Read Ever Shade Page 10

  Sary sat in the bed next to her. A sweet, concerned smile lit her face, crinkling her sparkling eyes as she patted Shade’s arm. Her hair draped around her neck in soft waves of crimson fire.

  “It was Darren, he attacked me, and he came out of the mirror in the room!” Shade swallowed back her panic, feeling the events of that night rushing back. “Where is he? He really wanted to hurt me. He wanted me dead!” Tears stung behind her eyes and for that moment, she wished so hard to be back at home with her mother. Her room seemed like a distant sanctuary in a forgotten dream. Sary hugged her tightly as her sobs overcame her.

  “It’s alright Shade. I don’t know how you did it but somehow you trapped him in the mirror when you smashed it. He was incredibly angry and rendered quite harmless. He has been released from the mirror prison by the Teleen warlock and placed into one of the cavern confinement cells, where he has been since. We have waited for you to awaken; The Queen is most upset and anxious to seal his fate,” Sary said, with her shining eyes, and they were lovely and burning like jewels on fire. She stood up and retrieved a cup from beside the bed. She handed it to Shade, nodding to her to drink it. “Drink Shade, you must be very thirsty. We gave you fluids similar to IV’s in the human world, but nothing refreshes like real fluid, drunken into your body.”

  Shade nodded and gripped the cup. The cool water felt amazing going down her throat. She immediately felt better, not as upset and instantly more awake. She finished the drink and handed the cup back. She was really starting to like faery food and drinks. She sighed and glanced around the room, relieved it wasn’t the same room she had been attacked in. It was similar but lighter in color. It had no mirrors. Yay! She didn’t think she could handle any more mirrors quite yet. Her backpack lay on a table by the door and the sheets and blankets were all crisp and white. This was probably their version of a hospital room.

  “What are they going to do to him?” Shade’s voice seemed small, her eyes staring down into the floor while she thought about her attacker. She shivered as the memory made her cringe. He had stolen something with his brutality. She felt vulnerable, more than ever, and weak. She was not cut out for this magical world. She would have to start training right away if she was going to just survive this journey. Two threats on her life in one day had been two she could have lived without. She had no idea what she had gotten herself into and didn’t like how that made her feel. Darren had taught her a harsh and vicious lesson.

  “That will be up to Queen Gretel. I hear they take offenses quite seriously among the Teleen. He will probably be expected to pay an equal price for your attack. Most attempted murders are punished quite harshly, even death is considered an adequate punishment if he was planning to kill you. This I expect is what he was out to do from the state of things in your room, and the amount of injuries he caused you. He must pay for what he did to you, Shade.” Braelynn looked seriously at her from the wicker chair near the end of the bed. Shade suspected that she had sat there a great deal during her period of unconsciousness.

  “He said that he could travel through mirrors, at least a matching pair of them. He placed that mirror in my room to get to me. I even locked my door but it didn’t matter.” Her voice quivered as she recalled his dark words. “He said he was going to kill me, and that I tarnished the fey races. I didn’t do anything to him and he hates me. Why?”

  “That is the question, is it not, Shade?” Jack interrupted from the doorway. He took up most of the entrance with the bulk of his muscle bound body. “Right now, he has refused to speak of his reasons, during his interrogation. He won’t say if he has any accomplices for that matter, either. I have come to summon all of you, that is, if Shade can walk, to Darren’s trial. The Queen has gotten word that you have awoken and is anxious to proceed. We need you there for Queen Gretel to issue his sentence. How well are you Shade; can you come?” He sighed and rubbed his eyes as if he hadn’t been sleeping well. He was still standing in the entrance holding the door ajar.

  Shade looked at him, feeling almost petrified at the thought that more fey may be out to get her. She tried to shake the feeling off and nodded. She was feeling a lot better now with the potion they had given her. She shifted her legs out to the side of the bed and felt the cool stone under her scabbed feet. She paused, wondering if her legs would hold. She stood up slowly and found her legs sturdy and strong. Her smile stretched across her face. That medicine is good stuff; I’m going to have stock up on some for the whole clumsy family and me!

  She straightened and accepted Sary’s support, as the warrior princess jumped to offer a hand. Shade nodded and smiled at her. Sary smiled back, nodding in understanding as she slipped her arm under Shade’s. Braelynn placed two soft leather slippers in front of Shade’s feet. The leather was very smooth, almost like silk against her skin. She shuffled forward, and headed towards the door.

  Jack took her free side, letting her hold his arm for support. They walked slowly down the hall to the great chamber, where it was lit bright as daylight once more. For the first time, Shade peeked up at the roof and noticed how much it looked like a bluish white sky at mid-noon. They were deep underground and the sky stood there as natural as it was outside, she still couldn’t make out the source. She looked around them and saw that everyone, all the Teleen clan and her entourage were there, waiting for them. The room was crammed full of faery people, like the night of their welcome feast. She wondered what had been going on the days she had been out. How much time had been wasted of their journey, all because of what had happened to her, with Darren?

  They ushered her up the steps. Queen Gretel stood up from her throne as they approached. She glided towards Shade, stepping down slowly and bowing her head at her. She followed along, noticing how Sary and the others reciprocated the bow. Queen Gretel, who now wore human glamour that shielded her fire, reached out and held Shade’s hands. She smiled warmly but spoke quickly and seriously. “Dear Shade, I am most pleased at your quick recovery. I apologize for our guard’s indiscretion and most unfortunate actions. Please, come with me.” She pulled her up the steps to sit at a chair placed next to the massive stone throne. Shade sat down and looked up at the queen as she addressed the crowd standing before them.

  “Shade was attacked, here in our own great cavernous dwelling. Our home has been the scene of bloodshed and pain. This is not allowed among the Teleen and such brutality will come with a dear price. Accused for such crimes against our guests and us stands Darren, one of our own Teleen guards. He stands now for his punishment.”

  Shade sat up straighter and sucked her breath in at the mention of her perpetrator. She had been feeling much better, that is, until she spied Darren. The crowd opened for a double line of guards who were escorting Darren through the room and towards the throne. His head was hanging down, with his long dark hair disheveled and riddled with tangles. He looked like he had not slept in days. His wrists were bound with strips of thick leather and each arm was held firmly by a guard. Captain Dylan stood in front of him and bowed before the queen.

  “My queen, Darren has confessed to his crime. What price shall our queen make him pay for his violations?” Dylan appeared strong and commanding: in full Teleen guard attire but with his helmet missing. He remained bowed and awaited her answer. Darren and his guard escorts mimicked his movements, though Darren appeared to be shoved into submission.

  “Please stand, Captain Dylan and guards. I have come to the conclusion that only one punishment will suffice for such a deliberate and violent attack.” She looked up and scanned the crowd amongst them. The silence was heavy and hung in the room like thick smog. Shade was sweating, her heart raced with nauseating anxiety as she waited. She just wanted to have Darren gone, away from her sight, or run from him as fast as she could. His presence was like a bad nightmare come to life, like a suffocating presence.

  “Darren must now pay tribute to Shade. A blood debt has been made, demanding payment. Only blood from death will be appropriate for such a crime.?
?? Gasps rippled through the mass and whispers ignited like flames through the shocked crowd. There were even heads shaking while others began to holler out protests.

  “My decision stands. As your Queen, my judgment is paramount. Silence!” The crowd hushed as quickly as it had erupted.

  “My queen,” a voice interjected. The Teleen queen turned to look upon Captain Dylan, now kneeling before her, head bowed and stiff.

  “May I speak, your majesty?”

  “Rise and speak Captain Dylan. Your queen has acknowledged you. Darren being your only brother, I am sure you have much to say.” She held her hand out as if to summon him to rise. Dylan rose slowly and stared back at the petite woman. His face was a well of stillness, eyes empty and blank with no feelings escaping from their pits.

  “I beg thee, to please reconsider. I ask you, my dear queen, to spare the life of my only brother, Darren. I carry an oath to our long deceased mother to care for him in her long absence. Please, consider an alternative price.” Dylan bowed his head again and did not look back up. He seemed to be acknowledging the queen’s dominance over him, and over all the people that called the caverns their home.

  Shade blinked as she glanced between him and the queen. Brother? So that is why there was a resemblance. Darren was Dylan’s brother! Of course! She thought putting it all together.

  Dylan seemed genuinely concerned but his face remained hard. He did not seem like the snickering captain of the guard she had met her first day at the Teleen caverns. He stood humble and still before the queen. She wondered if he was holding his breath while he waited for the queen’s answer. She wondered why he would defend such a rotten man, even if he were his own flesh and blood, his only brother.

  “Dylan, my faithful Captain, you have served me faithfully and well for so many years. I’m afraid only a fair blood trade would suffice, though. Knowing your mother’s wishes for you and your brother, I will consider this in my decision.” She tilted her head and watched him, studying his stoic demeanor as if reading his inner most desires. “What if I amend my judgment, let’s say, for an equal payment? Would you trade your life in your brother’s place then? I will only amend the death price if you trade your blood and services for your brother’s life.”

  Captain Dylan looked up at that remark. His eyes widened in surprise and seemed utterly tortured. He studied the queen in confusion.

  “I’m sorry your majesty, but what sort of blood price trade do you mean?”

  The queen smiled, glancing at Shade before speaking again.

  “I require that you say yes before I explain. Will you trade your life for your brother’s? I promise this will not mean a death sentence on your part, if you do so. Your brother will be freed then also, but only if you agree to the full terms.”

  Dylan stared intensely at the queen for what seemed like forever. He let his eyes drop to the floor and sighed. Shade watched him gulp and think hard at her words. He nodded and blinked up at the queen, straightening and regaining composure once more. “Yes, my queen. In place of my brother, I will assume punishment for crimes he has incurred, short of death.” He let his gazed drop again. His face had flushed with heat, while his eyebrows furrowed. He was probably not too happy about having to learn his fate after he swore to trade places with Darren.

  Shade glanced between him and the queen, in eager anticipation.

  “Well then, Dylan, I am glad to hear that such an honorable man will assume a lesser man’s punishment. He is undeserving of such a thing, even if he is your brother. So, in consideration of your own innocence, I hereby proclaim that your blood payment will be a blood bind, to Shade. You are to protect, follow and serve her until the blood price is filled and paid. This can only be determined by the magic of Faerie itself and release from it will only come from the lands of Faerie, or it will remain indefinitely. Any failure to do these things will revoke the trade, and the original judgment on Darren will stand.”

  Shade shook her head, understanding fully what the queen had just done.

  “No, please, your majesty, no, I don’t need a servant or a guard, I have an entourage already, my friends who will guard me. He didn’t do anything! I can’t do this, please release him! It was Darren who did it.” She looked up at the queen and knew immediately that protesting wasn’t going to do her anything good.

  “Shade, he cannot reject this punishment; to do so is to bestow death upon his brother. You must accept this or you condemn his brother to death. Only time will tell when he will be released from the blood bond; now come here and give me your hand. I must bind you to make this trade complete. It is the way of the Teleen. Dylan will serve you faithfully, protect you and keep you safe. He cannot betray you or cause you any harm for he will break his oath, and death will consume his brother immediately. Don’t be afraid, come.” She held her hands out towards her.

  Shade held her breath, and she slipped her hand into the queen’s even though she was trembling so hard that it shook her whole body. She stood up and inched closer.

  “Dylan, come here and give me your hand too.”

  The captain took the steps and stood before the queen, across from Shade, and held out his hand. The queen held out a small knife. It was sharp and the hilt gleamed with blood red rubies, and the blade radiated with magic. Shade felt it rush over her like a warm energy, as it ventured from the queen’s hand. It was an oath maker, made to be used in blood binding.

  The Queen took Shade’s hand, palm up, and pressed on the knife softly. She dragged the blade across her palm, and soon deep red blood seeped from the wound, and trickled down her wrist. She repeated the process again on her other palm, amazingly they did not hurt at all. For all Shade knew, the knife’s magic took the pain away with it. The queen turned and did the same to Dylan. She then took both their hands and clasped them together.

  Shade looked up at Dylan as their warm, thick blood mingled. She could feel his fiery aura spilling onto hers, but it did not burn. There was a feeling of power that licked the edges of hers that was hidden deep within. Dylan’s grasped tighten around her smaller hands and felt his strength and power but did not feel threatened. She looked into his eyes that had now, somehow, gone dull and blank with maybe a touch of contempt glowing in them. If he felt anything, he did not show it. His face had hardened, like a statue. None of his feelings bled through and his magic slipped away back into himself and away from her, as he clasped his full control over it again. His aura had turned solid and hard like a shield. He had accepted his fate coldly.

  “It is done then. You may let go. Captain Dylan of the Teleen, you forfeit your position and assume your place in Shade’s entourage, that is, until the land of Faerie decides when you have fulfilled your oath.”

  Their hands dropped down to their sides and Dylan turned and walked back down, passing his brother at first but stopped about a foot away. He turned his head and studied his younger brother, who looked a lot like himself. Dylan’s cold stare narrowed and burned with a tinge of hate.

  “Darren, this is the last time I ever save you. You are on your own now, for we are no longer brothers.” He turned again and disappeared into the thick murmuring crowd. Many gasps sounded out at his declaration. The ultimatum was unexpected, stunning Darren. He stood still, keeping his head down. His eyes were squeezed shut, as some tears were probably forming in his lids. He whirled around suddenly and pushed his way across the crowd, shoving anyone in his way; both were gone in a matter of seconds. Shade stood now by the queen, as she sat down in her throne and smiled at Shade.

  Shade glanced down at her bloody palm. The cut had knitted itself closed and now was a healing leaving a light pink colored scar that was thin and tight. She looked down at her awaiting group and saw Soap holding out a hand for her. She took it, relieved to see his smiling face as he helped her down from the dais. She joined her entourage, as they shuffled out of the grand room.

  Chapter Eight

  The group huddled near the glass bridge. Backpacks were strewn a
round, like a summer camp she went to back in the thick forests of California. People were skittering about stuffing packs with rations and supplies. Shade sat on the ground with her own backpack already stuffed, since she never really had a chance to unpack before the attack. It balanced between her criss-crossed legs and she was ready to go. She held onto it like a child would a precious stuffed animal or blanket for comfort. It felt like the only thing in the world that really did belong to her. They had risen early the day after the trial to reassemble and continue on the rest of the journey. Shade felt almost fully healed but her spirits were still dampened and her head ached with everything that had happened to her. She felt comfort in her solitary spot, watching others frantically rushing around. She didn’t have much to pack anyway. Sary had retrieved her clothes, cell phone and charger from her old room, which Shade had refused to return to. Her phone was fully charged but no signal could penetrate the deep stone cavern.

  Her mousey brown hair was pulled back into two thick braids, making her look even younger than her seventeen years. She had let Braelynn fuss over her this morning when she had arrived with her hairbrush in hand, even though she had tried to pull it into a sloppy ponytail. The tight braids Braelynn made for her felt a little chained and like she was headed for school pictures; but she could deal with it since it had made Braelynn feel so useful and motherly.

  Soap came and stood before her, his tall figure seemed gigantic to her while she sat scrunched on the ground. His hair was also tied back but in an intricate half braid, leather and beads streaming through it and shimmering under the torchlight. He was looking at her with his bright eyes, so deep in color in the dim light that they seemed to glow with their own light. “Hi ya there kid, you feelin’ alright?” His voice twanged with a made up southern drawl. He winked at her and tipped an imaginary hat to her.

  She smiled up at him, not feeling quite as gloomy as before and nodded. He was definitely in a joking mood. “I’m okay. Maybe just a bit tired, not sleeping so well since…” She laid her chin on her pack as she pulled it against herself tighter, closing her eyes.