Read Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 15

  In the nursery, I sit in the glider-rocker with Nik and his blanky, humming the song Nathanial and I danced to at our wedding, and he’s asleep within moments. Not ready to put him down, I continue to cuddle with the only other boy I could ever love as much as Nathanial. I’m happier than I ever thought was possible. I have a wonderful husband, who loves me as much as I love him. Never in all my years did I believe I would find my soul mate and raise a family with him. Yet, here we are.

    

  I join Florence in the kitchen as she prepares meals for the students and such. “Can I help with anything?’

  “That would be lovely, Sophia. Would you mind preparing the vegetables for a veggie casserole?”

  “Sure thing. Did Nate and Elijah go back to the office?”

  “No, they are just in the home office. Elijah brought home all the paperwork for Nik’s adoption. Luke and Eliza are in town today and will be joining us for dinner. I think they may go over everything with Luke.”

  “That would be great. The sooner we can get things done the better. I really want to speak to the Renata and get Nik away from here for awhile.”

  “I know kiddo, but you know everyone here will protect him.”

  “I just want to deal with those…those…I don’t even know what to call them.”

  “I think we all do. Life will be somewhat peaceful once they have been dealt with. There’s still the demon issues with the Magnificent Ones, and the angel issues with Ben. Although, the sooner we can deal with one issue, then we can concentrate on the other issues.”


  Florence and I finish preparing dinner and take it down to the dining hall in the school. Nathanial got Nik from his nap before coming down, so he can have dinner with us; plus if he sleeps too long, the little munchkin won’t sleep tonight. Everyone gathers for dinner, and we enjoy hearing about their studies for the day. It’s been wonderful, having Michael here to assist us, but we need to get that hunter dealt with. This magickal disguise isn’t going to hold forever.

  Ebony seems to be feeling a little better after her incident earlier. I’m glad Dakota was nearby when she went unconscious. We haven’t had a chance to really talk about what happened, but I’m hoping we can have a little girl time later. Dakota must be very concerned about Ebony; he won’t leave her side and is helping her with everything. Maybe when I chat with her tonight, I should tell her about Matilda’s confirmation. I just don’t get why she didn’t notice it until now. Maybe it was the fact that Ebony and Matt were together, which caused her not to search Dakota’s soul.

  Looking around the large dining room, filled with friends, loved ones and family, I can’t help but smile. We are assisting to sculpt all these amazing minds, training them to do good during their time on this planet. Plus, we are all becoming like a family. From the corner of my eye, I catch Caspian and Siobhan, looking all googly-eyed at one another. I’m so glad that he’s found someone again, even happier that it’s Ashley’s reincarnated soul, and his soul mate. When Caspian killed Ashley by mistake, and took off from our family, I thought we’d lost him forever. Now, not only do we have him back, we have the girl that was once like a sister to me, back again. I can’t wait till everyone else finds out.

  Nathanial and Ben are chatting it up tonight. I just happen to catch part of the conversation in the midst of my daydream.

  “How have you been adjusting to everything?” Nathanial questions.

  “Not bad. I miss my mom, and feel real bad for leaving her. I only hope that this hunter, who is after me, doesn’t go after her,” Ben admits, sadness evident across his face.

  “Why don’t I go over and check on her for you? Maybe we can arrange a meeting somewhere. If a hunter were to see us, they would just think we’re looking for you. They still won’t recognize you.”

  “Oh, that would be so amazing. I need to see her, make sure she’s doing okay.”

  The boys continue to chat. Dakota keeps fawning over Ebony, and Caspian and Siobhan are oblivious to everyone else. Then Luke stands and gives a little clink of his glass.

  “Excuse me everyone. I just wanted to say a few things.”

  “Of course, Luke. Please go ahead,” Elijah encourages.

  “Well, all of you have done so much for my family, and for Eliza’s family. I can’t imagine us going through the losses we have endured over the past year without you. I consider the Pierce family to be my family.”

  “We also consider you both as family. Please always remember that, Luke,” Florence smiles with pride and love.

  “Well, last fall, when my parents passed, they were coming to enjoy a family dinner at the Triggs Manor. As you all know, things haven’t been the same since that day. Well, I had something very special planned that night; something that I haven’t been able to share yet. After months of healing, and becoming even closer to you all, I would like to share it with you today.” Luke takes Eliza by the hand, guiding her from her chair to stand with him. “Eliza, you have been my rock though all of this, and I hope I was yours when you lost your Grams.”

  “Of course you were, Luke. I couldn’t have made it without you.”

  “That’s my point. We belong together, helping one another through the hard times, and cheering each other on through the good times. I don’t ever want that to change.” Luke has his eyes locked on Eliza and begins to drop to one knee as he pulls out a small blue box.

  All of us gasp in awe as Eliza raises her hands to her mouth and tears swell in her eyes.

  “Eliza, when I met you here at that wonderful New Year’s party, I knew there was something special about you. I never knew how special though. Now, with all the knowledge I have, and the privilege of loving you ever since, I’m hoping you will make me the happiest man in the world. Eliza Triggs, will you marry me?” He opens the blue box presenting a beautiful and simple diamond held by a yellow-gold band.

  She smiles with the tears flowing at full speed down her cheeks and opens her hand in front of Luke, allowing him to place the ring on her hand. “Yes! Yes, of course, I’ll marry you!”

  We all stand and cheer congratulations to the couple. This family is really growing fast, after so many years of the same members. Danika joined our family, and I thought the world was over. Although we have had our share of tragedies and loss, what we have gained has been so much more. Bringing Danika to Wenham is the best decision our family has ever made. I think I may have to thank her one day.

  Chapter 30

  Caspian’s New Love

  Over the past few days, Siobhan has healed up back to top form. We even began her physical training again. I’m so proud of her. I still can’t get over the connection I have with her. With her, I feel alive again, like my existence has meaning. I can’t let this girl get away. Maybe it’s time to take her out on a real date. Yeah, it’s time. I walk down to her room and rap on her door. Through the door, her gentle footsteps come closer, and then the door opens.

  “Caspian…” She smiles, and takes my hand, leading me through the door and closing it behind me. Siobhan pushes me against the wall, pressing her full, red lips to mine. Moving in perfect unison together, wrapping my arms around her petite waist, her arms fold over my shoulders and around my neck as she stretches to her tip toes. Sliding my hands from the small of her back to her hips, I lift her from the floor. Moving away from the wall, Siobhan’s legs encircle me. Step-by-step, we move closer to her bed. Parting our lips, I look over her shoulder.

  “What’s wrong?” She smiles.

  “Just wondering where your roommate is.”

  “No worries. She’s in the rec room with some of the others.”

  Placing Siobhan on her bed and giving her a soft, gentle kiss, I sit next to her. “Well, I came here to see if you would like to go out on a date with me.”

  “You really think you need to ask? Are you thinking tonight?”

  “Yeah, I was thinking we could go into the city and go to a club; maybe go dancing or someth

  “That sounds like fun, but I would much rather stay here in town, maybe go for a walk or a movie. You know, just something light and relaxing, maybe a place not too busy or loud.”

  “Even better; shall we go now?”

  “Now? You’re not gonna give a girl time to get ready?”

  “What is there to get ready? You already look perfect.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Just give me ten minutes to freshen up, and I will meet you by the elevator.”

  “I guess so. Maybe I can touch up my hair too.”

  “Yeah. Cause you wouldn’t want to have a hair out of place,” she jokes as she runs her hand through my hair.

  With a little laugh, I lean in for one more kiss before leaving her to primp.

    

  As I wait for Siobhan in the main area of the school, Sophia approaches me. “Hey Caspian, how’s it going?”

  “Good. Just waiting for Siobhan—we’re going out tonight.”

  “That’s great. I have to admit, I’m so happy you found her. I like seeing you so happy.”

  “Yeah, I really like this girl,” I admit with a huge smile.

  Matilda comes up behind Sophia and joins in. “What are you two talking about that Caspian has such a goofy look on his face?”

  Sophia giggles. “Girls; Caspian has a date with Siobhan tonight.”

  “Really?” She smiles and looks at Sophia.

  “Okay, what the heck’s up with you two?” I know they are up to something, just not sure what.

  “Should we tell him?” Matilda asks.

  Before Sophia can answer, I respond, “Yes. Now, what is going on?”

  “We have to tell him now.” Sophia’s giggle disappears as she becomes more serious.

  Matilda looks at me and begins, “Caspian we know how much you care about Siobhan.”

  “Yeah, I really do—more than I ever thought I could. Please don’t tell me you know something bad about her.”

  “No, no, nothing bad. Matilda and I do know something about Siobhan that you need to know though,” Sophia admits.

  Siobhan walks up behind my two sisters. “What do you know about me that Caspian needs to know?” she asks, while walking to my side and taking a hold of my hand.

  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing you’re here; this is something you should hear too.” Sophia smiles at the woman next to me.

  “Okay, well, why don’t you two share what you know about me,” Siobhan says with slight annoyance.

  Matilda looks at Sophia again for confirmation and with a slight nod she begins, “Siobhan, how much do you know about Caspian’s past?”

  “I’m learning. He told me about leaving the family and why.”

  “So you know about Ashley, Caspian’s former girlfriend?”

  “Yeah, he told me all about her, and how she died. Now, why would you bring that up, when you know how much it upsets him?”

  “I have a reason, I promise. Now, how did hearing stories about Ashley make you feel?”

  “Honestly, it was kinda weird, like I was there and remembering it for myself. I told Caspian it was like déjà vu.”

  “I understand. But, you must know vampires don’t experience déjà vu.” She hesitates. “You’re eternally twenty-three, right? And you’ve been a vampire for about ten years, right?”

  “Yeah, now are you gonna get to your point?” she says, wondering what kind of crap my sisters are going to say about her.

  “I am. So you were born into this life about thirty-three years ago.” Matilda starts to lay out the puzzle pieces.”

  My mouth drops open. “Wait a second. You…don’t think? It…can’t…be.” I look at Siobhan in shock, and my heart tells me it’s true.

  “What Caspian? What are your sisters trying to tell us?” Siobhan is visibly upset and buries her head into my chest.

  “Siobhan, please, we don’t mean to upset you. It’s nothing bad. Look, Ashley died, not that long before you were born, and, well...” Sophia begins to stutter her words.

  “I don’t know if you know this about me yet, but I can see souls. I see when a soul matches with another soul, and can tell who are soul mates; and when two belong together,” Matilda clarifies for the girl sobbing in my arms. “I see that your soul matches perfectly to Caspian’s. You two are soul mates, and belong together.”

  “So, why this long drawn out explanation?” she asks. “Why couldn’t you just tell us that?”

  “There’s more. I can tell that your soul matches someone else we once knew…Ashley’s….”

  “So I was my boyfriend’s old love’s soul mate too? That’s sick.”

  I take her chin, lifting it a little so that Siobhan is looking me in the eyes. “I think what they are trying to tell us is that you are the same soul as Ashley. Am I right girls?”

  “Yes, Caspian. Siobhan is the reincarnated soul of Ashley. Siobhan and Ashley are one and the same,” Matilda confirms with a smile.

  With a big breath in, Siobhan collapses in my arms, in a small convulsion of sorts. I panic, never seeing anything like it before. “What’s happening? No, Siobhan! Wake up!” I scream. “Sophia, go get help now! I can’t lose her again.”

  Sophia runs down the hall looking for Constance. The convulsions slow, and then stop. Her body falls limp, and I lay her to the ground. Before Sophia returns with help, Siobhan wakes.

  Looking up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes, I notice they are an exact match to Ashley’s. I always loved Siobhan’s eyes, but never made the connection until this moment. She smiles and says in a soft voice, “I remember. I remember it all.”

  “Remember what, my sweet?”

  “Everything. I remember being Ashley. I remember us, our love, and your family. Oh my God, I can’t believe this, Caspian.”

  “I am so sorry for everything that happened when you were Ashley,” I sob and nestle my head on hers. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “There is nothing to forgive. It was an accident. I knew, even though you never told me. We both made mistakes; but we’re together again, and it is going to be forever this time. That is, if you still want me.”

  “Of course I do, Siobhan; I always have. Even before I found out you were Ashley. I love you for who you are now. I loved you for who you were then, and I am so happy to have you in my life. I would still feel this way, even if I never knew you are the reincarnated soul of the one I loved so many years before. I’ve been so scared to tell you how I feel. It all seemed so fast. I guess now we know why.”

  “I love you too, Caspian, and have felt it since the first time I saw you.”

  With our arms embraced around one another, tighter than ever before, our lips touch in a romantic kiss until we’re interrupted by Constance running down the hall with Sophia. “She’s okay. She’s okay,” I reassure.

  Constance falls to her knees at mine and Siobhan’s side. “Is it really you? This is a miracle.” She throws her arms around both of us, and kisses us both on our foreheads.

    

  Siobhan and I spend most of the night talking. Our date plans were thrown for a loop when Matilda informed us that Siobhan is the reincarnated soul of Ashley. For over thirty years, now, I’ve beat myself up over killing her. I took lives before, but Ashley was special. She was the love of my life. I didn’t think I could ever forgive myself, or love again. She was my soul mate; and since meeting Siobhan, I’ve felt alive again. I’ve had a difficult time understanding why, or how, but it all makes sense now. Siobhan and Ashley are one and the same. I realize now that it was her fate to be a vampire. If I had only been honest with her from the beginning, like Sophia’s been with Nathanial; once again beating myself up over the decades I lost, over the love I thought I’d lost forever.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asks while running her fingers through my hair.

  “Just you, and all the time we’ve lost because I was too scared to be honest with you.”

  “There’s no p
oint in that. We’re together again, and both immortal now. You don’t have to worry about ever losing me again.” Siobhan wraps her arms around me and her bright blond locks tickle my cheek.

  “I can’t believe you came back to me,” I reply.

  Moving even closer together, our lips touch. Soft and gentle, our mouths move in unison, our tongues begin to wrestle against one another. Picking up where we began that day in the shower, Siobhan and I continue to build on our passion, making love and bonding us together, like never before. Thirty years earlier, when Siobhan was Ashley, and we made love for the first time, it ended her life; and in turn, it ended mine as well. Tonight, we are together and safe, and share every spectacular moment together, creating new memories for our eternity together.

  Chapter 31


  Michael is starting to interact with us a little more. He’s a pretty nice guy, and not as big of a jerk as we had all thought. I have to assume he is just dealing with something difficult. We have seen the pain on his face since day one.

  Nik starts fussing a little, and I pick him up and begin to hum to him. It always seems to calm him down. The first dance from our wedding, ‘At Last’ by Etta James, has so much more meaning to me than anyone could imagine. As I hum the tune, I notice Michael stop in mid sentence and stare at me. “What is it Michael? Do you know this song? It was our first dance. I love it so much.”

  “I do know it.” I can see the tears swell on his lashes. “It…it…has special meaning to me too.” He lowers his head in an attempt to collect himself.

  “I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

  “How could you, Sophia. I’ve never opened up to any of you about my life away from here.”

  “You know you can trust us, right?”

  “I am beginning to learn that, yes. It’s just…personal.”

  Ben walks into the large office we are gathered in and smiles. “Hey, what’s up everyone?”