Read Fade to Red Page 11

  Once they had him all hooked up and did the preliminary greetings, they did the countdown to live. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, cheesy music played.

  “Beckham Woods and Ian Sterling! Welcome. The two of you have taken the entertainment industry by storm with this combined tour, playing sold-out shows every night. That has to be the best feeling in the world. What made you decide to tour together?” He looked at Beckham.

  “It’s been great. When we saw an opportunity to work together, we both jumped at the chance,” Beckham said. “Being onstage with Ian every night—most fun I’ve ever had.”

  The host and camera crew let out a loud ‘Awwww’ and Beckham and Ian both laughed.

  “I’m the lucky one,” Ian added.

  “We’ve got a bromance going on, folks,” Randy Reynolds said, facing the camera. “Lots of romance on this tour, it seems. Your wife is on the tour with you, right, Ian?”

  “Yes.” Ian smiled.

  “You two have been heating it up onstage too.” He pointed behind them and a clip played of Ian and Sparrow kissing after their song.

  Ian laughed. “Keepin’ the love alive,” he said.

  “You’re not the only one!” Randy pointed to the screen behind Beckham.

  Beckham watched, stunned, as two pictures of him with Roxie flashed in slow succession. Both pictures showed them locked in a passionate kiss, but one was especially explicit. All he saw was tongues. Roxie would kill him. He turned and tried to see her reaction, but the lights were too bright.

  “Bastard!” came out of Beckham’s mouth before he could stop it. He wanted to first wring the restaurant manager’s neck for basically handing the photographer a perfect shot and then have a go at the guy in front of him. “What kind of show is this?”

  Randy laughed at Beckham, as if they were in on a joke together. His smile dimmed somewhat when he saw the look in Beckham’s eyes, and he started talking quickly to cover the awkward pause that filled the air.

  “What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas,” he said with a nervous chuckle. “It’s great to see you dating again. There’s been a long lull, hasn’t there? You haven’t really been linked with anyone since … your rehab stint. Who’s the lucky lady?”

  “I’m here to talk about the show tonight. 8 p.m. at MGM Grand. Hope to see you there,” he said to the camera, paused a moment, and then pulled off his lapel mic.

  Randy frantically motioned for the cameraman to cut. His expression was panicked until the camera turned to Ian. Randy’s face suddenly brightened with his phony smile.

  “So how does your wife handle all the groupies? I know they must come out in the droves with both you and Beckham.”

  Ian sat back in his seat, crossed his arms, and stared down the host. He didn’t say a word. The man began fidgeting. Sweat beaded on his forehead and upper lip.

  “So the music…” he started.

  “There we go,” Ian leaned forward, “that’s the direction you take in interviewing a musician. What do you want to know?”

  “I-uh, what have you learned musically from Beckham and what do you think he’s learned from you?”

  “I’ve learned that I suck as a dancer, unlike Beckham. And musically, playing with someone as talented as Beckham makes anyone better. Pushes me to work harder.” He shrugged. “You’d have to ask him what he’s learned from me.” He gave the host a shit-eating grin that was not returned.

  “Thanks for your time today. Ian Sterling, everyone. Make sure you come out to see Ian and Beckham Woods tonight. After the commercial, we’ll…”

  The producer rushed as far forward as he could without being in the shot. He was shaking his head and sliding a hand across his throat.

  “We’ll b-be back,” Randy stuttered. His shoulders drooped when the commercial started. “I thought they were singing,” he said to the producer and waved an arm toward Ian.

  Ian was already taking off his microphone. “Doesn’t look like we’ll be singing today,” he said. “Jerky thing to do, man, bringing up rehab and then pictures of an obviously private moment? Not cool.”

  Randy sneered, nothing close to a smile, phony or otherwise.

  Ian shook his head, gave him the bird, and stalked off.

  The band and Roxie were on the sidelines, watching everything. Beckham was pacing the hall by the exit. No one said a word. They filed out behind him and crawled back into the limo. Somehow Beckham ended up by Roxie.

  “Shit, I coulda slept longer,” Taz joked.

  T.J. bopped him on the head. “Shut up, Taz.”

  They all looked at Beckham and Roxie. She flushed and looked out the window.

  “I’m really sorry, Roxie,” Beckham said softly.

  She looked at him and barely nodded. “I know you didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  He leaned his head back on the seat and pulled out his cell phone. He had a few voicemails and texts waiting. He texted Howie, even though Howie was in the limo with him.

  We need more security. 24 hrs. Extra on Roxie.

  Howie checked his phone then looked at Beckham and gave a subtle nod.

  As soon as they got back, he went straight to his bus. There was a room booked for him at MGM, but he’d given it to Sierra. He went and stretched out on his bed and called Nate.

  “Hey, there you are. Was trying to catch you before you went on the show.”

  “Pictures of me with Roxie—are they everywhere?”


  He let out a string of curses as he got up and paced the bus.

  “I like this girl, Nate. I don’t want to scare her off. She’s not even sure she likes me most days.”

  “Well, that’s a twist,” Nate said. “Maybe we’ll keep her.”

  “Shut up.”

  He laughed. “So … I’ve gotta ask. I’m assuming Roxie is the one you called about before the tour—is that right?”

  Beckham was quiet. “I forgot about that,” he finally said.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Listen, there are a few ways to play this. You can either wait for it to die down, which means don’t get caught with her again. Or, you can just enjoy your tour and not worry about it. Get your picture with some hot fans—or better yet, I heard Taylor Swift will be at tomorrow night’s show. We’ll get a picture and let that circulate a bit.”

  “No way am I gonna get messed up in that. She’ll be writing a song about me,” Beckham scoffed.

  “That wouldn’t be all bad,” Nate mused. “You know she’s always been hot for you.”

  “Piss off, man,” he muttered. He pulled the phone away from his ear when Nate’s laugh got too loud. “Dude, really.”

  Nate took a deep breath, but the laugh was still in his voice. “There’s always the last option, which I wouldn’t mind seeing…”

  “What’s that?”

  “Date Roxie and be out with it. You need a girlfriend, Beck. You’ve paid penance long enough.”

  “I kissed her this morning, and believe me, it was not her idea.”

  “Okay, just tell me how you want to spin this and I’ll get it started-” Nate paused.

  “She’s got me all wrapped up…”

  “You’ve got it bad.”

  “Fuck me, I know it.”

  Beckham looked for Roxie at dinner, but she wasn’t there. He saw Sierra grabbing three desserts and jogged over to her.

  “Hey. Have you seen Roxie?”

  “She’s in the bus. Hiding.” Sierra grinned.

  “Is she mad at me?”

  “Oh yeah, probably,” she said.


  “From what I’ve seen, she seems to stay mad at you.” She took a bite of cheesecake and pointed her fork at him. “I like this girl so much. And that was even before I knew just how tightly she had your balls in a vise.”

  “Oh, you know what?” he groaned. “Don’t start, Sierra.”

  She laughed.

  “Just tell me … how do I get her out of the angry?”

“How much do you like her, Beck?” Sierra’s expression turned serious. “You know you’ve had enough notches on your bedpost…”

  Beckham stared at her. “You too?” He ran his hands through his hair and glared at her. “Okay, I deserved that. But … seriously … mean.”

  She shrugged and sampled the chocolate cake.

  He shook his head. “She’s different. I want to get under her skin and know what makes her angry heart tick.”

  She paused mid-bite.

  “God, I know this is wrong to say because you’re my brother, but … that was kinda hot,” she finally said.

  “Is everyone talking about it?” Roxie asked the minute she let Sierra on the bus.

  Everyone was at dinner so she had the bus to herself.

  “I might have heard a little buzz about it. Honestly, I think everyone thought you might be dating a while ago.”

  Roxie tried to tackle her as she walked by and Sierra went sprawling on the bus floor.

  “Ow! Dammit, Roxie!” Sierra yelled. “You don’t know me well enough for that yet!”

  “I’m so sorry! I can’t even believe I did that, after what happened with Sparrow! I didn’t think you’d go down!” Roxie cried. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Sierra said with a smirk. “Gonna start calling you Brooke.”

  Roxie clamped her hand over her mouth and started laughing hysterically.

  Sierra pulled her down and hit her over the head with a pillow. “Quit being so bitchy! Go get laid by my hot rock star brother. He wants you bad.” As soon as she said it, she shuddered and mumbled under her breath, “Things I never thought I’d say…”

  Roxie stopped laughing. “What did he say?”

  “He wants to get in your skin and know what makes your angry heart tick,” Sierra quoted. “If that isn’t sexy, I don’t know what is.”

  “This is so weird,” Roxie snapped back.

  “Go get laid and get it over with!” Sierra repeated, louder.

  “Shush! Someone might hear you.”

  “I thought everyone was gone,” Sierra whispered.

  “They are, but … someone could have heard … outside.”

  Sierra rolled her eyes. “Oh lord.”

  “Seriously, what am I gonna do?”

  They sat up and leaned their backs against the couch.

  “I’ve never seen him like this, Roxie. He’s never fought for anyone.”

  Roxie’s forehead crunched into a tiny V.

  “He’s made a lot of changes, especially the last year, and … I think you can trust him.”

  “I don’t know if he’s changed or not. I do know that I should have never risked coming on this tour. It was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I have to just keep my space. Do my job, get paid, and that’s it. No more, no less.”

  Sierra looked at Roxie. “He’s one of the good ones, Rox. He really is.” She looked like she was going to say more but stopped.

  “What?” Roxie pressed.

  “You have the potential to hurt him, really hurt him. That, in itself, is a huge shift.”

  “No more than he’s already hurt me, I guarantee that,” Roxie whispered.

  “What do you mean?” Sierra leaned up and faced Roxie. “What has he done?”

  “I—forget I said that. I’m just frustrated by this day. I need to get ready for tonight.”

  “Okay, but tell me if I need to go beat him up.” She lifted an eyebrow and smiled. “I can totally take him.”

  “I’m sure you can.” Roxie got up and put the pillows back on the couch.

  “All right, well, don’t hide for much longer. You’ll appear guilty.” And with that, Sierra made her way to her bus. “And watch your back. I owe you a good tackle.”

  “You totally do, but please, don’t you dare!” Roxie laughed. “I have to protect my bones for the next year at least.”

  “I can’t hear you!” Sierra yelled as she shut the door.

  Sparrow texted a few minutes later.

  Sparrow: You’ve been withholding, girl! Spill!

  Roxie: I’m too busy hiding. Sorry I haven’t been over today. It’s been … eventful.

  Sparrow: You’re only safe from me because Ian’s hovering worse than a new mother. And when he can’t, Bodyguard Will is.

  Roxie: I’ve noticed a lot of guards too! Have they always been around?

  Sparrow: Will hasn’t. If it doesn’t work out with Beck, you need to have a look at Will. :) But from what I saw of you and Beck kissing, I’m thinking it will ALL work out. And then some. DANG, girl!

  Roxie put her head in her hands and groaned.

  By the time the show was over that night, pictures of Beckham and Roxie looking like they were ready to rip each other’s clothes off onstage, along with the pictures of them kissing, were all over the news and Internet. Chloe left six messages. Her parents and brother called at different times throughout the day, wanting to know why she hadn’t told them about her relationship. She was mortified and scared. Terrified would better describe it … her resistance to Beckham was barely hanging by a thread.

  Roxie spent the next day hiding with Sparrow. Ian kept bringing them food, so they wouldn’t have to leave the bus, except during the show. She dreaded going back on her bus that night, but sucked it up. The next couple of days they made the long drive to St. Paul. They hadn’t been there long when Beckham knocked on the door to see if she would come play in the snow. He looked so adorable standing out there, cheeks rosy from the cold, and his eyes bright and beseeching. Roxie said no and then felt horrible when she saw the flicker of hurt on his face. Guilt spread through her body like a weed.

  He walked away, and Brooke moved past her and threw a snowball at him. Roxie stepped away so she couldn’t hear their laughter mocking her. Jealousy quickly replaced all guilt.

  A few hours before the show that night, he came to the door again. Vanessa let him in.

  He gave everyone a quick wave and looked at Roxie.

  “I need to talk to you,” he said.

  Roxie looked around. All eyes were on them. “Okay.”

  “Alone. Can we go in the back? Or would you come over to mine?”

  “I’ll come with you,” she said quietly.

  They didn’t speak as they walked to his bus.

  “Have a seat,” he said formally.

  “I can’t stay long.” She kept standing.

  “Have you noticed your bodyguard, Johnny?” he asked. “And Al? Although you probably don’t see Al most of the time.”

  “My bodyguard? I thought they were for everyone. They’re both kinda hard to miss.”

  “I should’ve let you know I was doing that. With those pictures getting out—just can’t be too careful.” He looked away. “Roxie, I’m going crazy here. Please…” He rubbed the stubble on his chin and then put his hand on her arm. “We have these moments when I think we’re getting somewhere, and then … you pull back, say it can’t happen, avoid me … but the way you look at me is a completely different story.”

  She didn’t say anything, just noticed the way his eyelashes curled up at the ends. Leo’s did the same thing. She was envious of those lashes.

  “I’ve had dreams about you with really short hair,” he said so quietly she barely heard him.

  She jumped when he ran his fingers softly down her neck.

  “I’ve had dreams about kissing this neck.” His eyes looked like stormy waters. “I don’t know what’s real and what isn’t. Tell me. Tell me what’s real, Roxie.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “I’ve tried to forget,” she whispered.

  He put his hand on her cheek and whispered, “If you won’t help me remember, will you at least let me help you forget?”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not? I’m not really that bad, am I?”

  She wouldn’t look at him, even though he tried to make her by lifting her chin.

  “Roxie,” he said softly.

  When he said her name
with such conviction, it broke something inside of her. She ached to believe in him. She wanted more than anything to know that what Sierra had said about him was true, and that she could put aside her responsible, analytical self for a moment and just feel. She caved and finally looked at him, and her heart plummeted even further.

  Without overthinking it, she kissed him. He sucked in a sharp breath and kissed her back with the same fury. She held onto his hair and walked into him until the back of his calves hit the couch. She nudged him and he sat down, pulling her with him. Her thighs wound around him as tight as they could go, straddling him, and still he pulled her tighter and groaned into her mouth.

  The door banged shut and Sierra said, “Ahh, sorry!”

  Roxie jumped off of Beckham, turning bright red. She couldn’t look at either one of them. Beckham took her hand and stood up beside her.

  “Great timing,” he muttered with a scowl.

  Sierra laughed. “I’m really sorry.” She looked at Roxie and lifted her eyebrows. “I’m glad you listened to me.”

  Roxie groaned. “This is so messed up.” She let go of Beckham’s hand and walked toward the door. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Wait, Roxie, don’t go. Come on … hang out with us.”

  “I’m out of here,” Sierra said at the same time.

  “I’ll go get ready. It’s later than I thought…” Roxie made a quick excuse and ran.

  Every picture of Roxie was charred. The girl’s blonde, sunshiny looks didn’t look so sunshiny scorched.

  Their kiss was playing over and over again in the edges of her mind. No. No. Her body trembled.


  She envisioned her sharp dagger hanging out of the girl’s throat. She’d had a feeling about Roxie from the beginning and should have offed her as soon as she saw them onstage together.

  The frame she held of Beckham slipped out of her hands. Shards of glass scattered across the floor. She got on her hands and knees, ignoring the glass as she grabbed his picture. Her palms were prickled and now bleeding, but his picture was still perfect.

  No harm done.

  She brushed her thumb against his smiling face. She’d do anything for him. It had been that way since the first time she’d seen him. She’d been his ever since.