Read Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 11

  Gasps and sobs echo throughout the corridor as some students collapse into the arms of others. Tonight we will allow them to mourn. Tomorrow we’ll try to make sense of what went wrong, and plan how we can avoid another tragic loss.

  Chapter 21

  Caspian’s Second Chance

  Taking Siobhan back to my room, I lay her on the bed and cover her with my fluffy down comforter, dimming the lights and turning on the gas fireplace in an attempt to make her as comfortable as possible.

  My family has done everything in an attempt to make mine a comfortable transition back into the family. My room is very nice; it’s very large, and resembles a bachelor’s pad. My king size bed is situated in one corner, with black nightstands on either side. The gas fireplace is situated in the middle of the room in the wall that separates my sleeping quarters from the living area. To complete the bedroom aspect of the room, I have a large, black dresser and walk-in closet that leads to the restroom. On the other side of the fireplace is an over-stuffed, black leather sofa, with a glass top coffee table in front of it, and to the right is a corner office style desk where my laptop rests. A large T.V. rests in the wall above the fireplace; I give it a little push, so it swivels to face the sleeping area. Alexander must have done the electronics; I have everything a man could want in his man-cave. The coolest part is the speakers; they are little pads that attach to the wall, and turn the entire wall into a speaker. Thankfully for everyone else, the room is also soundproofed. I haven’t lived this comfortable in years, since I first left my family. Walking around, my feet sink into the fluffy, wall-to-wall shag carpeting. The white carpet contrasts perfectly with all the black furniture.

  I have a small reading chair that I pull to the side of my bed. I want to keep Siobhan in my sights and not leave her side. Looking at the beautiful, sandy blonde haired woman, I can’t help but wonder how any of this is possible. I felt such a connection when she drank from me, the kind of connection only soul mates feel. How can this be? Ashley was my soul mate, and I lost her over thirty years ago. Was Matilda mistaken with Ashley, or am I just so lonesome that I just want her to be a match for me? As I look her over, memorizing every feature, I feel the most wonderful tingle run through me. I want to learn more about her. If she is my soul mate, I want to know why, and how, it’s possible. Can I have more than one soul mate? The connection I had with Ashley was like something written in the movies. I know Ashley and I were meant for each other, so how can it be true for Siobhan and me too?

  Siobhan is very beautiful; about five-feet-eight inches tall, with blond hair that hangs just below her shoulders. When she smiles, two adorable little dimples form on either side of her mouth. Her full, pink lips need no lipstick; most people would call them kissable. I find myself experiencing feelings that I haven’t felt in years. I text Alexander, asking him to bring me her student file; I want to know as much as I can about her.

    

  With a soft rap at the door, Alexander enters, holding a red file folder. We color-coded the folders, and red indicates vampire. This is something I’m very aware of already. Now to find out what’s inside.

  Alexander walks over to the sofa and takes a seat. “Hey, bro. So what do you want with Siobhan’s file?”

  With a quick check on the beautiful creature in my bed, I walk into the living area and sit next to Alexander. “I need to learn more about her. I can’t explain it, but there’s just something about her.”

  “So you’re telling me you like this girl, and are too impatient to learn about her the old fashioned way. By cutting corners and reading her school file, you think you can find out why you like her.”

  “Well, yeah, kinda. I just don’t know what it is I feel for her. I’ve just—I don’t know, maybe you’re right, and I should get to know her the old fashioned way.”

  “Everyone knows I’m a fan of the old way, but just in case, do you want me to leave the file?”

  With my head in my hands, I contemplate my options. I take a deep sigh and shake my head, which flops my black hair into my face. “No, take it; if it’s here, I’ll just want to read it.”

  “I think that’s better. So how’s she doing anyway?”

  “She’s resting peacefully. The healing took a lot out of her. I’ve never seen one of our kind survive from silver poisoning, and tonight we had three survivors. With such destruction, we found miracles. I found my miracle.”

  “What do you mean, your miracle?” Alexander questions my slip-up.

  “There’s just something about her. I can’t describe it, but there’s something there.”

  “Do you want me to talk to Mati?”

  “No, just leave it for now. I think this is something I need to figure out for myself.”

  “Got it bro; your secret’s safe with me.” Alexander smiles. “I better go, everyone is kinda in an upheaval over Carlina’s passing.”

  “Rightfully so. I think we’re gonna have some major counseling to do. These kids have become very close in a short time. On the outside, they all felt like freaks, but here they can be themselves and are accepted for their differences.”

  “I agree 100 percent. We’ll talk more later. Call if you need anything else.” Alexander takes the red folder as he leaves.

  Taking back my seat next to Siobhan, I brush the hair out of her face, and smile at the feeling I get. Why didn’t I realize this before? I relax in the chair while resting my feet on the bed next to her. I turn on the T.V. and lower the volume, flipping through the channels and stop at one of the movie stations; ‘30 Days of Night’ is airing. Now, this is the kind of movie to watch after a major vamp slaughter.

  Shutting all brainpower off while I watch the movie, I get a tingle in my leg. Looking down, I realize Siobhan’s hand is resting just above my knee. Excitedly, I check to see if she’s waking. Her eyes begin to flutter, and a small moan escapes from her throat.

  “Siobhan, you’re safe. I’m here, and I won’t let anything happen to you,” I plead, unsure if she can hear me.

  She begins to stir. “Uuuhhhh, Cas...”

  “Ssshhh, you’ll be okay. I’m here for you, just rest.”


  “Okay, I’ll get you something,” I reassure her as I frantically text Alexander, but before I can send the text, he runs in with a warm glass of blood for her.

  “I heard, here you go,” he says while passing the mug to me.

  “Thanks bro. I take it you left a connection open to me?”

  “No, man, to her. With her being injured and out of it, I thought it would be helpful to know what’s going on in her head.”

  “Why the hell didn’t I think of that?”

  “Cause it’s my job to think of it.”

  “Is there anything else going on?”

  “No, it was pretty much a blank slate until I heard her screaming for something to drink.”

  I lift Siobhan slightly in my arms and hold the cup to her lips. She is slow at first, but after a few sips, she wraps both hands around the cup and finishes it in no time.

  “Thank you,” she says with a rasp to her voice.

  “You’re welcome,” Alexander says, taking the mug and leaving.

  “Where am I?” she asks, looking around the unfamiliar room.

  “This is my room. I brought you back here to care for you while you heal. I didn’t think the dorm rooms would be the best place for you right now.”

  She begins to perk up. “Thanks. Nice room. I may have to play sick a little longer.”

  “Making jokes already; you’re a fast healer.” I smile and tuck the loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Yeah, I guess so, but I know I’ll feel a lot better after a shower.”

  “I don’t know. Are you really strong enough for that?”

  “Not sure, but I’ll never know if I don’t try.”

  “Why don’t I get Connie to come help you?”

  “What, you’re too good to help me? I’m not shy, are you??

  “No, but umm.... Yeah, okay, whatever. The glass is frosted, so I will just sit there in case you need me.”

  “Fair enough.”

  I help Siobhan to the washroom. She’s still weak, and sore, and I’m not sure if she will be able to hold herself up in the shower, but she continues to insist a shower is what she needs. I sit her on the small bench in the large washroom and lean into the shower to set it to a comfortable temperature. The washroom is just as grand as the rest of my room. A large, jetted, soaker tub is in the far corner, with a private toilet directly across from the large, glass-enclosed, shower. The walls and cupboards are all the purest white, with the floor and backsplashes done in white tile with black accents. I’ve never understood the double sink as it’s just myself. In between the two sinks is a lowered counter with a stool. This makes a good grooming area, but is better suited for a woman. A large, white, Roman-style bench is situated next to the tub, and a towel rack is directly behind it on the wall.

  When ready, I help Siobhan in. She undresses in the shower, placing the dirty clothes over the edge.

  “Are you sure you’re doing okay?” I ask with concern.

  “Little dizzy, but…” A thud against the shower wall proves my point that this wasn’t a good idea. “I’m okay, just holding onto the wall for support.”

  “One more slip like that, and I’m putting an end to this shower.”

  “Well Caspian, it turns out I need your help after all. I’m holding myself up with one arm and can’t move the left arm well enough, because of the injury. I know it’s a lot to ask, but can you please just help me get washed up?”

  Opening the shower door, I step in fully clothed, and try not to disrespect her by looking at her beautiful, creamy smooth skin. Looking up at only her face, I take the shampoo and wash her hair, sliding the golden-yellow, silky locks through my fingers. I know this is a mistake; I’m not going to be able to hold this together. She tilts her head back into the running water and rinses the lathered wash from her hair. Turning her back to me, she rests her body against mine. The wet clothing I’m covered in is uncomfortable enough, but when nature takes over, I become even more aware of it. Siobhan tilts her head forward, and I run the cream rinse through her hair. She turns again, allowing the water to fall over her as we both stand in silence, eyes locked on one another. She hands me the scrubbing loofa, and I begin to lather it up and run the soapy tulle over her perfectly fit body. She leans towards me again, and I to her, until our lips meet. Dropping the loofa, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into me. The moment our lips meet, I know it’s true; we are meant for each other. Reaching behind me, she grabs a hold of my wet shirt and pulls it off with her one good arm. With a tender touch, her hands caress down my chest to the edge of my pants. Realizing where this is heading, I pull my lips from hers.

  “My dear, now is not the time. As much as I want this, you are not well.”

  “I’m well enough to know I want you, and you want me.”

  “Yes, that’s true; but let’s wait until you’re feeling better, and we can both bask in the pleasure of the moment.” I reach behind her perfect body and turn the water off.

  Stepping out of the shower, I grab the supersized bath towel and wrap her in it. With a smaller towel, I wrap her hair. “Here, let’s get this robe on you and get you back to bed.”

  “Thank you, Caspian. You are too much of a gentleman.”

  I get the robe on her, and she sits on the bench again. I take the other towel, removing the remainder of my wet clothing, and tie the towel around my waist. Lifting her into my arms and carrying her back to my bed for the night, I ask, “Would you like a t-shirt, or can I go get your pajamas?”

  “Don’t go fussing over me…a shirt will do just fine. I’m sorry about the way I acted in there.”

  “No need to be sorry, unless you regret it now.”

  “No, not at all, but I sure could have timed that better.”

  “Well I think we both are to blame. Look Siobhan, I’m really interested in you, and I want to explore that. Call me old fashioned, but I would like to get to know you better before we get that far again.”

  “Well, we can’t take it back, but we can just make sure we don’t take it further.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” I hand her a black, cotton tee and a pair of boxer shorts, then go in to the walk-in closet to throw on a pair of flannel bottoms and a shirt.

  She smiles as I walk back out. “Never pictured you as a PJ kind of guy.”

  “Normally I’m not, but I’ve got company tonight.” We both chuckle.

  “Well, I can’t kick you out of your bed, and it’s big enough for two. So why don’t you come cuddle me, and we can get to know more about each other.”

  “I think that sounds like a great plan.” I crawl into the bed next to her, and she snuggles in, resting her head on my chest. Everything just feels right, like this is how we belong. I have a feeling we’ll spend the whole night talking.

  Chapter 22

  Power Trip

  Nathanial and I sit together in our room, mourning the loss of Carlina. His large muscular arm wraps around me in a protective embrace. With a slight turn of my head that is resting on his shoulder, I catch a loving look. I can tell he’s just as grateful that it wasn’t me, as I am that it wasn’t him.

  “Do you think we could’ve done anything differently?” I ask, while going over every move we made.

  “I don’t think so, sweetie. We only had an hour’s notice that they were coming, and frankly, I think we faired pretty well considering.” His soft, full lips meet the top of my head.

  “I have to say, I’m pretty proud of you though. You fought like you’ve been training for years.”

  “I have been, just not how you would expect it.” His crooked smile forms as the right corner curls just a little higher than the left.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “I’ve been playing football and tackling scum since I could walk. Not to mention, I’ve wanted to rip into those vamps since the first time your family fought them here; I just wasn’t allowed. Then, when they took my parents, I vowed to destroy them; and that I did.”

  “Nate, hunny, I’m so sorry. I never even thought of that.”

  “No worries. It felt damn good. Wanna know the best part?”

  “The best part?”

  “Yeah. I realized when I was fighting at the end, I got a new power.”

  “A new power—I didn’t even know you knew what your power was.”

  “OMG! I didn’t tell you? There’s been so much going on, I totally forgot.” He jumps off the bed and smiles at me. “Do you remember what we did tonight?”

  “What do you mean? We’ve been sitting here chatting.”

  “Before that?”

  “We...we...we—I don’t remember.”

  “What about now?”

  “Umm, yeah, we fought the Cerberus. Oh my God! What did—how did—what the hell?” I look at him in complete shock and disbelief, feeling my eyes bugging out of my head, and my mouth hung so far open I begin drooling.

  He gives a huge roar, laughing so hard he can’t stop long enough to speak. “I...I...I can’t talk…” He falls to the bed he’s laughing so hard.

  Alexander, Matilda, Danika and Ebony come racing down the hall and throw the door open to see what all the commotion’s about. Nathanial starts to collect himself enough to explain. “I have the ability to extract memories, and put back what I want.”

  “No way dude! That’s so cool!” Alexander cheers.

  “Let me tell you one thing, mister. I...I don’t remember what I wanted to say.” Everyone starts laughing. “Wait a minute, mister! You better not do this just for fun, or to get out of a fight. I will...will...will—you cut that out! My memories are not a tennis ball that you can just keep bouncing back and forth to me.” I throw my arms over my chest, royally pissed at everyone’s getting a giggle at my expense.

  “Aw, sweetie, I’m sorry.
I just wanted to show you what I could do. I promise never to use it on you. I did manage to use it on some of the Cerberus tonight.” His pride beams through the cockiness of his smile.

  “How did that help you? Did you learn anything?” Matilda questions.

  “Well, I was able to remove their memory to fight. It made it very easy to defeat them while they just stood there all dumb founded. Some were a little harder than others, and I could only do one at a time. Nearing the end of the fight, I tried to get it out of Cyrus and Drake, but they are mentally too strong for me. I don’t know if it’s their age or their powers, but I can’t affect them.”

  “I was wondering how you were kicking more ass than I was,” Alexander jokes.

  I’m excited for Nathanial’s power; it’s a good and helpful power. “So you said you gained a new power, what is it?”

  “Like I said, I didn’t realize it till the end of the fight, but here, watch…”

  As Nathanial stands before us, his head lowers looking at the brown shag carpet. He takes a deep breath, and before I know it, his hands begin to glow the brightest yellow I’ve ever seen. We all cover our eyes from the bright rays beaming from my husband’s hands. Just as fast as the glow came, it disappears.

  “What the heck is that?” Danika questions, still rubbing her eyes.

  “That, little Danika, is what they call UV rays.”

  “So you absorbed a power, almost as fast as you destroyed the vampire that possessed it. Then, to top it off, you shoot deadly UV rays out of your finger tips?” I confirm, wondering how he is learning all this so fast. “How did you figure this out? You couldn’t have used this power during the fight. Those fingers of yours are so bright everyone would have noticed. Come to think of it, I didn’t notice anything like it. The Cerberus that had the power didn’t even use it.”