Read Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 13

  “What did they say, Florence?” Constance asks with a concern I’ve never seen in her big round eyes before.

  Florence begins to pace the room. “They are having some books couriered over. We have to search through them for definite answers, but from what they explained to me, it will not be an easy task.”

  “We kinda know that already, but why do they say it will be difficult?” I question in a sarcastic tone.

  “It seems that the longer a vampire lives, the more calcified their bones become. This creates some kind of impenetrable body armor that protects them. Over time, they become less sensitive to UV rays, and although the sun can hurt them, it appears that it won’t fry them. There are very few things that can kill a vampire as old as these two.” Her brow furrows as she looks to her feet.

  “Well, lay it on us Florence,” Isaac insists as he places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  “The best way to destroy the grandchildren of Cain is for Cain to do it himself. The problem is no one even knows if Cain, himself, still exists. Next, it goes to one of his three sons. These options appear impossible. Another option we have is to tear out their heart and burn it; another nearly impossible task as the bones of their body armor protect the heart. The same goes for decapitation; the strength of their cervical spine will not allow this, either. Do you see where this is going? I’m not sure if we can find anything to destroy them,” Florence says with despair.

  When the first vampires were created havoc took over until they formed two groups. Each group had their own set of beliefs. The Renata set rules, laws of a sort, for our kind to follow in an attempt to live peacefully—and keep our secret hidden. The Cerberus, on the other hand, believe they were given this power and that they should use it to rule the world and control the mortals. They believe they are the highest on the food chain, thus rulers of the world. I can’t help but wonder if there is some way of contacting Lilith. She started this mess by teaching Cain what to do; maybe she can help stop it as well. I wonder if we can contact her spirit in hell?

  “Hey, I just had an idea,” I shout with excitement. “If the best way to destroy Cyrus and Drake is by Cain, or his sons, wouldn’t Cain’s grandchildren, also known as Cyrus’ siblings, be the next best thing, and so on down the family tree?”

  “That makes total sense Sophia. Now, all we need is get one of the original Renata here. I think Elijah should get in touch with his contact tonight. They may also have another suggestion,” Florence recommends as she begins to relax again.

  We all know that something needs to be done about the Cerberus, and the thought of how to defeat the leaders looms over us. The tension in the room is near palpable. Trying to think of other matters that need attention, I decide to ask about the big case Elijah has been working on with Nathanial.

  “I guess there’s not much we can do right now about the Cerberus. Now, what about this big case Elijah’s got. Do you know anything about it?”

  “Not really. You know Elijah doesn’t care to talk about work at home. I’m sure it’s nothing that would be of interest anyway.”

  Eliza brings Nik in to the family room, and little Elyn follows behind in her cute little floaty fashion. Nik loves when she flutters around him like a butterfly; both babies are nothing but giggles. The mood in the room changes for the better at the very sound of the young life before us.

  Both Nik and Elyn are very special babies. Elyn is the first-born daughter to a Magnificent One. Ebony and Matt had an unplanned pregnancy and teen marriage, and they ended up with a beautiful and powerful baby and felt blessed about it. Although everything has its price, Ebony was about to lose her life during the C-section, until Constance Embraced her. A short time after, Matt lost his life in a terrible car accident involving a drunk driver. We all understand that it was meant to be—that he was called to complete his guardian training. A guardian is like an angel that takes human form in order to watch over the magickal witches of the world. We have no idea how long he will be gone. Things have been hard on Ebony—and Elyn is growing so fast. I only hope Ebony will find happiness again one day.

  Now Nik, he’s a real miracle. Nathanial’s parents were unable to conceive until I healed his mom’s womb. She was soon expecting Nik, but an attack by the Cerberus cost the McCord’s their lives. Isaac was able to save the baby, but he was born a day walker. A day walker is half vampire, half mortal. The venom for the Cerberus crossed the placenta and saved Nik from death like his parents. He has all the strengths and powers of a vampire, but will continue to age until he consumes the blood of a vampire, which will complete the Embrace. He also doesn’t have the weakness that vampires have. The sun doesn’t affect him; neither does garlic, silver, or any of the other restrictions. Being a day walker is the best of both worlds. We had to bring in special trainers for him though. The intensified senses were too much for a baby to handle. He is doing much better now, as is Elyn. Ebony had to block her empathic abilities. Our emotions were too much for her to take.

  As Elyn floats around the room, Constance opens her arms to her. “Come see Aunty Connie.” Elyn gravitates right into Constance’s arms and giggles a little more, her little black curls tightly braided around her head, and her big brown eyes sparkling like Hailey’s comet shooting across the night sky. “How’s our little peanut?” Almost as soon she asks, Constance’s face falls as if something’s wrong…

  Chapter 25

  In Harm’s Way

  Constance is so good with the babies; she gets right down to their level and plays for hours with them. As she plays with them today, I notice an odd expression on her face, almost terror. I can’t help but wonder what she sees. Constance has premonitions; she can’t control them, and usually needs some kind of contact with the subject. The fact that she looks so concerned while with Nik and Elyn concerns me. I have to know what’s wrong. I can’t take any chances with these two little ones.

  “Connie, what’s wrong?” I ask, kneeling down to her.

  With sad eyes filling with tears, she looks at me. “They want Nik.”

  “Who wants Nik? What are you talking about Connie?” Panic takes over, and I pull Nik into my arms in a protective cuddle.

  As a tear falls from down her porcelain cheek, she mumbles, “The Cerberus. They know about Nik. That’s why they came back this time. They hoped to catch us off guard and get him. Drake wants to raise him as his own and groom him to the dark side, so to speak.”

  “How the hell do they know about Nik?”

  “I would have to guess from one of their powers. None of us know what powers they have. The good thing is they don’t know our powers either, and now we know what they want. Maybe that’s why he wanted Danika.”

  “How could Danika help him get a day walker?”

  “Well maybe, because she’s such a new vampire, she can still have a chance of conceiving. I don’t really know, but we aren’t dead, we are just immortal. So maybe there’s a possibility that the reproductive organs still work, and we’ve just never heard about it.”

  “I guess it would make sense, but how could a vampire nourish a baby?” I question.

  “It might be something worth researching; maybe we can’t carry to term because of the decreased blood flow through the body. A baby requires blood and nutrients to grow. They couldn’t get what they needed, because we have slower blood, less oxygen and don’t eat food. Maybe this is the only reason vampires can’t have children. It could be possible in someone as young as Danika, because her body hasn’t completed detoxifying and still carries something to make childbirth viable.”

  “So now that Nik is here, they don’t need Danika. Wait though; why wouldn’t they just create a new vampire of their own?”

  “I don’t know kiddo. I’m just bouncing ideas around. The important thing is protecting Nik. We have to figure this out,” Constance says with determination.

  “Maybe it’s time we leave Wenham. It may be the only way to save him.”

  “It won’t help So
phia. They’ll keep looking for him.”

  The tears roll down my face as I look at the little baby I love as my own. Looking up at Florence, I plead to my mother figure with my eyes. My family joins me on the floor in an attempt to comfort me. I just don’t know how much more I can handle. In the few years, since we returned to Wenham, the people I love have faced so much adversity.

  “Sophia, it hasn’t all been bad here; think of the good. You have found love and friendship. You have a husband now, and together you’re raising his brother. Wenham has taught our family more, in a few short years, than we’ve learned in a century,” Alexander responds to my inner thoughts.

  Although I curse him most of the time for peering into my head, he does make sense. I wouldn’t have Nathanial, Ebony or Nik had we not come here.

  “My sweet Sophia, every family faces their share of challenges. Ours are far different from those of mortals, but nonetheless they are challenges. We will find a way to keep Nik safe; just have faith in those of us around you. We love him too, and we won’t let anything happen to him.”

  I know everything my family is saying is true. The Cerberus would have to kill us all before they could get to Nik. We have much better odds in a battle against them, too. Three fights and they have lost hundreds, while we have lost three, and had two other severely injured. I have to keep that thought close. They may be older and harder to destroy, but we are a much tighter unit, and have heart behind our fight. Together, we will figure this out.

  Chapter 26

  A New Hope

  Ebony and Eliza have been searching for hours for a magickal way to cure Nik of his condition, if that’s what we can call it. At the same time, Constance and Florence have been flipping through Elijah’s journals in hopes of finding more information on day walkers—or destroying elders. We have been working on this for a few days now, and are deep into our research. Everyone’s concentration is broken by a knock at the door. We all look around, wondering who it could be. Alexander smiles as he stands to answer the door. With a quick flip of his sandy blond hair, he opens the door to a new friend.

  “Michael, it’s great to see you again. We wondered if you would be gracing us with your presence again. Thank you for all your assistance in the fight the other night,” Florence says as she walks towards the handsome angel.

  “I told you that I’d help, and I will continue to do so. Just understand that I have other priorities that I need to ensure have been taken care of to my standards.”

  “My apologies; please come in. I’m sure Caspian will be glad to see you, as will everyone else. We recently lost a student who succumbed to her injuries sustained in the battle.”

  “I’m here so, maybe I can give them a lesson,” Michael responds as he walks through the door.

  “You okay, man? You seem kinda pissy.” Alexander pats him on the shoulder.

  “Yeah, sorry; you know how it can be. Sometimes you just have to follow orders, no matter how much you disagree with them.”

  “You know we appreciate your help, but if you don’t wanna be here, it’s okay. We can manage on our own.”

  “No, no, it’s not’s...ah, never mind.”

  “Michael, I hope you know we are here for you, just as you are here for us.”

  “Thank you Alexander; maybe some other time. Is Caspian in the school?”

  “Yeah, I’ll take you down,” Eliza offers.

  As the two walk over to the area of the elevator, Eliza says a chant, and the magickal elevator appears before them. We decide to follow them down. Michael may have something to teach us all.

    

  As Michael steps off the elevator, many students come running to greet him. A small smile forms across his face. I’m pretty sure it’s the first time I’ve seen a genuine smile on his face. Maybe one day we will learn his story; or even better, maybe Alexander can fill us in a little later. I notice Alexander look me in the eyes and shake his head, telling me he’s sharing my thoughts, and he can’t get a read on our new ally.

  “Hey Michael, good to see you again. I was wondering where you took off too,” Caspian greets his new friend.

  “Yeah, I had to check on someone. I told you I had other obligations, and I needed to ensure they were being handled to my specifications. That was quite the battle the other night, and I also needed to recharge myself.”

  “Okay, everyone, why don’t you get settled in the auditorium? We’ll be in there shortly. Have your Mac-book ready to take notes,” I suggest to the students in order to allow Michael and Caspian some time away from the students.

  “Thanks Sophia,” Caspian says. “Now Michael, I can tell you’re a nice guy, but something has been bothering you. My family and I are here for you. Do you care to tell us what’s been bothering you?”

  “Thanks Caspian. Thank you, all of you. I really don’t mean to be standoffish. I’m just having a difficult time dealing with some of the decisions those above me have made.”

  “Care to share? Maybe we can help.”

  “I doubt it. I broke some rules, and now, for the protection of someone I care about, I need to keep my distance. She doesn’t even remember me anymore. Look—it doesn’t really matter, and I’ve said too much already. I appreciate you wanting to help, but there’s nothing any of us can do.”

  “We understand Michael. You’re a good guy, and we would all like to see you happy. I mean, come on…you’re an angel. I thought that should be the ultimate happiness. If you feel like talking about it some more, always know, any one of us is here for you.”

  “Thank you. You said that you lost a student in battle. I’m sorry for your loss. I didn’t hear of anymore nephilim being destroyed, so I assume the demons we were fighting were not after Ben.”

  “You assume correctly. The Cerberus are a cult of vampires. They took us by surprise. We thought they were here to exact revenge on Caspian and Danika, but it appears they have a new agenda now,” Florence interjects with a small glance at me.

  “I don’t understand. What is it you think they are after?”

  “We’re not confident with our assumptions yet, but we suspect they are after little Nik. Long story, but we think they want the power of a day walker,” Florence explains with a hint of concern.

  “Wow, I had no idea. You really think they are done with Danika and me? I never heard anything about them wanting a day walker when I was undercover with them,” Caspian says with surprise.

  “Think about it, Caspian. Would they want anyone else to have that information? Their little minions might get ideas, and rebel even further. Then, again, we aren’t even sure if this has any truth to it yet.”

  As Florence explains our suspicions, my concern grows again. I’ll do anything to protect Nik. I just can’t imagine what it would do to Nathanial and Luke if anything ever happened to him. To top it off, if it was the same group that took their parents from them, that would just make it even worse. I shudder at the thought of any more loss. The last few years have been so unbelievable, and we’re all ready to move on.

  “Okay, well, we better get into the class; the students are waiting,” I suggest, trying to advert the discussion. I just can’t think about anything else happening to those I love; not right now at least.

  We follow Caspian and Michael into the auditorium and prepare for a day filled with learning and exercises. Michael is a great teacher, and we have learned a tremendous amount from him already. The angels are a lot more complicated than any of us could imagine. I think the best thing about him being here for the class today is that he is able to reassure everyone that Carlina is in a better place. Who knows if it’s true, but it makes coping a little easier. I know he’s trying really hard not to let us in, but the way he has stood beside us has been amazing. Michael is a true friend, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. I was so surprised when he showed up at the fight and started whipping his wings around like thousands of samurai swords. I gotta ask him and Ben about that…are all angel wing
s like that?

  Chapter 27

  Caspian’s Heart

  After Michael’s lesson, Siobhan and I stick around to chat some more. We haven’t really talked much since last night, but I can tell the day is wearing on her. I’ve never witnessed the effects of silver on another vampire before; it appears to knock the crap out of us. I decide to take Siobhan to the dining hall. There’s a small fridge filled with beverages; taking a small paper cup from the water cooler, I pour her some of Florence’s blood punch. Hoping it will perk Siobhan up a little, I hand her the cup.

  “Thanks Caspian; you know this is such a terrible feeling. It almost reminds me of what’s it was like to have the flu when I was mortal.”

  “I can’t even remember what it’s like to be ill. I guess that’s one of the perks of being immortal; we don’t get sick. I feel awful that you’re going through this; I wish there was more I could do.”

  “It’s my own fault; I got cocky and distracted. The moment I let my guard down, they got me.”

  “It was a tough fight, and more of us got injured than we knew. Just, some were hurt more than others.”

  “I guess. So I want to thank you for everything you are doing to help me recuperate. Watching over me last night was really sweet of you. I know we are just getting to know one another, but I really enjoy your company. I’ve never felt as safe, and like I belong, as I did last night in your arms…and anytime you are with me.”

  “I know what you mean; I feel it too. I’ve only been secure and at peace once before in all my hundreds of years. There’s a connection between us, Siobhan. I’d love to explore this further if you would like to.”