Read Fade to Red Page 25

  “Ian let us know you were here yesterday afternoon. I came as soon as I heard. Not leaving you,” he said with a smile.

  “How is Ian?” she asked.

  “He’s doing well. In some pain, but Sparrow texted that he’d be discharged soon. They’ve been asking about you every ten minutes. When you see all the texts on my phone, you’ll see how popular you are,” he teased.

  He remembered the text from Coco and his smile dropped. He pushed it down. It didn’t matter.

  “I’m … so sorry, Roxie. I can’t imagine what a nightmare that was.”

  Roxie’s eyes filled and she leaned her head back on the pillow. A tear dropped on her cheek. “Yeah.”

  “I need to let your mom know you’re awake. She just went to grab coffee. She hasn’t left your side before now.”

  “Has Leo been here?”

  “Your dad said he was gonna bring him in a little bit.”

  “Good,” she whispered. Her eyes closed and she dozed for a few minutes. She jolted and her eyes were huge when she opened them.

  “You’re safe. I’m not letting anyone near you,” he said.

  He stood and leaned over her, kissing her hair, the one spot on her that didn’t look hurt.

  The nurse came in and thoroughly examined Roxie. Beckham watched in amazement as she didn’t flinch even once. His insides cringed just looking at her bruises. And the broken ribs—she had to be in so much pain.

  “The doctor is on his way to see you. He was pleased with the way your night went, but he’ll want to see you now that you’re awake,” the nurse said with a smile.

  She looked at the tray of food that Roxie hadn’t touched. “Can you try to eat a little something?”

  “I’ll try,” Roxie said.

  “Good. Time for meds. Why don’t you try some of that juice?”

  After the doctor had been in, Dion arrived. Roxie was taking a nap and Beckham stepped toward the door and held his hand up to keep it quiet. Dion was in full business mode, so much so that Beckham was about to tell him to come back later, when he brought up leaving the hospital.

  “Once Roxie is physically out of danger, I think we should get you both out of here. The Sterlings too. We can hire full-time care until Roxie is feeling 100%, but I’m not comfortable with this…”

  Beckham got in Dion’s face.

  “They haven’t found Coco?” Beckham snapped. He tried to clear his head with a shake but just wanted to punch the wall. “What have you guys been doing all this time?” He knew that was a bit of a low blow, but he couldn’t seem to rein in his rage.

  Dion lowered his head and nodded. “Trust me, I understand your anger. We’re going to find her and we’re going to protect you in the meantime. We’ve been questioning Ian on this, since he has more insight on the house and Coco’s state of mind. And I know you’ve needed to concentrate on her. Now that we know she’s going to be okay, we need to talk about the next plan.”

  Beckham took a deep breath.

  “One of my men took pictures of the scene and I’d like you to go through them. I tried earlier, but you were in no state of mind to look then. Are you up for it now?” Dion asked quietly.

  Beckham swallowed and rubbed a hand over his scruffy jaw. “Yes.” He suddenly felt all the energy eke out of him.

  Dion held up a folder. “You sure?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry for blowing up.”

  “No apologies necessary,” Dion said.

  He handed the folder to Beckham. The first picture showed a room with photographs on the walls. There were so many it was hard to tell what the pictures were. He flipped to the next one. It was a close-up of one of the walls. He took a step back and dropped some of the pictures. Different shots splayed out on the floor, the charred ones of him with Roxie shocking him the most.

  Dion helped him pick up the pictures and handed him one of a bedroom. “Do you recognize anything in these pictures?”

  “Other than the pictures of me that I never knew she was taking? No. Some of these are from when I was a teenager. Family events … who is this girl?”

  He went through dozens of pictures and then reached a photograph of the outside of a house. His blood went cold.

  “I recognize this house. I … know who she is.” The truth hit him like a brick. “Oh my God. She’s been watching me for at least half of my lifetime. How is that possible?” He stumbled back and sat down in the chair by Roxie’s bed.

  He was fifteen and had been going out with Lana Redley for about a month. She was a few years older and already had her own car. She’d sneak into his bedroom late at night and they’d make out for hours. She was a little reckless for him, but he liked her.

  His first time had been with Lana. He didn’t want her to leave afterward, but she had to work early the next morning, so he walked her to her car that night. Someone jogged by and stopped when they saw him.

  “B-beckham? What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Beckham could barely see her in the dark, but he recognized that awkward voice. He’d met her at school and every time he saw her he tried to be friendly—she was such a loner.

  “Hey, Colette! I live here. What are you doing here?” He laughed.

  The night was brisk, so he put his arm around Lana and pulled her closer.

  Colette made a weird sound and he looked at Lana, wondering if he’d imagined it. She gave a subtle shrug.

  Colette coughed. “Oh w-wow,” she said. “I live right there.” She pointed at the house next to his, their only neighbor for miles.

  “So crazy!” he said. “I had no idea.”

  Distracted, he turned to Lana and gave her ponytail a tug. He nuzzled his nose into her hair, and if Colette hadn’t been around, he’d lean Lana against this car and go again.

  Colette coughed again.

  “I’ve gotta go,” Lana said, backing up. “Thanks for the best-” She leaned in and said the rest in his ear.

  He laughed and kissed her. When she got in the car, he closed the door for her and stood staring at the car after she’d driven away.

  “She your girlfriend?” Colette asked.

  For a moment, he’d forgotten she was there.

  “I think she is now,” he said, smiling. “Night, Colette!” He jogged backwards, waving at her before turning around and going back in the house.

  Lana was found dead two days later. She’d hung herself with a rope in her bedroom.

  Beckham could never reconcile the fun-loving girl he’d known with a girl who would kill herself, but everyone had their own theories about her being depressed and not having the greatest family life.

  He’d started drinking shortly after that.

  “Beckham?” Roxie called.

  Beckham turned, dazed. How many other casualties have there been? He looked at Roxie. She was looking at him with concern.

  “We have to get you somewhere safer,” he whispered.

  It was a few more days before the hospital was comfortable releasing Roxie. Although she was still sore, she was breathing much better. Her hand hadn’t been infected, just needed cleaning. Once it was treated, it improved. The bruises and cuts still looked awful, but she was moving around better and never complained about how she felt.

  She was a wreck from missing Leo though. He’d visited once, but she hadn’t gotten to see her family or Leo in the last two days. It was taking its toll on her. Once Dion had a plan in place, their families and the Sterlings had gone to a safe house.

  Tonight, after her release, they’d be able to see everyone, and Beckham loved how excited that made Roxie. She needed her family and normalcy more than ever.

  He breathed much easier when they were safely out of the hospital. Their leaving was very covert, and they both sagged against the seats in relief when they got in the back of the car. Howie and Dion were in the front seat.

  “I can’t wait to get my hands on Leo,” Roxie said, looking out the window. “I don’t want to go another day without him ever again. I
n that house … seeing his face kept me going…”

  “You won’t have to, not if I can do anything about it,” Beckham promised. “I wish I’d known how miserable you were without him on tour.”

  “I wanted to remain professional and provide for him—dancers don’t get to bring their families on tour. I knew that and still chose to do it.” She looked out the window. “We made the best of it, but … I don’t think I can do it anymore.” She bit her lip and wouldn’t look at him.

  There was an awkward shift in the air. For the first time since she’d woken up in the hospital, he felt unsure about what to do. His hands ached to hold hers. He wanted to put his arm around her and to kiss her. It had seemed natural in the hospital to take care of her and do some of those things, but now that she was out, it seemed like it reminded them both of where their relationship had been before she was kidnapped.

  He put his hand on hers anyway. She turned and looked at him, eyes serious.

  “I know nothing is really resolved with us, Roxie. I haven’t forgotten that you were done with me. And I know I deserve it. But … I’ve never been more sure of what I feel for you. I-”

  She touched his arm.

  “Beckham … thank you for taking care of me in the hospital the last few days,” she interrupted. “You’ve been wonderful. And I know we need to talk. Can we just-” She leaned her head back. “We don’t even know…” She groaned. “I can’t make sense of my thoughts right now,” she admitted. “I … see Coco in my dreams and around every shadow. All I can think about is getting to Leo. I think the last few days are the longest you and I have ever gotten along and that might have something to do with the fact that I’m doped up.”

  “Not true,” he protested.

  She laughed and held onto her ribs. “You know it is.”

  He stared at their hands. This talk wasn’t going how he’d hoped, but at least she wasn’t telling him no.

  It was nearly an hour before they pulled into the parking lot of what appeared to be a small, outdated apartment complex. Howie pulled around the back and went through the open garage door.

  Beckham helped Roxie inside. They walked through a hall and then it opened into a huge open space with vaulted ceilings, plush couches, and a big screen TV. The inside was much nicer than the outside.

  “Mama!” Leo yelled and ran toward Roxie, coming to an abrupt stop before he reached her.

  He leaned his head on her arm instead of hugging her, gazing up at her face. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer.

  “I’m okay, little man. I’m sore, but I have to get a hug from my boy.” Her tears dripped on his head and she laughed. “I might cry for a few days. I’m just so happy to see you. All of you!”

  Ian put his hand on Beckham’s shoulder and squeezed. “Glad you’re here.”

  Everyone was there—Roxie’s parents, Chloe, Leo, Ian, Sparrow, Journey, Beckham’s mom and Sierra. They took turns hugging them, maneuvering around Leo since he wouldn’t leave his mom’s side. It was strange to see everyone acting like old friends.

  “A lot has happened since I’ve been in the hospital,” Roxie said, smiling.

  Chloe put her arm around Roxie and they put their heads together. “We’ve made the best of a horrible situation,” she said. “Good thing is that everyone gets along.”

  Beckham’s mom laughed. “If we have to be locked up, this is the place to be.”

  Beckham watched when Ian and Roxie hugged. She’d been so out of it when he visited her in the hospital. She put her forehead on his shoulder and sobbed. He patted her back and looked at Sparrow. She was crying too and put her hand on Roxie’s shoulder.

  “I don’t know what I would have done without you,” Roxie said to Ian when she lifted her head.

  “You were so brave—you would’ve gotten out of there. I’m really glad we were together, though.” His eyes were agonized as he looked at Beckham and then he put his hands on either side of Roxie’s shoulders. “I’ve talked to Sparrow and Beckham about the pictures. They understand what happened.”

  Roxie looked at Sparrow in alarm and cried harder. “I’m so sorry,” she said to Sparrow.

  “I know that was all Coco,” Sparrow said, touching Roxie’s cheek. “I’m just sorry you had to go through any of it.”

  Dion interrupted. “Can I have your attention while we’re all here? I want to let you know I appreciate all the ways you’ve cooperated with us. None of you have complained—at least not to me—about having to give up your phones and Internet access. I know you must be having withdrawals, but I appreciate you not taking it out on me.” His shoulders shook as he chuckled. “The fact that Coco is still out there is heavy on all of our minds. Beckham and Ian are already aware of our next step. It won’t be easy, but I hope that it will draw Coco out and we can get you back to your homes safe and sound. I ask for your patience for a few more days. My team will be happy to get anything you need … within reason.” He chuckled again.

  When it seemed like he was done, Daniel spoke up. “I’d like to hear how you plan to draw Coco out…”

  Roxie’s eyes shifted to Beckham’s and he felt his pulse quicken. She wouldn’t like this. At all.

  Dion nodded. “For now I’d like to fine-tune it, if that’s okay. If all of you can just continue to be patient. Roxie and Beckham, so you know, no one leaves this house or calls anyone. There’s an emergency phone here, but I want it only used for emergencies.” He motioned to Howie and Will. “They’ll be able to reach me or let someone on my team know if we need to re-stock any supplies.”

  He looked around. “Any questions?” No one spoke. “Okay, Beckham and Ian? Word with you upstairs?”

  Roxie tucked Leo in and sat on the edge of his bed.

  “Are you going to sleep too?” he asked.

  “Soon. That bed over there is looking really good, but I want to stay right here until you fall asleep.”

  He smiled and nestled deeper into the covers.

  The place was huge. They were in a room with two twin beds. Everyone had their own bedroom and there were still more rooms left. It was like their very own commune.

  “I don’t want you to be away anymore, Mama,” he said quietly.

  Her eyes filled. “I won’t be away from you anymore, baby,” she whispered. She wiped her tears before they fell on him.

  “But what about Beckham?” His mouth trembled.

  She wiped her nose. “I don’t know what will happen next, but I do know you and I will be together.”

  He touched her cheek. “That girl is a very bad girl what did this to you.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. Now and then he still mixed up a few words and she didn’t correct him. She wanted to hang onto those childish phrases just a little longer.

  “Very bad,” she agreed. “But Ian gave her a few bruises like this too.”

  “Good! I wish I could!” He sat up. “I’d make her ribs hurt too, since she hurt yours.”

  “I don’t want to be anything like that girl, and I don’t want you to be either,” Roxie said. “But I do hope she goes to jail and never gets out.”

  “Me too! I hope that too!” he said, his brows furrowed.

  She kissed his cheeks. “Okay, lay back, little man. Time to stop our thoughts and start our dreams.”

  He smiled and lay back. “I like that.”

  “I like you.”

  Chloe stuck her head in and smiled at the two of them. “Love you both. This place is awesome!” She came in and pushed Leo’s hair back, kissing him.

  Roxie leaned into Chloe’s side. “Auntie makes everything fun, doesn’t she?”

  “Yeah.” Leo smiled sleepily at both of them. “I want to live here. Grammie and Gramps and Beckham and Soph and Journey and Sierra and Sparrow and Ian and Will and Howie…” He took a breath. “If Uncle Joey was here it’d be perfect.”

  Roxie was overwhelmed with gratitude for her people who kept her little boy so protected that he was excited about hid
ing from a kidnapper.

  “Does this place have board games and cards?” Roxie asked him.

  He inhaled an excited breath. “I don’t know! Tomorrow let’s play all day if they do!”

  “We can pretend like we’re snowed in and make hot chocolate with huge marshmallows.” She leaned down and kissed him.

  “Yeah,” he whispered. His eyes shut for a second then he opened them quickly. “Just seeing if you’re still here,” he said.

  Her heart clinched. He’d been so worried about her.

  “I’m not going anywhere, love,” she said. “Sleep now, Mama’s right here.”

  She woke up the next morning and Leo was still in bed, stretching. She saw the clock on the nightstand and yelped.

  “It’s after ten o’clock! I can’t believe you slept so late!”

  Leo hopped out of bed and stared at the clock, eyes wide.

  “Can we play games now?” he asked.

  The others were in the main area of the house, except Beckham, Ian, and the guards. Her mom and dad were eating breakfast. Chloe and Sparrow were reading and Sierra and Sophia were chatting nearby.

  Roxie greeted everyone and got a cup of coffee. “Where are the guys?”

  “I’m right here,” her dad said.

  Roxie smiled. “Sorry, Dad. Where are the other not-as-great-as-you guys?”

  “Oh them. They’re talking with Dion upstairs.”

  She hadn’t seen them upstairs, but didn’t argue the point. She looked for hot chocolate after she poured cream in her coffee. No marshmallows, but the can of whipped cream would be a treat. She started making it for Leo and told him to hunt for games.

  “You’ll both wear bulletproof vests and no one will even be able to tell,” Dion told Beckham and Ian.

  He held the vests up and handed one to both of them. Ian and Beckham started talking at the same time.