Read Face in the window Page 1


  Mark Stewart

  Copyright Face in the window 2016: Mark Stewart. All rights reserved.

  No part of this story may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author. This story is fictitious and a product of the author’s imagination. Resemblance to any actual person living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Edited by: Rosemary Cantala

  By Mark Stewart


  The Kendal chronicles

  Fire games

  Heart of a spider

  I know your secret

  Copycat murders


  Kiss on the bridge

  Kiss on the bridge two

  Kiss on the bridge three

  The perfect gift

  Blood red rose (Vampire romance adventure)

  Blood red rose two

  Blood red rose three

  Legendary Blue Diamond

  Legendary blue diamond two

  Legendary blue diamond three

  Don’t Tell My Secret (series)

  201 May Street

  Emerald Hill

  A Perfect Summer’s Day

  Planet X91 the beginning

  Planet X91 the new home

  Planet X91 the underwater cave

  Planet X91 the storm

  Planet X91 the drought

  Planet X91 the fire

  Planet X91 the plague

  Planet X91 the doorway to time

  Planet X91 the new earth

  Planet X91 alien amongst us

  Planet X91 wayward asteroid

  Planet X91 the unwelcome visitor

  Planet X91 the Derelict

  Planet X91 the hidden catacombs

  Planet X91 descending into ID

  Planet X91 sleeping disease

  Planet X91 black hole

  Planet X91 ghost ship

  Planet X91 SOS

  Planet X91 interplanetary games

  Planet X91 decadence

  Plus many more

  Kiss on the bridge

  Kiss on the bridge two

  Kiss on the bridge three


  “This pool party is wild,” yelled Nick Somerton.

  The young nineteen year-old blonde haired bloke needed to yell over the dance music. His brother Mason had introduced him to a tall long legged sixteen-year-old gorgeous girl wearing the shortest shirt he’d ever seen. Her shorts and high heels helped to make her lengthy legs appear extra long.

  “I’m happy my Aunt decided to go overseas for a couple of months,” screamed Doreen.

  “Mason, be sure you treat Doreen properly,” warned Nick. He sent his younger brother a wink and slipped his arm around the girl he was leaning against. “Hey Bro, thanks for introducing me to Gabby,” he added.

  “I’m happy Melbourne has put on a hot night,” said Mason.

  “The weather is nowhere as hot as this chick. Bro’ if you want a happy ending with Doreen, go find a quiet place for half an hour. Which reminds me, got a couple of cigs I can borrow, I’m fresh out? After what Gabby and I are about to do, we’ll need a cig.”

  Mason pulled out his new packet and palmed a couple to his older brother. He watched him walk off kissing Gabby while he steered her towards the spa room.

  Mason politely thrust the opened packet of cigarettes at Doreen.

  “Those things will kill you,” she warned.

  “So the experts keep preaching. What do they know?”

  “I like to taste a man who has fresh breath,” grumbled Doreen. Looking at someone over Mason’s left shoulder she sent him a cursory grin. “I’ve just spotted a friend I haven’t seen in years.”

  Mason watched Doreen walk out of his life. Feeling numb he raised his beer glass to her back.

  “To what could have been a great future together?”

  Sculling the amber liquid to dowse his sorrow Mason heard a female’s voice calling his name.

  “Can you spare a couple of cigs?”

  The perfect tone of the girl’s voice hovering in the air easily forced Mason to turn around. He displayed a widening grin. The girl he was gawking at looked gorgeous. Her long black hair and perfectly shaped hazel eyes sent a shiver down his spine. The feeling settled in the nook of his back and stayed. He estimated the girl couldn’t be any older than seventeen. Her mini skirt and light pink button up shirt easily made him excited.

  “Hello there. I’m Mason.”

  “Hello back, I’m Cassandra. “How about that spare cig?” she asked.

  “Sure,” replied Mason. He thrust the packet at the girl. Reaching for the cigarette her moves were poetic.

  “These things will kill you,” whispered Mason. Rolling his eyes he wanted to kick his ankle at the lousy opening line.

  “Probably,” chirped the girl. “I really don’t care.”

  Mason’s follow up line sounded worse than his first line.

  “What do the experts know anyway?”

  Cassandra lowered her head slightly waiting for Mason to light the end of the cigarette. Mason quickly completed the act. He watched the girl inhale a lung full of smoke then exhale a love heart into the air.

  “How did you do that?”

  “I’ve had plenty of practice. Mason, it’s getting late, what would you say if I asked you to escort me home?”

  “Where’s home?” he asked.

  “Not far. In fact, I live on the next street. If you agree to walk me home I can guarantee it’ll be a rewarding experience.”

  “I’d have to say a mighty yes. A pretty young girl like you shouldn’t be walking the streets alone in the dark. There are a lot of men out there who would love to take advantage of a gorgeous girl.”

  “I’m quite capable of taking care of myself,” growled Cassandra. “However I would love to have some friendly company tonight if you understand what I mean.” She lifted her thin black eyebrows to signal it’ll be a nice way to end a great night.

  Mason and Cassandra slipped away from the bright lights and the loud music of the party. They rounded the corner at the end of the street and started walking up the hill to the crest. The moment they finished smoking the cigarette they stopped and lit a second. Mason noticed the wind blowing the tips of Cassandra’s hair. That and the erotic look she was sending him again made him excited.

  “Is this where you live?” asked Mason.

  “Only in the summer,” replied Cassandra. “I don’t like it here in the winter. The cold wind blowing in from the sea chills my bones.”

  “So where do you live in the winter?” asked Mason.

  Cassandra stepped closer. She lifted her hand to swipe the dark hair away from his eyes. Cassandra sniffed his aftershave. Moving both hands behind his neck Cassandra’s shirt bulged at the buttons. Looking seductively she leaned in and kissed Mason on the lips. He in turn, returned her kisses.

  For a long time, they stood at the wrought iron fence surrounding the dark old three storey mansion. Mason felt Cassandra push her body harder against his. He could feel the cast iron gate digging into his back. He longed to get inside the house so he could let loose the erotic thoughts flowing through his mind.

  As if by some miracle the gate hinges creaked and groaned. The noise sounded eerie. He opened his eyes as the gate slowly swung open of its own accord.

  Hugging Cassandra Mason watched the gates swing wide open.

  “That’s weird,” he croaked.

  “Come on inside the house so we can finish what we started.”

  “How did the gate open?” asked Mason.

  “My sister looks out of the upstairs attic window. She sees everything. She’s been expecting me.”

  “So she saw us kissi
ng and used a remote to open the gate?”

  “Something along those thoughts,” replied Cassandra. She giggled before undoing the top two buttons of her overstuffed shirt. “I promise you one thing my sister loves to meet boys.”

  Mason grinned as he watched Cassandra undo another button and smirk seductively at him.

  “The old dark mansion looks cold.”

  “On the contrary, the interior of the home is grand. My sister sees to everything.”

  “I hope she’s much older than you. I have a rule. I don’t kiss girls who are younger than sixteen.

  “Stop with the interrogation,” giggled Cassandra. “To put your mind at ease so the three of us will have a good time I can divulge the fact my sister is older than me by one minute.”

  “She’s your twin?”


  “Where’s your mother, father?”

  “Do you want to come into the home or just stand here and ask questions?”

  Mason pushed his arm around Cassandra’s waist and prompted he’d refrain from any more questions by starting to walk towards the front door.

  Halfway to the front door Mason glanced up at the third floor attic window. Looking down at him he saw a face in the window. The face appeared to be a mirror image of Cassandra.

  Mason was grinning when the front door opened. He slipped his hand around Cassandra’s and followed her inside the home.

  Four steps into the mansion and the front door shut behind Cassandra and Mason. Before he could turn around the overhead chandelier sparkled and rattled as the beams of light danced off the walls. The music box in the corner opposite the open fire started playing a romantic tune. The small flames amongst the dry logs inside the fireplace lengthened and danced in time with the beat of the music.

  “I told you the interior of the house looked inviting,” whispered Cassandra.

  “So you did,” replied Mason.

  “Sit on the couch, I’ll call my sister.”

  Watching Cassandra walking towards the stairs Mason took out a cigarette and placed the almost full pack on the coffee table.

  Instead of sitting Mason decided to place another log on the fire. He stepped back intrigued at seeing the number of embers shooting up the solid brick chimney. The moment he heard stilettoes echoing down the spiraling staircase he turned to face Cassandra.

  Mason’s jaw dropped open at seeing the twin girl’s strolling seductively towards him. He quickly threw his lit cigarette into the fire. Reaching out he started to walk across the floor.

  “Well hello there, I’m Mason.”

  “Good evening, I’m Cassandra’s sister Charlotte.”

  The twins strolled towards Mason. Charlotte seemed to have a more luring smile than Cassandra.

  “You and Cassandra are definitely identical.”

  Charlotte walked over to the open fire, squatted and picked up a small log. All the while she placed the log on the fire Mason couldn’t take his eyes off her arse and long legs. If her mini skirt was any shorter he knew he wouldn’t be able to contain himself.

  The ember sparks erupted as Charlotte dropped the log on the flames.

  Charlotte dusted her hands by rubbing them together. Seeing Cassandra place her arm around Mason’s waist Charlotte strolled across the floor to mirror her sister’s move.

  Over the next half an hour or so, the girls kissed and playfully hugged Mason. He mauled every part of the girls. They, in turn, peeled Mason’s shirt off. Unexpectedly Charlotte dressed and strolled back to the stairs leaving Cassandra lying on the floor looking seductively up at Mason.

  He leaned on his elbow to watch Charlotte leave.

  From the bottom stair Charlotte sent Mason a scolded look.

  “Have I done something to upset you?” he asked.

  Switching her stare to her sister Charlotte snarled. “Sister, I thought I made myself perfectly clear I don’t entertain boys who smell of cigarette smoke. Please escort Mason to the door.”

  Cassandra jumped to her feet, dressed then grabbed hold of Mason’s hand. She walked him to the front door. They stepped out into the warm night.

  “I’m sorry to tell you the night is over. Go back to the party.”

  “I was actually enjoying the company of two gorgeous girls in a private party just for the three of us,” moaned Mason.

  “It’s time for you to go.”

  Cassandra walked back into the house and slammed the door shut. In seconds, the house again looked cold and dark. When he reached the wrought iron gate it automatically opened. Walking away he heard the gate slam shut.

  Marching off in a huff Mason walked past the next house halfway down the hill. Seeing an old woman watching his every move he stopped in talking distance.

  “Is there something wrong?” he called.

  The old dear shuffled over to her low red brick fence. Mason decided she must have celebrated her ninetieth birthday a few years back.

  The old woman spoke for the first time when she stood almost nose to nose with Mason.

  “Heed my warning. Stay away from the house on the hill.”


  The old woman stared at Mason as though she’d seen a transparent ghost. She began to back step away from the fence. Her grotesque expression etched on her face sent ice shivers down Mason’s spine. The sharp needle points made the hairs on his arms stand military style.

  “Stay away from the girls,” growled the old woman.

  “Why should I?”

  “They aren’t what they seem.”

  “I’ll have you know I think both girls are simply gorgeous. One day in the near future I can see me marrying one of them.”

  “Impossible,” croaked the old dear. “Neither girl is the marrying type.”

  “I disagree. In fact, I just left the house five minutes ago. At this early stage in our relationship, it is difficult to choose which one I might want to marry. The three of us had such a wonderful time.”

  “You saw them?”

  “Yes. I’ve never had the privilege of enjoying the company of two horny sisters before. Another few minutes and I reckon they’d have begged me to jump their bones.”

  Leaving her frailty behind her the old woman reached out and grabbed hold of Mason’s shirt. He tried in vain to break free.

  “Old woman what’s got into you? Let me go.”

  “Stay away from the house. You have been warned.”

  “I’m not going to and you can’t make me.”

  “From the attic window the ghost belonging to one of the girls watches who comes and goes from the mansion. She hung herself from one of the rafters in the attic after the one who used to smoke cigarettes died of cancer. The disease ate her face. The whole house stinks of rotting flesh.”

  “It does not!” growled Mason. “I’ve already told you I left the house not more than ten minutes ago. Both girls looked fine. Speaking about smoking a cigarette you’ve put my nerves on edge.” Finally managing to pull away from the old woman Mason started patting his pockets. He snarled, looking at the woman. “I left my cigs on the coffee table by the fire. This is a good thing. To prove you’re wrong about the girls I’m going back to get it.”

  The old woman watched Mason trot up the hill. She gasped when he shouldered the old wrought iron gate. Boldly Mason marched up to the front door and knocked.

  Whisperings coming from inside the mansion again sent a cold shiver down his spine. A cold breeze blowing down from the mountain made goose bumps erupt on his bare arms.

  Knocking on the front door a second time Mason stepped back to view the upper windows. Spying a shadow in the attic window he watched it pacing back and forth. When it vanished he saw Charlotte’s face watching his every move. Mason smiled and waved. Lifting a boney hand Charlotte beckoned him into the house.

  Mason turned the brass door knob and opened the door. Walking down the hall towards the lounge his footsteps echoed off the walls. The chandelier hanging from the roof failed to brighten. The closer
he got to the lounge-room with the open fire the stronger an odor he’d never smelt before filled his nostrils.

  Standing on the bottom stair he saw Charlotte. She had changed into a long white dress. It swayed about her ankles. She didn’t look happy.

  “Hello,” said Mason.

  “Why have you come back?”

  “I forgot my packet of cigarettes.”

  Charlotte appeared to float across the room, closing the gap between her and Mason by half.

  “I hate kissing a bloke that smells of cigarette smoke.”

  “The way you got up and left the room when I reached for a smoke had me guessing that might be the reason. I had a great time. I can tell you and Cassandra did too.”

  “If I were you I’d forget the packet and leave this house immediately,” urged Charlotte.

  “Why?” Mason probed.

  “You’ll discover the reason near the fire.”

  Mason walked over to the cold fire place. The black ashes covering the bricks told him a fire hadn’t been started in years. Cobwebs covered the two blackened logs, the walls, and the chandelier. Soot had fallen from inside the chimney and spewed onto the thick dust covered floor.

  Mason walked up to the couch. Lying prone looking at a cold fire he saw the figure of Cassandra lying under a blanket. Seeing his cigarette packet buried under half an inch of dust his eyebrows angled to a point.

  “What’s going on?”

  Charlotte floated across the room to stand at the bare feet of her sister. Sweeping the air with her boney hand Mason saw the blanket move away from Cassandra’s chin. Mason’s eyes widened. Fear gripped his brain. If his feet weren’t frozen to the floor he’d have run away from the house and never looked back. Staring into Charlotte’s empty eye-sockets Mason tried to yell.

  Charlotte reached out and touched Mason’s lips with a boney finger. She pointed at her sister.

  Mason’s eyes widened. He didn’t want to, but he looked at the girl lying on the floor. The same one he’d just finished kissing and groping.

  Cassandra’s flawless skin and high cheek bones appeared to be shedding its skin. Holes were appearing and growing larger by the second. Her long blonde hair was falling away from her head and piling on the floor. Ever so slow Cassandra moved her head so she could look directly at Mason. Seeing the girl’s nose slide down her cheek and bang onto the floor Mason could feel bile rise up in his throat. He wanted to vomit on the dust covered floor. When he heard one of Cassandra’s eyeballs splotch into the dust Mason managed to lift his feet and started to back step away.

  “This can’t be,” he croaked. “I see it yet I can’t understand any of this.”

  Cassandra moaned, clawing her way to her feet. Her clothes fell away revealing skeletal remains. The bones took a step towards Mason. The jaw fell open. A haunting high pitched scream filled the room.

  “Get out and don’t come back,” Charlotte moaned in a long haunting monotone voice.

  The curtains over the windows blew inwards, whipping up a dust cloud that covered Mason. The front door swung wide open. The chandelier Mason stood under danced and clanged wildly. Images of black shadows filled the room. Their arms were reaching out trying to grab hold of Mason. More haunting laughs followed Mason as his legs moved at speed, carrying him out of the mansion. The moment he was outside the solid front door slammed shut. The old brass door knocker in the shape of a lion’s head banged loudly seven times before falling silent.

  Mason saw the wrought iron gate swing open. He sprinted off the property and onto the road. Hearing the gate swing shut, Mason bravely looked over his shoulder at the house. In the attic window staring at him, he saw Charlotte’s face. She didn’t smile or wave, she just floated above the floor staring directly at him through black hollow eye sockets.

  Mason sprinted away from the house. He needed to get away. Never again would he ever go anywhere near the derelict mansion.

  Approaching the old woman’s house Mason heard her laughing at him. Slowing to a walk he stared sideways at the old woman.

  “Mason, I told you to stay away. The house is haunted. The girls will always be waiting and watching for another victim.”