Read Ever Shade Page 8

  He came around to stand by Shade, having passed by the ring of warriors of her group as if they weren’t there. He was staring at Shade with an intensity that almost dug into her skin. He reached out to her to touch her chin. Shade stepped back, remembering what Jack had told her about touching a Teleen. He could electrocute her if he really wanted to, or not. She was not going take the chance to find out.

  “Are you afraid of me?” He laughed out loudly as his hand returned down to his side. He seemed to be pondering a thought while studying her face. She made no movement. Leaning forward, he gave a slight tilt to his face, whispering just loud enough for her to hear him. “You rightfully should be.”

  He gave his head the slightest of shakes and spun back around towards his guards. He paused signaling them to back off and then turned back to the travelers.

  “I have announced you to our queen. She will be most pleased to meet all of you, especially your precious halfling.” He chuckled, sending a tingle across Shade’s skin. He wasn’t just Teleen. She was willing to bet he was something else too, she was almost sure of it. She wasn’t quite sure that he knew it though. Jack couldn’t do magic with his voice like this one could. Shade shivered from the after effects of the rippling laughter. She ran her hands up and down her arms, trying to rub the feeling away with the warmth of friction. She wondered how it was that she could sense that he was different. Maybe a power of hers was waking up within her.

  The guard had mostly left by now, after the Captain had signaled to them to leave, and they fell into step behind each other. Everyone was not quite relaxed yet but they were on alert. The group fell in behind the soldiers and followed suite. The hall seemed to stretch on forever and Shade’s stomach grumbled again. She hoped that they would find a nice banquet waiting for them. She could only hope for such a thing from what she had seen so far.

  The ground was also made of stone; it was smoothed and worn from years of use. It was also a darker grey and sandy color, with specks of red and yellow speckled throughout it. The entire hall was the same color, no decorations, nothing to show that anyone even lived here, except for the burning torches. It appeared to be abandoned. They reached the end of the great hall as it funneled into a smaller tunnel. The torches continued along each side of the cave. The stone did not change much here either and there were no doors that Shade could find. Claustrophobia seemed to creep into her as she tried to slow her breathing. The air was cooler here, like it never changed in temperature. The smell of earth, mold and humid dirt seemed to grow stronger here. Shade swore she could hear water, like falls echoing far away. These tunnels probably ran so deep that you could pop out the other side of the world. Not really a comforting thought.

  The hallway finally opened up once again. To Shade’s surprise, it wasn’t to a lair or anything she expected. A huge underground crevice loomed beneath them opening up into a dark void. They were standing on a ledge that to led to a creaky old bridge. The roof of the cave loomed high above them with small streams of sunlight spiking through and piercing the rocks above.

  A bridge, Shade thought nervously. No way would she cross that; it was made of rope and wood, and it didn’t look too sturdy. She sighed as she looked down over the ledge and into the shadowy abyss. She could hear some water echoing and splashing down the sides of the ridge, just to her right. There was probably an underground river down there but it was not visible this far up. The air was cooler here, cool and filled with light misty water sprays that she did not find comforting. Shade had been so engrossed in staring at the rickety bridge that she did not realize the Captain was now standing by her. He was watching her reaction intently, with a slight smile playing on his lips. He seemed to be enjoying her horror of having to cross the creaky bridge.

  “So, what’s so special about you? You look less than ordinary.” He stared at her, his breath pressing on her ear, he was that close. She turned and about bumped noses with the Captain. He didn’t budge but seemed to lean closer; invading her space so much Shade actually took a step back. He was still glamoured and grabbed for her arms before she could complete the step, pulling her towards him. His fingers were digging with just enough pressure to hurt her skin. Shade’s breath caught in her throat, she was half relieved he had not shed his glamour and shot her up with electricity. She knew darn well he could at any time.

  “Let go of me, what do you want?” She pulled but his grip was firm and hard. His breath was hot and sent shivers down her neck as he pulled her to him, his other arm embraced her like a lover hugging his mistress. Her skin prickled as he let some static electricity seep around her. She heard clinks of swords drawn behind her. He ignored it.

  “You almost slipped off the edge. Is that how you say ‘Thank you’, human? I was just watching out for you. You don’t have me fooled, though. I don’t know what Queen Zinara really has planned, but the Teleen will not fall for her actions of jest. She can fight her own fight. You are not true fey. You barely reek of fey blood. I have more magic in my finger than you own in your entire body. I intend to find out what trick is behind this so called quest that will supposedly save us all.” With that he let her go abruptly, making her lose her step as she fumbled to regain her balance. Soap caught her mid-stumble as Jack stood before the Captain.

  “That’s enough Dylan,” Jack stated firmly as he put himself between the Captain and Shade. “We have no quarrel. We are here under Teleen protection and you act hostile towards your own guests. The Queen will not be pleased knowing your hospitality was lacking so.” His chest puffed out and his head tilted down, and he was clearly challenging Dylan. Relieved that someone came to her aide, she turned to Soap and he embraced her tightly. She was wracked with nerves; afraid her knees may crumble beneath her.

  Dylan snickered and turned back to the bridge. Walking forward to the edge of the landing, he turned around and was smiling slightly, at Shade. He was enjoying the growing terror on her face as he continued walking backwards over the ledge.

  Shade screamed but stopped suddenly, and could not believe her eyes. The Captain continued walking backwards as he floated on air and laughed out loud while shaking his head. He then turned and continued walking on. The rest of the guard were also laughing and followed behind him. They obviously got a kick out of watching their visitors freak when they learned about the invisible bridge. The entire guard walked across and did not fall into the ravine.

  They have an invisible bridge? Shade and the group followed slowly sheathing their weapons. They stepped tentatively onto the bridge that was seemingly made of air, still not convinced it was solid. Shade walked forward, it was like standing on glass, and she was surprised her legs did not go through. She could see the looming darkness below, swallowing up the rocks.

  Shade took a deep breath and continued following the rest of the warriors, trying not to look down and through the glass bridge. The cool air did not comfort her, as she didn’t know where the sides of the glass bridge were or how narrow it could be. She made sure she didn’t step anywhere the guards hadn’t stepped already.

  On the other side, they re-entered a cave but this one branched into three tunnels, everyone stayed to the left and continued down the dark corridor, until they reached another large room. It was lit brightly and it seemed as if it was the daylight sun shining in there, but Shade could not find any windows, but she did see other Teleen. There were torches that lined the walls in this room too, and they seemed more for decoration than anything else.

  The guard had split up around the room; they lined the walls in a single file. Great stone columns with veins of multi colored cracks laced with gold were at the room’s edges. Large drapes of fabric spilled down the walls in colors of crimson and jade, bringing color to the cold stone walls. Everyone inside the middle of the room wore bright colored clothing, dresses and flowing shirts. The Teleen were all staring and seemly had never been told that that could be considered as rude. It must be commonplace among the fey to stare. Whispers floated around the air
as people commented on the new arrivals. Some who were near them reached out and touched them and pulled at their clothes in soft tugs of curiosity. Some of the women giggled as they watched Jack walk by.

  The Teleen all wore some sort of glamour, covering their electrifying blue fire skins, looking ethereal with their translucent skin and large eyes. Some glamoured to appear like humans, but were far too beautiful to pass as one. Their noses were thin and straight, and they had large almond shaped eyes, with perfect luscious pink/red lips. She wondered how much time they actually spent with actual humans outside this morbid place. Jack and Soap did a fine job on their own glamours. At least they could blend in a society. They had studied well.

  There was a throne in the center of the far wall; it had large, grey, sleek and worn stones that were used for steps that lead to the massive dais, and the queen’s throne sat upon the great platform. It was also stone but a lighter, harder and more intricately carved. It was probably made out of marble but Shade was no expert. Different colored veins ran through the stone but that did not break up the smoothness of the carvings.

  The Queen herself stared at Shade through large black eyes. They were very similar to Lady Blythe’s luminous insect eyes, but she did not glamour herself. Her fiery blue skin glowed brightly and seemed to hum with the crackle of electricity. There were constant flames flowing over her body. Her hair looked also afire but did not burn; it was a dark color with the highlight of blue crackling through it. So that is what a full Teleen woman looks like unshielded, Shade thought. She also noticed some of the guard and attendees were in full Teleen glow too.

  They had reached the throne when Ewan knelt down before the blue lightning queen with his head bowed. Everyone followed suit as he spoke. “Your Majesty, Queen Gretel of the Teleen. We have come from the Guildrin clan in the city of Aturine, and greet you with open arms and love from our Queen Zinara. We were told of your great hospitality and ask of you only permission to rest the night and continue our journey tomorrow.”

  The Queen glanced around at them, taking in what she saw. She nodded the slightest of nods and spoke with a voice that echoed off the walls and rippled through the air like a cool mountain breeze. “Please stand, I am aware of your coming from my sister Zinara. She has spoken well of all of you and I find you most deserving of her praise. Please also forgive my guards, they find torturing any visitors to be quite amusing. We don’t get too many visitors here, as you might see. We are an isolated clan and the last of the Teleen blood you will find anywhere in the world. We are a dying breed. But we are powerful and most mischievous. I find it a great pleasure that I am able to aid you on your quest to the Santiran fountains. Please, make yourselves comfortable and accept our great hospitality.” She waved her arm over the crowd as they stood and found that tables had been set up in two rows, one on either side of them. One by one the tiny flying demi-fey servants came out and placed candelabras, bowls, goblets and overflowing platters of food on the tables. They were dressed with great long robes with long flowing linen. Fruits, meat and rolls of soft bread filled the middle of the great tables. Shade felt her stomach rumble with hunger and all of them were looking at each other with glee dancing on their faces.

  They filed around the table on their right and sat down at the end nearest the queen. The queen herself had a table set up right in front of her with anything she asked for. There were stone plates and wooden forks and knives already set up in front of each of them. The small faeries that had laid out the table were now darting back and forth. They were so quick and efficient at their job; all that could be seen was a blur of wings and hands.

  Shade watched them, fascinated by how tiny they were with their wings as thin as tissue, but they held the tiny stick thin figures gently in the air. The ones she was able to gaze longer upon showed her tiny faces with perfect tiny lips and straight noses. Most had jet-black body-length hair, some tied back and some with it hovering around them like capes. Large almond insect eyes were black as night and blinked at her curiously, none of them smiled but flitted by her, leaving a gust of cool air as they raced by.

  Shade was exhausted. The food was working on her already and helped fill the void in her stomach. She felt sleep pulling at her eyes, and her body ached with every stretch and movement. She looked around at her friends. They all seemed tired too as they quietly munched on the great feast. She had stuffed her belly full and felt a twinge of regret with the pain of her swollen stomach making it hard to breathe. She sat back in her chair and looked across the table. On the parallel stone table straight across from her was Captain Dylan, he stared at her and smiled, a softer look on his face as he held his cup up in the air, nodding to her. He set it down and was then interrupted by a guard to his left. Shade glanced at the man who now was leering at her, and he was speaking softly to the Captain. He had similar facial structure, looked a bit younger than the Captain.

  Shade was betting they were related somehow. She barely noticed that they were both looking at her now. The other guard’s dark stare was just that much colder than Dylan’s. She probably had stared too long. Shade felt her cheeks flush and turned quickly away, hiding behind her goblet of sweet punch. She pushed her plate back and looked at her friends; praying that they would be heading to their rooms soon, to sleep.

  “Shade, are you done? We are being led to our chambers soon. Ready to go now?” Braelynn asked as she nodded at her and smiled. Relieved, Shade stood and followed as all of them began to file out. A dark haired and paled skin Teleen woman stood in front of them and waited for them to gather around. She smiled broadly at someone and held her arms out. Shade craned her neck to see whom she was smiling at. Jack came into the embrace, hugging the woman and began pulling back but the woman hung on a little longer, long enough to whisper something in Jack’s ear. He then pulled back abruptly and frowned at her, shaking his head and answered her sternly but soft enough so that no one else was privy to the conversation. Shade wondered who that woman was and how she knew Jack.

  Jack turned back to the group, now composed and had a face of calm. He cleared his throat and spoke loudly for them all to hear. “Okay guys, Sylphi here is going to join us and show us to our rooms. We might be spread out for these are natural caves and are quite large. Don’t go wandering either, these tunnels travel far and it is easy to get lost. If you absolutely must, please only leave your room accompanied by someone else.” He waved to them to come forward and they all filed in by twos behind him and Sylphi. Sylphi kept trying to inch up near to him but he avoided her advances by stepping back and cramming in by Shade and Braelynn. “Shade, how is the trek finding you? Getting too tired?” He smiled down at her and completely ignored Sylphi’s raging glare. The woman turned back towards a large tunnel that they all filed into. Joining her were Captain Dylan and his near relative guard from the table.

  “Um, it’s ok, my muscles are killing me, I‘ve never felt so sore in my life. I think I might have some blisters on my feet that are hurting something awful. I’m really not an outdoors type; this is really a big push for me.”

  “Ah, you will need Sari’s famous foot soak, that’ll take care of anything on your feet for sure. I am sure she will have something for your muscle aches; this journey will take a toll on us all. I’ll have her stop by your room after she gets settled,” Jack said.

  Sylphi was giggling and turned back towards them. “Shade, you might like Darren’s famous massage. He will definitely make you forget any pain you ever have felt and more…” Her voice had a singsong way, but with a definite malicious tone to it. She patted Captain Dylan’s comrade’s back.

  “Thank you Sylphi, I will try to make myself, useful, for anyone who wishes so.” Darren, Captain Dylan’s sidekick snickered. Shade swallowed, somehow the massage did not sound like something she might need at all.

  “That’s enough from both of you. I am sure our friends are much too tired from a long journey and just want to get some shuteye. Just show them their rooms already,” Ca
ptain Dylan snapped. He grumbled under his breath and gave Shade a dark look. She wondered why he didn’t seem to like her much. He doesn’t even know me, why would he be so mean?

  It’s because the unknown is a thing to fear Shade. Never forget that, the voices chimed in.

  Shade sighed, she agreed with her voices for sure. She just wasn’t so sure about the company here tonight. Especially Darren, he gave her the heebie-jeebies. He just radiated some kind of evil; it was all around him. She wasn’t sure why he was chosen to be one of their escorts: it did not seem very appropriate. Shade glanced at Sylphi. She’s no better.

  The dark haired Sylphi was hanging off of Jack’s arm now, whispering something into his ear. She wondered if those two had a thing for each other or if it was one-sided. From the look on Jack’s face, he did not seem to mind her hanging on him, but frowned every now and then at some of her comments and giggling.

  She reminded Shade of the mean girls back at school, always finding a victim to torture amongst the high school kids. Sylphi was the kind of girl that would make snide comments to a good girl and send her the bathroom, with tears streaming down her face and feeling humiliated. Shade narrowed her eyes and shook her head. Those kinds of girls thrive on other’s suffering. It would probably best to straight out avoid her, Shade thought. At least they were only here for a night and would not have to endure the Teleen’s ‘hospitality’ too much longer.

  “What are you thinking about, dear Shade? Have we offended you in some way? You’re shaking your head with such distain. Has your stay been so unpleasant so far?” Sylphi asked. She had left Jack’s side once he had entered his room and now joined Shade at her side. She slipped her hand around Shade’s arms and bent closer to her. Her pale skin shone like moonlight, only with a slight bluer tinge to the glamour she wore. The smell of roses and another kind of fragrant scent surrounded her, as she invaded Shade’s personal space.