Read Faithless Page 4

will offer so the world may live, is my flesh."

  Everyone around him spoke up, starling Todd. "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?"

  Father Gary raised his head and lowered his arms. He took his time as she slowly swiveled his eyes around to look at every parishioner individually.

  "I tell you the truth," his voice was softer, yet sill strong with conviction, "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you. But anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise that person to the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is the true drink."

  "Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. I live because of the living Father who sent me; in the same way, anyone who feeds on me will live because of me. I am the true bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will not die as your ancestors did but will live forever."

  So hypnotized by Father Gary, Todd barely registered Kenny and Michelle picking up the plates, or even walking away with them.

  Kenny stood in front of the far left aisle, Michelle the far right, trays held in their hands.

  "Sheriff Todd," Father Gary said. Todd's head snapped back to the altar.

  "I would like to formally welcome you to our church. Will you please step up to receive the host?"

  Everyone around him seemed to be holding their breath, waiting for his answer.

  "I never had my first communion," he protested lamely. He cringed at the sound of his own unsure voice filling the church.

  Instead of being disappointed, Father Gary grinned widely. "That will make this all the more meaningful."

  With no other excuse and everyone's eyes on him, Todd felt himself nodding.

  The crowd clapped for him as he edged his way out of the pew and walked up the middle aisle.

  He stopped at the edge of the altar. He wasn't sure if he was allowed up, but Father Gary beckoned him closer.

  Standing in front of the townsfolk, Todd felt uncomfortable in his stained jacket and mismatched tie. He had no reason to feel that way. None of the eyes on him were judging or upset. In fact, they all seemed eager and pleased.

  Amy whispered something in her father's ear. He nodded in response and the little girl smiled at him before turning her smile to Todd.

  Rebeckah was biting her lower lip. He saw her flash him a thumbs up before he turned his back to the crowd to face the priest.

  "Please kneel," Father Gary instructed.

  It felt awkward to be on his knees before another man, even more so when the entire town was watching. It made him feel uncomfortable, emasculated even. He mentally scolded himself.

  Father Gary was a priest.

  It was just a religious ceremony.

  "Todd Brown, do you accept the body and blood of our Lord God?"

  The silence was deafening. Everyone waited with baited breath to hear his answer.

  "Yes," he whispered. Father Gary heard him, Todd knew by the small smile, the way the light danced in his eyes.

  "Yes," he repeated louder at Father Gary’s silent urging so that the rest of the congregation could hear him.

  Father Gary lifted something off of the table in front of him. He held it above Todd's head, showing the people behind him.

  Todd didn't get a chance to see what it was before Father Gary was holding it to his lips.

  Knowing what to do thanks to television, Todd opened his mouth, allowing the priest to place the food on his tongue.

  "This is my body, which I have given unto you."

  Todd expected bread.

  He was wrong.

  It was meat.

  It smelled like beef but tasted leaner and chewier. It tasted like a type of veal, but sweeter than he had ever had before.

  He chewed it carefully, trying to place it. Unfortunately, his palate was limited to fast food and diners. By the time he had to swallow it he still had no idea what kind of meat it was.

  The silver chalice was pressed against his lips the moment the food had slid down his throat. He opened his mouth, taking care not to choke as the liquid poured in. It tasted like wine although the consistency was too thick, more like whole milk.

  Todd wasn't a wine connoisseur. He didn't know if that meant it was an expensive wine or a cheap one.

  All he knew was that he could feel it clinging to his teeth, leaving his mouth full of that peculiar taste.

  Todd looked up at Father Gary who was smiling down at him.

  "Rise now, my child," he stated.

  Todd slowly lifted himself to his feet. Father Gary's hands on his neck pulled him into the older man's arms. A fatherly kiss was planted on each of his cheeks before the priest's arms wrapped around him in a bear hug.

  Todd hesitated for a moment before his desire for comfort won out over his insecurities and he hugged the older man back.

  The townspeople began to clap, a soft polite sound that steadily grew into a lion's roar.

  The two parted and at Father Gary's gesture Todd made his way back to his seat. The rest of the people began lining up in front of Kenny and Michelle to receive their own communion.

  As Todd passed them the women would embrace him while men would shake his hand proudly.

  He sat down in his seat, the lone figure in a sea of empty pews.

  Todd bowed his head, folding his hands neatly in his lap. Closing his eyes, he did something he hadn't done for nearly thirty years.

  He prayed.

  He prayed for peace of mind and heart. He prayed for Father Gary's health, that he would recover completely from his ordeal.

  Todd even prayed for his mother.

  By the time he was finished everyone else was seated. As they in turn finished praying, they raised their smiling faces to Father Gary.

  As soon as Kenny and Michelle had exited with the now empty plates and drained goblet Father Gay began to speak.

  "We are all God's children. Blessed by His grace, we live our days. So let us go out and live. With our minds full of His word, our bellies full of His body, and our hearts filled with His love."

  "Amen," everyone chanted.

  The organist began to play again signaling for everyone to rise. Rebeckah opened the hymn book to the proper page for Todd as everyone began to sing.

  Stephen led Father Gary down the aisle. He gave a smile and nod to everyone he passed.

  Once the priest made his way by a row, the people in it would begin to shuffle out. They took their time, conversing with friends and neighbors.

  "Thank you for coming, Sheriff," Frank greeted as he shook Todd's hand vigorously.

  "Did you enjoy the service?" Mr. Coughlin asked.

  "Yes, very much," Todd answered.

  "Does that mean we'll see you next week?" His wife asked.

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  The older woman smiled before pulling him by his shoulders into her arms.

  "It's so glad to have you home," she whispered into his ear before pressing her wet lips against his cheek. Her breath had a lingering of the sweet meat.

  "Did you mean that?" Rebeckah asked once the older couple had meandered off. "About coming back next week?"

  "Yeah, why not? You're not the weird sort of Jesus freaks I was expecting," Todd explained.

  "Oh gee thanks," Rebeckah laughed with a roll of her eyes and a laugh in her voice.

  The way she was looking at him made his heart beat faster in his chest.

  "Do you know where Kenny and Michelle went? I want to congratulate them."

  "They're probably with Father Gary getting blessed before they leave."

  Todd spotted the priest and young couple at the back of the church. It was easy with the way people walked around them; like the raging river waters parting for a stone. All three of them had their eyes closed and Father Gary's hands rested on the parents' heads.

  As he neared them, Todd heard the priest praying.

  "Bless them, Heavenly Father
, as they go forth and multiply. Bless Kenny's seed and Michelle's womb so that they may bring healthy children into the world. Amen."

  "Thank you, Father," Michelle whispered. Her hands pressed against her flat stomach, her husband's joining hers there.

  "You're welcome, child."

  "You guys are planning on having another baby already?" Todd asked.

  "Well if it's God's will, we would love to have a baby of our own," Kenny said, sharing a secret smile with his wife.

  "What do you mean a baby of your own?" Todd asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

  "The first born belong to God, just as Moses proclaimed," Kenny said.

  "Our next baby will be for us to raise," Michelle explained.

  Todd felt his heartbeat quicken in his chest. A cold sweat broke out over his forehead and his stomach lurched as if he were going down the first drop of a rollercoaster. His widening eyes took in the couple in front of him before turning to Father Gary.

  The old man was watching Todd with a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes.

  Nobody was holding a baby.

  "Where is the baby? The one you baptized?" Todd asked, his words rushing out of his mouth like a flash flood.

  "With God,” Michelle stated with a smile.

  “As He commanded it,” Kenny added, wrapping his arms around his wife’s waist.

  Todd felt light headed. He began to sway on his feet. He was dimly aware of Kenny's arms hooking under his armpits to hold him upright and steady.

  Tears filled Todd's eyes. It couldn't be true. He didn't want it to be true.

  But he knew that no parent would lie about something so horrible.

  "What did you do?" He gasped to no one in particular.

  Father Gary’s face appeared in front of Todd. The old man was smiling as he placed his hands over Todd’s cheeks. "We all play a part in God's plan. He brought you home to your family where you