flashed across the room taking refuge behind the thick wooden headboard and firing off another round in Eve's direction, shattering bottles on the dresser beside her. Involuntarily, Eve fired off her second round that buried itself harmlessly in the headboard, Susan jumped up and quickly took aim before she fired again. The heavy gun blasted a bullet that missed Eve's face by a fraction of an inch, smashing the mirror behind her.

  Eve sat motionless, an enigmatic smile on her face, while Susan stood still, watching her, the big gun trained on her. Eve let out a small sigh before uttering,

  “Oh why did I choose a gun that only holds two bullets?” She shook her head and smiled, dropping the Derringer to the floor. Susan shouted,

  “This is for my mother you fucking whore!” And squeezed the trigger for the fourth and final time.


  Downstairs, Tsuba and Franco, both bloodied, fought on. Tsuba had drawn first blood with a wide sweeping slash that tore a thin line through Franco’s chest, he had replied instantly by moving inside with a lightning fast jab, the fight would have ended there and then had it not been for Tsuba’s speed and agility.