Read Fade to Red Page 20

  A beautiful woman that he never wanted to see again, much less, touch.

  She was all he could see. Roxie. Roxie. She’s not Roxie.

  Relationship or not, he loved Roxie. If he’d doubted it before, he was sure of it now. He’d hoped to put her out of his mind and had only succeeded in realizing he was in love with the woman.

  Megan had been all over him the night before and he’d been all over the Jameson. When she unzipped his pants and got on her knees, he let her. But when he looked down and focused on the dark hair beginning to bob up and down on him, he’d yelled at her to stop.

  She’d stared up at him in shock when he told her to get out. She wouldn’t leave and he was too drunk and exhausted to force her out.

  It doesn’t matter that you didn’t have sex with her—you still went too far, you filthy fuckin’ loser.

  He gagged over the sink, fisting the mirror and cursing every ounce of Jameson that still sang in his veins. He rinsed his face with cold water, put the phone in his pocket, and walked out of the bathroom.

  Megan leaned up on her elbows when he went back into the room and watched as he tried to button his pants.

  “Come back to bed, let me finish what I started last night…” She had smudged mascara circling her eyes and he felt his stomach heave at the sight of her.

  His phone buzzed again. He took it out of his pocket as she said, “Ignore it. Come here.”

  He took her hand off his hip. “If I didn’t want you when I was drunk I sure as hell don’t want you when I’m sober.”

  He didn’t even hear the rest of what she said. He gathered what little he had with him and got out of there. Finally glancing down at his phone, his gut curled when he saw he’d missed twelve calls.

  He didn’t listen to any of his messages, but called Nate. “What’s going on?”

  “A lot. Meet me at Cedar Sinai. There are already reporters, so find a way in without being seen.”

  He texted Nate when he was close and Anthony met him at one of the back entrances. Anthony came to an abrupt stop when he got a good look at Beckham.

  He shook his head. “Beck…”

  “I know. Believe me, I know I screwed up.”

  “Follow me.”

  They walked as fast as they could and Anthony talked quickly.

  “Nate will meet you upstairs. He’s talking to the police right now. It’s Roxie. An explosion went off by her cottage—they’re monitoring her closely.”

  “What?” He stopped walking and Anthony tried to keep him moving.

  “I’m taking you to her. Just keep walking. Beck, have you heard from Ian at all? Since yesterday at the airport?”

  “No, why? Is Roxie okay?”

  “I think she will be, but she’s been through a lot. Like I said, they’re really watching her closely, so I think there’s still concern about all the smoke she inhaled. You’re sure you don’t know anything about Ian? He’s been missing since yesterday.”

  “Missing? What the hell is going on?” He wanted to punch something.

  “He took Sparrow and Journey to your house, left to run errands, and never showed up for their anniversary dinner.”

  Beckham drew a sharp breath. “Something’s wrong. He’d never do that.”

  “I know. Howie and Matt have been looking into it.”

  Roxie woke up and looked around. Beckham was sitting by her, with a tight grip on her hand.

  She blinked and tears ran down her face.

  “Rox,” he breathed. “I’m here. I’m so sorry. Are you in pain? You scared me so bad…” he paused and took another breath. “I’ll get the nurse.” He pushed the button behind her.

  “My eyes are on fire,” she whispered.

  A nurse hurried into the room.

  “Fastest service ever. Celebrities have magical powers,” Roxie croaked. “Where am I?” Her voice barely came out; she sounded like a million fires had settled down in her lungs.

  “Cedar Sinai,” the nurse said, smiling at Beckham.

  “You look rough,” Roxie said.

  Beckham’s heart dropped. The nurse laughed. He didn’t.

  He brought her fingers up to his lips and kissed each one. He’d nearly lost her. This was all his fault. If he had been with her and not … oh God, what a fucking idiot. He squeezed his eyes shut and held her hand to his cheek and kept it there.

  She was so shaken, she let him.

  When he opened his eyes, both Roxie and the nurse were staring at him.

  “How bad is the smoke inhalation?” he asked the nurse. “Is there anything we can do to make sure it doesn’t get worse in her lungs?”

  “We’re starting a brief course of steroids and will be watching her for at least 24 hours, possibly longer. Sometimes symptoms can worsen later, and with all the smoke she took in, we just need to run some tests and keep a close eye on her.”

  Beckham nodded. “I plan on doing that too.”

  “You need to go get ready!” Roxie protested. “You’re not missing the Grammys for me…”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Nate’s taking care of it. He let them know we had an emergency and that we won’t be there.” He looked at the hand that was bandaged. “Does your hand hurt?”

  “Yes. Very much. But, Beckham, you have to go. You’re up for … what—8 Grammys? You can’t miss that!”

  “I don’t care,” he enunciated each word. “I’m not leaving you.”

  She closed her eyes and let the tears fall. “Can Ian cover it for you?”

  He shook his head but didn’t tell her about Ian.

  “Have you seen Johnny and Al?” she whispered right before the medication took her under.

  Nate came into the room a little later. Roxie was still sleeping and Beckham hadn’t moved. Nate’s eyes narrowed when he saw Beckham.

  “How is she doing?”

  “She was awake for just a few minutes earlier. They’ve got her pretty drugged up. What about the guys? How are they?”

  Nate shook his head and put his hand around the back of Beck’s neck. “They … didn’t make it, Beck.”


  He shook his head again. “They’re pretty sure both died instantly. A bomb went off around 12:30 a.m., looks like it did the most damage outside. There’s a small crater where their tents were.”

  “A bomb?” Beckham got up and walked to the window, his fist softly pounding the wall. “How the hell does this happen?” He turned around to make sure he hadn’t woken up Roxie.

  “I don’t know much yet. They’ll probably question Roxie pretty soon. I saw the police with the owners of the house earlier. The guy called the fire department and got out there with a hose before the fire got too out of hand.”

  Beckham pressed down on his eyes and squeezed. “Johnny and Al … I can’t believe it. Does Howie know?”

  “He’s outside waiting to see you.”

  “Ten years we’ve been together. They’ve been through it all with me. I just can’t … believe it. Roxie will be devastated too. She already felt bad that they were-” He looked at the ceiling. “I can’t believe she got out of there.”

  “She had a guardian angel tonight, that’s all I know. It’s hard to even process about the guys … it’s gonna take a while.” Nate bit his lip and looked away.

  They leaned against the wall and didn’t say anything for a few minutes.

  “And Ian? You think it’s related at all?”

  “I don’t know what to think. You know him better than I do, but I can’t picture him abandoning Sparrow on their anniversary. There’s been no sign of him. Sparrow is out of her mind with worry.” Nate cleared his throat.

  “I’ll call her in a little while. Can’t imagine what’s going on in her head, with what’s happened to Roxie and the guys.”

  Nate nodded. “We have guards at the house with her, and she’s been checking on Roxie practically every half hour.” He shook his head. “Poor girl’s spooked.” He put his hand on Beckham’s shoulder. “Y
ou watch your back, do you hear me? And listen, I’ve made sure you’re completely free of everything tonight. The police are guarding this floor, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about cameras or anything else. Don’t you even think about anything but this one right here.” He looked at Roxie. “Be with her.” He leaned closer to Beckham’s face and jabbed his finger into Beck’s chest with each word: “Don’t. Blow. This.”

  “I already have,” he whispered.

  “Well, I can see that. Fix it, dammit. Do you hear me? Go clean yourself up. Stay away from the Jameson. Call Troi. Do whatever you have to do. She nearly died tonight. You don’t have time to have a breakdown. Not if you want a chance with her.”

  Nate clapped him on the neck and pulled him in for a quick hug before he left. Howie walked in next. Neither of them said anything, but they grasped each other by the arm and had a moment. They didn’t move until Beckham sniffled and cleared his throat.

  “This just can’t be right,” he said.

  “I’m gonna find who did this,” Howie said. “Fuckers need to pay.”

  “I’m with you there, but we’re gonna need help. Have you talked to Dion yet?”

  “Yeah, and you know he’ll do anything for you,” Howie said. “He’s still the best in the business.”

  “He handpicked you guys for me—I trust him. Can you get him on this? I’ll meet with him too, whenever he’s available. We’ve gotta find Ian too. I don’t have a good feeling about that.”

  “On it.” Howie gripped Beckham’s shoulder and left.

  Beckham sat down and watched Roxie sleep. The hand that wasn’t wrapped up looked perfect. He placed it carefully in his, grateful that from what he could tell, her body seemed undamaged. If she had been anywhere else in the house, or outside, it would be a completely different story. The thought made his blood curdle and his eyes drip with the tears he’d been fighting since he saw her.

  Roxie woke up just as her parents rushed into the hospital room. Beckham jumped to his feet and Roxie waved a hand groggily.

  “Mom and Dad, Beckham. Beckham, Mom and Dad, uh, Rachel and Daniel…”

  Their eyes turned to Beckham and they gave a quick nod before turning their focus back on Roxie.

  “Oh honey. Are you okay? What happened? Did any of your skin get burned? What about your lungs?”

  “Mom, breathe. I’m okay.” She gave a faint smile. “I inhaled a lot of smoke but was really fortunate to get out of there when I did.”

  “She has third degree burns on her hand,” Beckham interjected.

  “I’m okay,” she rasped. “Where’s Leo? Is he okay?”

  “He’s in the waiting room with Chloe. We didn’t tell him everything yet. We wanted to see how you were before we brought him back here. You sound really hoarse…”

  “I want to see him. Would you get him?”

  Her dad kissed her forehead. “I’ll get him right now. Love you, honey. So glad you’re okay … you scared us to death.”

  She nodded and brushed the tears off her cheeks. “I’ll be fine. My eyes are bugging me more than anything—they haven’t stopped burning yet. Do I look bad? I don’t want to scare Leo.” Her breathing came in quick, shallow bursts.

  “Your eyes are really red and puffy,” her mom whispered, her eyes filling with tears as she took Roxie’s hand.

  “I’ll be okay, Mom.”

  “You always say that.” She shook her head and straightened Roxie’s blanket.

  The chair scraped the floor when Beckham sat down, and the noise startled Roxie’s mom. She jumped and smiled.

  “I’m sorry. I forgot you were here,” she said.

  “More important people to think about,” he said. He smiled at Rachel then rested his elbows on his knees and stared at Roxie. “Can I get you anything?”

  “I’d kill for a Coke,” she whispered.

  He jumped up.

  “Ooo, with hospital ice!” Her voice perked up. “The only good thing about the hospital.”

  “You got it.” He kissed her cheek before leaving the room.

  Rachel and Roxie both watched him walk away. Roxie let out a long sigh without even realizing it and her mom laughed.

  “I can see why you have it so bad for him,” she said. “He’s gorgeous.” She laughed and fanned herself. “When you’re feeling better I want you to tell me every detail about how you won the heart of Beckham Woods.” She leaned forward to whisper his name and looked behind her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t back to hear.

  “We’re not together, Mom.” Roxie closed her eyes. It was hard to tell what was making her cry more—the fact that her eyes felt like they were on fire, or the grief that sat on her chest.

  There was a little rap on the door and Leo peeked in the door. Her dad and Chloe stood behind him and Chloe gave Leo a nudge.

  “She’s awake. Go ahead, bud.”

  “Hey, little man,” Roxie held out her hand to Leo.

  He ran to the bed and put his head on the bed, patting her stomach. Roxie ran her hands through his hair while they both cried.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Leo kept saying, between hiccups.

  “And I’m so glad you and Aunt Chloe weren’t there. So glad. I’m gonna be fine, okay?”

  Everyone in the room was crying when Beckham came back in the room.

  “Aw, hey. I need to get in on this crying session.” He put his hands on Roxie and Leo’s back. “It’s all gonna be okay,” he said softly. “You need to be using the oxygen, though.” He put the tubes back in her nose.

  Roxie lifted her head and saw that he had tears in his eyes too. She wiped her eyes and sniffled. “Johnny and Al? How are they?”

  He shook his head and a tear dropped down his cheek. She turned her head into his chest and cried harder.

  She began coughing and couldn’t stop. Beckham pushed the button and asked a nurse to come in right away. She panicked when she saw how much she was scaring Leo. He wailed as Chloe carried him out of the room.

  Her lungs felt like they were closing in on her and she had to fight with everything to not panic. She coughed harder. Beckham pushed the nurse button again frantically when her blood sprayed across the white blanket. An alarm went off on the monitor when her O2 levels dipped too low.

  The nurses and a doctor rushed in.

  “We’re going to intubate,” she heard someone say, “And we’ll give her a cobinamide antidote to reverse her toxicity levels. You should leave the room for this. We’ll let one or two of you back in when she’s stabilized.”

  And that’s the last thing she heard for a while.

  She woke up several times in the night. It was scary to have a ventilator breathing for her. She hated it.

  Her parents and Beckham were there whenever she opened her eyes. In a different part of the room each time. Sometimes Anthony sat beside her and held her hand. It could have been hours or days, she didn’t know the difference.

  Eventually she woke up and felt more coherent. She stayed awake for a while and her mom said her levels seemed to be steadily improving. The doctor came in later and took her off of the ventilator and removed the tube.

  Her throat felt like a million knives were piercing her at once. She cringed with every swallow. Beckham held one hand and her mom held her arm above the bandage. Her dad held onto a foot. She tried to smile even though she wanted to cry.

  “Leo?” she whispered.

  “He’s with Chloe. They’re in a hotel. Chloe will bring him as soon as you’re ready.”

  Roxie nodded. She wanted to see him right away.

  “How are you feeling?” Beckham asked.

  She nodded again and held her throat.

  “Is it killing?” he asked.

  She nodded. He looked so sad, she couldn’t stand it.

  “Your throat will be sore for a few days.” A nurse spoke from the end of the bed.

  “No kidding,” Beckham snapped. “Sorry! I’m sorry,” he said to the nurse before she stepped back n
ervously. “We’re just all on edge here, I apologize.”

  The nurse nodded before escaping the room.

  “You need to go get some rest, Beckham. You too, Mom and Dad,” she whispered.

  “They’ve given us a room on the floor below that we haven’t taken advantage of—perks of knowing a rock star.” Her dad winked and patted her foot. “We should probably go get showers there while you’re having tests done. We’re smelling up the room,” her dad said. “Well, at least that one is.” He pointed to Beckham. “You know your mother doesn’t stink.”

  Roxie giggled and then cringed. She wanted to yank her throat out for a while and put it back when it stopped tormenting her.

  “Do that, please. I’ll feel better if I know you’re comfortable,” she said. “And take a nap. You all three have dark circles. Please. Go rest. I’m already sleepy again.” She looked up at Beckham, who was gazing at her as if she was the only woman he’d ever seen before.

  His eyes filled as he stared at her. “I never want to come close to losing you again. Ever, Roxie.”

  “I’m here,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He kissed her hand. “When you’re out of this hospital, you know I’m not letting you out of my sight, right?”

  Roxie made a face. “This doesn’t give you permission to be any bossier than you already are.”

  “You’ve always been the boss of me and you know it,” he whispered.

  Her parents laughed. Her dad stood up and looked at her mom and Beckham. “I’ll just step out and check with the doctor on call to see when they’re taking her down for tests.” He looked at Roxie. “Maybe I can go grab something besides hospital food for you?”

  She shook her head. “Everything sounds too hard to swallow.”

  “Hospital soup it is, then.”

  Her dad came in with the new nurse on shift a few minutes later.

  “Sounds like,” he looked at the nurse’s name tag, “Claire here has the paperwork, so you’re going down to radiology with her.”

  Her mom and dad patted her shoulder and Beckham put both hands on her cheeks.