Read Fandri's Adventures Page 4

Chapter 3: Follies

  One of the flying dogs gave a low quack and Fandri looked at them again. “What are these things? Some kind of mutant creatures?”

  “Actually I named them Follies.” To the boys’ great relief, Grand Mage Nnarndam stepped into the clearing, followed by an elven guardian with dark brown hair. “Now let me remember…ah yes, the one with the pink eyes is Molly; the blue eyes is Solly and the green eyes is Wolly. How wonderful it is to see you again, my old friends.” The Follies flew down to lick the mage’s hand and he patted them. “You know boys, I created these Follies when I was about your age and it is a pleasant surprise to see they still exist here in the South Lands over four hundred years later. I am glad they came to your aid, for you do look a little worse for wear. Let the Follies have a look at your wounds.”

  “Hey!” Fandri jumped with alarm when a Folly landed with its webbed feet either side of his chest and began licking his bleeding wounds. Out of the corner of his eye he spied two Follies landing beside Varl. The Follies licked the blood steadily and held tight, despite the boys’ attempts at swatting them away. “No. Get off me.”

  The elven guardian who had accompanied Nnarndam knelt beside Fandri and gripped his wrists. “Patience halfling and watch.”

  “What are you doing to me? This creature is licking up my blood. I need to stop it.” He struggled against the elf.

  “Trust me. My name is Telmane. I’m the king’s personal guard and I will let no harm befall you.” Fandri looked deep into those hazel eyes and felt a sense of calmness wash over him. He let out a long breath and stopped struggling.

  The elf smiled down at the halfling and his fairy who lay in the grass beside him. “Look, your wounds are binding together.”

  Varl gasped. “The Follies’ touch was healing my wounds too, how extraordinary.”

  Nnarndam chuckled. “They are handy little creatures. I can’t believe our luck to find them still here, guarding travellers. I feel like a proud parent.” He stroked the fluffy ears of Molly. “What a good girl.”

  The boys stood up and found their injuries were improved. Telmane gestured for them to follow him out of the hollow. “Come, we must re-join our travelling party.”

  “With pleasure. That’s enough adventure for one morning.” Fandri grabbed Varl’s arm and they hurried after the elf as he loped out of sight, his feet barely touching the ground.

  Fandri looked down at his torn britches. “Oh dear, I’ve ruined two pairs of trousers in two days and have none to spare.”

  Varl laughed with glee. “I led us off the track, but I believe you do attract trouble, my friend. It will be my responsibility to teach you restraint.”

  “You’re younger than I am, Varl, no offence.”

  “None taken, Fandri.”

  After they had left, Nnarndam patted the Follies farewell and left them, looking rather wistful. “Farewell old friends.” The creatures rubbed their heads against his arms and legs once more, before flying off into the forest with quacks of happiness. They were soon lost to sight.

  Nnarndam joined the others at their mounts. “I am pleased you are well, lads. Now, what is your favourite colour, Fandri?”

  “Blue, sir.”

  “Ha-ha, a good choice. Blue it is.” The wizard grew and shifted into a cream coloured horse with a bright blue mane and tail. He galloped rings around the horses and pony who had been grazing as they waited. With hope in their hearts, they re-joined the company.

  Telmane led the boys to the royal elves in the middle of the group. He bowed in the saddle. “Your Majesties, the boys are returned as you requested.”

  “They are troublesome and should be whipped to teach them a lesson.” Prince Celdar-Moon scowled and looked down his nose at them with disdain. “Send the halfling and his fairy back to their pitiful village. They are of no use here.”

  “Patience, brother.” The king placed a hand upon Celdar-Moon’s arm to caution him. “The queen has foreseen the value of these little ones and we will honour her vision. Plus, I am growing rather fond of them already. I agree the halfling is rather naïve, therefore I will have my personal guardian watch over them.”

  Several shocked faces turned to the king with mouths gaping open.

  The queen gasped and shook her head. “You would leave yourself unprotected, my love?”

  “I am hardly defenceless in the midst of this convoy, my dear. Plus, I think Telmane and the youngsters would be good for one another. Telmane could use a diversion during our long journey, and the boys need guidance.”

  “Foolhardy.” The prince muttered under his breath and galloped to the front of the line, although Fandri could not determine if Celdar-Moon referred to him or the king.