Read Fandri's Adventures Page 41

Chapter 16: Flame Mountain

  When Fandri and the fairy regained consciousness, they opened their eyes to see a carved rock ceiling. Further inspection revealed beds made of woollen fleece and a pot boiling over an open fireplace. A clay-clad chimney took the smoke away. Light filtered into the room from small holes in the sides of the cave. From this angle, all they could see was blue sky.

  Fandri-La sat up and tested her wings by opening and closing them a few times. “Where are we, Fandri? This place looks like nothing we have ever seen before. Is it a cave?”

  “Aye, it be a cave, for sure.” A tall man with tousled black hair and piercing eyes entered the room. “Welcome Fandri and your fairy. This is my family home and I am your host, Aram Grey.”

  “Aram, Aram? …but that is the name of the dragon that brought us here.” Fandri frowned and scratched his chin with confusion.

  The man smiled. “It will all become clear to you in time. Now, how are you both feeling? My friend Darna has bound and treated all your wounds while you have been sleeping for a good many days. She is very keen to meet you both. May I let her in?”

  The fairy glowed with pleasure. “Of course. We would be honoured to meet your friend who can heal. It is a rare gift.”

  Aram led a young woman into the room. Her skin was covered with intricate brown tattoos and her black hair hung in waves to her waist. Both of them wore clothes made of leather.

  With greenish eyes wide with concern, she rushed forward to examine Fandri-La. “Little fairy, be you well? I have never healed your species before and am much relieved to learn if my poultice be effective.”

  Fandri-La rose into the air and circled the lady who clapped and giggled.

  “Oh, you are so delightful when you’re awake.”

  Aram smiled too, but Fandri sensed that something was troubling him, for the smile did not reach his eyes. The man cleared his throat. “Well, now that you appear well and unharmed, you have been summoned before the Council for a trial. Please eat and prepare yourselves.”

  Darna frowned at him. “Must you be so harsh towards our guests, Aram?” She lowered her tone to speak sweetly. “Come, fairy and halfling. You must keep up your strength in what may be a long day.”

  Fandri took the proffered bowl of broth. “You are both very kind to look after us.”

  Aram grimaced. “Hospitality to guests be an entrenched part of our culture, but so too be vengeance for intruders. When your motives have been determined, so will your fate. Unlike Darna, I fail to see the point of becoming attached to you if you are to be cast into the fiery pit.”

  “Tut tut.” Darna pushed him away. “Where be your manners today, Aram? These be guests until proven otherwise. They cannot be intruders, because you found them on the Plains and brought them here, after you grievously wounded them, I might add. Let them eat in peace.”

  Fandri looked from one to the other and hoped that Darna was right about them. I did want to come here and look for Varl, but I think I’ll keep that thought to myself.

  After the meal they were led out of the cave by six tall mountain men, each with tanned, rugged features and without smiles. One spoke to Aram. “Should we catch the fairy? She could easily fly to freedom.”

  Aram shook his head. “She is bonded to the halfling and cannot escape while we have him. Besides, no fairy could outfly a dragon.”

  Fandri-La nodded. They were in this together, for better or worse. She hovered above Fandri’s shoulder and kept pace with him.

  The halfling’s jaw dropped as he drank in their magnificent surroundings. Directly ahead was a large lake of a brilliant blue hue where both people and dragons were enjoying a swim. There were also two-headed dragon-type creatures that Fandri had not seen before, in blue and purple shades. The people were all very similar in appearance with jet-black hair and tanned skin.

  The dragons were of many shades of black, brown, green and grey. Smaller beasts of red and maroon, had but one pair of legs instead of the dragons’ four legs.

  A push from behind made Fandri realise that he had frozen in his steps from surprise.

  “Move along.”

  Again Darna defended him. “Peace, Darass. Can you not see that he be in awe of our home?” She turned to Fandri and smiled. “I will explain a little of our culture as we go along. The black and grey dragons be the largest, as you can see; then come the hydras, which make their home in the lake, but do fly as well. Hydras are born with two heads, sometimes three, and if a head is severed in battle, two more grow in its place. The next biggest be the green and brown mid-sized dragons and the smallest you can see are the wyvern, which are red or maroon. They tend to live lower down on the slope, but do enjoy the pool as well.

  “If you look up to the side, you can see that Flame Mountain be an active volcano. For hundreds of years there has been lava coursing from its crater and building the many hills and mountains you see around us. At times the mountain may spew forth ash or rocks, but that be a rare occurrence. You cannot see from here, but there is a lava fall down the far side which dragons fly through during their initiation ceremony into adulthood and also when they mate for life. It is my hope to do this with Aram one day.” This last was said as a whisper in Fandri’s ear and he could see a flush of embarrassment on her cheeks.

  Aram paid them little heed as he led them around the side of the lake towards dark stone buildings.

  Darna whispered in his ear once more. “These buildings are collectively known as the Assembly. The largest of these be the Forum. The Council are the wise leaders tasked with justice for our people. The council members represent each of the mountain families. The leader of the Council is called the President and is elected by the Council as the overall ruler. Our current President is Herraya Grey, who is Aram’s grandmother.

  “With Aram’s parents recently murdered, the Council remains uncertain and are trying to rebuild themselves. The thought among the mountain men is that the killer was not acting alone, but was a hired assassin. The killer took a poison before his trial, so there is much unease here. You may find the Council suspicious of outsiders with no apparent explanation.”

  As they neared the large columned buildings, they passed a commotion among the mountain men. A crowd was shoulder-to-shoulder looking away from Fandri. The jeering was loud and clear.

  “Slash his pretty face.”

  “Roast him alive.”

  “Lying knight scum.”

  The last comment made Fandri rush away from his guards and into the jostling crowd.

  “Varl, Varl!”

  The crowd drew back in surprise at his shout and cleared a path between the halfling and his friend.

  Varl showed evidence of poor treatment. His bare torso was covered in gashes and dark bruises. He hung chained by the wrists from above. His head drooped, his eyes glazed unseeing, his ears unhearing the taunts.

  Two red banded mountain men stood either side of Varl bearing batons. Despite their imposing presence, having turned their backs to the young knight; they had no intention of deterring the unruly crowd.

  Fandri was grabbed from behind and yelled even louder, his voice becoming a wail of despair. “Varl, it’s me, Fandri. Please look up.”

  Varl moaned and his head raised slightly. Fandri gasped to see Varl’s swollen and bruised body. He could hardly recognise him.

  Aram pushed past the halfling and slapped one of the guards. “Release the prisoner and report to Rylo Brown for latrine duty.”

  The guards’ eyes narrowed as an ugly red flush crept up their necks.

  “Surely you can’t be serious, Councillor Grey. This be our enemy in the flesh among us. He deserves no mercy.”

  “He deserves what he got.” The black-eyed guard spat on the ground.

  Fandri watched Aram’s reaction to the guards: lips drawn taut and fists clenched to blanching. His body shook with rage waiting for a fight.

  Darna laid a hand on his shoulder, her eyes wide with concern. Aram shook it off and waved a fi
nger at her.

  “Your goading will not work on me, Garn Black. I am above retaliation. Bring the prisoner to the Forum and I will present his case there.”

  “But…Councillor Grey, our instructions…” Garn’s voice trailed off as Aram turned on his heel. The crowd parted as he strode towards the buildings.

  Fandri and Varl accompanied by their guards, followed the councillor. Fandri-La fluttered next to Darna with a silent nod.

  Low murmurs from the crowd grew louder as they approached the Forum.

  Darna moved next to Fandri and gestured to the imposing structures they passed. “This be our law school where we can study to be councillors. Aram is the youngest person to graduate in the history of our people.” The halfling noticed both tenderness and pride shown in her eyes.

  “The next building be the residence of President Herraya Grey. Beside that is our library which be the largest in Reloria, bar that of the elves at Conlaoch Diarmada.”

  Fandri then realised that their pace had slowed as the leaders started up the rock-hewn steps of the largest building.

  The mountain woman gestured. “The Forum, where the Council meets for assembly and justice is decided. I must warn you that once a decision is reached, the consequences be swift. You will likely be either freed or killed by sundown.”

  The halfling and fairy both gasped. Fandri turned to Varl and their gazes’ locked. There was much they wished they could say as a last farewell in that brief moment.

  The guards half dragged them up the steps and between the imposing black columns of the Forum.

  “Wow. That is the highest ceiling I have ever seen.” Fandri-La’s eyes loomed large as they left the brilliant sunlight and entered the dark building.

  It took a few moments for their eyes to adjust to the dark carvings which loomed either side of them. Each statue they passed consisted of a man or woman standing in front of a dragon. Some of the dragons were as tall as the ceiling of the majestic hall. Darna named each set of statues with one name. “Ranus Black, Kola Brown, Artemis Grey, Ender Green…”

  Fandri-La flew close to the statues, lighting each one up as Darna said their name.

  Her halfling was thinking that the dragons looked as though they could spring to life at any moment and gobble her up. Although even a halfling would barely make a toothpick for a dragon.

  They passed close to twenty pairs of statues before they reached the raised dais. Seven heavy-set chairs could be seen above the noisy crowd which was streaming in to fill the hall.

  The guards pushed people aside as they propelled the captives in front of the dais. Aram left Fandri’s side and took a seat on the end of the row.

  The lady in the raised midway seat was obviously his grandmother, President Herraya Grey. Her hair was as grey as her name and piled upon her head in intricate braids. Fandri was used to seeing halfling elders relaxed and gentle, but this lady was clearly a force to be reckoned with. Her lips were pursed tight and her piercing eyes seemed to burrow deep into Fandri’s soul.

  Rather than address the strangers, she turned to Aram with a raised eyebrow. “Another intruder, Councillor Grey. What be the meaning of this?”

  Aram stood to respond and bowed in deference. “This halfling and his fairy were found entering our lands. I believe they have come for the boy knight.”

  “Bring them forward.” The elderly lady squinted at Varl, Fandri and Fandri-La. “Well, you do be a little one. And you, boy, you look as though you have served out your punishment and more to boot. Did you cry out and beg them to stop?”

  Varl raised his chin at that, although he looked extremely pale in the areas which were not covered in bruises. “No, your highness.”

  “Guards, release him. The boy has completed his punishment. Councillor Grey, you will return him to the Diagro Plains with a message for his king that further intruders will be killed upon sight without a trial.”

  The guards released Varl. He crumpled to the ground, unable to stand from his injuries. Fandri rushed to him, and Fandri-La hovered just above his head as though to protect him.

  At the same time, several members of the council jumped to their feet to argue her decision.

  “He should be put to death now.”

  “No knight can enter our lands and live.”

  “I demand a vote.”

  Complaints came thick and fast. Within moments the entire Forum was filled with shouting.

  Fandri’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of the red-faced mountain men who looked ready to tear them apart.

  His fairy flew down and tugged at the invisibility cloak which was hidden inside his shirt. Her eyes met his and he understood her plan for escape.

  He shook his head. We could never hope to evade all these guards who are holding Varl and me. It would be futile.

  He raised his voice to tell her against the din of the angry crowd. “We can’t leave without...”

  As he started to speak, a drum caused silence in the Forum and his last words were heard by all. “…Prince Varl.”

  Everyone turned to stare at the halfling.

  The President edged forward in her seat, with her gaze fixed on Varl. “Bring them forward.”

  The guards picked them up, placing them on the dais in front of the President. Varl was lain at her feet with Fandri trembling beside him. I wish I could use the cloak now.

  The President stood and move to touch them; her face expressionless. Fandri braced himself for the blow he knew would come. He closed his eyes.

  A firm hand gripped his chin. “Open your eyes, halfling. I wish to understand what has happened here. Is this really the son of the Diagro King?”

  Fandri nodded. His throat closed over making him unable to speak. His breath came in ragged gasps.

  “Relax, halfling. No harm will come to you. This Assembly is the voice of justice and I be its leader. Do you understand?”

  A councillor stood in protest.

  The President waved him back to his chair. “Be seated and learn, Councillor Black.”

  She looked deep into Fandri’s eyes once more. “Where are you from, brown halfling?”

  His heart slowed its thunderous beating at her gentle words and he felt his throat relax. “Southdale, your Highness, near the bottom of the South Lands.”

  She raised an eyebrow, but nodded and gestured for him to continue. “And how did you and this boy come to be here?”

  Fandri glanced at Varl, but he was unconscious upon the floor. He racked his brains for a clever response, but all that came to him was the truth. He poured out the story of how he ran away from home with the knights and elves, and how many times they had cheated death in their quest to secure the Elven Shield. The crowd murmured many times, but he continued with nods from the President. He told of their adventures in the south, east and north and how Sir Rawlan had taken them to the farms destroyed by dragons. Finally he spoke of how Darass had taken Varl to amuse himself.

  He spoke until he was hoarse and glasses of water were brought to him and Varl. After downing the drink, he nodded gratefully, then stood with his hands behind his back, waiting to hear his punishment.

  The President looked over the crowd to determine their assessment of the situation before she responded. Her voice was carefully measured and loud in the Forum. “I will confer with the Council regarding the fate of these intruders. Please clear the Forum.”

  The crowd muttered and glared at Fandri, but did as she instructed.

  President Grey then addressed the council. “What are your thoughts on this issue?”

  Councillor Black stood first, his jawline tight. “Kill them both. One less future knight to attack us and hoard the food.”

  A smaller female stood. “Gasham Black, do you wish the knights to retaliate for us killing their king’s son? Surely there be a better punishment.”

  Aram stood. “I admit it was foolhardy of me to bring the boy here, but he cannot be allowed to leave and tell our secrets.”

nother man stood. “Perhaps it be you who should be punished, Aram.”

  “Strip him of his position on the Council.” Gasham Black looked triumphant, as though this had been his aim all along.

  Another councillor stood. “The halfling stated it was Darass Black who took the boy and Aram argued against it.”

  Aram nodded. “You are correct, Radam Red.”

  Emboldened, Councillor Red looked towards the President. “It be the Black dragon’s fault, so he should be punished and these prisoners returned to the Plainsmen.”

  President Grey looked thoughtful and tapped her fingers on her teeth. She sucked in a deep breath and spoke with steel in her voice. “I will take some air and we shall reconvene at noon. There will be no repercussions until the Council has reached agreement and announced our verdict.”

  Artwork: ‘Dragon at sunset’ by Kyla, age 12