Read Fandri's Adventures Page 15

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  With aching arms, the weary travellers swam through the sheer cliff opening. Fandri was surprised to see a sandy beach flanked a river which snaked through a chasm stretching away out of sight.

  Audible sighs of relief echoed around as the travellers clambered onto the sand and stretched sore limbs.

  “I would kill for something to drink. My throat feels as dry as a month without rain.” Fandri reclined on the sand with an arm behind his head. “I could not swim one more stroke. I think I’ll sleep right here.” Fandri-La curled up on his wet chest, her wings closed and eyes drooping with fatigue.

  The moveable section of cliff closed with a thud.

  “There will be no returning in yonder direction. I hope the inhabitants here are hospitable.” Varl sat up and looked for the mysterious operators of the rocky gate.

  He did not have long to wait. A procession of creatures no taller than a halfling’s waist came out of a cave in the cliff and danced as they approached the companions. They were dressed in the most colourful and oddly mismatched clothes that Fandri had ever seen. The colours were so loud and garish that the halfling took a step back.

  The next thing he noticed about the small creatures was their pink skin, and ears like half-moons jutting out from conical hats. Their eyes twinkled and they smiled with happy abandonment.

  The joyous little people gave nods of welcome and placed buckets of food onto the ground. Fandri noticed each hand had only three stubby fingers and a thumb.

  One creature wearing clothes of red, orange, purple and green stepped forward and knelt both knees upon the sandy riverbank before Queen Liara-Star. “Greetings, oh mighty Elf Queen. It was a surprise when we received Lady Eidothea’s message of your arrival. We rarely communicate with those deadly maidens of the sea and it is unusual for us to open our secret gate. Our hidden entrance is our only protection against the pirates who control Diddlibah Bay.”

  “I doubt the pirates will trouble you presently, with the mermaids pursuing them. My thanks, wise gnome.” The queen accepted a mugful of brown liquid from the leader with a touch of her hand upon his large ear. “May I know your name, so I will best remember your kindness?”

  The gnome blushed and his face turned even pinker than before. He bowed his head to the ground and his breath quickened with excitement. “I am Antti and this is my son, Heikki. He is a talented inventor.” He gestured to a young man with shoulder-length white hair and the beginnings of a beard. Antti’s own white beard grew down to his waist. Both had pale blue eyes.

  Heikki bowed before the queen and blushed when she touched his ear. “I am in much honour, o magical Elf Queen. Would you care for a bowl of mushroom soup?”

  “I would indeed, young Heikki. You are most kind, thank you.”

  Fandri’s stomach growled and Liara-Star gave a small laugh. “Please be so kind to feed this halfling first. His need is greater than mine.” She smiled at the halfling and he felt gratitude for her kindness.

  “I am indebted to you, your majesty. If there is anything I can do to repay the favour, please name it.” Acting on an impulse, he stepped forward, picked up her hand and placed a gentle kiss upon it.

  She looked deep into his eyes and he held his breath as the large pools of blue iris seemed to draw him in. The rest of the world disappeared from existence. “Fandri, I will always have a special place in my heart for you. There is and never will be a debt between us.” She placed a kiss on his cheek and he felt blood rush to his face and burn as though she placed a hot poker there. The sensation lasted but an instant before she blew a cool breath of air upon him and his heart thundered with a joy he had never known.

  A cough brought him back to reality. His eyes darted to find himself in the ravine again, surrounded by the survivors.

  “Must we wait all day and watch this irritating halfling eat, Liara. This is really quite insufferable.” Fandri glanced up to see Prince Celdar-Moon sneering down his pointed nose at them.

  Hackles rose on the halfling’s neck at yet another unprovoked attack from the elf. He opened his mouth to retort, but was silenced by a raised finger from Liara-Star.

  The queen stood, pointedly ignoring him. “Thank you Antti and Heikki. I will assist you with the bowls. I fear our companions may lose their manners due to extreme hunger. We look forward to enjoying your soup.”

  The gnomes nodded and several came forward to dish out the meal. The queen handed the bowls to Telmane, who put a spoon in each and passed them to the hungry travellers.

  When everyone was eating, Fandri’s head shot up and he enquired of the group. “What happened to Grand Mage Nnarndam? I haven’t seen him since the snake was injured.”

  Young gnome Heikki answered him with a sad shake of his head and a droopy lip. “He is over there with the elves, who are trying their best to heal him, but their efforts have not revived him.”

  Liara-Star looked startled at this and raced over to the mage, whose gaping wounds were staining the white sand red. “No, Nnarndam my old friend. I refuse to let you die. Please fight this, so we can help you.” She turned to Fandri-La with rare signs of distress creasing her flawless complexion. “My dear fairy, can you sit in my palm to aid with the healing?”

  “Of course, your majesty. I am honoured to help in any way I can.” The fairy answered with concern in her voice. Fandri stood close to offer his support.

  Only two of the queen’s handmaidens had survived. Fandri smiled to see Juline-Mist answering Celdar-Moon’s abrupt enquiries with patience, while she concentrated on stemming the mage’s blood loss. The queen knelt in the sand, her damp, torn dress showing a good portion of slender leg. The handmaidens took her hands, with Juline holding the wrist where Fandri-La sat cupped in her hand.

  The three elves glowed with radiance. Twinkling stars coalesced around the bond-fairy, rendering her so bright that Fandri had to avert his eyes. He felt energy flowing around and through him, before draining away. He swayed with sudden vertigo and his legs collapsed under him. He hit the sand hard, with pain radiating from his wrist. When he tried to raise his head, it felt so heavy he just lay on the soft sand and prayed their healing would work. His heavy eyelids closed.