Read Fallen Crest Alternative Version Page 12

  Adam stretched. “Should we drive together?”

  “I’ve got basketball.”

  He glanced at me. “Sam?”

  I shrugged. “Sure. Can we get coffee first?”

  “Forget that.” Mark rubbed at his eyes. “I want five energy drinks. Nothing less is going to get me through school and practice.”

  A small grin appeared over Adam’s face. “And I’m glad, yet again, that hockey doesn’t start till next week.”

  “Shut up.” Mark smacked him in the back of the head.


  I stopped when I heard my dad’s voice from above. “Dad?”


  David came down the stairs with lines underneath his eyes and a droop to his shoulders. He was dressed in a buttoned-down shirt and khaki dress pants. He wore a red blazer over them. “Your mother told me how to get inside. They’re staying at a hotel next to the police station. Everything is taking longer.”

  “Why?” I felt a kick to my gut again.

  “Apparently there are conflicting testimonies.”

  “Well, yeah. The Roussou guys against Mason and Logan, right?” Adam moved closer to me.

  David’s eyes lingered on him before he looked to me. “No, the conflicting testimonies are between the Roussou young men.”


  Mark grunted and nodded. “Cool.”

  “So.” David’s eyes narrowed again. “Mark, what are you doing here?”

  “We heard mom on the phone with you. We took off when we heard Sam was alone.”

  “Oh.” He seemed taken aback. “That was very kind of you.” But a question lingered in David’s depths as he looked from both of them to me.

  I sighed and hugged myself. “Dad, are they okay?”

  He snapped back to reality. “Oh yes. James feels they will be released with no charges. It sounds as if it were self-defense.”

  “It was self-defense.”

  “Yes, well, there was an incident with a baseball bat and a YouTube clip. That brought in different questioning from the detectives.” He looked around. “Did you all sleep here last night?”

  “We didn’t sleep, Coach.” Mark beamed and yawned at the same time. “We stayed up all night. Pool. Movies. Video games. Whatever it took to distract Samantha.” He clamped a hand on my shoulder. “We’re good friends like that.”

  Adam snorted. “Stop sucking up to Coach. You’re going to start next year anyway. I’m gone, remember?”

  His hand fell away from my shoulder. “Oh yeah. I keep forgetting you graduate this year.” He grunted again. “That’ll be weird.”

  David cleared his throat as he continued to scan all three of us. “Well, okay. Let’s get going. I’ll give you all a ride to school today.”

  “What about practice, Coach?”

  “Your mother will pick you up. Quinn, you need a ride home after school?”

  “Nah, Coach. I’m working at the club now.”

  Surprise flared in my dad’s eyes. He nodded in approval. “Oh, yeah? What are you doing there?”


  The approval vanished. “Oh.”

  Adam grinned. “Don’t worry, Coach. I’m not a big drinker. It’s not going to be a problem for me.”

  The approval came back. He nodded again. “That’s good to hear, Adam. I’m proud of you.”

  Adam’s chest puffed up. He beamed how Mark had moments ago. “Thanks, Coach.”

  Then David shifted to me. “Are you ready for school, Samantha?”

  “Uh.” I looked down. I was still in sweats and a sweatshirt. I hadn’t taken them off since Mason left. “I guess.” Both guys snorted behind me. I twisted around. “What?”

  They sobered up right away. “Nothing.”

  Adam smiled. “You look fine.”

  Mark chuckled. “Just don’t let the girls see you. They’re going to rip you apart.”

  My back stiffened. “Since when have I cared before?”

  “True. Very true.” Then Mark threw an arm around my shoulder. “We’re ready to go, Coach!”

  The drive to school brought old memories. David had always driven me to school when he was married to Analise. I would take the car home and return when he was done with practices or meetings. Analise had never cared where we were. She was gone on a normal evening. I thought she was with friends at the time, but now I knew better. But the bond between David and me had strengthened because of her absence, and now, I swallowed back a painful knot.

  I took a back seat on purpose. Adam took the front seat and Mark was beside me, but he leaned forward to join with their conversation. I slunk down in my seat and wrapped my arms over my chest. I hugged my school bag to me and tried to keep the tears from coming out. My lip was trembling, but I took a deep breath. It needed to stop. I needed to stop.

  My old routine was gone. David didn’t take me to school anymore. I didn’t pick him up afterwards. There was no Analise at home either.

  I needed to let it go. I needed to run. It’d been too long.

  I reached for my phone and checked again. There was no message, but I needed one from Mason. Then I took another breath. I was being selfish. I should’ve been there with them, not going to school.

  “We’re here, Sam!” Mark shouted in my ear. Then he drew back and gave me a sheepish look. “Sorry. I got excited. I get hyper when I don’t sleep.”

  Oh great. “Now you tell me.”

  He tipped his head back and cackled with laughter. Then he bounded from the car and hurried inside. Adam shook his head as he got out beside me. The air was crisp and he shivered when he threw his bag over his shoulder. “He gets like this after we’d been drinking all night too. I always thought it was the booze before.”

  “Yeah.” I watched when my father nodded farewell to us. He turned and was swallowed by the crowd of students within moments.

  “You okay?”

  I nodded.

  “Look.” Adam stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

  I couldn’t look away from where David had gone.

  He placed both hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him. “Everything will be fine. I’m sure Mason will be okay. They got their asses beat. I mean, how could it come out that they’re at fault? They aren’t, right? I mean, they didn’t start anything?”

  I shook my head. My throat still couldn’t work.

  “You okay?” he asked again.

  I nodded and looked away. There was a buzzing and whispering sound around us, and I knew without looking that we were gathering a crowd. My stomach dropped further. This was all I needed, more rumors to start flying.

  “We should go inside.” I cringed at my voice. It came out as a raw whisper.

  “Yeah.” His hands dropped and he moved back a step. “We should. You’re right.”

  Becky bounced to us then. She was red in the face and her hair had unraveled from her ponytail. The ends flew around her in a frizzy fray and she bent over, panting. “Hey, guys. I heard you were out here.” Gasp. “I’m—” Another gasp, followed with a knee slap. “You okay, Sam? How’s Mason? The clip went viral. My cousin in Fort Mayville saw it. Can you believe that?”

  I stepped back. A wall came over me.

  “Uh.” Adam watched me and pulled his sweatshirt away from his neck. He moved forward and blocked me from her. Then he took her elbow. “Let’s get to class, huh? You can tell me all about your cousin in class.”

  “Yeah!” She skipped next to him. “I told you about Sabrina, right? Awesome name. I always wish I had gotten it, but my mom wanted a normal name for me…”

  Their conversation faded the further they moved away. I stayed behind and took another breath. I was aware of all the eyes on me and knew it was because of the clip on YouTube. A sick feeling spread over me, but I marched past them and went to my locker.

  I paused once I got near. Miranda waited for me. She lifted an eyebrow as she saw me and crossed her arms.

  “What do yo
u want?” I was ready for her. She could say whatever; it wasn’t going to hurt me.

  She snorted. “Are you kidding me? I’m not here to attack you.” Her voice lowered. “How’s Logan doing?”

  I shrugged and opened my locker. “He’s fine.”

  “I saw the clip, Sam. I saw what they were doing to him.”

  I didn’t meet her gaze. My chin hardened and I grabbed my books. “They’re fine.”

  “I heard they’re at the police station. Is that true?”

  I whirled to her now. “Did Adam tell you that?”

  She reared back with narrowed eyes. “No. My cousin’s a cop. He told me. He knew I had dated Logan for a while.”


  Her arms dropped to her side, and she leaned closer. “He didn’t know we had broken up.”

  I swallowed. Logan had been so mean to her. I closed my eyes as I knew he’d done it for me. All her pain was because of me. Then I wrung out, “Why are you being nice to me?”

  She shrugged. “Why not? You’re in the Elite. We fight with each other, but we’re a united front against everyone else.” She scanned me up and down and the corner of her mouth curved up. “Although, I gotta say that Cass and Amelia are not going to be happy with your clothes. We have an image to uphold as a member of the Elite.”

  I slammed my locker shut. “Screw the Elite.”

  I turned for my class and she fell in step with me. “I know. I say the same thing, but I’m just warning you. They won’t be happy.” She gave me a bright smile before she veered off for her class and when I got to the class I shared with Peter and Emily. Both waved me over and I took the seat between them. I put my books down slowly and sat with caution.

  Emily chuckled and scooted a coffee to me. “Mark filled me in, sorta. I won’t bite you about your clothes. Hell, if you keep doing that then I can wear lounge clothes too. That’d be awesome.” She gave me a wolfish grin before she turned towards the front.

  The teacher started.

  Peter didn’t look at me during class, but at the end, he frowned a bit. It flashed over him, but was replaced for his normal deadened look just as quick. He spoke from the corner of his mouth. “I am sorry to hear about Mason.”

  Then he was gone.

  I sat there, stupefied, and Emily laughed. “You should see yourself.”

  My mouth had dropped open. “They kicked you out of my house. Why is everyone being so nice?”

  She shrugged and pulled me to my feet. “Come on, stud muffin. You’ve got class. Don’t take everything so personal. You’re Elite. This is one of the benefits of it. You have to do a lot of bad shit before you get disowned.”

  “You guys own me?”

  She tipped her head back and laughed. It sounded similar to Logan’s. “Not really. I mean, the Kades own you, right? You own them too?” She flashed me a bright smile as we stepped into the hallway. “And don’t let it go to your head either. That clip of Mason kicking the crap out of those guys shot him to legendary status. He was already there, but man, he’s really there now. We’re connected by association through you.”

  “So the Elite is benefiting from my pain?”

  “Yep!” She winked before she went down a different hallway. “Chin up, Sam!”

  I groaned. Chin up, my rear. But as I headed to my third class, there was a lighter feel in my walk. Maybe things were going to be okay. I heard the sounds of the clip from the hallway, and I stopped abruptly. I turned, with my stomach churning, and saw Jessica with her phone in front of her. Her eyes were on me, and a sick smile covered her face. Two other girls were around her. I didn’t know their names, but they looked at me with haughty expressions.

  “Twisted, huh?” Jessica said to her friends, but her eyes never left me. “I bet he killed someone. I bet that’s why the police arrested him. What a loser.”

  I took two steps, ripped the phone out of her hands, and slammed her head against the locker. It happened so quick that she didn’t react until I stepped back. Then I waited. She whirled around with an animal screech and launched herself at me.

  Before her hands touched me, someone grabbed her and threw her back against the locker. “Jessica, chill!”

  I blinked as I saw Jeff in front of me. He kept his hands on her shoulders. “Come on, think about this. You want to piss her off?”

  She snarled as she fought against his hold. “She’s a bitch. She attacked me!”

  “And you didn’t do anything to start it? She came out of nowhere and attacked you?” He guffawed. “Listen to yourself. That’s not even a good argument. This is Sam. She doesn’t do anything unless she’s pushed. You pushed her and you know it.” Then he pressed closer and whispered, “Let it go, Jess. Come on. Let it go.”

  Her eyes glared at me, but she started to calm down. As he continued to hold her and whisper in her hands, she stopped completely and stood there. Her chest rose up and down, but she never looked away from me.

  Then he glanced back. “You might want to head out, Sam.”

  I lifted my chin up. “No.”

  He took a deep breath.

  Jessica spewed out, “What’s your problem, Sam? Afraid of what I’ll do to you now?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “If you’re going to come at me, do it to my face. Do it now. I’d respect that a lot more than if you go behind my back. That’s what pussies and cowards do.”

  It enraged her further, and Jeff grunted when she started to flail against him.

  Then a pair of hands touched my shoulders and I was pulled backwards. I glanced up in surprise when I saw it was Peter. He was stone faced as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Samantha is a part of my group. If this girl goes against one of my friends, she goes against all of us.” He sneered as he spoke. His eyes seemed to cause Jessica to wilt before him. She stopped fighting and the blood drained from her.

  Then Emily was beside him. She crossed her arms and her eyes flashed. “I’ve got no problem destroying you. I’ve wanted an excuse for a long time.”

  Jessica gulped.

  Jeffrey cast a concerned look at her but turned towards us. He held his hands out. “Let’s let this go, okay? She won’t do anything.”

  Peter looked down his nose at him. “And how can you promise that for her?”

  He sighed. His head dropped. “Because she’s my girlfriend.” Then he looked back up. “I won’t let it happen.”

  Jessica made a mewling sound before she turned and pressed her head against her locker.

  Jeff looked at me. “I won’t let it happen, Sam. “

  Emily snorted. “And she’s going to believe you? You cheated on her how many times?”

  “Sam?” He sent me a pleading look.

  I jerked my head in a stiff nod. “Yeah, fine. Whatever.”

  Jessica sagged in relief, but she didn’t turn back.

  “Thanks, Sam.” Jeff gave me a sad smile. “It means a lot.”

  Emily touched my arm, but I jerked away and hurried to my next class. As I sat, Mark and Cassandra sat beside me. I felt the hostility from her and sighed. This day was going to be a long one. Unlike the rest of the group, Cass wanted to pounce. She wanted to rip into me. I met her gaze. She gave me a cold smile in return.

  I heaved a sigh and waited.


  I got my first message from Mason half way through the day. ‘At