Read Fallen Angel - Prequel To Nathaniel Teen Angel Page 8

  Chapter Six


  Nathaniel thought his day couldn’t get any worse, but when he saw the curtain move in Eloise’s bedroom, he totally lost his patience. He couldn’t change Devlin’s behaviour, but he didn’t have to put up with it here. There was no point in asking him to leave. He seemed set on being downright irritating, and he knew what he was doing. Clenching his teeth, Nathaniel reached over and plucked a large feather from Devlin’s right wing.

  “Hey.” Devlin spun around and frowned. “What’s the big idea? Are you crazy?”

  “I’m not sure about me, but I know you are. Why would you want to give up eternity for a few years of physical pleasure on Earth?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Nathaniel raised his eyes to the sky. “You know very well what I’m talking about. You haven’t taken your eyes of Madeline since she came outside.”

  Devlin’s lips twitched with amusement as he pointed at her. “But look at her, Nate. She’s drop-to-Earth gorgeous. Are you telling me you haven’t had wicked thoughts about her?”

  Nathaniel glowered at him. “No, I haven’t, and I think you’d better go.”

  “Oh, come on, Nate, we’ve seen everything. Don’t you ever wonder why humans enjoy sex so much?”

  “No, Devlin, I don’t. Angels don’t have hormones like men, so we shouldn’t be tempted.”

  “Really? Well, what about Eloise’s grandfather? He got tempted.”

  “Yes, and look what happened to him. His wings were burned off. Is that what you want?”

  “No, but I am curious about human pleasures and what they feel like.”

  Nathaniel gripped his shoulders and looked him in the eye. “Listen, Devlin. I’m pleased you’re being honest with me, but you have to quit these desires for human pleasures while you can. This sort of obsession will only lead to your downfall, so please, just give it a rest.” He shook him. “And yes, I’ve missed you terribly—more than you’ll ever know, and I would hate to see something bad happened to you. But you have to understand, I’ve had the responsibility of keeping Eloise’s soul from Lucifer thrust upon me for eighteen years, and I’ve had to make sacrifices. You could ease my burden by going to rehab, then we could be friends again. So Please, just promise me you will?”

  Devlin pulled him into a bear hug. “I knew you missed me, Nate.”

  “Hang on a minute.” Nathaniel pulled away. “What about your promise to book into rehab?”

  Devlin flashed a cheeky grin. “Okay, I’ll go, but first I want to show you something. Just watch Madeline’s face.”

  Before Nathaniel could stop him, Devlin flew up the garden and wrapped his arms around Madeline’s waist. Although she couldn’t see him, she dropped her pegs and froze on the spot.

  Devlin laughed. “See, Nate. She can actually feel me.”

  Losing patience, Nathaniel shot over to him. “No, she can’t, she can only sense you.”

  “Okay, I’ll prove it.” Devlin held his hands above Madeline’s shoulders, then slowly moved them over her breasts. Shivering, she crossed her arms, then she bolted back into the house.

  Slapping his thigh, Devlin laughed. “See, I told you she could feel me. She quivered at my touch.”

  Mortified, Nathaniel glanced at the house to see if Eloise was still there. Although she’d moved from the window, he prayed she’d stay indoors until Devlin had gone. Turning back to him, he sighed. “Listen, Devlin, you’re playing with fire, and if you don’t stop, God will burn your wings off.”

  “No he won’t. It’s not as if I can physically do anything.” He grinned wickedly. “Though if I could, I would.”

  “Enough,” yelled Nathaniel, running a hand through his hair. He knew now, Devlin had no intention of keeping his promise and he wanted him out of there. “You’re being absurd and I think it’s time you left.”

  Devlin scoffed. “Aw, don’t be such a killjoy, Nathaniel. Anyway I’m not going anywhere, not until I’ve had more fun with the lovely Madeline, and I haven’t seen Eloise yet.”

  Nathaniel felt a rage like he’d never known. He couldn’t believe Devlin would stoop so low. He didn’t want him anywhere near Madeline or Eloise. Not now, not ever. Clenching his fists, he glared at him. “If you don’t leave right now, I’ll make you!”

  Devlin’s eyes flashed with obvious fury. “Is that right?”

  “What are you really here for, to make a fool of me? Is that what this is all about, revenge?”

  “No, but I’m not having you dictating to me that I can’t have a bit of fun with a human.”

  Nathaniel squinted at him. “What is wrong with you? Have you gone completely mad?”

  “Oh, come on, Nate, you saw how Madeline reacted. It’s fun, you’ll see. Just try it.”

  His fury building, Nathaniel reached for his sword. “Don’t push me, Devlin. I’m warning you, you’ll feel my wrath!”

  “You’re warning me?” Devlin held his belly and laughed. “Ha-ha, you don’t know the meaning of wrath, my friend.” His face suddenly hardened into something quite ominous. “But if you don’t give Eloise back to me, you’ll surely find out.”

  Tightening his jaw to keep his anger in check, Nathaniel stared at him for a long moment. He’d seen Devlin intimidate angels before, but he’d never seen him look so sinister. Devlin might be slightly taller than him at six-foot-one, but they both had similar powerful physiques and strengths, and he had no qualms about challenging him to a duel.

  A malicious grin spread across Devlin’s face as he stalked around him. “Cat got your tongue?” he said, his eyes bright with excitement.

  Nathaniel held his stare. He had no fears about using his sword if he had to, and he was sure he could beat him.

  “Well?” Devlin pointed at the house. “I’ve changed my mind about rehab. I’ll have Eloise back instead.”

  “I might have guessed you would go back on your promise. Well, I’m not interested in your childish threats. I won’t be giving Eloise back to you, not now, not ever!”

  Devlin grabbed Nathaniel’s shirt, yanking him towards him until their faces were only inches apart. “Understand this, my friend. I’ll watch over Eloise, with or without your permission.”

  “Is that right?” Nathaniel shoved him hard, sending him stumbling backwards. “Don’t mess with me, Devlin. You know what I’m capable of.” He strode towards him and shook his fist. “If you go anywhere near Eloise, I’ll personally burn your wings off.”

  Devlin scrambled to his feet and leapt in front of him. “What you’re capable of? You’re no challenge to me, Nathaniel. You’re nothing but a gutless wimpy hypocrite. And you’d never have the nerve to burn my wings off.”

  As Nathaniel gripped the handle of his sword, a whirlwind of mist swirled around him. “Go ahead, try me and see.”

  Whipping out his blade, Devlin danced backwards. “You can hide behind you stupid aura all you want, ‘Angel of Frigging Fire’, but believe me, I will cut you into a trillion little pieces.”

  Orange flames erupted around Nathaniel’s feet as his aura exploded with his fury. There was no turning back now.

  Leaping forward, Devlin gritted his teeth as he thrust his rapier through the flames.

  Nathaniel summersaulted into the air, landing at the other side of him. “Not if I slice you up first.”

  Smirking maliciously, Devlin circled him. “Don’t have your flames to protect you now, do you, Golden Boy?”

  “Don’t need them,” said Nathaniel, slashing the silver buttons from Devlin’s shirt.

  After glancing down at his bare chest, Devlin threw his head back and laughed. “Is magic all you’ve got?”

  Taking the opportunity, Nathaniel snatched Devlin’s weapon and held it above his wings. “I don’t want to hurt you, Devlin, but if you don’t get out of here and leave Eloise and her mother alone, I will obliterate you.”

  Devlin raised a defiant brow. “So, are you going to chop my wings off with my own blade???

  “Stay much longer, and you’ll find out.” Nathaniel pressed his sword against Devlin’s chest.

  His eyes gleaming with defiance, Devlin sneered. “You don’t have the guts, Nathaniel, and if you don’t give Eloise back to me, I’ll wait my opportunity, and then I’ll kidnap her.”

  In a flash, Nathaniel pointed the swords to the sky, turning the clouds dark and ominous and sending a lightning bolt zigzagging downwards. As it shot through the air, it suddenly turned and headed straight for Devlin.

  With fear in his eyes, Devlin opened his wings to their full width and shot off in the opposite direction, creating a whoosh of wind as he jetted upwards. As he disappeared into the clouds, he wrote a message in the sky.

  OK, Nathaniel. Gloves are off. Let our battle begin!

  Nathaniel turned away and paced the garden, his fury building inside of him. He’d have to guard Eloise every second from now on, even when she was asleep. Devlin had turned vile and there was no way on Earth he would ever trusted him again, not now he’d threatened to kidnap Eloise. Hopefully, Michael would pick up on what had just happened and either force Devlin into Rehab or burn his wings off.

  Zooming back into the house, Nathaniel made a mental note to find out where Devlin’s ward lived. Surely Michael would tell him after what just happened. Making sure Devlin hadn’t come back, Nathaniel dashed through all the rooms and peered out the windows, but there was no sign of him anywhere. It was hard to believe his best friend was now his archenemy. He missed the old Devlin, the kind one, the one that made him laugh. They had been friends for so long, it was hard to let go, but he had to accept it now. There was no turning back, not ever, not unless he wanted to risk the safety of Eloise, and the safety of her mother. He had to face it, Devlin was doomed and he was obviously planning to drag him along with him. Then the same horrible thought crossed his mind. Lucifer must have put him up to it.