Read Fandri's Adventures Page 44

Chapter 18: Home of the Dragons

  Rough voices awoke them.

  “Give the half-man to me. He cannot be allowed to leave our lands.”

  Fandri was instantly awake and his eyes darted around in the twilight to see dark shapes surrounding them. “Darna, what is happening?” His heartbeat quickened as he realised the danger the dragons posed.

  His fairy whispered in his ear. “That’s Darass Black who wanted to kill Varl back in the plains.”

  “Gasham is here as well. He be a savvy Councillor who will not leave any witnesses after Aram tricked him into thinking you were thrown into the fires of Flame Mountain.” Darna’s eyes glinted in the moonlight. Even though she was outnumbered by the newcomers, Fandri sensed that she was not afraid of them. Perhaps she knew something he did not.

  Without warning a dragon swooped at Darna and slashed across her leg which held Fandri tight in the talon. Blood spurted and she gasped. The grip around Fandri released and he seized her ankle for dear life.

  The grey dragon shuddered and dropped lower in the sky. She raised the claw with Fandri near her mouth to whisper. “More dragons are arriving, as well as devious hydras who release poisonous gases. I am unaware what be transpiring here, but it cannot be good for you both. I will drop you and Varl in a copse of trees up ahead. I can’t slow down for fear of alerting the attacking dragons, so brace yourselves. This will be a rough landing.”

  The halfling glimpsed more and more shapes in the darkness. The only light came from their glowing eyes and the phosphorescent glow of poison around the hydras’ nostrils.

  He dropped through cool air and fell hard among branches and twigs. The air was knocked out of his lungs as his shoulder thumped on the leafy underbrush.

  Another thud nearby caught his attention and he shook off the pain to turn and see Varl land with his upper body exposed. His lower half and one arm remained invisible.

  The invisibility cloak.

  As many wings soared overhead like a dark menace, Fandri shuddered. He dashed over to Varl and grabbed the cloak from his clenched fist. He spread it over both of them. “Varl, Varl, are you alright?”

  The squire moaned and Fandri snuggled in close beside him, checking to ensure no part of them would be visible from above. He noticed a tiny glow above them.

  He called out as loud as he dared. “Fandy, turn your glow off, quick. They are going to find us.”

  The light was gone in an instant and Fandri heaved a sigh of relief.

  Fandri-La flew down to the boys. “How’s Varl doing? I was so worried when she dropped you like that, without even slowing down.”

  Varl moaned. “Arrgh…my leg is still broken and I am covered in bruises, but no doubt I will survive. What is that noise?”

  The sound of trumpets filled the air, causing the dragons to roar in anger. Fandri sneaked a look to the north where the darkness was suddenly replaced by hundreds of fire torches. “Can you see who it is, Fandy?”

  The dim outline of the fairy moved above him. Her voice was a squeal of excitement. “The knights have come for Varl.”

  “Shhhh…we’re still in danger.”

  The dragons flew back towards them and Fandri pulled the cloak back over them.

  “Have patience, my dragons. Let us hear their pleas before we attack.”

  Fandri gasped. He would have recognised President Herraya Grey’s voice anywhere. What is going on here?

  There were murmurs of discontent above, and the breeze from flapping wings started to lift the edges of the cloak. Fandri hastily tucked it under their bodies.

  The trumpets sounded again and loud voices came from the knights. “Dragons, you have wronged the Diagro peoples by taking Prince Varl as your hostage. We demand that either he be returned to us, or we will declare war upon you and raze your homelands to the ground."

  Jeers of derisions came from the beasts in the air.

  “No chance.”

  “Flame Mountain be snowing, for sure.”

  “Roast the cocky tinmen.”

  A roar caused them to fall silent and Darass’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “Ah, what a shame. Your young prince be awaiting you in the fires of Flame Mountain. How about we take you all there too, and watch you boil alive in your armour?”

  Cries and cursed oaths rang out among the plainsmen.

  One voice stood out from the rest. “That is the proof we sought, knights. My son has been murdered and we demand retribution. Marksmen, aim your bows. Ready the ballistae.”

  “Oh my heavens! We’re smack in the middle of a battle zone.” Fandri was well aware that their cover was but a flimsy cloth and would be no protection against arrows or dragons’ fire.

  Herraya was heard above them. “Gasham, you coordinate the attack, Darna and I need to check on something.”

  Gasham Black barked out orders. Dragons and hydras flew to attack the knights. Balls of flame were hurled at the men; along with phosphorescent gas clouds. Yells and cries of agony were heard.

  As the large planet, Zanarah rose over the horizon and basked the Disputed Lands in a golden glow, Fandri looked at his friend and saw the whites of his eyes and the shudders wracking his body.

  Varl sat upright and groaned, holding his leg. “Fandri, we must put a stop to this. We alone hold the power to end this slaughter. I will drag myself there if I must.”

  Arrows thudded into the ground around them.

  Fandri grabbed the squire by the shoulders and met his eyes. His heart thudded loud in his head. “Varl, listen to me. We’ll be lucky to survive the onslaught from here. We have no chance at all of reaching the knights, and even if we did the dragons wouldn’t stop attacking. Face it, we’re doomed.”

  A dragon crashed to the ground with a thud and the boys jumped.

  A whoosh signalled another flurry of arrows released. Instinctively, Varl pushed Fandri to the ground and placed his body as a shield over the halfling. He pulled the cloak over them and muttered a prayer as arrows landed all around them. Fandri-La joined them under the cloak and kissed Fandri for luck.

  One large crossbow bolt hit the cloak with a clunk at Varl’s shoulder and he cried out in alarm.

  In an instant Fandri had rolled out from underneath to tend to his friend. “Where are you hit? How bad is it? Fandy, get some cloth.”

  Varl placed a hand on the halfling’s shoulder. “Fandri, I am unharmed. This cloak has stayed the weapon. It is a miracle. Praise the forefathers.”

  Fandri stared open-mouthed at his friend. “Oh my goodness. I thought you were a goner. Quick, get that cloak on you again.”

  No sooner had the words left his lips than another volley of arrows landed around them. Fandri yelped and pulled up the cloak.

  “Fandri, Varl, where be you?” Darna lilting voice was close. “Do not fear boys, we mean you no harm.”

  Two leather-clad ladies came into Fandri’s view. Their eyes glowed in the darkness and their hands were raised to show bare palms. He recognised Herraya and Darna.

  Varl hissed and drew the cloak over them once more.

  Herraya’s voice was calm and gentle. “Peace to you, Plainsman. If you turn yourself in, we can end this battle right now.”

  Varl shook his head under the cloak. “I cannot believe a word you say, traitorous shifter. Your idea of justice was to allow an unarmed youth to be beaten half to death. No oath you could swear would convince me of your honesty.” He spat on the ground.

  “Come now, Varl. Only you can stop this bloodshed.” Herraya’s pleading sounded more desperate now. “There be losses on both sides. You must help us.”

  He snorted. “I must do nothing. Leave us.”

  It was Fandri who intervened. He emerged from the cloak and stepped between the shrouded boy and the women. “Let us have a moment of peace and thoughtfulness.” He paused, looking from one to another as their arguments paused. His fairy nodded and waved for him to continue. Fandri smiled at her encouragement.

  He turned to the boy. “Varl do you want
to end the knights being killed here?” Varl nodded.

  He turned to face the women. “Do you want to end the killing of dragons?” They looked down in the darkness, refusing to meet his gaze before they both nodded.

  “Well then, you bunch of sillies, you all have the same goal and we can end this senseless slaughter. Now hurry up and save your friends before there isn’t anyone left to save.” Fandri could feel his face growing warm in the dark as his voice ended in a yell.

  Varl stepped towards him, using a sturdy branch to hold his weight, and laid a hand on his shoulder. ”Yes, you have sound logic, friend Fandri, but one does not simply walk into the midst of a battle and plead for a ceasefire. You would be dead before you stated your case.”

  A hydra crashed to the ground nearby. They ducked for cover as dirt sprayed them.

  The two mountain folk were debating options in low voices when a cheerful whistle interrupted them. Elf Celdar-Moon strolled into sight with shoulders relaxed and the moonlight glinting on his rare smile.

  Everyone stared.

  “Have you lost your mind?” The words spilled out of Fandri’s mouth before he could stop them. He felt his face grow hot and clapped his hand across his mouth, pleased that only his fairy would know the extent of his embarrassment. His ears caught the tiny fairy giggle which was meant for him alone.

  President Grey nodded her head in respectful greeting to the elf. “Prince Celdar-Moon. It be an unexpected pleasure to encounter you here. However, I feel it be my responsibility to warn you about the danger here, where the knights are about to be incinerated from the face of Reloria by my kin.”

  “Obviously.” The elf’s steely gaze betrayed no emotion.

  “But, why are you here?” Fandri could not believe that the elf cared enough about anyone to intervene in this fight.

  “Hmm…it’s a little hard to explain.” He stared off into the darkness and ducked as another volley of arrows passed over his head.

  They heard a sweet voice. “What he means to say is that he has promised to help bring a peaceful solution to this skirmish.”

  The halfling’s eyes widened as Juline-Mist joined them. “Careful, fair maiden. It’s dangerous here.”

  “Be at ease, young Fandri. Prince Celdar-Moon and I have created a defensive shield between these waring men. The fight has been suspended. See for yourselves.” She gestured to the sky above them and everyone peered into the darkness.

  “I see a glimmer of magic.” Fandri-La chuckled. “Well done, elves. You have defeated them all without shedding a further drop of blood.”

  “I don’t see a thing.”

  “I too, see nothing.” Varl and Fandri exchanged glances.

  A dragon flew into the invisible shield and slid straight down its length to the ground. It landed near them with a thud and a growl.

  “Aram.” Darna ran towards her sweetheart who transformed back into a man as the others watched. “Thank the mountain you be safe.”

  Aram growled and glared at Celdar-Moon. “I would be less battered and bruised if it were not for this solid wall of air which I assume came from your sorcery.” The elf leant over and offered the mountain man a hand, but Aram ignored it and rose slowly to his feet. He checked himself over for injuries before his eyes came to rest on the elf who was looking at him with an air of expectation. “What be the reason for your presence here, elf? You have made it clear in the past that you do not care for our kind.”

  “I don’t care for the knights either, shifter, so mind your tongue. As a matter of fact, I pride myself on ignoring you all as much as I can while living in between you. I’m just here to stop this unseemly noise which is preventing me from sleeping and to collect something I lent the half-boy here.” He gestured in Fandri’s direction without looking at him.

  His eyes then turned to the halfling and fairy. “You may return the item to me now and I’ll be on my way.” He clicked his fingers and held out a hand in expectation.

  Fandri-La flew towards the discarded cloak on the ground, but stopped in mid-air when she saw Fandri shake his head.

  He stepped forward. “Not so fast your Highness, if you leave and your shield falls, then the men and dragons will just start fighting again. How about we leave first before the fighting starts again?”

  Celdar-Moon gave a snort of derision. “Bah, I’d be doing you a favour, don’t you see, half-boy? These warring men are the problem with the West Lands. No elf with an iota of self-respect wishes to live here.” He looked up to see dragons beating their wings in vain against the invisible shield to reach the jeering knights.

  Juline-Mist turned to him, her expressive eyes welling up with tears. “Would you truly not respect an elf who lived with you in the West-Lands, Celdar-Moon? Do you mean me?”

  He looked at her with eyes downcast and his bottom lip pouted. “Oh, my darling, how can you even think that? I mean these stupid men who live here are the problem, not us. That is why we rarely leave our castle. Best to let the fools kill each other off slowly and let gentle elves take these bountiful farmlands to the north. Do not fret, my dear.”

  He held her in a gentle embrace. Fandri, and his fairy felt tenderness at seeing this other side of him.

  The mountain folk were not caught up in the elf’s emotion, but were angered by his words.



  Aram, Herraya and Darna ringed the embracing elves with scowls and green-yellow eyes aglow.

  “Be that what you really think of us, shield-maker?” The President tapped Celdar-Moon on the shoulder and he gave a sigh as he relinquished his kiss.

  “Look Shifter, only a fool would have such a stupid relationship with the very people who supply their food. Yes, I would not consider you an enlightened being. I can see the welcome you have given to Varl here, leaving him battered and bruised.” He sniffed and his nose wrinkled as though their very smell was offensive.

  Aram’s lip curled and he drew back a fist to aim it at Celdar-Moon’s face. Fandri and his fairy grabbed the fist and Aram turned to them in surprise. “Surely you don’t agree with the elf, Halfling?”

  Fandri bit his lip and his heart pounded loudly, but he stood his ground. “We have here the leader of Flame Mountain and the next leader of the Diagro Plains. You have the power to end this constant warfare and you don’t even try. Honestly, I am ashamed to know you both. Come elves, we will return with you. These men can stay and kill each other or they can go home. Varl, are you coming?”

  The fairy glowed with pride at her halfling.

  “The halfling is wise.” Darna’s murmur was heard by them all.

  Herraya stroked her chin and looked at Varl. “Tell your Father to go home, boy. There be no need for a war over your alleged death. You are free. I am sorry you were so badly injured by my kind, we only sought to teach you to fear us.”

  Varl’s eyes glittered in the dark. “I hate you all and will never strike a truce with you. Next time I meet you, you will die. Stay out of our Lands.” His yell was loud enough that all the knights and dragons heard it.

  Angry roars came from the dragon and fireballs exploded against the invisible shield.

  Cries of surprise and curiosity were heard from the knights.

  “Prince Varl, is that you?”

  “Father!” Varl limped over to the shield and banged against it. “Let me through.” His eyes shone with emotion.

  Herraya touched Fandri’s hand. “I do understand your sentiments, young Fandri. I will consider your words and try to negotiate a trade deal with these Plainsmen another day, although I doubt we will succeed. I wish you and your fairy a safe journey back to the South Lands. Goodbye.”

  The three mountain folk walked a short distance away and transformed into dragons. Fandri watched with a mixture of relief and regret. The dragons collected their dead, who had transformed back into people, and also their wounded dragons, wyverns and hydras. The air swirled with the flapping of many wings as they left without a f
urther word.

  A moment of silence followed, then the Diagro knights raced forward to surround Prince Varl. He was hoisted up on a knight’s shoulders so that everyone could see him. He groaned when his broken leg was touched.

  Juline-Mist pushed her way through the cheering mob and beckoned for him to be lowered to the ground.

  The knights backed away from the elves, giving her space to tend to the squire.

  King Varan stepped forward. “Hail elves. What good fortune to find you here. Are you able to heal my son?”

  “I believe so.”

  Fandri-La watched as healing magic spread between the hands of Celdar-Moon and Juline-Mist. She added her own magic to theirs and saw the glow intensify.

  The elves looked at her in surprise and smiled. “Well done, fairy.”

  The three of them poured their magic into Varl’s leg. He gasped with pain as broken bones knitted and his bruising subsided. The aching too reduced, and at length it disappeared completely. He lay there with a wondrous grin. “Incredible!”

  Strong arms lifted the boy to stand and he gave a jump for joy. “I am healed. Thank you very much, elven friends.” He looked down to meet their eyes and gasped to see the elves, Fandri and his fairy unconscious upon the grass.

  “Stretcher bearers, over here.” Knights rushed in to obey their ruler’s orders, and the unconscious bodies were taken away.

  King Varan clapped Varl on the shoulder. “Son, you are the best sight I have ever laid eyes upon. I am so grateful to these elves for saving your life. Welcome home.”

  “Thanks Father. It was actually this halfling, Fandri and his fairy who came and rescued me when the knights had left me for dead. They are the ones who deserve the praise. Fandri even convinced the dragons to retreat just now. He is a hero.”

  Varl saw the king raise an eyebrow at the news. “Very well son. They will be celebrated when we return to Varx Castle. For now, let us make camp for the night before our long journey home. I am so grateful to have you returned alive.”

  The knights led the way to the camp with their torches and Varl had his first true rest in a week.

  Artwork: ‘Fandri-La’ in water colour by Hecate Jerrett