Read Fandri's Adventures Page 17

Chapter 8: No place like gnome

  Antti and Heikki rolled wooden kegs across the floor of the underground dining room where gnomes and visitors had assembled. The halfling and gnomes sat at small tables and chairs, but the men and elves were too large and thus rested on cushions on the floor.

  “Mushroom wine.”

  Sir Rawlan bellowed aloud and clapped Varl on the back in excitement. “Ah, that will make our voyage worthwhile. Squire, go fill my goblet and that of my companions.”

  Varl did as he was bid, along with the only other surviving squire, Lornan.

  The knights stood to honour their fallen comrades, with Sir Rawlan speaking for the group. “Our journey has been fraught with misfortune, from the moment we left Land’s End. We have lost many elves, including the gracious King Phelaeron-Sky.” He nodded to the elven queen, who raised her hand in thanks. “We have also lost many knights and two squires, not to mention our entire supply of horses, ponies and all, bar one of the hounds. We thank these brave companions for their sacrifice which has brought us here to safety. Let us raise a drink to fallen companions.”

  “To fallen companions,” echoed around the cavern.

  Wooden mugs clunked together in appreciation. After a pause, the conversation picked up to become quite spirited. Many gnomes poured into the cavern to join them.

  When the mugs were empty, they were discarded on tables lining the walls, and gnomes formed the group into concentric circles, holding hands. The gnomes sang a song unfamiliar to most of the travellers, but Fandri noticed the elves joined in the chorus. Queen Liara-Star had a deep soothing voice, which balanced well with the gnomes reedy tones.

  The dance started slow, with a wizened old gnome beating a mug upon the wooden table. Other instruments joined in: some were odd-shaped which appeared thin and solid, but expanded when blown. Other gnomes tapped batons on long cylinders hanging along one wall, which resonated with delightful sweet sounds.

  Circles of dancers began to rotate sideways, with adjacent rings turning in opposite directions. The dance seemed simple, with arms linked and feet crossing first in front and then behind each other. Two steps were up on tip toes followed by two steps with bent knees. It would have proved easier if the dancers were of similar height, but tall knights bent down and gnomes reached their fingertips to the limit, so their fingers could entwine.

  The tempo increased into a frenzy with dancers being pulled in all directions. When the dancers were on the verge of collapse, the time keeper banged out five quick beats upon the table. The gnomes released their hold and grabbed a partner. With feet close together, they stretched back to arm’s reach and spun in a rapid twirl.

  Fandri-La spun in the air above, weaving high and low in her own celebration.

  The grinning players increased speed. Rosy flushes adorned their cheeks and sweat dripped from their brows. The elves, however, appeared relaxed and unruffled in the midst of the turmoil.

  Five quick beats rang out, then silence.

  With sighs of exhaustion, the group collapsed to the floor and sank into piles of bodies, too tired to move. Chests rose quickly as the jumble of people on the floor groaned in unison and started to laugh. Even the oft-reserved elven queen placed a kiss on Fandri’s forehead and smiled at him.

  “The Walloon Dance has long been a favourite of mine. Did you enjoy it, young Fandri?

  “Yes, your majesty. Very much indeed. It is so different to the barn jigs we hold at Southdale. I would like to dance this with my Emina.” His smile faded as he thought of the pretty girl who had kissed him and stolen his heart.

  The elf patted his hand. “This absence will allow you to explore your true feelings, my friend. You are both very young.”

  “Yes, but it hurts all the same.” Fandri coughed to try and cover the break in his voice which was caused as much by emotion as puberty.

  The queen’s blue eyes were suddenly very close and he felt lost again, staring into the luminous depths. “Believe me, I have just lost a husband of centuries. I do know the joys and aches of love.”

  Fandri blushed as he realised the depth of her perception and how, despite her many years, she still appreciated the excitement of new love. He squeezed her fingers with his own and helped her stand; though she was twice his height.

  Gnome Antti stood on a table and banged a mug to silence the room. “Please follow the gnomes who approach you. Lodgings will be provided for all to recuperate after your long journey. When you are rested tomorrow, we shall show you the way to the Eastern Outpost.”

  Fandri joined Varl, and the two of them were led to a small cave with piles of sacks for bedding.

  “I’ll be asleep before my head touches the pillow.” The halfling yawned, causing his fairy to copy him. “Good night everyone.”

  Varl removed his tabard and wiggled into the mound of sacks. “Fair dreams, my friend. Our adventures continue tomorrow and I hope they bring increased success. Good night also, sweet Fandri-La. Might I request a small kiss?”

  Fandri-La curtsied in the air. “Of course, my prince. I am overjoyed that you are one of the survivors of this perilous trip. I was so scared for both of you.” She placed a tiny peck on his lower lip and the boy shivered with delight.

  Even though they had been travelling together for a while now, Varl still marvelled at the fairy’s bedtime routine. Tonight she was tired, so her dance was slow and graceful. As she moved, her toadstool grew on the floor of the cave, next to Fandri’s bedding. Once her bed was fully grown, her shoulders slumped and she drifted down as though resting on a gentle air current. With a slight glow, she curled in a relaxed pose. She and her halfling were asleep as soon as their eyes closed.

  Varl watched her routine in silence, then he rolled over and stared at the dark ceiling, lost in thought. He touched his fingertips to his lip where she had kissed him and felt the first stirrings of a teenage crush. He was aware of his heart beating loud in his chest and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.