Read Falling Blind Page 13

Page 13


  “If I tell you, how do I know you won’t come back after you drop me off and bother me? I like my privacy. ”

  “I suppose that’s a chance you’re going to have to take,” he said. “If it’s any comfort, I plan to go kill the demon that stole your blood. I’ll be too busy to bother you. ”

  That thought drove all others out of her in a single instant. As pissed as she should have been at him, fear over him facing more demons and whatever was going to happen to her now made that anger pale in comparison. “What will that thing do with my blood?”

  “We don’t know. And I don’t plan for you to find out the hard way. I’ll kill it first. ”

  “How do you even know where it went?”

  “I don’t, but I’ve hunted down plenty of demons in my lifetime. And if I can’t locate its nest, Logan will be able to help. ”


  “He’s smelled your blood. He should be able to track that scent back to the demon. ”

  Rory let her head fall against the seat in overwhelming defeat. “I don’t understand any of this. I don’t know how Logan can smell my blood. I don’t know why the demons want it. I don’t know why your touch blocks my visions or how it can make me feel like this. All I know is that I want to live my life in peace, without monsters hunting me all the time. ”

  “That’s all any of us want, Rory. But you and I aren’t like humans. We don’t get that kind of life. ”

  She was human, albeit a fucked-up version of one, and no one could persuade her otherwise. But there was another question his comment brought up, one she could barely stand to ask. If it hadn’t been for the curiosity that was burning a hole in her brain, making all logical thought dribble out, she would have stayed silent. “What kind of life do you have?”

  He didn’t say anything for several seconds. His jaw was tense and a vein pulsed in his temple. He really was a handsome man in a barbaric kind of way—not at all like the type of guy she normally went for, all artistic and flimsy—but that was part of his appeal. She’d made so many bad choices in the past, it was comforting to be sitting next to a guy so utterly different.

  Rory would have been willing to bet Nana’s house that the man didn’t have a single flimsy spot on his entire body.

  He pulled in a deep breath that expanded his thick chest even further. “There are two kinds of Theronai: those who are joined as they were meant to be, and those that aren’t. ”

  “And which are you?”

  He glanced at their twined fingers, and she swore she could feel a sense of sadness and loss radiating out of his touch.

  “I’m like most of my kind. We live a long time. We hunt and kill demons. We protect humans and each other, and try not to think too hard about the things that we can never have. ”

  “Sounds like a pile of suck. ”

  His mouth twitched. “It’s a life filled with honor, duty and purpose. It’s more than many ever have. ”

  It was more than Rory had, which was disgustingly pathetic. Ever since she’d lost Nana, she’d been lost. The only friendships she could manage were long-distance ones—people online she’d never meet in person for fear of what she might see through their eyes. They helped fill the void, but there were still gaping holes Rory knew would never be whole. She was twenty-five and hadn’t been able to go to a normal school or hold down a job or keep a boyfriend for more than a few days—at least not one who wasn’t planning to hand her over to a demon in exchange for drugs.

  She’d stopped dreaming about a future years ago. The only thing that drove her was her quest to find the person who made her visions go away. It was her white whale, her reason for getting up in the morning.

  Now she was holding the hand of a man who blocked her visions, and as nice as that was, it wasn’t enough. It was hollow. Worse than that, it allowed her to see just how empty her life had become. How worthless.

  Once her visions were gone, then what? What would get her out of bed then?

  She had no answer, which made a whole writhing mass of fear spring to life in her stomach. She wasn’t the type of person who panicked, but she could feel that now, cutting at the edges of her confidence, wearing it away, bit by bit.

  Her visions had defined her life. She couldn’t live with them, but she wasn’t sure she could live without them, either.

  Rory didn’t know how to calm her fears. She didn’t even know if it was possible. What she did know was that the man she’d pitied only a few moments ago for his crappy life had a better life than she did, and if she didn’t start taking some chances, she was never going to be able to make something of herself.

  “Head south at the next exit,” she told him.

  “You’re going to let me take you home?”

  “Looks like. ”

  She was quiet for a long time, only speaking to give him directions to Nana’s house out in the country. “These people you said might be able to help me? Would they be willing to come see me or meet me somewhere—somewhere without a lot of people around?”

  “The men would swim entire oceans to meet you. ”

  That sounded a little over the top and left her confused. “But not the women?”

  “The women can’t help you. That’s not the way it works. ”

  “Then how does it work?”

  “Our kind—Theronai—were created to work in pairs. One man, one woman. ”

  “You don’t know I’m your kind. ”

  “I do. Your ring-shaped birthmark proves it. ”

  Outrage slammed into her, and if he hadn’t had a firm hold on her fingers, she would have pulled away in shock. “You looked at my ass when I was asleep?”

  A slow smile pulled at his mouth. “No, but now I know you have the mark. No denying it. ”

  “You tricked me. ”

  He shrugged and she felt the powerful movement all the way up her arm. “Denial will get you nowhere. It could even kill you, which is something I can’t allow. We all have to face reality, and yours isn’t going to change just because you don’t like it. ”

  “You say that like you know my life better than I do. ”

  “Not your past, maybe, but I know your future. ”

  She grunted in amusement. “So you can see the future, can you?”

  “Only yours. ”

  “Fine. Then spill. What does my grand future hold?”

  “Power. More than you can imagine. Purpose, too. Your life will be filled with fear and danger, but also love. Undying, unyielding love and devotion from a man who would put your safety and happiness above all else, except, perhaps, that of your children. ”

  Rory laughed at the ludicrous image he painted. “You know, back when I used to think about having kids, I always thought my visions would come in handy. I’d know what they were up to all the time. No sneaking cookies before dinner or cutting their own hair without me knowing. ”

  “You say that as if you no longer think about having children. ”

  “I don’t. How can I care for someone else when sometimes I can’t even walk without running into walls?”

  “I’m certain that you will learn to control your visions. ”

  “Oh. I see. You’re certain. Well, that makes it true then, huh?”

  “Every female Theronai has a special gift. These visions are yours, and once you’re connected to your mate and have access to his power, you’ll be able to use that power to control them. ”

  “And the winner of today’s Too Good To Be True contest is . . . ”

  “I’m serious, Rory. I’ve seen this kind of thing before. You have no idea how much power awaits you once you connect yourself to the right man. ”

  “And just how do I find this right man?”

  “I’ll send some men to you. ”

  “And I’m supposed to trust your judgment?”

  “It’s not a judgment call. There will be no question. His luceria will react to your presence. It will vibrate and change color. ?

  That sounded kinda kinky. “Luceria?”

  “The ring and necklace our kind wear. ”

  “Oh. Not at all what I was thinking. ” She looked at his left hand, which was clamped around the steering wheel. Purple and pink swirls danced madly along its iridescent surface. “Yours is doing that. ”

  “Yes. ”

  “Is that why the visions go away when I touch you?”

  “I believe so. ”

  “So why can’t you be the one to take the visions away?”

  “I’m not right for you. You’ll have to make a promise to this man—one that will demand trust. ”

  “You’re saying you’re not trustworthy?”

  Cain shifted in his seat, his jaw bunching. “You clearly don’t trust me. ”

  “Yeah. Knocking me out like that was definitely a big black mark in the Don’t Trust column. ”

  He snorted, dismissing her statement. “That was nothing. And for the record, I’d do it again if I thought it would keep you safe. ”

  “We’ll call that strike two. ”

  “Call it what you want. It doesn’t matter. Our path together will end as soon as I’m sure you’re safe. ”

  Rory didn’t like that thought, but she was sure it was only because his touch brought her so much relief and pleasure. Once he was gone, he’d take that with him, and she’d be alone in her hollow little life, hiding from the blindingly bright world.

  She sat in silence while they rumbled down the gravel road leading to Nan’s house. “What kind of promise?” she asked him.

  “That’s your decision, but whatever you promise will be binding, so choose your words carefully. ”

  “You know this doesn’t make any sense, right?”

  He pulled in a deep breath as if seeking patience. “Your chosen man will vow to protect you, even if it costs him his own life. Then you will give him a promise in return. Something like vowing to stay with him until the end of time. ”

  “Whoa. That’s a hell of a promise. ”

  “It doesn’t have to be that. You could choose to stay with him for one single night, though it’s doubtful that would give you enough time to learn to control the power you’ll have access to. ”

  “What kind of power?”

  “You know those sparks sinking into you wherever we touch?”

  “Oh, yeah. I definitely know those. ”

  “They’re like single snowflakes inside an avalanche. As your trust and connection to your partner grow, so will the flow of power. Your job will be to learn to control it and mold it to perform the task you choose. ”

  “Can I use it to dust my house?”

  He let out a long sigh. “I’m explaining this badly. It will be much easier if you let me show you. ”


  “I don’t have much ability, but there are a few things I can do. ”

  “Like knock me out. ”

  “Yes, like that. I can also touch your mind if you let me. ”