Read Fandri's Adventures Page 10

Chapter 5: Adventures at Sea

  The sun broke free from the clouds and shone down upon them, as the strange Sea Ponies pulled them back to the mainland. Fandri and Varl hung over the edge of the raft and admired the strength in the creatures. They looked only half the size of a land horse, but Fandri thought they would equal a horse in strength, judging by the way the laden raft skimmed across the teal-coloured sea.

  The raft travelled close enough past Land’s End that all aboard the raft could see angry pirates shaking their fists and scowling. The Diagro sailors hurled insults at the pirates, but their voices were lost on the wind.

  To the dismay of the survivors on the raft, the pirate ships advanced towards them with oars protruding from each side being pulled with strong strokes. The sloshing of oars hitting the water grew louder as the ships advanced.

  Telmane turned to the mage. “Is there anything you can do? We will be slaughtered if the pirates reach us.”

  Nnarndam shook his head; his brow was deeply furrowed. “The Sea Ponies are at their absolute limit pulling this raft, but the pirates will soon overtake us. I cannot do anything stronger with my magic…” He stroked his beard and paused, then a smile crossed his aged face. “Come here please, Fandri-La. I have a plan.”

  The obedient fairy fluttered over to the mage and touched his outstretched arm. Fandri had been standing behind her and was bowled backwards by a sudden rush of air magic. “What was that?” The fairy looked as surprised as he.

  “Fairies are a magnifier of magic. A rare and long-forgotten blessing.” Nnarndam and Fandri-La glowed with increased power. The mage raised his staff to the sky over the pirate ships and waved it in a circle.

  His white hair and beard streamed in the breeze and his purple eyes shone with power.

  Fandri-La whispered in her halfling’s ear. “Being filled by magic is such an amazing sensation. Look at Nnarndam’s face.”

  Fandri pouted as he felt a twinge of jealousy at his fairy’s powers. He could feel her exhilaration.

  Nnarndam pointed his staff at the approaching ships and his companions felt air dry their hair as it rushed past. The air caused the water to rise up in a thin column and connect with the cloud above it. The waterspout carried the ships along. They spun several times high around the twister, before being flung like rocks back into the ocean. Pirates could be seen hanging on to railings for dear life before falling like rain into the water.

  The strain on Fandri-La and the mage were felt by Fandri, as waves of exhaustion and nausea. He tapped Nnarndam on the shoulder. “Grand Mage, I think we should take a break. I am feeling really…”

  Both Fandri and his fairy vomited, then swooned onto the rough-hewn deck. Varl leapt over to catch them.

  “Fandri-La, are you alright?” He cradled the tiny fairy in his hands, looking at her with misty-eyed concern. Out of the corner of his eye, the squire saw Telmane trying to rouse the halfling.

  His attention returned to the fairy. “Fandri-La, please be well. I admire your bravery and would be devastated if you died.”

  Her eyes flickered and a satisfied smile crossed her lips. “Thank you Varl. I care for you as well.”

  Varl felt as though his heart would burst with love for this tiny little fairy. He caressed her with a fingertip and watched with pride as she tested her iridescent wings. He noticed her cap with the tinkling bell had washed off during their adventures. He ruffled her brown curls and looked around the raft for the cap, but it was long gone. “Will you be alright without your cap, sweet fairy?”

  “Yes, thank you. I will miss the ringing, but I’ll be fine.” She paused while looking ahead at a shape quite a distance ahead of them. “Is that the Voyage?”

  Telmane’s sharp elven eyes could see it too. “Yes. I can make out the queen’s golden crown. Oh…she will be devastated to hear of the king’s demise.” The elf’s smooth brow creased with worry.

  The Sea Ponies pulled the raft along at a steady pace to rendezvous with the queen’s ship. When the raft bumped against the ship, the purple creatures swam under them and emerged on the other side. Making happy sounds, they farewelled the travellers. Fandri and Varl waved goodbye with tears of happiness to see the rare and unusual creatures.

  The survivors of the Pennon climbed rope ladders to board the Voyage: three elves, three sailors, two squires, six knights, one wizard and a halfling with his fairy. Three hounds climbed aboard with them and sprayed them all as they shook water from their fur.

  The captain and Queen Liara-Star greeted them. Her brow was raised in question.

  Telmane nodded slowly, before he bowed to his knee of the deck of the Voyage. “My Queen, it is with a sorrowful heart that I bring you this news. A monstrous wave engulfed our ship and sent it to the depths of the ocean, moments after we had tested the Elven Shield.”

  Nnarndam interrupted him. “It was my fault, dear Liara. The storm was pounding our ship and water poured over the decks, threatening to sink us. I used my powers to push the storm clouds away, but doing this caused an unanticipated giant swell to develop. The spell we cast to check the shield had clouded our vision and we were unaware of the rogue wave approaching until it was too late. The king was separated from us when the ship sank. We were powerless to save him from the Monstri that attacked and swallowed him whole.”

  The queen had been staring at the deck with unfocussed eyes, but looked up with a ray of hope in her eyes. “He is strong, perhaps he escaped the creature.”

  Everyone shook their heads, for the situation was hopeless.

  Fandri-La pointed at the horizon. “Your majesty, with all due respect, here is your answer.”

  The passengers and crew turned as one to see the rainbow mist spreading across the sky as a memorial to the fallen king.

  Fandri expected the queen to burst into tears, but this was not the elven way. Her drooped lips tightened into a firm wince as she farewelled her husband of centuries. “Goodbye my love. We shall meet again in the stars at the end of time. I had a premonition of the giant wave, but I refused to believe Phelaeron-Sky would perish. He said goodbye to me this morning and I scoffed at him for not believing his powers would save him. Sadly I was wrong.”

  Telmane held her close in his muscular arms, his luminous eyes were full of tenderness for his mother.

  Fandri stepped forward and knelt beside them. “Your majesty, if it’s any comfort, I know he was at peace with dying and would want you to go on without him.”

  Liara-Star sniffed back her tears. “You are wise, young Fandri; wise beyond your years. The king heeded your counsel and so will I.” She released Telmane’s arms and touched her fingertips to Fandri’s.

  “Captain Warron, set sail for the East Lands.”

  A thickset man with curly hair and beard stepped forward and beat his fist against his heavy grey coat in acknowledgement. He pulled a whistle from the chain around his neck and blew three short bursts. Sailors sprang into action around the ship, pulling ropes and setting the sails.

  Fandri watched over the side as they pulled away from the raft. He saw some horses and ponies on the distant beach and was sad to see them left behind.

  * * *