Read Fade to Red Page 27

  “You’ll see us soon,” Sierra said.

  Sophia nodded, patting Roxie’s shoulder. Just then, Beckham stumbled out of the door, looking groggy.

  Ian was the closest and tried to steady him.

  “She said yes?” he slurred, looking at Ian.

  “She said yes to the trip,” Ian said, giving Beckham a look.

  Beckham smiled. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” he said, leaning his head against Ian’s.

  Ian’s eyes crinkled when he grinned. “I love you too, man. Best friend ever.”

  Beckham lurched forward. “Take me to Roxie,” he said, turning to Ian.

  Roxie giggled and walked toward Beckham. “I’ll come to you. You’ve been through a lot tonight,” she said, pressing her lips together. “It’s hard getting fake shot.”

  Beckham looked wounded. “I wasn’t fake shot! I’ll have you know the bulletproof vest doesn’t make it not hurt. It feels like being repeatedly hit with a mallet.”

  She nodded. “I’ll take care of you,” she said.

  “You will?” He gave her a sleepy smile.

  She kissed his cheek and said softly: “Wanna go on a trip?”

  “Very much.” He nodded.

  His mom and sister came forward and hugged him.

  “I love having new material to tease you about,” Sierra said.

  “Shut up,” he groaned.

  Everyone took their turns saying goodbye, and before they knew it, it was just Dion, Howie, the pilot, a flight attendant and the three of them on the plane.

  “I’ve had my men check your location thoroughly. Call me if anything doesn’t feel quite right—whether it’s security, house, decor, you name it—and I can send someone from over there to help,” Dion said.

  “Thank you for everything, Dion,” Beckham said, sounding more like himself.

  Dion pounded his back and Beckham looked like he wanted to hit him. Roxie choked back a laugh. Dion must have hit a sore spot. She knew how that was, having extreme huggers for family and friends.

  When Dion got off the plane, they made sure Leo was still okay buckled up in the bed.

  “This plane is better than Elvis’s,” Roxie said.

  Beckham reared back to look at her in shock. “There’s no gold-plated anything.”

  “But Leo has his own room and so do we!”

  He nuzzled into her hair. “You are making me so happy right now.”

  “And did you see the little kitchen?” She was giddy. “Where are we going anyway?”

  Italy was even more beautiful with Roxie and Leo by his side. He’d thought they were coming to test out Italy for the future when they flew away that night, but they’d gotten there and never wanted to leave. Beckham woke up every morning excited about what adventures the day held, and went to bed excited to make love to the woman who had him by the heart.

  After Dion reassured him that Colette had died in the fire, he’d given a private interview explaining why he’d gone into hiding. He didn’t give any hints about his location or that Roxie and Leo lived with him, but he knew that people occasionally recognized him. Word would eventually get out everywhere.

  He couldn’t respond to the questions about the crowd who saw the shooting, the ambulance, and the reporter who had announced his death on the news team, but as he’d told Roxie, they were either employees of Dion or part of the FBI. It felt good to know they both had his back.

  Roxie was finally beginning to shed the fear. He’d taken her to see a psychologist, who’d diagnosed her with PTSD, but their sessions were helping. She wasn’t as jumpy and didn’t seem to be looking over her shoulder every moment. It had given them such peace to know that they didn’t have to worry about Coco anymore.

  She walked outside and set a cup of coffee by him. “You sure are in deep thought,” she said. “Sitting out here having second thoughts about marrying me?”

  He put his hands on her backside and pulled her closer to him. “You know I’m not.” He lifted her sheer blouse and kissed her smooth skin. “Any second thoughts about me?”

  “None,” she said, leaning down to kiss him.

  Later that morning, their family and friends would be flying in and he was going to marry Roxie tonight outside their villa by the water.

  “Come on, take a shower with me. Leo’s still asleep…” Roxie said, pulling back.

  She looked over her shoulder as she threw in a little extra sway to her walk.

  Ian insisted to Beckham that they’d take a cab when they arrived, since he knew they’d have their hands full with wedding details. Of course Beckham didn’t want to listen to him, so he hadn’t even let him know exactly when their plane would land. They were all three in the wedding. Journey would probably steal the show in her fluffy dress.

  “I can’t believe we’re finally here,” Sparrow said, smiling at him. “It’s exactly how I pictured it!”

  They were on their way to the villa and Sparrow was beside herself. Italy and Roxie … she’d talked on the whole plane ride and she wasn’t usually such a talker.

  “I like excited Little Bird,” he said into her ear. “One of my favorites.”

  She gave him a quick kiss and turned back toward the window, pointing out a quaint colorful building.

  The tour had been great for his career—even if it was cut short—and he was already planning his next project. He hoped Beckham would collaborate on some of the songs with him. Maybe he and Sparrow would even get Beckham and Roxie back on another tour with them eventually.

  “Think we could move here someday?” Sparrow interrupted his thoughts.

  His eyes grew wide. “You already know you love it that much?”

  She nodded, her eyes bright. “We could get a little shack on the water and have sex on the beach every night.”

  “Done!” he said.

  “You look like so beautiful, Roxie,” Chloe said.

  “Like a vision,” her mother added, waving a hand in front of her face. “Don’t cry, don’t cry—just fixed my makeup for the third time!” When she got a grip, she walked closer and put her hand on Roxie’s cheek. “I see contentment in your eyes that I’ve never seen. As a mother, you know that’s all we ever want for our children.”

  Roxie’s eyes spilled over. “Now you’ve got me crying!” She leaned over and kissed her mom’s cheek. “You were right when you told me to give him a chance. He makes me so happy. And Leo—the way they love each other is … oh, I’m not gonna be able to stop in a minute.” She carefully wiped her eyes with a tissue and looked at Chloe, Sparrow, and Sierra. “I’m so glad you’re all here. I’ve missed you so much.”

  They huddled around her and hugged her one at a time. Chloe went last and held her extra long.

  “Roxie, is it okay if we come in?” Daniel asked, knocking lightly on the door.

  “Come on in, you two,” she called.

  When they came in, a whole new round of tears started.

  Chloe finally shooed everyone away from Roxie and helped touch up her makeup.

  “It’s time to get you married off, Rox.” Chloe kissed Roxie’s cheek and then gave it a final dusting of powder.

  “Thanks, Chlo-bo. Let’s do this!”

  The wedding was everything she’d hoped it would be—she felt like a princess in her dress, the twinkle lights and candles overlooking the water was stunning, and the man she was marrying looked at her like she was all he ever wanted in life.

  It was a dream.

  But the best part was after they said their vows. Beckham and Roxie turned to Leo and asked him to come stand between them. Beckham knelt to eye level with him.

  “I feel so lucky today, Leo, because I’m not just marrying your mom, but I get to have you as my family now,” he said. His face crumbled a little, but he took a breath and regained his composure. “I have papers here for your mom—our marriage license—and I have papers for you, that if you agree, say you are now legally my son. Your name can even change from Leo Taylor to
Leo Woods, if you’d like. ”

  Leo’s mouth dropped and he looked like he was going to jump up and down but remembered he had on a fancy suit. He nodded his head over and over again instead.

  Everyone laughed and wiped their eyes while Beckham hugged Leo. He stood and Leo smiled up at him.

  “Does this mean I can call you Dad?” he asked.


  “Yes.” Leo pulled back his fist and held out his lisp extra long.

  When they were pronounced husband and wife, Beckham tilted Roxie back and kissed her until she felt weak.

  “You ready to dance?” he asked, lifting her back up.

  “With you? Always,” she said.

  She clicked the camera with her left hand. She’d lost her right hand in the explosion. A casualty of playing with fire. Can’t play too long and not get blown to bits eventually.

  Thankfully it hadn’t been her time quite yet.

  Next time she might not be so lucky.

  She adjusted her long-focus lens and scoffed when she saw the cream wedding dress. The bitch deserved nothing even related to the white family.

  When she married Beckham, her dress would be pure white as the snow.

  She click, click, clicked until her left hand throbbed and then she watched the dancing through her telescope.

  She was too tired for a plan just yet, but she’d found them. That had to be enough for now.

  There are so many people to thank that I’m terrified of leaving someone out! Please forgive me if I do.

  I’d like to thank Jesus for not letting me completely lose my mind.

  Huge thanks to my husband and kids who still love me after I went missing this summer to finish this book. I will do my best to make up for it. I love you so much it hurts.

  Thanks to my dad for being the best. Thank you to my brother and sister-in-law for being happy for me! I love you all so much.

  Special thanks to all of you who forced me to write this book. I wasn’t sure I’d ever finish. Melissa Perea, Calia Read, Darla Williams, Priscilla Perez, and Morgan Scheer, thank you!

  Thank you to everyone who has begged for more of Ian. I resisted, but he (and you) won out. I have to give special thanks to Jennifer Mirabelli, MJ Fryer, Maria Milano, Soreonne Spellman, and Savita Naik for the extra-EXTRA Ian love. The five of you have my heart forever.

  Thank you for the massive work you did on this project, Marie Piquette. I love you so much and thank God every day that you’re in my life.

  Thank you to my betas for the help and encouragement! Couldn’t do it without you! Staci Frenes, Tosha Khoury, Courtney Shutes, Calia Read, Melissa Brown, duo Riley Mackenzie, Rebecca Espinoza, and Melissa Sutherland.

  Tosha Khoury, you’re in here a lot and that’s because you do so much to help me with each book release, signing, staying sane, making life fun, etc, that I can’t thank you enough. Ever. I love you.

  Thank you, Linda Russell, for holding my hand through the process of releasing this story. I live for your stickers.

  Thank you, Jovana Shirley from Unforeseen Editing for the beautiful formatting! You’re awesome.

  Thank you, Aaron Cota and Jeanette Abell, for graciously letting me use this picture!

  Special thanks to Blade for taking the picture and making even more magic happen. I love you.

  Thank you, Susan Finesman and Rebecca Friedman, for your direction. I appreciate you both.

  Thank you, Steve and Jill Erickson, for always being up for whatever is next. Life with you both makes our lives richer and better. Love you. And the puglets.

  Thank you to all of you who hang out with me in my street team and Facebook group. You make it fun to wake up, my lovely flowers! (Asssssters)

  Tosha Khoury, Ashleigh Still, and Courtney Nuness—TAWC here, haha—I don’t even know where to start. You each deserve a book of gratitude and devotion, but you’re already all over the place in this one. :) My heart is too full. Weddings and funerals give perspective and we’ve survived multiples of both together, stronger than ever. Love you madly. For life. And then some. Amen.

  Thanks to my loves in the Safe House.

  Savita Naik, love you, my sister friend.

  Special thanks to Maryse, Natasha (is a Book Junkie), Kell Donaldson, Lisa Ashmore, Christine Estevez, Kelly Moorhouse, Laura Wilson, Leslie Fear, Jodie Stipetich, Jennifer Diaz, Talon Smith, Heather Monahan, Kendra Kirby Haneline, Bobbie Jo Kirby, Kimberly Kimball, Robin Segnitz, Kathryn Perez, Mimi Abraham, and Dawnita Kiefer for the love and for being especially wonderful to me on a regular basis.

  Darla Williams and Priscilla Perez, I have to say your names again just because I’m so crazy about you both.

  Love you, Claire Contreras! You make me happy. That goes for you too, Mary Elizabeth, L.B. Simmons, and Leylah Attar!! XO and so much love, Christine Brae.

  Thank you to ALL the wonderful authors I’ve met in this process. Thank you for taking time to care about my books when I know you’re busy working on yours. It means so much!

  Thank you to anyone who has read my books. If you don’t like one of them, feel free to try another! I appreciate you more than I can say.

  Thank you, Tarryn Fisher, for telling me when to live like an animal and also when to stop. I love you more than all the books in the world … times a million.

  If you want to know how Ian and Sparrow began, read this!

  Growing up in an idealistic home, Sparrow Fisher is sheltered and innocent. When she meets Ian Sterling, a musician who is rising in popularity, she instantly falls for his charm. They run into each other over the next few months and eventually begin an unconventional relationship.

  At different places in their lives, Sparrow is off to college in New York, and Ian is traveling the country with the band. When they see each other, all seems wonderful and lighthearted, but when they’re apart, Sparrow is left to wonder if Ian really cares about her the way he says he does, or if she’s just another pretty face to him.

  Once their relationship steadies, they’re both happier than they’ve ever been, and it’s hard to not get caught up in the magic they have together. Until something so devastating comes to light that threatens to shatter everything they’ve built with each other.

  True Love Story is about the real highs and lows that come with a relationship—happiness, pain, angst, and finding out if love really is enough.

  For more information about Willow Aster and her books, visit:




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  Reviews mean the world to authors! If you enjoyed this story, please take the time to share a line or two. It makes all the difference.

  XO, Willow



  Willow Aster, Fade to Red



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