Read Fallen Crest Family Page 5

  "Honey." James' sharp rebuke quieted her. Then he turned again. "Mason, I think it's best if there was some distance between you and Samantha. You have proven that neither of you can act responsibly. I had hoped you would've when we first learned of your relationship, but your disappearing trick did not help your credibility at all." He sounded tired all of the sudden. "I have asked you on many occasions to cease from being intimate, at least under this roof, but you have discarded my wishes on every matter. You have given me no other choice. I will not allow you to disappear with Samantha one more time. Her mother was beside herself and you put both of us through hell as we worried where you might've gone or even if you were going to come back."

  When he finished, the room was silent for a moment. And then Logan threw his hands in the air, cursing as Mason bit out, "Are you fucking with me now?"

  "No way." Logan shook his head. "We're not going. We go, she goes."

  "I'm sorry, boys. I am. But neither of you are welcome in this home for the duration of your winter break." James seemed beaten down as he gestured to the side.

  A large man came forward. He was dressed in a three-piece suit that stretched over his muscular shoulders and trim waist. His eyes lacked emotion as he nodded to Mason and then Logan. "Gentlemen."

  "Are you serious, dad?" More curses came from Logan. "I can't believe this. What have I done?"

  "Logan, we all know you support their relationship and have a soft spot for Samantha as well."

  "She's like my sister."

  "Regardless, you both protect her, which I find admirable, but you have become destructive to her relationship with her mother. You both need to go. You remember Howard?"

  "And what if I refuse to go?" Mason stepped forward. His tone was hard.

  "Mr. Mason." Howard stepped forward. "Your bags have already been packed and your mother is waiting for our arrival—"

  "I'm not going," Mason cut him off. "Sorry, Howard, but I'm not twelve this time. You can't force me to go anywhere. I'm eighteen, dad. You can't bus me off anymore, and I won't play along this time."

  "Fine, but you will not be allowed to see Samantha while she lives under this house."

  "And what if she doesn't?" Mason folded his arms over his chest.

  Everyone stood still at the stand-off between father and son.

  I held my breath as my feet were still rooted where I clung to Mason's back. I yearned for his warmth, but my head hung down. I couldn't bear the idea of making eye contact with my mother. I knew she would've won then. She would've known that she had reduced me to that eleven-year-old so long ago again. I cringed as I remembered that time. I couldn't go back to that pain, not anymore.

  "Howard," James spoke. "You will accompany Logan to the car. If Mason refuses to go with you, you are instructed to leave within ten minutes."


  "Yes, sir." Howard turned. "Mr. Logan? The car, please."

  "What—no way." Logan's mouth hung open. He was speechless, but then he rebooted. "Dad, come on. This is insane. You're kicking me out? Are you kidding me?"

  James turned to him. He was so stiff. "I have been forced to play my hand and this is it, Logan. If you wish to remain in my household and spend the rest of your high school years here, with Samantha, you will do as I have told. You will vacation with your mother for the break. When you return, you will respect my rules. If you do not, you will have two choices. You can live with your mother or I will have you arrested as a runaway. You are not eighteen, Logan." Then he turned on his heel and addressed his oldest son. "And Mason, those rules pertain to you as well. I cannot make you go to your mother's, but what we can do is enforce those rules to Samantha. She is still a minor. If she leaves her mother's household, she will be arrested as a runaway."

  My eyes closed again as I heard my worst nightmare come true. She had trapped me. New panic came over me and I gulped for breath, but then I heard Mason's shrewd laughter. His voice was soft, so soft it sent chills down my spine. "You've forgotten one fact, dad."

  "And what's that?"

  "You've got one month. She turns eighteen in one month."

  Analise sucked in her breath and James seemed visibly shaken, but he sighed. "Fine, then. I have one month to undo the damage you've unleashed on their relationship."

  "What?" Logan cried out again. "You seriously think—"

  "Logan, LEAVE!" his father roared.

  Logan's mouth snapped shut as Howard cleared his throat. Then his shoulders dropped in surrender. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm going."

  When he shuffled past me, he folded me in his arms and whispered, "Don't worry, Sammy. The game's just begun. Take care." He pressed a kiss to my forehead before he headed outside. The big stiff followed behind, and then the door closed behind both of them.

  Mason shook his head. "This is ridiculous. She's brainwashed you, dad. You don't see that?"

  James closed his eyes before he rubbed a weary hand over his jaw. His hair seemed to have grayed over the last ten minutes. His voice was exhausted as he spoke, "I'm sorry that you feel that way, Mason. I truly am, but I have to stand with my future wife. Things have been run by you and your brother for too long. It's time I made things right again."

  I glanced up at Mason. The dark promises in his depths made my stomach fall to the ground. I knew without asking that this was only the beginning. And for a second, I worried what he was going to do.


  An hour later and I still couldn't wrap my head around how things had changed. Logan was gone, like gone gone. I wouldn't see him for two more weeks, when school would start again. And Mason was at Nate's.

  I drew in a shuddering breath as I sat at my desk. My computer was on, but my hands hadn't touched the keyboard.

  Mason was gone.

  Mason couldn't see me.

  Analise forbade me to see him and if I did, then what? I gulped. She made it clear that she would follow through with James' threat. The first moment that I would go to him, she would call the cops and have me arrested as a runaway. Could she even do that? I had no idea. Could she really force all of this? But Mason was right. I had one more month before I was legally on my own.

  As I sat there, I saw a blinking light on my phone and pressed to hear the message.

  A deep voice came over the phone, "This is Edward Grath, Coach Grath. I apologize for not getting back to you after last Friday, but I wanted to run your times by a few other coaches in the area." He drew in an excited breath. "Not only can I guarantee you a spot on our track team, but I will guarantee that you will get a scholarship after this year. I've already put feelers out for recruiters and one called me. They're very interested in you. If you keep running at these times, you will have no problem receiving a full scholarship to a college. Congratulations, Samantha. Give me a call this week. I'd like to start a training regime with you as soon as possible."

  I sat there. I'd gotten on the team? He guaranteed a scholarship? I blinked as his words registered with me, then I scrambled for the phone again. This time I hit the button for Mason, but the line went flat. The operator informed me the line had been disconnected.

  What the hell?

  I pulled the phone away and stared at it. Had I hit the right button? He was on my speed dial. It should've been right, but after I did it again and then located his number in my contacts I was left speechless. Mason's phone was no more. I tried Logan, but it was the same results. They both disconnected their lines? Was it something against their dad? Why hadn't they given me their new numbers? I knew they would've.

  Holy. I sat there, even more dejected than before. I had this great news and I couldn't tell the two people who cared about me.


  Even as the idea popped in my head, I knew I didn't have his number so I pushed away from my desk and grabbed my purse. I stepped into the hallway, but stopped short. Analise was there in a silk robe and a frown. She crossed her arms. "Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to see Mason."
  "No, you're not."

  "Yes, I am."

  Her eyes narrowed and my old fear flickered in me again. Since I had remembered that night so long ago, I couldn't undo the effects. I thought I had been rid of that power over me, but she had me in the grip of her hand. If she squeezed, I didn't know how I would react.

  "No," she said slowly and softly. It was menacing. "You're not."

  I swallowed a ball of emotion and rubbed my hands against my pants. Then I rasped out, "What are you going to do, Analise? What are you going to do if I don't listen to you?"

  "Analise," she hissed. "You call me by my first name now?"

  "I'm seventeen. I'll be an adult in one month. Your attempt to control me is pathetic." My words were so brave, but I struggled to keep my knees from knocking against each other. She'd hear and she couldn't know.

  To my surprise, when I expected the old rage to return, she shook her head and stepped back. Her head bent down, and she swallowed back a tear. I heard the hitch in her voice, and I sucked in my own breath. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. But she spoke so softly, I strained to hear her. "Do you realize that having sexual intercourse with a minor is against the law?"

  Silence. Complete silence.

  Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt blown over and kicked while I was still down. She wouldn't—she couldn't—but, wait…she could. "You wouldn't."

  She lifted her head. A challenge was there. "Not yet, I haven't."

  "No way." I shook my head. She wouldn't do that. She could ruin his life…

  Then she cleared her throat and sighed. "I don't want to, Samantha, but I have been losing you since we moved in. I won't stand for it anymore. No one is going to come in here and take my daughter away from me. No one. Not your father, not your boyfriend, not your friends, no one." Her chest rose with each statement. She was bristling with anger again. "I won't even let you get in the way of our relationship."

  She started down the hallway, but stopped and twisted back around. "And we're monitoring your internet if you decide to reach out to them. I don't want you anywhere near Mason or Logan."

  "You can't keep me caged up like an animal. I'm an adult in one month."

  "Then I have one month to get my daughter back. And I will do it." Her eyes narrowed. "If you go anywhere near Mason, I will have him arrested for statutory rape. I believe there are enough people who can testify that you've had intercourse with him."

  No one would. People suspected. I wasn't a fool. Mason was a Kade, of course he was having sex with his girlfriend, but there was no proof. However, did I call her bluff? Then my heart sank. I couldn't risk it. It was Mason's life on the line now, and it was one month.

  I took a deep breath. One month. I couldn't see him for one month.

  Oh god.

  I went back to my room, but it wasn't long before it hit me, really hit me. I couldn't see Mason. I couldn't see Logan. Panic settled over me and I went to the shower. With my clothes on, I turned the spray on full blast and sunk to the floor. When the water warmed, I hugged my knees to my chest and rested my forehead between them. Then I took in one gulping breath after another.

  I could do this. I knew I could do this.


  I've done it before, when I had two best friends who weren't friends at all. That was when the names of Mason and Logan had seemed surreal. I considered them assholes then. I took care of myself then. I could do it again.

  The hallway was dark and narrow. The walls stretched higher than I could see and as I walked to the bathroom, I couldn't catch my breath. There was something thundering in my ear. It wouldn't stop. I frowned against the pain, but I had to go to the bathroom. I knew my mom wouldn't be happy if I disturbed anything so I trekked down the hallway as silent as I could. My bare feet were so cold. The carpet didn't warm them up. I should've worn the socks my mom insisted I wear to bed, but I always pulled them off when she left my room. I hated sleeping in them. They would get caught on my blankets, and I would wake up with my blankets tangled all around me. As I stubbed my toe against something, I whimpered and fell to the ground. I opened and closed my mouth as I tried not to let any sound out. If my mom was sleeping, I dared not wake her. She would get so mad.

  When the pain subsided and I knew I wouldn't cry out, I stood back up and limped forward. I really had to pee now, but I went slower. I didn't want to hurt my toes again so I felt along the wall as I went. When I got to the corner, I turned and paused. The light was on in the bathroom. The crack underneath was lit.

  Oh no.

  I pressed my hands between my legs. I had to pee so bad. I couldn't go there. My mom would be really mad then.

  I started to shake back and forth. It was too dark out to use the bathroom downstairs. And too cold. I was shivering already as I waited for what I should do, but then I wondered if anyone was really in there. Maybe my mom had left it on by accident—no, not possible. She double-checked everything before she went to bed. Every light was turned off. Every door was locked. All the windows were checked three times.

  If anyone left it on, then it was dad. Relief went through me. If he had done it, then I could use it. Or if he was in there, he wouldn't be mad at me. He never was.

  Oh my god. I had to pee!

  I inched closer to the door, but I didn't hear anything. Then I knelt and tried to see underneath the door. I couldn't see anyone either. Then, with a deep breath (I was so nervous) I started to turn the doorknob.

  When it wasn't locked, a big smile came over me. It would've been locked if someone had been in there so I pushed it open.

  Then I froze.

  My eyes went wide as I saw the blood first.

  "AHHHHH!" I jerked awake and bolted upright in bed. My scream stopped abruptly and my chest heaved up and down. I couldn't get enough breath. I pounded on my chest. My heart was racing.

  I tumbled out of bed. My legs weren't steady so I fell to the ground. The sheets were tangled around my legs and I sat there shivering. I wasn't cold. I was hot. I felt my forehead and wondered if the burning was in my mind or not? But no, I wiped my hand over my forehead and felt the sweat from it.

  Oh my god.

  I took more breaths. I needed to calm down.

  It was awhile before I could move. The sheer terror was still there. I felt it in my chest and I wanted to pound on it so it would go away, but it didn't. It lingered. Oh god. I wanted Mason. He should've been beside me. He would've caught me and I would've been in his arms by now, but I remembered what happened the day before.

  I closed my eyes. Everything would be fine. It was only a month, but as I said that to myself, it didn't matter. I needed him then. So I did the next best thing I could think of—I grabbed my blanket and went to his room.

  I stood in the middle of his room, and I breathed it in. It smelled of him, of men's cologne and his aftershave. I calmed a little bit because of that, but then I crawled underneath his covers. I had used his body to warm me up before, but I wouldn't have that now. I spread my blanket on top and curled underneath. I hugged his pillow to me and tried to go back to sleep again.

  Two hours later, I was still awake. I rolled over and glanced at his clock. It was now three in the morning.

  Screw it.

  I hurried from his bed and flipped on his bathroom light. I pulled on a pair of his black warm-up pants with one of his school sweatshirts. Then I went to my room, slipped on my shoes, and grabbed my purse. On the way downstairs, I grabbed my keys and went out the door. When it locked behind me, I got into my car and headed to Nate's house.

  It was a risk. A big one, but I needed to see Mason. It was 3:23 in the morning when I pulled into his driveway. All the lights were off and I didn't have a phone number to wake him up so I had one option. I pounded on his door and rang the doorbell until someone woke up. When some lights were turned on inside and I heard cursing, I stepped back and waited.

  Nate threw the door open. His face was in a scowl, but he took one look at me an
d turned back. "Mason!" Then he threw the door open and I swept inside.

  "Where is he?"

  He gestured upstairs. "The room you guys used before."

  I ran upstairs and met him halfway. Mason's eyes went wide as he saw me, but he didn't say a word. He caught me on the stairs, lifted me in the air, and turned right around. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I drank in the sight of him.

  My hand touched the side of his face, where it was rough with stubble, and I breathed out, "You look so damn good."