Read Evelina - "Love You To Death" Page 9


  Cairo's bedroom was a grubby shambles. Once upon a time it had been decorated for a child, possibly fifty years earlier that child had grown up and left. And the room had never been touched since. She had lots of shelf space, two chests, a cupboard and a wardrobe. And the floor. It looked as if a giant had picked up the room and shaken it so that everything had fallen over or tilted on the skew, or on to the floor itself.

  From the window-seat she gazed for a while at the dusty, cobweb-strewn mobiles hanging from the ceiling, Victorian glass fairies danced in the late afternoon sunlight. With a gentle sigh she stood up and skittered across the room, effortlessly avoiding the randomly strewn toys, books and other abandoned artefacts. She reached the secret door neatly concealed within the panelling below the dado rail. She pressed the hidden lever and had to stoop slightly to enter the dark passage beyond.

  London, The Gas Lamp Inn

  In the bar of The Gas Lamp Inn, Eve forced a smile as the man they had arranged to meet lumbered across to join them. Franco wouldn’t even try to be polite to the big man, he detested him and suffered his company only because of his loyalty to Eve. Smokey Dick pulled up a chair with a curt nod to Franco and threw himself down onto it, growling in a thick phlegmy voice,

  “Long time no see, princess!” He always referred to Eve as princess. Franco slitted his eyes and clenched his fists. Eve replied in a friendly but business-like tone,

  “Yes Dick, a long time, but let's not waste any more time with any idle chat, I have a job for you. There's a woman I want you to, er, see to.” Eve had hooked him instantly at the mention of ‘woman’ and ‘see to’. Franco could see his depraved mind working, he watched as Dick's mouth watered while he rubbed his greasy palms together.

  “How old?” Dick asked.

  “Young. And pretty.” Eve replied. Franco felt a wave of pity for Susan. Dick let smoke waft out his mouth as he spoke,

  “When?” He asked.

  “Now.” She stated simply. There was a pause while Dick drank and blew out more smoke. Franco promised himself that one day he would snuff-out Smokey Dick. Dick coughed and cleared his throat before asking,

  “Is ’e coming?” He demanded wagging a thick smoke-stained finger at Franco. Franco responded before Eve,

  “Yes. I will drive, I do not think I will be needed to administer the punishment.” Franco stared dagger-eyed at Dick while he spoke. Eve felt the tension between the two men, it was like a physical thing to her and it felt so good. The excitement and hunger was growing within her more and more as the minutes passed, a frenzy was coming on and she craved for satisfaction, the kind of satisfaction she only knew one way to achieve.

  London, Windsor

  Walther sat in an armchair in the living room, it was dark outside and the house was quiet, he hoped that Susan would sleep for a while, he wanted time to think. He gazed absently around the room and noticed that the answer phone had a message waiting to be played, although strictly-speaking, he had no right to do it, he reasoned that it might be an important message and should be heard as soon as possible. He toyed with the idea of calling Susan down to hear it but in the end he decided to leave her in bed, it turned out to be a message from Cyndy asking about her wages and if she should bother to turn up for work on Monday morning as there was no office left?

  Walther fell back into the armchair to continue his deliberations on their next move.

  He drifted into a light sleep and was startled awake by the front door bell. He rose stiffly from the chair and made his way to the door, Susan was at the top of the stairs in her dressing gown and called down to him to put the security chain on before opening the door. It was too late, as soon as Walther had turned the latch the door burst inwards catching him above his left eye, blood poured into it immediately blinding him, he never saw the set of brass knuckles coming towards him on the bulging fist of Smokey Dick, Susan squealed in horror as Dick smashed Walther's face, he was down and out but Dick didn't stop, he pummelled on Walther’s chest and stomach until he lay still. Susan ran down the stairs screaming at Dick,

  “Get off him you bastard! Leave him alone!” Dick flew out a swift backhand and knocked her flying into the wall, he stood up and waved his bloodied metal-stud fist in front of her face, behind him Eve had come in quietly and closed the door,

  “Check the rest of the house!” She ordered as she reached between her legs for the slim dagger and held it at Susan's throat,

  “Any trouble from you and I'll cut out your tongue! And then I'll give you to him to play with!” She laughed as she waved towards Dick. Susan was too terrified to speak.

  “No one else here!” Dick called down from the top of the stairs, roughly the same spot that Susan had been in. Eve led them into the living room where she tied Susan’s hands behind her back, Smokey Dick stood in front of her, she noticed that he was breathing hard and his lips were wet, his hands were shaking, suddenly he reached out and tore the front of her dressing gown apart, he started crudely groping over her body with his hard coarse hands. Mumbling and dribbling he rubbed the front of his jeans. Susan fell backwards as Eve yanked her by the hair, she was bundled onto the dining table as Dick spread her legs.

  “Hold her steady!...” Eve commanded as she held the knife to Susan’s face, “…Something to remember us by…” she purred as she slid the point into the soft flesh of Susan’s cheek,

  “Ess…” She worked the tip with swift precision,

  “Ell…” Susan's terror cranking her lust,

  “Yew…” she finished the last letter with a shiver of pleasure,

  “Tee…” and leaned back to admire her handiwork, “…Here, take a look!” She produced a small make up mirror and held it in front of Susan’s face, through the blood she could make out the word SLUT carved across her left cheek. The sight of her ravaged face triggered Susan into a terrified frenzy, she kicked at Dick and bucked up and down to try to get free, it was no use, Dick was a very strong man and the more she struggled the more he liked it. He pulled her closer to him and prepared to enter her, Susan spat and swore and cried all at once, she felt his hardness against her, and closed her eyes in anguish.

  And then all three of them heard the doorbell. They froze for a second and at long last Susan found her scream, she screamed for her life until Eve punched her in the face,

  “Quiet or I’ll slit your throat.” Dick hurriedly yanked up his jeans and headed for the door. They heard a girl’s voice calling through the letterbox,

  “Richard! Susan! are you in there? Oh my god!” It was Cyndy at the door and as she peered through the letterbox she saw Walther’s smashed face and then Dick making straight for the door, she stepped back and reached quickly into her handbag and set off a personal attack alarm, the door flew open and Dick made a grab for her, Cyndy was too quick for him, and sent a spray of Mace straight into his face followed instantly by a powerful kick to the groin. Dick bellowed,

  “Fucking bitch!” And fell backwards into the house. Susan rolled off the table and managed to get to her feet quickly expecting another attack. Eve had vanished, Susan looked quickly around the room and then heard Cyndy shouting for help outside, with her hands still tied behind her back she gingerly made her way into the hall, she saw Dick stagger backwards before righting himself and racing out of the house at a shambling run. Cyndy was shouting for help and banging on all the neighbours doors, then when she saw Susan she gasped, stopped shouting and ran to her with her arms outstretched,

  “Oh my god, oh my god! What’s he done to you!?” Cyndy burst into a flood of hysterical tears. Susan stood pressed against her unable to speak, then she remembered Walther,

  “We must call an ambulance!” She ran back inside with Cyndy close behind. The neighbours had started gathering outside, one of them, a casual friend, came into the house to help. Dick had run off, Eve had vanished, Susan passed out.

  The house in the Countryside - 1999

  Cairo's feline nocturnal wander
ings had always been restricted to the confines of the house, it was at the height of the previous summer that she discovered a way out into the eerily beautiful garden.

  Late one evening she had stood out on the balcony of one of the sealed upstairs rooms, staring at the stars and listening to the many small noises coming up from the garden and nearby woods. A small movement noticed from the corner of her eye made her turn and look down. A tiny field mouse scampered along the balcony rail and jumped off into the dark. Cairo's curiosity was aroused and she peered over the rail, she realised for the first time that the large tree that grew close to the house had stretched a thick bough that brushed the wall just below the balcony. She looked for the mouse but it had gone, with only the slightest hesitation Cairo climbed up over the balcony and put her weight on the bough, still holding on to the rail she jumped up and down to test its strength, it was solid. She thought for a while about trying to climb down to the ground but could see that the branches and twigs were too densely interwoven for her to get through. Undeterred she climbed back onto the balcony and scampered into her warren of secret passages. Her destination was the kitchen, once there she borrowed the key to Anjelica's store cupboard which was located at the end of a bleak corridor at the back of the house. The cupboard was in reality a small room, chock-full of every kind of never-to-be-thrown-away 'useful thing’ you could think of, she found a small saw and a few yards of rope, and then couldn't resist pulling open the drawers of a huge cupboard. In the second drawer down she saw a penknife, she grabbed it immediately, drawn to the carved mother-of-pearl handle,

  “Beautiful.” She murmured, opening the blade and admiring the shining steel. With a half-smile she popped it into her pocket, ran out and locked the door, returned the key to the kitchen and breathlessly scurried back to the balcony and the tree. With the rope tied around her waist she hopped over the rail onto the bough. Then she carefully cut a route just large enough for her to pass through the dense branches. It was hard work at first, trying to stay balanced and saw at the same time, but her work became easier as she approached the lower levels of the branches. It was nearly dawn when she at last touched the trunk of the tree at about six feet above ground.

  She had worked all through the short summer night, her hair had been pulled and her face scratched by the hundreds of little branches, her fingers were sore and dirty, and yet she felt elated. Ignoring her tiredness she uncoiled the rope and wrapped it around the branch she was sitting on, without pausing to test it she dropped off the branch and slid down the rope, she was too tired to hang on and fell most of the way to the ground burning her palms on the coarse rope, her feet touched ground first, closely followed by her bottom, for a few seconds she lay on the grass on her back staring upwards at the tree. Then slowly she pulled herself upright to examine the world outside the house.

  London, Windsor

  Franco saw the look of displeasure on Eve’s face as he opened the car door for her, knowing her moods he kept silent. She sat in the back seat and pursed her lips in thought before speaking,

  “We will wait a few moments for the oaf.” Franco sensed that she had run out of patience with Dick, then they both saw him running around the corner towards them, he wrenched open the car door and threw himself into the seat next to Eve, he was panting and out of breath but still managed to shout,

  “Don't just fuckin' sit there! Let’s get the fuck out of here!” Franco waited expressionlessly until Eve gave the order to drive, Dick continued to rant,

  “Fuckin' little bitch got me right in the fuckin’ bollocks!” He sat in the car seat with his legs wide apart pressing against Eve, she squeezed herself forward and whispered to Franco for a few moments.

  “Whatcha fuckin’ whisperin’ about!? Ain't I good enough to talk to no more!?” He yelled angrily. They ignored him. Franco drove for a couple of minutes and then turned the car off the main road and into a run-down area of boarded-up shops and slums.

  Dick was mumbling and moaning, and with an unexpected lunge, he grabbed Eve's hand and guided it towards his groin,

  “Here Princess, rub this better for me-!” He did not get chance to finish his sentence, Franco braked sharply and was out of the car in a second, he reached in and yanked the big man out of the back seat with ease. Dick threw a punch that Franco effortlessly blocked before stepping forward and grabbing Dick’s head between his big powerful hands. There was a dreadful clicking sound as with a sudden irresistible twist he broke Dick's fat neck. Dick felt the sudden pain and even he was not stupid enough to realise that his neck was useless, the two men made eye contact while Franco held Dick's head upright balanced on his forefinger.

  Franco spoke quietly,

  “If I move my finger your head will fall forward and you will die.” Dick didn't move a muscle, he was too scared to speak or move.

  “Raise your arms!” Franco ordered. Slowly and painfully Dick raised his arms and held on to his own head. Franco pulled his finger away and stepped back while Dick stood in the middle of the road swaying and holding his head upright.

  The men heard soft laughter, it was Eve, she had found the scene quite amusing,

  “Oh Franco, you do know how to cheer a girl up!” She laughed. Franco got back in the car and they drove off leaving Dick still holding his head and standing in the middle of the road. Eventually he plucked up the courage to try to walk, plodding like Frankenstein’s monster he moved gingerly forward. Unable to turn to see, he heard a car turn into the street, it was going fast and sounded its horn as it approached,

  “Get da fuck outta da way man!” A voice snarled at him as the car missed him by an inch. Dick’s heart sank as he heard the screech of brakes and through the corner of an eye he saw the car turn back towards him, dizzy and sobbing he tried to stagger away.

  “What da fuck you dooin’ man?” The voice called out from the car as it slowly drove by then turned again to stop in front of him. Two men stepped out and stood in front of him,

  “Whatchoo holding yo head for man?” It didn’t seem like a friendly inquiry,

  “Let’s see what you got in them pockets.” One of the men reached forward, Dick’s reflexes got the better of him and he let go of his head, it was a fatal mistake. The two men jumped back in shock as Dick's head flopped aimlessly forward.

  “Whoaa!” One of them yelled as they stepped back. Dick tried to speak, to beg for help as he stared at his own gut, but no sound would come except for a thin gurgle, he flailed about for a second or two trying to regain control but the blood circulation to his brain was cut off and he quickly fell to the ground. His world went dark as he lost consciousness, he was dead a few moments later.

  The two men gaped in amazement for a few seconds, then took the opportunity to empty his pockets and drive off. Neither of them having noticed the old lady watching them from the shelter of the little park opposite, with Hugo’s fresh dog-poo still warm in her hand.

  Eve, on the prowl - London

  Franco drove Eve deeper into central London, she was still angry and frustrated about Susan's escape from full punishment, she needed more satisfaction and the night was still young. They ended up at a nightclub in Soho, once inside they split up, Eve pretended to be alone while Franco watched from a distance, she flirted with several different men until she found the type she wanted, then she threw out her hook and reeled him in. He was Asian, early thirties, making lots of ready cash through restaurants and drugs, he was married but also rented an apartment for ‘business purposes’ and he was used to getting what he wanted. She made it obvious that she was available and by the early hours of the morning they were cruising through the city towards his apartment.

  “Stop the car!” She suddenly demanded. They were passing through a red light district where there were dozens of girls on the street.

  “Stop? What for, baby?” The man was puzzled.

  “Pick one!...” She said pointing at the prostitutes and smiling, “...Let's have a real party!” The man l
ooked at her for a few seconds, weighing her up, he decided that she was a spoilt rich bird ‘roughing it’ for kicks, he would open her eyes tonight. He drove the BMW slowly forward, casting his lust filled eyes over the girls on offer, he chose one.

  “Her!” He pointed to a small white girl, very young looking with bleached blonde hair, she looked little more than a child. Eve got out of the car and sauntered over to her, a few moments later they were both in the back of the car giggling while the man drove them to his apartment. Franco watched and followed discreetly.

  The apartment was a little disappointing; it was above a row of shops and consisted of a small office in the front room, a combined bathroom and toilet, a small kitchen area and a bed-sitting room, it was a bit seedy but would nevertheless still suit Eve's purposes. The man got the atmosphere going with some music and a couple of bottles of sparkling wine, after a few minutes he started on the young whore, he tore off her clothes and roughly manhandled her. Eve stripped them both and encouraged them to perform different sexual acts to each other, savouring their mixed emotions. She could tell that the man preferred violent sex and made no effort to discourage it, as the minutes passed he became increasingly violent and abusive, the mixed waves of passion emanating from the pair of them became a heady cocktail for Eve to enjoy.

  She was still half dressed when he called out to her,

  “C’mon baby, get that kit off, don't you wanna join in?” He motioned for her to join the girl kneeling in front of him. Eve smiled and slipped out of her remaining clothes, her knife comfortably concealed in her left palm. She had enjoyed the waves of pain and hate coming from them both but it was now time to reach the next level. She knelt in front of him, her face next to the girl's, and smiled up at him as he slapped her face,

  “C’mon y’fuckin’bitches.” Her smile never wavered as she took him in hand. And then with a purr the knife was next to his penis, his eyes widened in terror as with a powerful stroke she lopped it off.

  Events seemed then to move with exaggerated slowness, blood poured from between his legs showering over both the girls, the look of surprise on the man's face did not reflect the terror and pain he felt as he saw his manhood in Eve’s right hand. She remained in a kneeling position, she could not stand; the waves coming from his mind were so intense she was left temporarily paralysed with pleasure. She had found out long before that nothing affected a man quite as completely as emasculation.

  The man staggered backwards, his hands shaking at his sides as he stared down at himself, Eve slowly rose up in front of him, she seemed taller, her face aglow, she was only seconds away from complete ecstasy, with a nimble step forward she curled her right leg behind his and pushed for wards causing him to fall backwards then she straddled his chest and plunged down the dagger, she felt it grate exquisitely as it passed between his ribs, her moment of ecstasy had come at last, she bucked and writhed her hips against the hilt of the knife as it protruded from his chest and moaned through uncontrollable spasms of delight as she felt his life pouring out of him. When it was over she felt rejuvenated, strong and more full of life than ever before, it felt as if she had absorbed his life force into her own, and it felt clean and pure.

  The young girl sat huddled tightly into a corner, silently sobbing. She had been on the streets for a few months but nothing she had experienced had prepared her for this. Eve crossed the room towards her, her voice low and calming,

  “Feel no pity for him, he had it coming. Don't be afraid, I will not harm you.” She lied. The girl looked up, Eve looked regal even in her naked blood-spattered condition, she took the girl's hand and made her stand, then led her across to the man's body, with a movement that was almost sleight-of-hand Eve slit the girl’s left wrist. The girl moaned and whimpered as she watched her own blood pouring out over the dead man's body, She whimpered,

  “Please, no.” Eve held her tightly until the girl collapsed, then with terrifying efficiency she set about obliterating any evidence of her own presence in the flat. She went to the kitchen and found a knife of comparable size to her own dagger, pressed it into the palms of both of the girl's hands several times and forced it into the hole in the dead man's chest making it appear to be the murder weapon, then she placed the man's lopped-off penis into the girl's hand and stood back to survey the scene.

  When she was satisfied, she washed, dressed and quietly left. Franco waited as ever in the car at about a hundred yards away, it was almost dawn.

  As he drove her through the quiet early light Franco recalled the time they’d first met, as a child in the blazing ruins of Guernica. He had followed her through the streets for days without her noticing him, it was one of those curious twists of fate that seem improbable and yet always seem to occur at precisely the right, or wrong, moment. The small military unit that she was with had been caught by a surprise attack, half of the men were wiped out instantly by grenades and Eve was thrown to the ground as her horse was shot, she was caught between the two lines of fire and certain to be killed, Franco ran, heedless of the bullets to save her, he took her hand and led her down the narrow rubble-strewn lanes of the old city to safety.

  He could no longer remember how they ended up staying together, but he would never forget the first time she looked into his eyes, she seemed to see straight into his mind and soul, he was shocked at first and looked away, then he looked back into her eyes and surrendered himself, he would be hers to command forever.

  London, Windsor

  Susan stared into the bathroom mirror, she was at home after discharging herself from the hospital in the morning following the attack. She had visited Walther briefly, he had been asleep and a nurse described his condition as ‘stable’. She went home alone and stood in the hallway with the memories of the previous few days events crowding her mind.

  “The scars will fade eventually.” They had said at the hospital. Susan continued to stare into the mirror. Her left cheek was covered with a large soft bandage but she could all too easily picture the damage beneath it. From the base of her right cheek a thin dark line crossed her face in a diagonal line across the bridge of her nose and ending on the left side of her forehead. Carefully she lifted the bandage from her cheek exposing Eve's cruel handiwork, the skin was swollen and bruised but could do nothing to hide the letters carved out so very neatly. A single tear like a raindrop fell down Susan's ravaged face, before the sight of it sent her into a rage, she banged her fist against the mirror,

  “I'm not going to cry! You won't make me cry!” She shouted at her reflection and punched again at the mirror, never had she felt so alone and so frightened. And so very, very, wronged. There was a feeling of emptiness in her soul, everything that she loved had been taken away from her, Richard and her parents, her entire life! The emptiness left a gap that needed to be filled, so she filled it, with hate and rage she filled the gap in her heart.

  So Susan packed a suitcase, there was nothing left to stay for. Without leaving a note or phoning anyone she left her home for good. Carefully and methodically she'd packed only the things that really mattered to her, then she went to the bank and withdrew all the cash that she could before starting the long drive to her parent’s cottage in the country. She was going ‘home’, for the first time in ten years, not for sanctuary but for information, she hoped that somewhere in her parents careful research of the woman they knew as Eve she might find a clue, a lead, or just some idea about what to do next.

  The house in the Countryside

  Wide awake in the middle of the night Richard lay on his bed and watched the shadows cast by the moonlight. The tree outside swayed to and fro making them dance around his cell-like room. It was cold so he wrapped himself in all the clothes available to him. A small sound from the corner of the room gave him a start and he rose to investigate, as he stood he heard a sudden intake of breath, turning quickly he saw a pale face disappear behind the wardrobe,

  “Hey! Who's there?” He dragged his bed across to the wardrobe and
heaved it away from the wall, the little door was open by an inch, “Looked like a child.” he waited for a few moments then spoke softly,

  “Don't be shy, come out and say hello. I don't bite.” He said it as conversationally as possible under the circumstances. The face reappeared, slowly followed by slim shoulders and the rest of the body. Cairo stood with her feet together and her hands clasped in front of her, framed in the moonlight she was a pale and ghostly vision. Her white nightdress glowed luminous and angelic, tight around the neck and reached down to her knees. But despite her air of youth and innocence Richard could see the family likeness instantly, he had no doubt that the little girl before him was Eve's daughter. She spoke, her voice solemn and measured,

  “I've been watching you.” She stared into his eyes,

  “I don't think I like being spied on.” Richard replied whilst wondering if she had seen him with the idiot flirtatious twins.

  “It's not spying…!” She retorted indignantly, “…I watch everyone. I know everything that goes on in this house!” She spoke like a child caught being naughty. There was a few moments silence while Richard thought of what to say, if he could use her to his advantage,

  “Does your mother know where you are?” He asked.

  “My mother? No. Why would she?” The question seemed to confuse her. Richard , sensed an opportunity,

  “Can you help me escape?” He rattled his chain for effect.

  “Escape? Why? Aren't you happy here?” She stared down at his chain, the concept of being a prisoner had never occurred to her, she felt a kind of affinity with the idea.

  “Where would you go?” She asked in total innocence, her naiveté amazed Richard, he formed the impression that she did not know much about the outside world. He looked at her tiny teenage frame, her small face with the large eyes,

  “Have you ever been out of this house?” He asked intuitively.

  “Yes of course I have. lots of times.” Richard didn't believe her but at the same time he did not want to upset her by saying so, there was more to be gained by playing along with her,

  “Well anyway, I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Richard.” He held out his hand as if for a handshake, she smiled as if she didn’t do it very often and curtsied, ignoring his outstretched hand. Richard realised that he was going to have to make the conversation,

  “So where do you go when you go out? Are there any shops near here?” Cairo’s eyes darted towards the ceiling as she struggled to think of a convincing lie,

  “I sometimes go to...” her gaze remained firmly at the ceiling, “… the cinema!”

  Richard grinned and stifled a snort, instantly regretting it as her face dropped and she retorted,

  “Well it’s none of your business anyway!” And in a flash she had disappeared behind the wardrobe, he heard the faint sound of the wooden door clunking shut. Richard fell backwards onto his bed, he was disappointed that he'd upset the girl so easily, it was good to know there were other people in the house. And that there was another way out of his cell. He mulled on it, working on the idea that Cairo might somehow be useful as a means of escape.