Read Family Matters Page 12

  Eddie finally smiled. “The Ant tried to eat his way through house and home. I should have nicknamed him ‘the Termite.’ He’s always fun to have around. My sister’s kids are all obnoxious teenagers now. They won’t make me an uncle again for a few years yet.”

  Carol came in to check Tyler’s vital signs. “Sorry to run you guys out for a few minutes.”

  “That’s okay,” Nevvie said, scooping up the baby after Tyler gave him a kiss. “I appreciate you giving us the extra time. We’ll go see Tommy.”

  The nursing staff kept the curtains drawn around his bed. Nevvie turned to Eddie. “He looks a lot worse than he is. Keep thinking that, okay?”

  “Okay.” His eyes already brimmed with tears. He wiped at them with a handkerchief.

  The lights over Tom’s bed were dimmed. It did nothing to soften his ugly black eyes and other injuries.

  Nevvie looked at Eddie. He clapped a hand over his mouth, trying to choke back his sob. She slipped her free arm around his waist and hugged him.

  “He’ll be okay, Eddie. I know he will. Tyler said he will, so it has to be true, right?”

  Eddie nodded a little too strenuously. He took a deep, gasping breath as he finally dropped his hand. She encouraged him to sit by the bed while she stood at the end, stroking Tom’s right foot through the sheet while she balanced the baby on her hip. She’d need to find out about physical therapy for him, one of the doctors had mentioned it.

  After ten minutes, Eddie was more than ready to go. Nevvie carefully held Adam close to Tommy, reaching out his hand so he could stroke his father’s cheek.

  “Poppa’s going to be fine,” she whispered. “I know he will.”

  They stopped by Tyler’s bed one more time to say good-bye before they walked out to the parking lot. Eddie slumped against his car and cried. Adam reached for him, also crying, which set Nevvie off. The three of them cried together, Eddie’s arms wrapped around her and the baby, for several minutes.

  Eddie finally composed himself. “Let me know when you need me to take him again, okay?” He chucked the sniffling baby under his chin and blew a raspberry at him. Adam immediately smiled, babbled, and blew one back.

  Nevvie laughed, trying to wipe her own tears. “Thanks. With Cheryl and April around they’ll want to spend time with him, but they’ll only be here a couple of days. That’ll give you time to recharge,” she joked.

  He kissed her on the forehead. “Anytime, Nev. You know that.”

  He left. She buckled the baby into the car seat and headed for the house. She beat Peggy and Karen home by a few minutes. Nevvie handed Adam off to Karen and helped Peggy unload and put away the groceries. When Peggy went to change clothes, Nevvie pressed a check into Karen’s hand.

  “Nev, what’s this?”

  Nevvie held Karen’s hand closed around the check and kept her voice low. “I’m going to need you here, and I know you can’t afford to take time off work. This is between you and me. Don’t you dare think about saying no. You let me know if it’s enough to pay your bills. If it’s not, I’ll give you whatever you need. I don’t want Mom running herself ragged.”

  Karen’s eyes watered as she hugged Nevvie. “Thank you,” she said. “This is one time I won’t argue with you.”

  Nevvie and Karen had grown close since Nevvie joined Thomas and Tyler. Nevvie knew Karen didn’t discuss her finances with her family. Karen did okay, but she was too proud to ask for help and, like most people, she couldn’t afford to just take off for long periods of time.

  “Will your boss give you the time off?”

  Karen wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and slipped the check into her pocket. “Yeah. I’ve worked for them for years. They were going to let me use my two weeks vacation and then the rest as unpaid leave.”

  “Keep your vacation time. You’ll need it for yourself once we’re through this mess.” Nevvie forced a smile. “Seriously, Kar, whatever you need, ask, it’s yours.”

  Karen met Nevvie’s gaze. “Do you really think Tommy’s going to be okay?”

  “Tyler said he will, that’s good enough for me.”

  “Ole’ Blue Eyes snaps his fingers, Tommy will jump through hoops,” Karen joked. “He always has. All these years.”

  “Yeah, and with me and Tyler ganging up on him to get better, plus all of you, he has to be okay, right?”

  Being Tommy’s older sister, Karen was more than willing to play along and agree. “Right.”

  Chapter Ten

  Nevvie tossed and turned and gave up trying to sleep a little after one in the morning. She changed clothes, grabbed a few things, and left a note for the others so they knew where she went. Peggy and Karen had already told her they would take care of Adam if he woke in the middle of the night.

  Ben was on duty and nodded when he saw her. Tyler was asleep. Nevvie stepped into Tom’s cubicle and waved Ben in. “Don’t tell Tyler I’m here, please. He needs his sleep.”

  He noticed her tote bag. “You getting any sleep?”

  “Not without my boys I’m not. Can I ask a favor?” She explained what she wanted to do.

  “Give me a few minutes to get you some towels and soap and a basin. Need any help?”

  She looked at Tommy and shook her head. “No. Just show me what not to do so I don’t hurt him.”

  “No problem.” Ben went in search of what she’d need while she removed a few items from her bag. Ben returned, explained what to do then stepped out. “I’ll be out here working on his chart if you need me.”

  “Thanks.” Ben pulled the curtain and door shut.

  She’d brought her MP3 player and headphones. With the volume turned up and the headphones on the bed, it sounded just loud enough for the two of them to hear.

  Well, she could hear it, at least.

  She set it to Tommy’s favorite Jimmy Buffett album, one they both loved.

  Fighting her tears, she ran warm water in the plastic wash basin Ben had brought her, tucked a towel around Tom’s neck, and used a wash cloth to sponge his cheeks. Then she applied shaving gel and carefully shaved him. Tommy usually used an electric razor and he was religious about shaving. Nevvie couldn’t stand the increasing shade of stubble across his cheeks and didn’t want the staff to do it. She was his wife, she would take care of him.

  Working slowly around his mouth so she didn’t disturb the ventilator tube, she took her time and then gently stroked his face with her fingers when she finished fifteen minutes later. Nevvie made sure she sponged off all remaining soap residue. She patted his face dry and kissed his smooth cheek.

  “That’s better, sweetie,” she softly said.

  She dumped the basin and refilled it with warm water. As she started to unsnap the shoulder of his gown there was a light tap on the door and she heard it slide open beyond the curtain. Ben stuck his head in. “He wants to come in. And no, I didn’t tell him you were here. He woke up and asked how long you’d been here.”

  Nevvie tried to stifle her laugh. “He’s freaky.”

  “I’m getting that.”

  She went to help Ben get Tyler out of bed. His hair looked disheveled but he sat up, his legs over the edge of the bed.

  “You’re sneaky, love,” he mumbled.

  “How did you know I was here?” Ben juggled the IVs and monitor leads, silencing the alarms when he disconnected Tyler. He’d bring the portable monitor cart into Thomas’ room once they had him settled.

  Tyler looked at her. “You look as bloody awful as I feel, and you never have been able to sleep alone. I wasn’t quite asleep when you arrived. It just took me a while to get conscious enough to get up.”

  When she kissed him on the cheek he touched her face. “I’ll be all right, love. Quit worrying about me. You need to take care of yourself, right?”

  “I’m okay. I just need you both home so I have my boys back.”

  She hooked her arm through his, helping support him as they walked him to the recliner next to Thomas’ bed. Once Ben had him hooked u
p again and situated, he closed the curtains and door and left them alone.

  Tyler’s eyes glistened. For a moment Nevvie thought he would cry. She hoped he didn’t, because if he did, she would too. He didn’t though. He reached through the bed rail and slipped his fingers through Tom’s. He gently stroked the back of Tom’s hand with his thumb.

  “He looks much better, love. Thank you.”

  “You know how he is. If he comes to looking like Sasquatch, he’ll kill us both.”

  Tyler started to laugh then groaned. “Ow, love, no snark. Not yet.”

  She smiled. “Sorry.” Nevvie tested the water in the basin, it was still warm enough. Starting on her side, Tom’s right, she carefully bathed him, making sure to rinse all the soap from him and thoroughly pat him dry. She worked her way from his shoulders down his abdomen, avoiding his surgical dressings.

  Tyler’s eyes followed her every movement. She knew he wanted to help and it had to be killing him that he couldn’t.

  She carefully massaged Tom’s arms and hands, as much as she could with the IV lines taped to him. Tyler leaned back so she could slide between him and the bed and take care of Tom’s left arm. That left his lower body.

  The left leg was out of the question. Ben had assured her if she didn’t move Tom, she could wash his foot. She’d leave that until last.

  While she’d had a catheter during her stay in the hospital, and knew that Tom had one, it still startled her to see it in place. She carefully washed and dried him, not using soap around his groin, afraid of irritating his skin. Then she washed his right leg and foot, gently massaging them, carefully working them the way the physical therapist had showed her.

  Ben checked on them every so often. After an hour she was seated on Tom’s other side, his hand in hers, her head resting against the bed and dozing lightly as the MP3 player played.

  Tyler watched her nap, his heart breaking for her, angry that he couldn’t take care of her, of them, they way they needed him. When Ben next checked, Tyler lifted a finger to his lips. Ben quietly stepped into the room and edged around Tyler to check both men’s vital signs and IVs and then leaned close.

  “Have you considered talking to your attorney about admitting her? No offense, she looks horrible. She looks like she’s near collapse.”

  “It wouldn’t do any good. She’d simply run herself ragged here. At least she can try to rest at home, have a little normalcy.”

  “You’re a couple of lucky guys to have someone like her watching over you.”

  Tyler nodded. “I thank God for my sweet angel every day.”

  Nevvie slept for over an hour. When she lifted her head with a start she looked disoriented, dazed.

  “Are you all right, love?” Tyler asked.

  Nevvie yawned, wincing when she sat up. “A little better. Are you okay?”

  “I think I’m ready to go back to bed.”

  She jumped to her feet, fully awake and at his side to help. It both warmed and shamed Tyler that she was ready to help and him so helpless. She was his angel, he’d promised to take care of her. She shouldn’t be saddled with this horrible burden.

  Ben came in to help. Tyler held onto Nevvie’s arm as they slowly made their way back to his bed and got him settled. He motioned her close and gently kissed her on the lips. His hand slid to the nape of her neck and he pulled her down so her ear was by his mouth.

  “My sweet little slave,” he breathed, “your master orders you to go home and rest.”

  Her body tensed before a smile crept across her weary face. She looked near tears as she stroked his cheek. “You’re really going to be okay?”

  “That’s what I keep telling you, sweetheart. But we don’t need you collapsing from exhaustion. I want you to go home, try to sleep. Rest, at least. Don’t come back here before,” he glanced at the clock, “ten this morning. Right?”

  She nodded and kissed him one last time. “Okay. I need to get my stuff from Tom’s room.” She weaved her fingers through Tyler’s. “I miss you guys so much.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I’ll be in a regular room in another day or so, love. You can stay longer then, at least nap with me. That will be easier on you, I should think.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Seriously, I want you to lie down and try to rest, right?”


  When she left he settled in and closed his eyes.

  * * * *

  Tyler’s fifth day in the hospital brought good news. Nevvie had just arrived a little before ten, after spending several early morning hours at their bedsides before going home for breakfast and a shower. The doctor flipped through his chart and smiled.

  “Well, Mr. Paulson, we’re going to transfer you out of ICU this morning.”

  Nevvie brightened. “Really?”

  “Yep. You’ll be in a telemetry unit for a few days. We already discussed this. As long as everything continues to look as good as it does now, we’ll be sending you home in a few days.”

  Nevvie squeezed Tyler’s hand. One step closer. And a good thing too, because she felt like she was about ready to collapse. Despite her stress and exhaustion, she couldn’t sleep. Add to that the gallons of coffee she drank to keep herself awake and it wasn’t healthy. Not that she’d ever admit any of that to Tyler and worry him.

  She was still there when the nurses moved him soon after. Nevvie carried Tyler’s personal items and followed as the nurses pushed his bed to the elevator. Ten minutes later he was settled in a private room and just in time for lunch to be served.

  He wrinkled his nose at the bland meal. Nevvie laughed and removed the cover from the bowl of chicken broth. “You’re going to eat every last bite of this meal, buster,” she groused.

  “And you’ll stand there and make sure I do, won’t you?”

  She grinned and grabbed a spoon. “If I have to force feed you myself.”

  He reached out and touched her hand. When their eyes met, Nevvie dissolved into tears. He carefully scooted over in the bed and she climbed in next to him. Ten minutes later she’d cried herself to sleep. When Peggy and Karen arrived to visit an hour later after handing Adam off to Eddie, Nevvie was still sound asleep. Tyler’s lunch had gone cold, but Peggy talked with his nurse and got him a fresh one and helped him eat, all without waking Nevvie. Karen went downstairs to sit with Tommy.

  “It’s probably the first good sleep she’s had since this happened,” Peggy whispered.

  “I suspected as much.” He was afraid to move for fear of waking Nevvie. The deep, dark circles under her eyes broke his heart.

  “I don’t think she’s slept more than an hour or two at a time,” Peggy said. “We can’t keep her home, you know that. She can’t sleep, she comes to the hospital in the middle of the night.”

  “How bad was she when she found out about Thomas? Really?”

  He could tell Peggy didn’t want to answer. “I don’t want to talk about that, Ty. We don’t need to talk about it. It’s done and over.”

  Peggy sat with Tyler. April and Cheryl stopped by then switched off with Karen for a while in ICU. The women went downstairs for an early supper, and still Nevvie slept. They all agreed with Tyler it was best to let Nevvie sleep as long as possible. Nine hours after crawling into bed with Tyler, she stirred, then startled.

  “It’s all right, love,” he soothed, holding her hand.

  She looked dazed and disoriented. “What time is it?”

  “Nearly nine.”

  She started to sit up but he laid a hand on her arm. “Just lie here for a little longer. Please?”

  She nodded and relaxed against him. “Where is everyone?”

  He knew from the groggy sound of her voice she was still in no condition to get up yet. “They went home a couple of hours ago.”

  “I need to check on Tommy.”

  “He’s fine, love. You will stay right here with me for a while longer.”

  “Okay.” A half hour later she felt awake enough to get out of bed. She used
the bathroom then helped Tyler get up and go. Peggy and Karen had helped him out of bed at one point when he couldn’t hold it any longer. Surprisingly, Nevvie had slept through him getting up. Just more proof to him that she was beyond exhausted.

  He took her hand when he was back in bed. “Listen to me. I want you go to home, take a shower, and relax. I understand you are having trouble sleeping, but you cannot exhaust yourself like this again. I won’t allow it, do you hear me?”

  She smiled. “I don’t think it’s that easy, but I’ll try.”

  “Good enough. Give me a kiss and go home.”

  She gave him a kiss, but she stopped by the ICU to see Tommy on her way out. She felt guilty she hadn’t been down most of the day, but Tyler was right, she had been on the point of collapse.

  * * * *

  Tyler loved the nighttime solitude of the private room but hated being far from Thomas. Far was a relative term. It was a three-minute walk for Nevvie and everyone else, and a five-minute ride in a wheelchair for him. He couldn’t contemplate attempting to walk it alone just yet, not the entire distance anyways.

  His room became a daytime staging area of sorts, where everyone came in to wait for their turn to go sit with Thomas instead of sitting down in the waiting room. He spent most of his time napping, sometimes with Nevvie curled by his side, the pain medicine keeping him pretty well zonked.

  He glanced at the wall clock—two a.m., and Nevvie would be due any minute, if he knew his angel. She would spend time downstairs with Thomas, bathing him and reading to him, then come upstairs to him. Three minutes later, she walked in. He smiled and simply held out his hand in greeting. Without a word she dropped her tote bag next to his bed, carefully climbed in on his right side and almost immediately fell asleep.

  He closed his eyes, his face buried in her hair, fully appreciating that the only reason the staff allowed such latitude was because of his celebrity status. When the nurse, Elise, showed up to take his vital signs twenty minutes later, Nevvie never awoke.