Read Every Storm Page 13

  "He waits every day and walks me to Algebra."

  "Do you like him?"


  "Not even a little?"

  "He's all wrong for me, Arlene. Heusedto come to church, and he's dated every girl in school. I don't want a man whose eyes roam that much and who does Christianity part-time. I've been happier not thinking about boys, and I intend to keep it that way."

  Arlene nodded, and Max's head went back over her book.

  "One more question."

  "All right."

  "Do you think he's cute?"

  Max looked up. "Still off the record?"


  "He's an absolute dream."

  Arlene went into gales of laughter, which ignited Max's own giggles. Nevertheless, they did not allow the distraction. When the laughter died down, they went right back to work.



  "It felt longer than a month," Lorri confessed to her grandfather, hugging him once again.

  "For me too. You look great."

  "Do I?"

  They had settled in the living room, Buddy all but climbing into his master's lap.

  "Yes, you do. How's Max?"

  "She's wonderful."

  "Still off boys?" Dean asked of Ruth.

  "Yes. There's a boy who likes her, but she's handling it very well."

  "Only one?" Dean asked, a twinkle in his eye.

  Ruth scoldingly shook her head in his direction.

  "Do you know what I'd like to do tonight?" Dean suddenly asked.


  "Go to the football game. Harmony Hills plays at home tonight, don't they?"

  "I think they do. Max would know."

  "Shall we go?"

  Ruth and Lorri smiled at his enthusiasm, completely ready to agree. They were still talking about it when Max came in the door.


  She was overjoyed to see him, questions pouring out of her as she s^t close to him on the sofa.

  "So when do you leave again?"

  "Barring the unforeseen, I don't."

  "What were you the most hungry for?"

  "Your mother's beef roast, mashed potatoes, and gravy."

  "Did you see any of the men who rescued Raine?"



  160Lori Wick

  "The radio news talked about the signing of the official surrender papers. Were you there for any of that?"

  "No, but I did see some of the U.S. prisoners after they were released. They were overjoyed to be free."

  For the moment Max ran out of questions. She sighed a little and sat contentedly next to her grandfather. Dean looked over at her, his eyes filled with love.

  "Max, is there a home football game tonight?" Lord asked.

  "Yes, we play Valley."

  "Grandpa wants us to go."

  "Truly?" she asked of Dean.

  "Sure. How does that sound?"

  "I have to call Arlene!" Max bolted from the room, an actionj

  that had its usual effect: Everyone laughed.


  "I needed that," Lorri told her mother as they mounted the stairs much later that night.

  "Why was that?"

  "It felt normal. I didn't think anything would ever feel normal again. It was sad that we lost, but I still enjoyed it."

  "Your father played football," Ruth said. They were almost to their rooms.

  "I remember seeing the pictures."

  The women parted for their own beds. Lorri was ready for sleep, but Ruth had made, the most amazing discovery. She had gotten ready for bed but then curled up in the middle of the mattress with her photo albums. It took only seconds to find Tom Archer in his football uniform. Ruth touched the picture lovingly, missing him still.

  "I've been in such shock," she whispered to the image of his face. "Josie's not just with our Lord Jesus Christ, she's with you too. Our girl is in heaven with you, Tom, and I didn't even think of it."

  Ruth hugged the album close to her chest, lifting her face toward the ceiling.


  "Thank You* Lord, for reminding me. Thank You for letting Tom have one of our girls."

  "You wrote to Ken?"

  "Yes, I sent word, but it's impossible for him to get away."

  Ruth nodded, trying to imagine Josie's fiance being able to join them for the service.

  "I also called Ken's family this morning," Dean went on, "to tell them the time and date of the service."

  "Do you think they'll come?"

  "I think Mr. Showers will, but he said Mrs. Showers is pretty shook up."

  Again Ruth could only nod. It was all coming together so swiftly. The funeral was one week away-a Monday morning- with a private graveside service to follow. Pastor Higgins would officiate, handling the music and such. The Oceanside Funeral Home would handle the other details.

  Ruth didn't know the last time Tom had been so much on her mind. She realized she needed her husband here. She was burying a child. It was only logical that he be here beside her.

  "What's the matter?"

  Ruth looked,startled. She hadn't realized Dean was still sitting there.

  "I was thinking about Tom, wishing he was here beside me," she said

  "I've thought about him a lot lately. Maxine too," Dean said, naming his late wife.

  "We've said goodbye to many, haven't we?"



  "I guess we have. I don't think about it all the time, but we have certainly known grief before. And if I have my way, you'll know grief again," Dean said, shocking Ruth's eyes a little wide. "I don't want to bury any more of my family, Ruth." His voice deepened with suppressed emotion. "I'm sure you understand." Ruth reached for his hand. "I certainly do, Dean." Dean gave her hand a squeeze and rose from the table. There would be tears enough in a week's time. He didn't want to start now.

  "Something wonderful happened four months ago today," Pastor Higgins told the mourners who gathered in his church on Monday, October 1,1945. "It wasn't wonderful in every way for everyone concerned, but it was wonderful for Josephine Archer.

  "You see, Josie knew where she was going. She hadn't planned on dying that day, but it was all right that she did. I don't mean that no one would hurt, miss her, or be sad, but when a heart has things settled for all of eternity, it changes the way we look at her passing.

  "Josie's grandfather and mother met with me. They told me that they wanted everyone to know what Josie believed and why she believed it. It's no secret. It's all spelled out in God's Word. Josie Archer knew she was a sinner and needed a Savior. She also knewom Scripture that the only salvation is from God through His Son. So when Josie was still quite young, she humbled herself before God and believed on Him for that salvation.

  "And because God always keeps His promise, we know that her belief in Him was settled for all time. I stand before you today with a heart that is both heavy and light-heavy for the loss of


  our dear friend and sister but light in knowing that her rightly placed faith has secured her a place in heaven forever."

  The family listened to these words in the same state that Pastor Higgins delivered them. Their hearts were both heavy with hurt and joyful with the fact that Josie had believed on Jesus Christ to save her.

  Pastor Higgins went on to speak about Josie, her age, her family, and her accomplishments, but before the service ended, he reminded them once again that believers do not need to mourn without hope. Hope was found in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  "Hello, Mr. Showers," Ruth greeted as they climbed from the cars at the cemetery.

  "Hello, Mrs. Archer. I'm sorry to see you under these circumstances."

  "I'm glad you could come. How is Mrs. Showers?"

  Mr. Showers' eyes grew suspiciously moist.

  "She's in a bad way right now. She can't stop crying, and she didn't want to come here and upset everyone even more."

p; "Please tell her I'll write to her soon and that we understand."

  In the face of this kindness, Mr. Showers could not speak. He pinched his lips tightly together, nodded, and turned toward the grave site. It didn't help that the first person he saw was Max. She was so like Josie in face and frame that it was startling.

  He forced his eyes to Lord, who stood next to her. She looked very different from the last time he'd seen her. She was still lovely, but thinner and missing the sparkle he had previously witnessed.



  Ken's father thought about what she'd gone through with her sister and understood anew why his wife could not stop crying.

  "You can come in closer," Pastor Higgins invited, directing the small group. Mr. Showers and the Andrews family were the only ones the Archers had invited. There were many dear folks in the church family, but they had limited the invitations to keep things simple.

  "I think you've handled this all very well," Pastor complimented the family. "You've been wise in keeping the numbers down and keeping this private, but I can't help but wonder if there might be some things you wish to say. I didn't plan a long sermon for this time at the grave-you don't need that-but I did want to give you a chance to share."

  The group was quiet for a moment, but then Leonard Andrews had something on his heart.

  "I remember the first time Josie babysat for Arlene. I don't remember if any of the boys were home, but Arlene didn't want us to go out that night. She was dreading staying with a new sitter, and then Josie came. We weren't gone that many hours, but by the time we got home, they were fast friends. Josie had even been willing to help Arlene build a fort on her bed, and the two had climbed in together to read a book."

  Arlene had buried her face against her mother to hide her tears, but the adults were all smiling amid theirs. Josie had been special and fun, and no one was surprised by this story. Dean was the next to share his heart.

  "If it's true that a man never plans on burying his child, it's ten times as true concerning a grandchild. We are certainly not the first to stand in grief around a graveside, and we won't be the last, but that fact doesn't always soften the hurt." Dean paused,


  wanting to finish but finding it hard. "I'll keep on because the Savior has a plan, but I'll miss you, Jo. More than I can say."

  Ruth couldn't manage his words. Her face crumbled, and she sobbed with the ache inside of her. Dean moved dose to put an arm around her, and Max turned helplessly to Lorri.

  "Say something, Raine," she cried. "Tell Jo how I feel, because I can't right now."

  Lorri's head hurt with the pressure she felt inside, but she made herself speak the first thing that came to mind.

  "Thank you, Josie, for your sweet heart and godly spirit. We'll always love you. We'll never forget you. And heaven will be a more precious place in our hearts because you're there waiting for us."

  No one else could speak. Pastor Higgins read a few verses from the Psalms and closed in prayer. Mr. Showers and the Andrews moved toward the cars, and the Archers took a few more minutes by the casket.

  In a way it was helpful that Josie wasn't in that box. Only Lorri could actually picture where her body was, and the others naturally tried. They stood and talked for a few moments, and then Dean said it was time to leave. There was rescue in those words. Josie had been gone four months, but things had not been complete until today. Painful as the days ahead might be, the process of moving on needed to begin.

  "Hey, Max," Johnny King called to her, stopping her on the front steps of the school at the end of the day on Tuesday. Max had stopped in only long enough to get her assignments and now was ready to walk home.




  "Where have you been the last few days? Were you sick?"

  "No," Max shook her head but didn't elaborate. Johnny, much brighter than his grades showed, didn't press her.

  "I saw you at the last home game," he offered.

  "Oh, yeah, that night we lost to Valley."

  "There's a home game this Friday night. Do you want to go?"

  "I'll probably just go with my family, but thanks for asking."

  Johnny's deep blue eyes studied her. She was unique, he knew that. His only regret was not pursuing her-and only her-years before.

  "I guess I didn't take it seriously when you said you were swearing off boys."

  "It's easier that way right now," Max said.

  Johnny smiled that smile that had turned many hearts.

  "Easier for who?"

  Max couldn't stop her answering smile.

  "I've got to get home."

  "I can give you a ride." The offer was made in his most charming voice.

  "No, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Bye, Max."

  Johnny didn't care who witnessed it. He stood still and watched Max until she was out of sight. The rumors all around school were that Johnny King had finally lost his heart, and to a girl who didn't want him. Johnny wouldn't have admitted it under threat of torture, but the rumors were very true. ,

  "Lorri, you've got to see this," Ruth called very quietly from the edge of the living room.


  Lorri came around the corner and had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. Buddy had taken up his usual place in front of the picture window to watch Max walking away to school, but today Muffin had joined him. Perched on top of Buddy's head, the half-grown kitten sat comfortably, taking a view of the out-of-doors as though she'd never seen it before.

  Ruth grabbed the camera and tried to get a photo, but Muffin spotted Lorri and came to her.

  "Oh, she moved."

  "She might do it again," Lorri said, cuddling the cat in her arms.

  "She's a little character, I'll say that much for her."

  Ruth put the camera away, and Lorri, a little at loose ends, followed her. Ruth gathered her gloves and gardening tools and went into the backyard.

  "Do you think Max was ready to go back today?" Lorri asked from across the garden.

  "Probably not, but putting it off was not going to accomplish much."

  "There must be kids all over the school who are in the same boat."

  "I'm sure you're right. The war has ended and the mourning and rebuilding will begin."

  Lorri began to hum "I'm Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover," and Ruth smiled as she worked on the flower bed at the back of the house. We enough, it wasn't long before Lorri began to sing. The doxology was next, then "White Christmas."

  "Mother," Lorri suddenly said, cutting off midsong. "I've been meaning to ask you something, but I don't know how to word it."

  "Do you have it figured out now?"

  "No, not really."




  Ruth turned her head and smiled at her.

  "Just ask, Lorraine. We'll figure it out together."

  "I guess I want to know why you never ask,Why us?"

  "Why us?" Ruth questioned her, trying to understand.

  "Yes. Do you remember that woman from so many years ago who had lost her twin sons in a fire? She was sharing how she was dealing with it, but all the time she talked, she said she didn't know why God would do that to her.

  "We never spoke of it, but I got the impression that you and Grandpa didn't agree. I remember your face registered concern or some other emotion. Do you recall it now?"

  "Yes, I do recall. I wasn't at all happy with the things she said."

  Lprri waited, but her mother didn't go on. She waited a bit longer and pressed her when there was more silence.

  "So why, Mother? Why don't you ask God,'Why us?'"

  Ruth turned fully to face her daughter and spoke frankly.

  "Why not us, Lorri? Why not our family? We've never been promised a hedge that keeps away all pain and loss and suffering. God will do as He pleases, and it pleased Him to take your father and Josie home. I can't ask God why until I'm willing
to ask why not."

  "Oh, Mother," Lorri breathed, "I think you're wonderful."

  "Do you?"

  "Yes. You don't try to help God."

  "Is that what you do?"


  "What did you try to help with lately?" Ruth was using the trowel again.

  "I didn't want Max to go back to school. I think there should have been some type of holiday all this week so she could be home."


  "That's sweet of you to want to take care of her."

  "It's me wanting my way and sure that I know what's best. I'm not sure how sweet that is."

  Ruth turned back to her.

  "Are you being too hard on yourself? You miss Josie, so you naturally want to have Max around to love and protect."

  Lorri shrugged, thinking her mother might be right. She did miss Josie, more than she could have imagined, and Max was so much fun.

  Lorri realized she'd sat around long enough. Going back to her song, she began to help her mother in the garden.

  Early October brought the World Series-the Detroit Tigers defeated the Chicago Cubs four games to three. Ava Gardner married band leader Artie Shaw. General Electric announced the construction of the world's most powerful electron accelerator, which could direct steam at the speed of light and cut through nearly 12 inches of armored plate. And advertised as the "first pen to write underwater," a ballpoint pen offered by Gimbel's of New York had 10,000 eager buyers on its first day of sales.

  Lorri kept up on all these events through the newspapers and the radio as October faded into November. The days were cooler now, the nights especially so. Warmer skirts, slacks, and sweaters came out of wardrobes.

  Lorri was almost back to her normal size, her appetite still improving and with it a desire to cook and bake. Rare was the evening when she did not put dinner on the table, and because meat was becoming more available, the selections were varied and interesting.



  "Pork chops," Dean said one evening, sitting down with pleasure. "It's been a while."

  "Lorri smiles at the butcher, and he gives her the best selection under the counter."

  "Mother!" Lorri said, sounding faintly shocked, but both Dean and Max were laughing.

  "I think you should swear off men, Lorri," her sister advised. "It's the only way to live."

  "How is that working for you?" Lorri asked.