Read Family Page 4

And there is not for them besides Him any patron.

  Surah Ar-Ra’d (The Thunder) 13:11

  See they not how many of those before them We did destroy? - generations We had established on the earth, in strength such as We have not given to you - for whom We poured out rain from the skies in abundance, and gave fertile streams flowing beneath their feet: yet for their sins We destroyed them, and raised in their wake fresh generations to succeed them.

  Surah Al-An’am (The Cattle) 6:6


  “This is all only guidance, Ben,” says Maryam.

  Ben stares at her confused.

  Maryam notices and explains.

  “We have to put the words into action.”

  She takes a piece of paper and draws something quickly. It was a tree with roots and fruits.

  “Knowledge is like a tree with well-developed roots. You see? The words are its leaves, but action, those are the fruits it will produce.”

  Ben nods, but still seems confused.

  “Let’s take for example the Qur’an verses for protection I gave you. Let’s look at this part here: I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan…”

  She circles these words with her pen.

  “We seek refuge with God to protect us against Satan, but how? By simply saying these words? No. That is not enough.”

  She gives him a quick look and continues.

  “Firstly, we must believe in God, believe that He is One and be sincere with what we are saying. Then we need to really seek refuge with Him, by doing what He instructs. Only then will He shade us with His mercy and grace.”

  Ben nods in understanding.

  Maryam continues.

  “By seeking refuge with God, we must therefore believe in Him and everything He has created, we must pray, we must take care of the poor, we must fast during the prescribed times, we must make every effort to do pilgrimage at least once in our lives and we must continue to share the good news of paradise and the assurance of the forgiveness of sins after sincere repentance, all this with patience, even in times of hardship. All hardship is from God too, do you understand, Ben?” Maryam looks at him hopefully.

  “I think I do,” says Ben. “If I understand you correctly, we must do as God commands, in turn, He will guide us and protect us?”

  “Correct,” says Maryam pleased.

  “And, if we do good, good will come to us and if we do bad, bad will come to us,” Ben says confidently.

  “You reap what you sow, correct,” says Maryam.

  There is a loud knock at the open door.

  “Excuse the interruption,” says the plump receptionist as she enters, “but it’s Mark. He’s hysterical. He’s askin’ for you.”

  Maryam gets up quickly and heads to the door.

  “Ben, I hope that helps, but I have to go. Peace be with you.” Maryam gestures good bye with her hand and follows the receptionist quickly down the hallway.

  Ben looks at his watch.

  “I have to confirm somethin’ with Florian.”

  He leaves too.

  محبي الطعام

  Do they not see that We have created for them from what Our hands have made, grazing livestock, and then they are their owners?

  And We have tamed them for them, so some of them they ride, and some of them they eat.

  Surah Ya-sin 36:71 – 72

  It is He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite.

  Surah Ya-sin 36:80

  “I think we should keep it simple,” says Florian.

  He stares at the computer screen as he continues talking on the phone.

  “I mean like a barbeque or so. It would be best. We can all sit around a fire while barbequin’. I think Drew will like that.”

  He frowns as he reads comments on his latest article. He shakes his head.

  “No, I wanted to go Indian. Drew has expressed his love for Indian food when we last got together. Remember, he was a bit off. That was before he left…”

  Florian’s face tenses up as a pop-up appears on his screen.

  He sighs and breathes deeply.

  His jaw muscles tense up.

  “Of course. Beef burgers, chicken and lamb kebabs, flavors light and sweet, but also some spicy, mild heat and added smokiness. We’ll roast some vegetables and corn on the cob too. I’m sure Madison will like those and the mushroom puffs. They work well on the barbeque.”

  He scrolls down and reads further comments on his article.

  “At least we have fame and money… you’re still another broke working class man… Join us… join us.”

  His face reddens and he sighs hard.

  “Nothin’, simply more of the usual. The harassment continues.”

  He closes his browser and opens a Word document.

  “Stopped? I doubt it will ever stop.”

  He types a quick note and then turns in his seat.

  “Nothin’ I haven’t heard before. You’re crazy, comments on how I look, physically. Superficial fools. Some really low blows. These people really stoop to seedy levels.”

  He does a gesture with his free hand as he says people.

  “I know it sounds strange, Pete, but I don’t think they are people. And if they are people, then they’re merely puppets. Literally people bein’ controlled by them.”

  He shakes his head in annoyance.

  “Them, man. Haven’t you been listenin’ to me?”

  He turns and faces his screen again.

  A new Wi-Fi hotspot pops into the available menu of internet connections.

  “The Bureau just popped in again. One guess why.” He clicks on it and just as he does that, a picture of a man with a gun to his head pops onto the screen.

  “They’re threatenin’ my life again.”

  He chuckles softly.

  “My last article must have hit them where they don’t like it.”

  He laughs more.

  “About me?”

  Florian breathes in deep and seems to collect himself.

  “I have figured it out, bro. It is about me, yes. But it is about all of us. When you wake up in the matrix, they will come at you and you will also see that it is about you. And Mr Smith can be anyone. I don’t know how they take control of someone just like that...”

  He snaps his finger and calmly continues.

  “But, it’s about humankind, each and every one of us. Satan does not want a single one of us to go to the promised Paradise. That’s why people sound crazy when they say: they are after me. Why would they care about little you? But it is like that. Once they know you see them, they come at you harder. And when you tell others the truth, they do all they can to silence you.”

  Florian decides to switch his computer off. He seems less annoyed and continues to listen to Peter-John on the other end.

  “I used to believe that they are watchin’ us through our webcams and listenin’ to us by switchin’ on our microphones. Perhaps Snow White does exist and they spy on us via some satellite, who really knows, but…”

  He rubs his eyes and stares at the wall behind his computer. On the white parrot board was the picture they took on the day that he gave that speech.

  “Don’t you remember what Maryam said? She really got me thinkin’ you know, about the demons or as the Quran calls them, the Jinn and in this case, the bad Jinn.”

  He nods his head.

  “She said the Quran says that they watch us from where we cannot see them. You remember?”

  He nods his head more and sighs.

  “Yes, they plot against us and we are defenseless against them. Our only defense is God. Just like Maryam said. I believe that now more than ever.”

  He turns in his seat and listens.

  After a while he nods his head and continues.

  “People think it is the elite, the rich and powerful, that want to be omnipresent and omnipotent, like God, and perhaps that’s true, who knows. Perhaps the human element needs to spy on us by means of
technology, like they’re probably listenin’ to our conversation right now, don’t you hear that beep and fuzzy noise? It happens only when I speak about this. But any way… the humans might need technology, but the actual enemy, Satan and his followers, they don’t need technology to spy on us.”

  He nods his head as if agreeing with something that Peter-John was saying.

  “Indeed, bro. I cannot say. Whether it is that they are in another dimension lookin’ in on ours or whether they are in our reality, but only invisible to all our senses, is not clear. But the fact of the matter is, they can see us, we not them, unless your spiritual eye, for a lack of a better word, opens and you start seein’ them.”

  He seems to mull this all in his head as he listens to Peter-John for a while.

  “I agree. We should definitely do that.”

  He nods his head.

  “You’re right, Pete. But listen, I have to go. I still have a million and one things to do today. Have to head to the LAPD Hollywood station. There’s a source I need to see near Wilcox Avenue as well. Gonna hop on Little Santa Monica, ‘cause I suspect there’s gonna be a sig alert on Route 2. I need to get to Santa Monica by 6pm. Taylor asked me to join them there.”

  Florian chuckles.

  “Me, a ladies man? You’re full of jokes I see. Who’s the one charming all the ladies? One minute you’re with Madison, the next you’re with Maryam, don’t forget Jeanne.” He laughs more.

  “Yeah, yeah. Where are you now?”

  Florian lets out a big ‘yes’.

  “See, just left Madison’s. You and the vegetarian.” He laughs more.

  He nods his head.

  “Sure thing, Pete. Don’t worry about the food. I’ll have everythin’ ready for Drew’s party. Peace, bro.”

  He hangs up and puts the phone in his pants pocket.

  “Let’s go Flo.”

  He heads out.

  O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he