Read Eyes on the Word 2 Page 10

  Chapter 9


  William continued to stand next to Jake. They were still somewhere. Somewhere else than where they expected to be

  The light around them was getting brighter. The gray turned into bright yellow, then white blazing light. They could not see into it. They could see each other without any problem. That was all they could see. The energy streaming into Jake's body, stopped. His body looked normal except for a green glow extending a few inches from and around his body.

  They turned 360 degrees as if the same thought occurred to them both at the same moment. As they turned around their location coalesced into their last safe house location. They were in the TV room, standing beside the couch. The large screen TV came on by itself and they watched themselves drive through driving rain cursing about being late. They saw their arrival to Rimrock International Airport.

  They watched as the screen switched from scene to scene.


  Center 1

  Mael was sweating. He was upset and worried.

  "We've got to contact Jake. Something is happening. The typical routes to Center 2 are not working. This is new. Somethingthat isn't supposed to happen. It wasn't on the probability list until now. We need that device back. It must have malfunctioned.

  "What is the problem?"

  "Improbability 224-no details available"

  "No details? We haven't seen that once in the last twelve years. That doesn't happen any more."

  The printer announced an arrival, at two locations. Ten pages of directions and a document arrived at Center 1 and a four page document by itself at Center 2. The arrivals were expected. The document entitled Pattern Coordination, was signed by Jake and William. Both Centers, still unable to get in contact immediately with Jake or each other, began using the directives in their documents. It was blind trust from desperation. If the information was accurate, it meant survival. If it was a lie, it was an excellently prepared one. It rang true. It made sense to both Centers to follow those instructions.

  The device arrived one minute later at Center 1. All eyes went to an astonished Mael.


  A team of six lurked in Rimrock. The leader await the go. The command would come in on his newfangled phone. Once received the team would have ten minutes to complete the mission. The time included set up, take down and clean up. The time was tight but possible, without any surprises. Unfortunately surprises were always happening and never part of the plan. Samuel Argwa wondered, not for the first time, why Control micromanaged so many of his team's take downs. He understood tight timelines and careful planning, but Control never saw the little adjustments that had to be planned on site. When asked, his boss told him. "That's your job. Just do what we tell you and get it done."

  Those were the rules, he shrugged. messaging his team: "Be ready. word will come anytime now. He knew they were all connected on a hotspot WiFi network, insuring communication for most situational conditions. They had certainly tested the network enough times. Two other identified restaurants were under surveillance.


  William sat next to Jake on the couch in their TV room. The TV turned off. They exchanged a what the hell look. The smell of pizza filled the room. They heard steps behind them and a chorus of chuckles. One very familiar voice said "We came to clear up a few details and brought pizza and spaghetti to ease your way. Jake and William turned toward the voices.


  The End

  Book Two: Eyes on The World

  About the Author

  John D. Boyden was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, in 1950. John grew up in rural Nebraska and lives in Southeastern New Mexico with his wife, Melanie, and their dog, Sissy. He attended Grinnell College in Iowa and several other colleges through multiple summer programs and in the years since earning his Masters Degree in Education from the University of Northern Iowa. He taught school in Iowa and New Mexico for many years.

  John has completed and actually been paid for several "work for hire" projects including non-fiction, fiction, news, and editing and has received payment as a published poet! The poetic pride has endured far beyond that lovely $5 check.

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