Read Fandri's Adventures Page 36

Chapter 14: Attack on the Plains

  The sun was much higher in the sky when the weary halfling and fairy reached the dining hall for breakfast. They found Varl waiting for them there with cold toast and honey. Despite it being cold, Fandri wolfed down three thick slices, and sighed with pleasure.

  Varl smiled. “Welcome Fandri and my dear fairy. I see you have also been subjected to strenuous training this morn. Never fear, the knights are firm, but fair. As they get to know you, they will relax on some occasions. Learning to work without a meal and go beyond your perceived endurance are part of the training. It feels unfair at the time, but it will prepare you for battle better than any other activity.

  “You should feel honoured that the king himself came to supervise your first training session. He is rarely involved in squire training, as he spends much time in the saddle. He is our ruler, but he is also a strong knight and a just man, that is why I am desperate to impress him. I overheard Sir Rawlan say that the king was impressed you conquered the boar on the first day. It takes most squires several days to get it to run. I find you both have unexpected talents.”

  Fandri and his fairy exchanged glances and laughed.

  “He was only running because he wanted to eat me.” The fairy stuck her nose up in the air and crossed her arms.

  Sir Rawlan strode into the room with a determined set to his jaw. “Saddle up, squires. We leave for the Western Outpost within the hour. Dragons have attacked our border villages along the Disputed Lands and the king has decreed it is our responsibility to eliminate them.”

  Varl and Fandri leapt to attention. “Yes, Sir Rawlan.”

  They followed the knight to the stable yards.

  Fandri tugged on the fast-moving knight’s linen sleeve. “Sir Rawlan, sir, do you have a small pony I may ride please? I promise to look after him well.”

  The knight paused his step for a split-second. “The boar will be adequate.”

  Fandri paused as his jaw dropped and the knight left him. Varl swung back and grabbed his friend’s arm. He hissed between his teeth. “Hurry!”

  A dozen knights and squires met them at the stables. Each wore the winter attire of the knights, a long-sleeved jerkin covered by the white tabard bearing the red Diagro bear emblem.

  Pages rushed forward with saddle bags laden with food and strapped them to the waiting horses.

  Fandri noticed the knights rode large horses with flared nostrils, arched necks and wide eyes. The squires rode smaller horses with calmer temperaments, and heads in a neutral position. He inwardly groaned when he was given the boar to ride. At least they saddled it this time.

  He felt Fandri-La’s wings brush past his ear as she leaned in close. “Don’t say anything or react to the pig. I think it is all part of a test and the sooner they see you can follow orders, the sooner they’ll let you ride one of those spare pack ponies.” Fandri felt rather than saw her gesture and he bent to inspect the boar’s hooves in a bid to glance behind them at a line of pack animals.

  “You are wise, as always, pretty Fandy. I’ll try to avoid complaining and hope you are right.” He moved forward to engage the boar’s beady eyes. “Alright pig, you ride when I urge you and there won’t be a problem here. Any funny business and you’ll be feeling my heels in your ribs. Get it?”

  He stared down the boar and it grunted as though in assent.

  Some squires nearby chuckled.

  “Look, he speaks to the pig.”

  “Perhaps he prefers their company.”

  More laughter ensued until Sir Rawlan rode up. The knights quietened in an instant. “Halfling, ride with me in the vanguard. You have worked well this day.”

  The knight passed forward and Varl nudged Fandri to hurry along.

  Fandri smiled at the squires who had mocked him. “Excuse me lads, I am needed up ahead.” He spurred on the boar to the front of the column with Varl and the fairy by his side.