Read Fallen Angel - Prequel To Nathaniel Teen Angel Page 1

  Fallen Angel

  Prequel to Nathaniel Teen Angel

  (Ominous series)

  A novel by

  Patricia Puddle

  Copyright © 2014 Patricia Puddle

  First Edition

  Cover Design by Patti Roberts: Paradox Book Cover Creations

  Patricia Puddle on Facebook:

  All rights reserved, including the rights to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book is aimed at older teens (New Adults) and adults. All main characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


  This book is dedicated to my sweetheart, the teenage boy I married, my best friend and husband, whose endless support and encouragement has helped me to learn what I never learned at school. Thank you for doing all the cooking so I could write this book, honey.

  Chapter One


  Devlin ripped off his robe and dropped it at his feet. He wouldn’t be needing that for a few of weeks. Pulling on his tight black jeans, he grinned. Phew, what a close call. When Archangel Michael demanded to see him earlier, he presumed it was for another lecture about his ungodly behaviour, especially since he’d just arrived back from watching a wet tee-shirt contest in Australia. Thank goodness he hadn’t been spotted or Michael wouldn’t have approved his guardianship of Madeline O’Connor’s baby.

  He ran his hands down his smooth muscly chest and smiled. Yes, his day had turned out a lot better than he thought and he was thrilled with his new assignment. Having a descendant of a fallen angel to guard would certainly keep his mind from forbidden distractions. He plucked his crucifix from his gown and shoved it in his pocket. Of course he intended to quit lusting over women, especially now. He’d waited eons for an opportunity to guard a mortal with the bloodline of an angel, and he wasn’t about to ruin it because of his own stupidity.

  As he gazed up at the gates of Heaven, he crossed himself. He’d known for a long time now that he wasn’t really cut out to be a guardian, or even an angel for that matter. And if it wasn’t for the friendship he had with Nathaniel, he would’ve seriously considered falling long ago. But for now, he had a reason for being, and a commitment he intended to keep.

  Stretching his wings out, he began preening his feathers. He was pleased that the O’Connors lived in Australia. There was nothing more exhilarating then skyrocketing through the atmosphere above the Pacific Ocean at night, especially if Nathaniel came along. He smirked. Whenever they raced each other across the Tasman Sea, they always seemed to argue over who’d won, but disagreeing with Nathaniel made it even more invigorating, and a great excuse for a wrestling match on a cliff top or mountain pinnacle.

  Reminiscing about night-flying was making him restless and since his new protégé wasn’t due for two weeks, he figured it was a good enough excuse to catch up with Nathaniel. Having time off was great, but he couldn’t understand why Michael had only appointed him one ward. It didn’t matter to him, but it was odd all the same. He shrugged. Oh well, there was no point worrying about it now; he was officially on leave.

  Knowing Nathaniel was stationed on the north coast of New South Wales, Devlin decided to visit him while he had some time off. Plus he wanted to share his good news. After slicking his hair back with his fingers, he dived off his cloud and headed straight for Australia.

  As he zoomed over the Coral Sea, he smiled. Like always, jetting through the stratosphere on a glorious sunny day invigorated him and reduced his urge to fall to Earth. Though he’d never told anyone how restless he was, he had a feeling Nathaniel sensed it. He wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or not, but Nathaniel always seemed to steer him back on the right path. But no matter how hard he tried to stay on it, he never lasted more than a week. If it wasn’t for Nathaniel’s loyalty and encouragement, he guessed his wings would’ve been burnt to a crisp before now.

  He couldn’t remember how his obsession with women had started, but lately, it was taking over his every thought. He sighed. He didn’t want to lose his wings, so hopefully a few days of relaxation would be all he needed to wean from his addiction, then he could abstain for good. Besides, once his new protégé arrived, there’d be no time for anything else. He’d be guarding and studying her twenty-four-seven for the whole of her life.

  Burning through the sky over Queensland, he gazed down at the beaches and high-rise buildings. It frustrated him that he couldn’t be seen by mortals, especially knowing that fictitious action heroes were worshiped by them. He laughed. If humans knew that angels really did flit around the universe to save their sorry souls, they’d probably be too terrified to cope with it, though he chuckled at the thought of what the ladies might do.

  With women on his mind again, he spread his wings and swerved left, sailing through the warm air along the Gold Coast. He was enjoying the scenery so much, he slowed his pace, letting the airstream ruffle his feathers as they carried him effortlessly through Surfers Paradise. When he spotted a young couple canoodling on a secluded beach, he licked his lips with envy, but then he realised where he was heading and silently cursed. Holy Crap. After his close call earlier, he knew he should get well away from there, and fast―but it was too late. Just the sight of that beautiful woman in a bathing suit had him wanting more. Swearing it was his last time, he continued along the coast, letting the breeze glide him over the estuaries and hi-rise buildings until he reached his favourite beach. As he searched for a place to hover, he noticed a voluptuous brunette with long tanned legs, and she was jogging towards the reef. Perfect.

  When she stopped to catch her breath, Devlin swooped down in front of her and furled his wings behind his back. Wow! She was even more beautiful close up and her skin was flawless. He flexed his pectoral muscles. Being bare-chested made him feel sexy even if she couldn’t see him.

  As she leaned over to take her shoes off, he got a clear view of her ample breasts down the top of her bathing suit and he gasped with longing. They looked a lot firmer than he thought they would and he yearned to squeeze them. Holy Heaven! What was he thinking?

  She shook the sand from her sneakers before putting them back on, then she stood up and stretched, her face only inches from his.

  Devlin froze. She seemed to be staring right at him with the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. He blinked twice. Though he knew she couldn’t really see him, he licked his lips and gazed at her plump full mouth. Jeez, she was sexy.

  Humming to herself, she pulled her long hair into a ponytail and tied it with a band from her wrist. Devlin frowned. Instead of enjoying being close to a woman like he normally did, he felt unhinged. Clenching his teeth, he stretched to his full height of six-foot-one. If he could just have ten minutes with her, he knew he’d have her trembling in his arms. He sighed. If only she could sense his presence, or at least see his aura. Though he didn’t believe she would, he ran his hands down the sides of her body, but as he reached the curves of her hips, she shivered and rubbed her arms.

  Devlin jaw dropped, then he slapped his thigh and laughed. Holy crap, she’d sensed him. She’d quivered at his touch and she knew he was there. He held his head in disbelief. How incredible, and he hadn’t even touched her skin. Surely he couldn’t have imagined it, could he? Nah, she was still trembling and she looked kind
of nervous. Realising what he’d done, he quickly scanned the area to make sure Michael’s messengers weren’t spying on him. Darn it. What was he thinking? Did he want to lose his new protégé?

  Grasping the danger of the gamble he’d just taken, he panicked and shot into the air, jetting as far away from the Gold Coast as he could. He couldn’t believe he’d just tried to connect with a human woman, especially now when he had the perfect opportunity to learn more about fallen angels. Jeez, if he’d stayed there a moment longer, who knows what would have happened, and if he didn’t get his wings burned off for this, he’d be surprised for sure.

  As he zoomed over the New South Wale boarder, he kept glancing at his feathers. His dusky wings were his pride and joy and he was relieved they hadn’t been scorched to ashes already. He certainly hadn’t intended sacrificing them for a grope, or a kiss. He shook his head. Oh, why was he so darned weak? Crossing himself, he prayed to the Lord for forgiveness, then he made pledge to keep his lust under control so he’d never regress again.

  Once he’d passed Coffs Harbour, he slowed his pace and began to relax. The views were spectacular, and as he glanced down at the forests, he smiled as a mob of kangaroos leapt through the wetlands and hopped into the woods. It was amazing how they bounced like balls so high above the water.

  Hoping Nathaniel was at the lookout where they regularly met, he peered across at the ranges and hills. At least spending some quality time with his best friend would distract him from sinful thoughts. After ascending upwards to get a better view, he glided southwards towards Crescent Head. Then just like he’d hoped, he caught sight of a bright golden aura on the top of the cliff. There was no mistaking the Angel of Fire with his mop of curly hair and magnificent silver wings. Thrilled to see his best friend again, his mood brightened and he swept towards the lookout.

  As he landed on the grass, he was pleased Nathaniel was still facing out to sea. Deciding to surprise him by crash-tacking him to the ground, he tiptoed towards him, but as he reached out to grab him around the knees, Nathaniel spun around and seized him in a headlock. “Devlin, what a lovely surprise.”

  Annoyed at being outsmarted, Devlin kicked Nathaniel’s legs out from under him, knocking him to the ground. “Glad you liked it.”

  Within seconds, Nathaniel was back on his feet. “You’ll never be fast enough for me, boy.”

  Devlin flipped his arm in the air, “Ah, you knew I was coming, you creep. You never miss a thing.”

  Nathaniel playfully jabbed him on the chin. “Well, if I’d let you push me off the cliff like you were planning, I’d have to really beat you up.”

  Looking him up and down, Devlin snorted. “Is that why you’re wearing stretch girly pants?”

  Nathaniel sat on the bench. “You know I hate wearing a robe. Anyway I’m between wards, what’s your excuse?”

  “I’ve got two weeks off.”

  Nathaniel stared at him. “But what if you get an assignment in the meantime?”

  “I’ve already been given one, but the child’s not due for two weeks.”

  “Really? So where will you be stationed?”

  Devlin beamed. “You won’t believe this, but Michael’s finally appointed me as the guardian to Madeline O’Connor’s baby.”

  Nathaniel clasped his hand and shook it. “Congratulations, Devlin, you deserved that, especially since you were the first to apply for that child, and Creed Valley is great.”

  Devlin sat on the wooden bench next to him. “Yes, and I’m really excited about it. Plus, since I’ve got plenty of time off, I thought we could go for some well-earned night-flying. Are you up for it or have you got too much work on?”

  Nathaniel’s mouth broke into a beaming smile. “Oh, I’m up for it all right. I’m free until I get a new assignment.”

  “Great.” Devlin glanced up at the setting sun. “As soon as it’s dark, we’ll head off.”

  Nathaniel stretched his arms and wings out. “Fine by me, I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too, it’s been a while.”

  “Yeah, and it’s great catching up again, but how did you know I’d be here?”

  Devlin grinned. “I didn’t, I was just hoping.”

  “Well, I’m glad you came. Anyway, what have you been up to lately?”

  “Nothing, just working.” Devlin looked away, hopping the guilt wouldn’t show in his eyes.

  Nathaniel nudged him. “Come on, Devlin. I bet you’ve done something daft. What is it?”

  Staring at him, Devlin smirked. “Hey, my last ward just passed through the pearly gates. This is my first day off, so why would you say that?”

  “Because your face is a dead giveaway, so come on, fess up.”

  Devlin rolled his eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not stupid enough to do anything to risk losing my new protégé.”

  Nathaniel chuckled. “If you say so, but I’m not buying it.”

  “Suit yourself.” Devlin glanced around, wondering if Michael had sent his messengers to spy on him. It would explain Nathaniel’s questions, though he was pretty sure he could trust him. They’d been friends for eons and he’d never been disloyal. Rubbing his chin, he decided to hold off on telling him about the child’s bloodline. He couldn’t afford to risk losing her now, and he might if Nathaniel innocently told Michael about the child’s ancestry.

  Leaning forward, Nathaniel peered at him. “You right there, you seem deep in thought.”

  Devlin gave him a wry smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  Nathaniel narrowed his eyes. “But you don’t seem fine.”

  Lowering his gaze, Devlin stared at his hands. “Nate, have you ever felt lonely?”

  “Of course I have. We all get isolated sometimes, so it’s natural to feel alone.”

  Devlin sighed. “I didn’t mean for friendship. I meant longing for a woman.”

  His eyes wide, Nathaniel gripped his arm. “Devlin, please tell me you’re not thinking of falling?”

  Devlin ran his hands through his hair. “No, of course not. I just wondered if you ever fantasised about being with a woman.”

  Nathaniel stared at his feet, his face impartial. “No, I can’t say that I have, and to be honest, I wouldn’t let myself think about such things. It’s forbidden and it’s dangerous.”

  Turning to face him, Devlin looked him in the eye. “So thoughts like that never just pop into your mind, then?”

  A worried look crossed Nathaniel’s face. “No, Devlin, they don’t. Are you having those thoughts?”

  “Well they’re not exactly a conscious thoughts, it’s just that if I see a certain type of female, I sometimes …. well, you know.” He threw his arms in the air. “Ah, what the heck. Who in Heaven would give up eternity for a life with a woman? Not me, that’s for sure.”

  Nathaniel’s lips curved into a smile. “Pleased to hear it. I’d be upset if you weren’t around to keep me company. Plus I’d have no one to fight with.”

  Devlin snorted. “You won’t have to worry about that, Nate. When I want to belt you, I’ll find you wherever you’re you are.”

  Nathaniel laughed. “Is that a promise or a threat?”

  “A threat.”

  “That’s okay then.”

  Devlin gave him a sincere smile. “Well, I hope you get sent to an interesting place. It’s lonely enough sometimes when we can’t leave our wards, and having pleasant surroundings helps.”

  “It doesn’t matter where Michael sends me, Devlin. We can still meet up for night-flights, no matter what. We’ve always managed it before.”

  Devlin raised his brows. “Oh yeah, what about the time I got sent to the North Pole and was given so many wards, I couldn’t get away for years?”

  Amusement danced in Nathaniel’s eyes. “Yeah, but you never did tell me what you did to deserve that?”

  “Are you insinuating it was a punishment?”

  “Well, was it?”


  “What did you do?”

  Devlin grinned. “Apparently, I asked too many questions about fallen angels.”

  A smile spread across Nathaniel’s lips. “So what’s new? You’ve been doing that for decades. I’m sure if you were going to fall, you’d have already done it by now.”

  “Don’t worry, Nate. I have no intention of falling. I love flying too much.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  As they sat quietly watching the sunset, Devlin peeked at Nathaniel out the corner of his eye. He loved him too much as well and didn’t want to lose his best friend. There was no wonder Nathaniel was chosen to be the Angel of Fire. He wasn’t just a fierce warrior with a will of steel, he was compassionate and smart. Devlin smiled. He couldn’t have found a more loyal friend, and he’d never repeated anything he’d told him in confidence before, so hopefully he wouldn’t tell Michael what they’d discussed today.

  When Nathaniel stood up to preen his feather, Devlin stared at his powerful physique. They’d always competed in everything they did, and though it was all in fun, he wondered if Nathaniel had been with him at the beach earlier, which one of them the woman would have chosen if she was asked. Though they were practically the same height and build, Nathaniel had the kind of chiselled features that women adored, and he oozed charisma. Devlin squinted at him. If he didn’t worship the creep so much, he’d be jealous of him for sure.

  Nathaniel frowned. “What are you looking at me like that for?”

  Devlin faked an evil look. “Because I want to beat you up.”

  “Anytime you’re ready,” said Nathaniel, flexing his biceps.

  “I’ll tell you what,” said Devlin, jumping to his feet. “It’s already twilight, so how about we battle after our race?”

  “You’re on,” said Nathaniel. “But where are we going this time, America?”

  “Suits me,” said Devlin, but before he had a chance to count to three, Nathaniel had zoomed off into the clear night sky.

  Growling like a bear, Devlin shot after him. “You bloody cheat!”